Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Chapter 10: Another Bloody Love Story
Benje, holding the gun, takes the aim off of Boh and shoots directly upwards. He beings to laugh, and soon after, Boh starts to laugh with him. "We did it, Boh," Benje says blissfully, "now we finally have this island all to ourselves." Boh runs and hugs Benje and kisses him on the neck. "Now, let's get to what we came here for," says Boh as she and Benje walk into a bedroom holding hands and smiling.
What the hell?
They killed their friends so they could **** each other?
Not a bad motive but a little extreme
Maverick: Started up on a 6, when he pulled from the clouds, and then I moved in above him.
Charlie: Well, if you were directly above him, how could you see him?
Maverick: Because I was inverted.
it's too late to question it, the ship has set sail
So..... the story is done?
Now make that sequal
P788 wrote:I got this, they all died accidentally:
* MrShoe drowned (he can't swim)* Stagecrew got hit by a rock
* Glenn got a heart attack
* Failgirl cut herself while trying to open the tap with a knife
* Reidolol tripped on the oven door, turned it on, set it on 900º, fell in it and passed out from hitting his head
* DC wore a Halloween hat while he was falling, had a head injury when he fell on the floor and died
* Theditor thought he was going to get killed and died from a heart attack when he heard the loud bang (probably some explosion or a thunder)
* Gka was on drugs and died of an overdose
so, clearly, this must be Final Destination EE version, they were all supposed to die from that lightning while on the boat, and now they are being killed one by one by Death, that's why Master1 said that he only had planned the order of the deaths and the murderer in the beginning, Death is killing everyone in the same order they should had died by the lightningWow... I so wish I had actually done that... Sequel time?
i wish that this was easier to read and didnt have really sterotypical writing
^ because there are stereotypes for writing
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. You and koto did a fine job on the plot, and master1, you have excellent writing skills.
I do think this story was much better having to wait days for each new chapter, because you had time to think over it. It wouldn't be the same reading it in 5 minutes. Congratulations on finishing it.
Quickly, everyone remove benje from your friend lists
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Pretty sure this is irrelevant to the story at this point. Pretty sure maSter1 did that to keep us interested/keep us guessing. I doubt it will come to play in the future.
What a sucker punch. Hopefully no sequel, cuz #spoiledbrat I am, I need reception for "Loop"
What duz dat mean
M1's story = 10/10
I think the biggest question of this story is how did Benje pick up a New York accent at the end
"I realized that murdering all these people was somewhat enjoyable." I hope that's not why most of the murders happen in real life.
I think the biggest question of this story is how did Benje pick up a New York accent at the end
Eyyyyyy, fuhgeddaboudit.
I didn't really see myself as being the killer It doesn't really make that much sense. I did want to get rid of MrShoe because of what he did to EE, about the other people, I wouldn't just kill them for no good reason. I seem the least likely out of all of you to murder someone and I would not just kill people because it's enjoyable.
I liked Buzzer's Chapter 10 better.
Great story, M1 and Koto; hope you do another one like this.
Last edited by Benje00 (Jun 22 2014 8:47:36 am)
Benje totally should have been mute in the story
Benje totally should have been mute in the story
I tried to stay mute on this topic/forums because I thought it would be me.
:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: yeessss fantastic
Wow.... who is Big S? Sequel time?
Ill add a needed epilogue.
After leaving the island, Benje00 feel depressive and write in a lot of papers: Why i did this? A day, one of Benje00's friend joined his world and saw Benje00 at a rope, the room was filled with papers he wrote..
This is a false statement.
Ill add a needed epilogue.
After leaving the island, Benje00 feel depressive and write in a lot of papers: Why i did this? A day, one of Benje00's friend joined his world and saw Benje00 at a rope, the room was filled with papers he wrote..
translated into english:
After leaving the island, Benje00 felt depressed he killed everyone and wrote a lot of suicide notes. Why did he do this? One day, one of Benje00's friend visited him and saw Benje00 hanging by a rope, with a chair to the side. The room was filled with his suicide notes...
Highlight text for some interesting Tidbits:
| Theditor was going to die at the end of either chapter 5 or 6, not 7
| There was going to be a bigger buildup of the killer being boh, up to chapter 10.
| The secret passage that was in Boh/Honey/Failgirls room was under Boh's bed. We forgot about that part when making 9.
| Big S is most definitely RPGMaster. Yes, we made a story about Benje the secret mod killing MrShoe, then going on a rampage all in the name of the superman smiley.
| Of all the ways to explain Reidolol's death, him crawling into the oven to retrieve a Quarter he spotted was the my favorite.
| There was never any question between Me and Master1 that Stagecrew would die first. We just decided it made sense, plus we wanted to get a little humor out of reid, which was used very poorly in the actual story.
| I had suggested that in chapter 9, honey would have gotten so fearful for her life, that she would kill herself to take control over her death. Master1 did not like this at all, but I think it would have been exciting.
| I think it would have been better if GK had been afk for like half the story, and no body ever brought it up in the actual story.
| Linus21 was going to be in the story, but we swapped him for failgirl, because we thought more people now would know and have experience dealing with her, rather than him. The troll was never going to be the killer.
| We never had a plan on when we would reveal MrShoe died. At one point, it wasn't going to be explained until Benje's speech at the end.
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