Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


Anti Greifing Ideas

No-one has said this yet.

What about a log of ALL of the block changes, instead of chaseing around of their name and seeing what it is.

A Click ban System, Click their smiley and it shows a list, Reign the ban hammer on him. or give him god-mode without
risking him for giving code to others.

A warning of too much block changes, shows a message if you change too much blocks at once. And if you get that message your name will appear RED on the list of people who are on this world.

I also Agree to the Friend list //

Please review my ideas too see if they're elegible, Thanks for reading.


Last edited by Jacobn617 (Mar 23 2012 6:00:45 pm)

#2 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 3,281

Re: Anti Greifing Ideas

Its Trolling, nor greifing.
You should make the log a command, like /displaylog
They can escape you if you have to click on them.
Too much block changes? Red Name? Think of the people who have to fill blocks in.



#3 Before February 2015


Re: Anti Greifing Ideas

I Agree with the command for the log, but i dont think you fully understand the red name feature.
On the list of players (Top Right) If the player changes to much blocks at once his name will appear red for a while
and will show a red glow around him for a while. I think this is possible in flash ans the scripting for this may seem
a little too complex, but its probably possibru.Impossibru-1287339853.jpg

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Anti Greifing Ideas

Jacobn617 wrote:

No-one has said this yet.

Pwa-hahahahaha. Cool story bro. Trolling (griefing) is a 'type of editing' no matter how many ways you come up with idea it will never be added. Nice try though, bro.

#5 Before February 2015


Re: Anti Greifing Ideas

Yea i know :rolleyes: i dont even think that benjamensen even reads the fourms. I checked the game suggestions and it wasnt't there. Just sayed that to get people to actually read it.

Jacobn617 1423738467222965

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