Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Sorry about triple posting but I think quick chatters should not be able to see the others conversations...
ok... i have some new quick chat things...
Category Hi: Hi. Hello. Aloha. Hey.
Category Bye: Bye. Cya. Later!
Category Laugh: Lol. Haha. Tee hee hee. Rofl.
Category Stop: Stop! Get away from me! Please stop.
Category Help: Help Me! I'm stuck... Does anybody care? Let me out of here.
Thats all... bye
well i only read the first page (sort of) and most of the ideas are good. however to prevent spam i would say a personal block player chat so you can block spammers or a timed chat system. the second one wouldn't work as well but it's an option. different chat schemes would be good to so you could have speechbubbles or side bar or bottom bar.
These ideas sound great! Considering I don't have chat and I really want chat.
Instead of just set phrases,you should give us a set list of words to make sentences out of
I think all users should have chat, but you have to pay the 1 cent to get or say profanity. If you do use profanity, or words kids shouldn't hear, and you have not payed the 1 cent. You get banned for 30 minutes (Every time you do this, the punishment doubles). It should also filter replacement words like ****. What do you think?
do a private messeges
I think that the people should have chat in their own worlds. That way, they can see if people are giving out the code, or they can ask for help easily, and its not like they're going to spam their own world. Also, it will be easier for people to check and see if the creator is in the world. They'll be at near top of the list, instead of lost somewhere in the middle.
Put smileys on the chat
Last edited by Cooldragon122 (Jan 17 2012 9:16:23 am)
I agree with the two above me.
The chat idea that rpgmaster2000 said would be great you guys need to do it.
I figured that we should have one Global chat channel in the lobby and individual chatrooms per level.
A tab in the upper-right corner (for example) could bring up a separate window that allows you to adjust size, pick chat rooms and minimze it back to the corner whenever you wish.
I can come up with illustrations once I get home though.
Howcome this never happened? Its a GREAT suggestion and from another Moderator..
RPGMaster2000 wrote:I figured that we should have one Global chat channel in the lobby and individual chatrooms per level.
A tab in the upper-right corner (for example) could bring up a separate window that allows you to adjust size, pick chat rooms and minimze it back to the corner whenever you wish.
I can come up with illustrations once I get home though.Howcome this never happened? Its a GREAT suggestion and from another Moderator..
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
^I like that idea and it needs to be added.
There needs to be a rule where you can only say over 3 things 10 seconds.
How about a Dictionary Chat where you can put any words, where you type in a word, and the closest things pop up, but swear words and make it where you can't say combos in this list: (The ???s can be anything, and the Xes are insults.) (also includes addjetives before the insult nouns)
You X!
I don't like you.
I don't like your ???.
I dislike you.
I dislike your ???.
I hate you.
I hate your ???.
You are X.
Your ??? is a/an X.
You're a/an X.
You are a/an X.
You need to get a brain.
You need to get a life.
You need a brain.
You need a life.
[insert something bad] is better than you.
[insert something bad] is better than your ???.
I like [insert something bad] better than you.
I like [insert something bad] better than your ???.
Tell me if I'm missing anything.
Everybody should be able to see Dictionary Chat!
There should be able to say Anti-??? make a word plural, and add those marks.
You should also be able to say numbers.
* (only if used correctly, not as a bad word)
Plus alt codes
Plus, please don't report me for spam! I beg you! (makes a cute crying face)
That seems a little bulky(and would clash with ee. I might make a mock-up idea in a bit
I do like the smiley idea, there
Ok, I've designed my idea for what would look good for the chat. :s Mind you, these are mockups.
This is with chat hidden | With chat visible
Some explanations:
I have expanded the size used by ee some(to fit within the container on the website), I'm aware this may not be an option with EE, but I think it does the best to make the chat reasonable size without constricting EE, and without making EE in itself too big.
The bubbles can be turned off by pressing the button under the large chat button(when chat is off)
The big button that says chat opens the chat, clearly.
The the words on top are tabs, Everybody and editors, is designed to look like Everybody Edits, that said, the everybody tab is a chat for everyone in the chat, while the editors tab will just display people with the code. Private chat is, well, private chat.
The big number is people online, you can, theoretically, click it to get a list of these people(and then double click names for private chat).
*** messages would display for various things, leaving, joining(maybe, Ill get back to this), someone getting code, getting any of the crowns(when there are more than one), kicks, bans, etc. /me would work, but would only show one asterisk instead of three
most of the chat -content- is some EEchat inside jokes
the white glow and rainbow glow would show room editors and moderators respectively, with, perhaps, the ability to hide the glow. Kinda took this idea from transformice, but I think it works really well.
Chat box designed to look like super secret edit key box, obvIdeas not visible/present in picture:
Chat should appear minimized by default, always, and one should not appear online until chat is first maximized.
Once chat has been opened while in an ee room, when the chat has been minimized again (to play the level for a bit without distraction, or something), there should be some sort of notification(I think the word CHAT glowing would be best).
^ being said, separate commands for the following:
/close- close chat, sends a notification, etc.
/lobby-sends a user to lobby, keeps the chat you're in, but sends you to lobby(there needs to be chat in the lobby , but more on that later)
/quit- leaves room and chat, quit that level completely
Chat in lobby is a must, so people can always chat. 'what rooms right now are good' and such is useless without lobby chat.
Ability to join any room anytime is also a big idea. when in the lobby you can go say '/join #Awesomeboss' 'hey guys, is this boss any good', which would be really cool.
^ Disable duplicate level names(which should be done anyway).
Multiple rooms at once. I think this is a cool idea if you want to just have one room to chat in, and play in another. so I'm in EEchat, but I'm stuck in ZZ Crew Battle for Atlantis, so I can ask for help, while still maintaining conversations in EEchat.
'Friends', smart it smallish for now, just some simple chat commands, /friend [friend] /friendlist /find [friend] would add amazing stuff to the game, never again would you make a level with some dude, and never see him again.
People's smiley and timestamps for messages are good ideas, I just felt to lazy when making my mockups.
'Permanent' IDs for beta levels(chosen by users, of course), so I set my level to display as #EEchat, and then also as #Don't_Move_Auto_World(which changes with my level name)
'official' rooms. This is a pretty big idea. By default room names will have # as a prefix, but official rooms will not, official rooms will have set moderators that do not change, and they will not [always] have a corresponding level. Some of these would be like Lobby, Beta, Forum(or maybe not... haha). Normal people will have the ability to buy an official room for however much Chris wants to charge, this seems like a cool way to gain a small amount of money for EE, while not taking away much from non-paying players. This would be ideal for crews/groups and such. Official rooms should/could have like a list of them
A redirect action that only the room owner could make to work with ^ So, lets say ZZ Crew buys an official room, you join the level 'ZZ Crew Journey to Constellations', and the level owner at some point did /redir ZZcrew, when you go to chat in 'ZZ Crew Journey to Constellations' you get the ZZcrew chat.
mod, op, and code commands, mod gives someone the ability to fly,op gives someone ability to manage the chat, code gives someone the ability to edit without having the code, this could work pretty well to prevent people giving away the code. You put a mod code up in black at the end (or in text blocks? ;3), then when someone clearly is a moderator, you can give them code, if you want.
Editor Colors. When you click on the editor tab, each person with code has a bright color, similar to the 'green' you color, that also shows up on minimap. So, you have chat minimized, and in the minimap you see a cyan pixel moving like it's a troll, so you maximize chat, go to the editor tab, find out who's color is cyan, and promptly kick them, potentially before too much damage is done to your room(if you gave them the code by using /code [them], then they can't come back and troll more), I'm thinking if 50% of people with editor status try to kick someone else with editor status it'll work too, that way if you, the level owner/creator, are afk, then theres still a chance of getting rid of the troll before he closes the room. Another idea is that if an editor /kicks another editor, they don't get kicked, but the editing power goes away temporarily, this would send a confirmation to owner to either kick whomever for being a troll, or to ignore it and write it off seeing that the editor that kicked was just being a jerk.
Ok, that's all my chat ideas ;-; Its kinda a huge post(one of the reasons for not directly displaying the images). So please don't directly quote it to say 'lol great idea!' or other similar, small, arbitrary commentary, you can easily quote a piece of it, or just mention the part, or whatever. I don't see a problem in quoting my whole post to chop it up and respond to each idea, however.
Okay, fingers need a vacation ;-;
/inb4 tl;dr.
Why you stole my Crew name?
Main Idea:
Right whenever your parent(s) let the kid (you) chat, the parent(s) should pick a password (8 letters or longer) and every X hours, (parent(s) pick (see Part 2 for details) you'd have to type the password in to chat.
Parental Chat Control Room:
(Needs Chat Password to Access)
How Long Your Kid Can Chat Till Needing Parent's Chat Pass Again: (Box that allows typing numbers)
New Chat Password: (Box that allows typing)
Automatic Kid Chat Reports: (Shows how many times your kid has said a bad word)
Like it?
EDIT: 100th post!
Last edited by Number1KirbyFan (Apr 8 2012 3:22:23 pm)
Definitely add smileys stickers! and you should give non chatters more choices of words Like:Ok ,Can I help? Yay! etc...
When they say Help me,I have to say Yes instead.So its more fair. big_smile
And......the chat should have private chats. because people might want to talk to others without disruptions and other people getting in their business. Like say for example : Jamie7768 Blah Blah Blah,everybody else wouldn't be able to see what they were talking about.
I also think non chatters shouldn't have to buy chat,even when they aren't thirteen.Paypal is really expensive. and forbid curse words.
Last edited by flowergod4 (May 11 2012 11:13:50 am)
quick chat word list: Ok, ?, Go, Go away, Code pls, I win, Stay there, No troll, No code, Wait, Cool, Good luck, Play boss, Fun, Nice level, Leave, Now, Jump, Move, Edit, Build, Art, More, Be back, God mode, Fly, Don't fall
Last edited by SWATPRO (May 1 2012 10:14:21 pm)
Looking at the latest poll on the blog, it seems that what people really want is Chat. So as always, this is your chance to influence how it should look.
As always I will not copy the layout from any of your suggestions but the community generally have good ideas so show them to me.
cool idea.:)
A mute button could be next to a players profile. If they are being annoying, mute them.
Chris, what is your problem with... BUTTER?
Anyway, this is what I think the lobby chat should look like.
(All changed font=EE Font)
There is a button to link you to the chat.
Here, you select your person to chat with.
Don't comment, "OMFG WTF Y U NO MAKE MORE!?!??!?!?/!/1/!?1/!??!/!?!?!?!????!?!?1/1?!?/1!?/1". I was lazy...
Quickchat Button Suggestions:
"Code is X." (only for people with code and X would be the code)
"This is unfinished. Please don't come here."
"trolololololol" (that way you could see who is a troll)
"Kick X, he's a troll!" (you'd be able to type in any username of anybody in the room)
"Don't give X code, he's a troll!" (you'd be able to type in any username of anybody in the room)
"AFK. I am AFK." (stays up until you move or edit anything)
"Please don't give out code."
"Please don't make box minis."
I think BUTTER isn't allowed because that word contains "BUTT" in it.
I dont think verify that you're not under 13 yrs old so pay 1 cent is really necesary.....SO people wants public acounts just because of chats.
Well there should be upgrades for chat like. menu at bottom for 500 energy (shows all chat in 50 block radius)
and can upgrade to 1000 energy 100 blocks and 1500 energ for 250 blocks 2000 for 500 and 2500 for unlimited
and like you can buy a color menu for 500 energy to change text color.
Also a mute command for spammers so they can still play but not talk.
also an OK in free chat. and a Code is: (CODE)- OWNER ONLY - and if you type /code (user) it will give them build access. And also an /admin command to give them command access..
and in jail package you get. /setjail (x,y)-(atme) and a /jail (user) it will send them to set jail and remove build access- and code wont work for them again.- (or a jail block instead of /set)
And A /reset (user) (all) (others) (guest) (nongod)
and emoticons in free chat and in verified like: :):D:O;):/:P:lol::mad::rolleyes::cool:
A wizard pack includes Ice wizard Earth Wizard and Wizard hat (kinda like crown hat)
(dosent include coin wizards) Magic Coin Door. (opens when get a magic coin) Blue coin door
[magic coin chance goes up by 5% (separate not in pack for 5000energy)]
Blue chat bubble. (optional can turn on/off by putting /togglec
BLOCKS: Wizard lair background Volcano Background- Volcano and wizard lair blocks- Lava block- Go through and in 3rd layer like glass This is available for 7500 energy and there is a tier2 pack for 12500 energy
Wizard Lord Smiley- cloud background and floor- Sky wizard (wind) Wind block -gravity- up,down,left,right
wind has 2x speed of arrows and effects gods 10% (optional)
[Also add an options for some stuff like stuff in this (not in pack)]
Golden stairs and gate blocks- (like heaven)
Also for 10000 energy you can put text like mods (in their world) everytime you get +2 text box.
And for 75 gems you can change you user once and everytime price goes up by 25 gems
and for 1000 gems you can get superman smiley!
And add a rank settings and you can edit what ranks can do what commands! and make certain people certain ranks good for rpgs!
for jail pack get /setjail (sets jail where you are) and /jail (user) sends user to jail spot and disables editing and code wont work for them anymore- and removes command access
2500 energy- Command pack (adds alot of commands!)-(bindable with rank settings)
/Mute- Disables chat for a user
/Ban (user) (time) (M,H,D,Y)- BANS
/Kick (user)- Now only kicks and not bans
/admin (user)- gives user command access
/rank (user) (rank)- usable with rank settings suggestion
/edit (user) (time)- time optional- adds edit access (not god)
/god (user) (time)- time optional- adds god mode access (not edit)
/code (user) (time)- time optional- adds god and edit access like they put in code
/smiley (user) (smiley) (time)- time optional- forces them to use and keep a smiley- good for having certain ranks need certain smileys. (can only make them smileys you have) - Superman or beta cant be granted unless they have it too.
[ example ]
Dachicketyman: /smiley killerman tounge 5
killerman: -Your smiley has been changed-
Killerman: --->
5 minute later-
/togglem- toggles moderators ability to edit and go into god without code. - Requires Beta- Or Moderator (this dosent affect Benjaminsen)
/spy (user)- User optional- allows you to see all PMS by users in your level- Admin Or Owner Only- Moderators can do this on any level
/pm (user) (message)-Private Messages A User
/fill (block) (x-y)- fills map witha block x to y optional
[ Started around 1739919303.1057 - Generated in 0.255 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.66 MiB (Peak: 1.89 MiB) ]