Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Hey guys,since I use armor games,
I can get to the level with out my Muffinator account,though I have another account from a friend,so yeah,never mind
Yeah,we should do it,for the crews sake.
The new udapte sucks :l
I'm handing this crew over to the ownership of KingoftheOzone, I have made a decision to change my life habits and start doing cooler things with my life, which means cutting my time on the computer a lot. I will be around, but I am done making maps and playing maps for sure, and off to do better things. Good Luck crew.
Everyone will miss you D-rock. Hope you have fun out in the world.
Bye drock DX I'll never forget you but remember we'll miss you. May God bless you and have a good life.
Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3
"You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."
damn, see ya around, man. hopefully you'll be around to update the front post when new maps come out, especially, LL.
EDIT: Okay, since drock has quit/taken a leave, we NEED to focus on getting a new map out, asap. I need to know who is willing to work all day/ a long time tomorrow. I want to try and get another Gold Edition Map done. We have already started lost, and I believe we also have NES Worlds uploaded, and waiting to be worked on.
Last edited by KingOfTheOzone (Apr 27 2012 6:55:01 pm)
Tomorrow I am only scheduled for an Eagle Court of Honor at 1:00 pm EST time for my boy scouts troop. Otherwise I'm wide open.
I'm going to be gone for the next few days cause of connection.Sucks your leaving Drock.But were gonna need the front post updated some times.
I'll be back for contests too by the way, if one ever comes up. Good luck all.
Good luck on life Drock.
We got some work done in Gold Edition #4 today. More needs to be done to it, hopefully we can get it out sometime next week. Then we need to put all our effort into that other map....
EDIT: Just talked to 0176, next open spot, put him back on the member list.
Last edited by KingOfTheOzone (Apr 28 2012 9:38:24 pm)
Bye Drock :c
We should make a level for the Drock.
We should make a level for the Drock.
One is enough. (Anniversary)
I think anniversary is fine for now. King, I've recently come to the addiction of Minecraft, and so now I am on the computer a bit.
I might be able to help, but... uh, I might be a little rusty when it comes to minigame and art design. Since you recently became leader, I might be able to help you out a bit.
I'll try to be on if I remember.
And if coldstorm still exists, can you send me the link to it again. I think they changed it -.-
I can come on during Saturday too to help around.
I fixed the portal cannon in Anniversary. Is that all?
ShyGuy :O welcome back for now I guess. D: But nice to see you posting every once in awhile and I sent you a link but I didn't read kingoftheozone's post about him sending to you. >.> So ignore my pm if you want to, but it's up to you.
Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3
"You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."
I appreciate the help Bobyy, thank you
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