Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


MG Crew


Hello everyone! We are the second group ever made, continuously making maps and levels for your enjoyment. We are on the verge of making this crew better with kicking members who are inactive or not as good as they once were. We currently have maps on the way! Interested in joining? PM Me (D-rock2308) or KingOfTheOzone with some levels you think are cool to us and we'll see if it meets our standards. Joining our xat is another way to contact us (Link above ^).

To contact me in EE, go to this link:


-------------------------------- MG CREW RULES ------------------------------

1.   The 2 crew rule; you can be in as many crews as you want, as long as your active. If not I will ask you to leave the other ones or be kicked. (Exception: You are active a lot)

2. Trolling is an instant kick. Whatsoever. Even as a joke.

3. Flaming is a warning, no one likes people yelling at them.


Leave of Absence


Official Tester
Superfly - soon to be kicked - hasn't replied to activity check
Contact us through PM's on forums or at our tinychat -

MG Crew Level Archive

Gold Edition Maps

- First Golden-Edition Map - MG Crew Journey to Atlantis (Deep Sea Minigames Remake) -
71758898.png 73575772.png NvfyesS.png
MG Crew Journey to Atlantis

- Second Gold-Edition Map - Tomb Raider Remake -
27734450.png ee3v.png
Tomb Raider

- Third Gold-Edition Map - Eerie Forest Remake -
72773199.png 2im2nva.png
Eerie Forest

- Fourth Gold Edition Map - NES Worlds Remake -
37902769.png jCR9P.png
NES Worlds

- Fifth Gold Edition Map - Lost! Remake -
98302352.png uMizoq2.png

- Sixth Gold Edition Map - Easter Palace Remake -
52207019.png M3HJ6IA.png
Easter Palace

-------------------------------------------------- 2010 --------------------------------------------------

- First map - Epic Minigame Level -
---No minimap---

- Second map - MG Crew Pro Minigames -

- Third map - MG Crew Minigame Collab -

- Fourth map - MG Crew Deep Sea Minigames -

- Fifth Map - MG Crew Eerie Forest -

- Sixth Map - MG Crew Tomb Raider -

- Seventh Map - MG Crew Apocalypse -

- Eighth Map - MG Crew NES Worlds -

- Ninth Map - MG Crew Lost! -

- Tenth Map - MG Crew New Years (1st EE Event Top 10) -
(D-rock2308, Shy Guy, Ryan, Greenzoid, Kaosslasher)
New Years!

-------------------------------------------------- 2011 --------------------------------------------------

- Eleventh Map - MG Crew Puzzle Castle -

- Twelfth Map - MG Crew 3 Lives Only -
MG Crew 3 Lives Only

- Thirteenth Map - MG Crew Easter Palace (2nd EE Event 1st Place Winner) -
(D-rock, Shy Guy, Ryan, 133, UGotPwned)
MG Crew Easter Palace

- Fourteenth Map - MG Crew Gold Mine -
MG Crew Gold Mine

- Fifthteenth Map - MG Crew Journey to Atlantis (Deep Sea Minigames Remake) -
MG Crew Journey to Atlantis

- Sixteenth Map - MG Crew Galaxy -
MG Crew Galaxy

- Seventeenth Map - MG Crew Fantasy Land -
MG Crew Fantasy Land

- Eighteenth Map - MG Crew Wastelands -
MG Crew Wastelands

- Nineteenth Map - MG Crew Black Hole -
MG Crew Black Hole

- Twentieth Map - MG Crew Tower of Terror -
MG Crew Tower of Terror

- Twenty-First Map - MG Crew Dreamscape -
MG Crew Dreamscape

- Twenty-Second Map - MG Crew Palace -
MG Crew Palace

- Twenty-Third Map - MG Anniversary -
MG Anniversary
- Twenty-Fourth Map - Tomb Raider Remake -
Tomb Raider

- Twenty-Fifth Map - Battle of the Ages (MX crew Co-op)
Battle of the Ages

- Twenty-Sixth Map - MG Crew Alcatraz -

- Twenty-Seventh Map - MG Eerie Forest Remake -
Eerie Forest

-------------------------------------------------- 2012 --------------------------------------------------

- Twenty-Eighth Map - MG Treasure Island -
Treasure Island

- Twenty-Ninth Map - The Three Dimensions -
The Three Dimensions

- Thirtieth map - MGX Prison Escape (MX Crew Co-op) -
MGX Prison Escape

- Thirty-First Map - NES Worlds Remake -
NES Worlds

- Thirty-Second Map - MG Galaxy 2 -
MG Galaxy 2

- Thirty-Third Map - MG Crew Lost Levels -
MG Crew Lost Levels

-------------------------------------------------- 2013 --------------------------------------------------

- Thirty-Fourth Map - Lost! Remake -

- Thirty-Fifth Map - Easter Palace Remake -
Easter Palace

------------------------------ Future Maps ------------------------------

- Decided - MG Redux -
- Decided - MG HQ
- Decided - ITT 2 -

Last edited by D-rock2308 (Jun 18 2013 2:16:43 pm)

#2 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

I like this one. The art is good, although the theme has been done before, the adventure though this is beautifully executed and fun.

#3 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

LOL, EX-Crew copied our world. What the ****.

Hmm, please do not post anymore only the minimap, because they will copy it.
They got a problem called "EE-Animator" ... there u have to put the minimap in and then it's builded!

Last edited by Shesiressu (Aug 16 2010 6:20:02 am)

#4 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

*Sigh* Edit your posts already..

Last edited by Chips (Aug 16 2010 7:25:25 am)

#5 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Shesiressu wrote:

LOL, EX-Crew copied our world. What the ****.

Hmm, please do not post anymore only the minimap, because they will copy it.
They got a problem called "EE-Animator" ... there u have to put the minimap in and then it's builded!

Please don't make accusations you can't prove.   There are a number of people that have no affiliation with EX Crew that can steal any persons map and put any other person's name on it.   If you are going to continue to put maps out as a collaboration group, you should be prepared to be the target of trolling.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Far as i have seen a few MG crew members are childish and don't think before they speak anyway, good target for trolling.

#7 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

Hey, I'm kinda a fan of MG Crew, as well as EX Crew, though they could use a little bit more ideas. And I think I found the space adventure one, but it looks destroyed, so that might not be it.

#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: MG Crew

Google wrote:

Far as i have seen a few MG crew members are childish and don't think before they speak anyway, good target for trolling.

Yeah some people can be a bit impulsive. Don't mind him.

Shy Guy wrote:

Hey, I'm kinda a fan of MG Crew, as well as EX Crew, though they could use a little bit more ideas. And I think I found the space adventure one, but it looks destroyed, so that might not be it.

We were building it, had some random people in our chat and D-rock posted the code in the all chat. As expected, kids will go nuts when they can annoy other people :rolleyes:

No u.


#9 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Just as a reminder, I will no longer be visiting the MG Crew chat since I cannot protect my identity. Remember, if you see any EX Crew member in a different chat it is someone impersonating us. We will communicate exclusively through our chat room and the forums.

As for the Deep Sea map, I was happy to see that you guys had taken my advice to heart and tried to break out of the minigame mold while avoiding poor decision choices such as too many hook jumps and repetition. However, you now must take the next leap by developing original challenges and by developing your own unique personality that distinguishes your maps from the others.

I think if you slow down and take your time during map development, you will be much more likely to come up with new ideas that feel fresh. You're on the right track now, just keep pushing along and the experience and feedback you gain will help you shape your design habits and map making skills.

Nou wrote:

Yeah some people can be a bit impulsive. Don't mind him.

I understand, but please try to maintain discipline within your group since accusations like this generate an overall negative perception.

Last edited by mustang (Aug 16 2010 10:30:26 pm)

#10 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Ye, i was a bit tired so i wrote some crap. Don't care about that, much chats got spammed yesterday. LOL. Stupid 4Chan.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

We're making Tomb Raider tomorrow-Sunday and it's going to be fun! We're taking on alot more weight now Ex Crew disbanded and are trying to improve on this map!

#12 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

D-rock2308 wrote:

We're making Tomb Raider tomorrow-Sunday and it's going to be fun! We're taking on alot more weight now Ex Crew disbanded and are trying to improve on this map!

I would hate to think this is a race to become the next "EX Crew".


#13 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Nope. We're just trying to make fun maps for everyone to enjoy. Get out of the habit of Minigames/Bosses/themstuff.

#14 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

D-Rock? When are we gonna start making more maps? We rushed 4 of them, 2 died and we haven't made a map in (almost) a week,

We could start making since there is a save feature, that's a plus.

#15 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

I've been trying to make some but people are never on. Plus I can't save since I don't have beta so I need someone else to do it. If you can get in the chat and make the level for me, we can get to work on it. (I was trying to make Tomb Raider yesterday but I lost connection)

#16 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

I'm okay with making Tomb Raider today, we can't use my save though for beta //

#17 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Do Beta users have to manually wipe their saved map to start a new one?

#18 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

frownface wrote:

Do Beta users have to manually wipe their saved map to start a new one?

They have to manually wipe it, which can be an issue when you have a very detailed map already set up.

Last edited by bass5098 (Aug 22 2010 7:46:40 pm)

#19 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Sorry about my absence everyone, that is why we have not been making many maps, due to my school and football (sometimes other things) I cannot get on alot. I'm hoping the crew can make some maps for you to be happy by // I will get on everyday at like 6-9 pm CT and sometimes at 7 CT in the morning and can maybe do a little bit on some stuff. I will be on almost all weekend trying to get a map or two done though. Sorry for delays //

#20 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

Can I be in group XD I have known you guys for a long time. (Thinking: *I know what they're going say they're going to say. "You have to do more than just that" // * ) You know that right. Right? Also, WTF I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU GUYS FOR 1-2 DAY BEFORE YOU STARTED AND I'M STILL NOT A FAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

D-rock2308 wrote:

Our new level! MG Crew DeepSea Minigames! (although not really Minigames) Heres the Minimap Pic:

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Um aren't there supposed to be rocks and basses?

D-rock2308 wrote:

Hello, I am the leader of the MG crew saying that we are making a rise! We have made 3 levels in the past 3 days named: Epic Mini Game Level, Minigame Collab, and MG Crew Pro Minigames (or some in our crew call it, Initiation). We have our own website where you can play Everybody Edits, Chat , (soon look at forums), Layouts for levels (although not many yet), Polls, Member list (and Fans who are practically members) and how to Contact us. We make 1 level per day, or more, and would like to get some cool level builders or artists or heck maybe even really pro players who can test the toughest of the tough! This is our website; no bugs, no viruses, all free.

If the chat doesn't work go to:

Right now counting we have 5 members and 1 fan.
3 levels, although 2 died. Thanks for looking at the post.

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

[Won't make many maps for a while, Server seems to DC us alot and dont feel like doing all the work for nothing]

Two of our maps that we have made so far. Did not get Screenshot of first, unfortunatly, It died.
-First map-R.I.P Minigame Collab. (+5000 on date)-
-Second map- R.I.P. MG Crew Pro Minigames.(had a few winners but we got dced and it died, might remake)
-Third map- R.I.P. Epic Mini Game Level
-Fourth map- R.I.P MG Crew Deepsea Minigames(Had GREAT feedback)
-Future Maps-
MG Crew Tomb Raider (today)
MG Crew Space Adventure: (delayed)
MG Crew Hill zone (No release date)
MG Crew Fun Room (No release date)
MG Crew TreeFort (No Release date)
MG Crew City (No Release date)

I was going to help make space adventure, but we just destroyed it


Rurigok wrote:

WARNING: Triple (or more) posting (posting three or more times in a row on the same topic) is not allowed.

Last edited by Ssuperkid5 (Aug 24 2010 8:35:35 pm)

#21 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

Dude, Superkid whatever your name is, Stop posting so much, edit your posts, Please.

#22 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

I miss making maps.....I made one map since joining then we stopped.
We need to release one. Nobody is ever in the chat either.

#23 Before February 2015


Re: MG Crew

FistDaCuffz wrote:

I miss making maps.....I made one map since joining then we stopped.
We need to release one. Nobody is ever in the chat either.

I want to make maps. But I get home at 6 PM   CT and no one is on for me to work with. Since I can't save with   beta, I don't want to start a map.

#24 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: MG Crew

(sigh) Well, it's for the Team...

I'll delete my saved level so we can make the MG crew level Tomb Raider.
Since I have nothing else to do...

...You're welcome //

It's called MG Crew Tomb Raider Search it

If it's not done deleting yet, I would like you all to help delete it. PM me and I'll give you the code.

Last edited by Shy Guy (Aug 25 2010 6:04:52 pm)

#25 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 686

Re: MG Crew

Hi, I am eedd/chris, and I am only applying to be a minigame tester // I see that your crew has potential.

Epic level design //, amongst the ranks of EX crew design, and difficulty is pretty hard //

Btw, Nou knows me :3, well i was kinda chatting with him //

Last edited by Doctor_downes (Aug 27 2010 4:39:20 pm)



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