Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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I actually want to finish anniversary first. Then heist.
I'm off grounded today, so we can work if anyone would like.
i am done~ bye
It's not like you were in lol :3
wasint sure, idk if i was in soon to be kicked.
Yeah, we haven't updated that. We actually forgot about you lol
I'm in tc now.
edit: 0176 is the only other person in there, and he looks afk or something :/
Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Sep 5 2011 4:00:42 pm)
Dont worry, im at grandparents house when I get home ill get on the computer and get on tinychat
Ok I guess I'm staying. I only left because I felt like I wasn't helpful anymore, but Shyguy says we are all pretty in-active so it's not my fault :S
So I guess I will stay on board for now, and hopefully we will be more active soon. Plus I haven't actually done anything in a long time so I'm ready to pick up the pace again. I'm going to re-do our forums since they kinda suck, and I blame myself for not keeping them up, but I will make them better because they are awesome.
I'm also staying because alot of other people quit, and I don't want MG to fall like all the other crews. I'll stay on-board and help to make sure we still make epic levels. And plus I really like being in MG anyway everyone is so nice and helpful ^_^
So with that being said I will not quit, and I will fix-up our laggy lag forums.
MG crew FTW!!
And also if I have time tomorrow I will guest bomb a level, just tell me which one. Because even if we aren't building I think if we guest bomb our maps more often it will help raise our reputation so I'll try to do that as often as I can. Aight' ?
Last edited by Calicara (Sep 5 2011 9:17:06 pm)
MG Crew is still alive? WOOOOOOOOW. I remember ~ 1 year ago we had much fun together.
Oh my god, hey shesiressu. Where have you been man
Hey I remember seeing the last of you as I joined the forums, Shesiressu
This guy was with us up until the inferno map IIRC
Ahh good times.
Hey are we gonna do anything tonight? I'm the only one in chat o.o
Sorry, I'm busy every day this week with hockey evaluations.
I'm very sorry guys. I am spending the night at my grandparents house.
I'll definitely be on tomorrow.
Wow, i completly remember map 2, 3, 4 and 5 ...
As i can see, you don't need any members anymore. But i'm just asking - could i join again if there is place for me?
I'm sorry for what i'v done months ago ... being like a bi***. I've changed much in that time.
EDIT: Wow, nice remake of Deep Sea Minigames :-)
Last edited by Shesiressu (Sep 6 2011 8:05:52 pm)
We have spots open. I'm sure we can fit you in.
Sounds very nice.
This is the grand re-opening of the MG forums!!!!!!!!
I cleaned it up, made the BG less laggy and added more rules, our level list, and a new ad for MG crews palace.
Please use the forums I work hard to keep them up, enjoy.
Well, I finished "D.S." in our "level" today. It looks pretty good.
I plan on finishing the basic layout of it this weekend. I hope all of you will be on this weekend
I'll be on tonight, maybe Saturday, and definitely Sunday. I promised my mom I would help volunteer at her folk concert thing on Friday. So I hope we can work again tonight, we are making good progress on our latest level
Can i help without being in the crew?
Hey hey! No homework again today. maybe me fg and a few others will work on heist
I know when eeguy gets on because he usually goes into Coldstorm. so basically we should get some progress today!
Can i help without being in the crew?
Well, you can. Since your an old vet. Go here and stay until others show up:
And Yankeestar, we are not working on heist until we finish our other level. You know.
And I plan on being on tonight too. Until 10pm, of course.
Last edited by Shy Guy (Sep 8 2011 2:51:19 pm)
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