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#26 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 3,281

Re: The Future of EE

Stubby wrote:

After MrShoe, EE got worse, and it will continue to get worse.

Something along these lines...?



#27 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: The Future of EE

Welp. There's still a few people that have a thread of hope for EE's future.

What convinces you people, that people would enjoy the game as it is now. [without being biased]?
I don't see a shred of enlightenment to work from, to predict a better future.

There is no guarantee that if EE will ever go back to the way it once was, that people will come back.
If it does, people will mourn the loss of stupid additions, and the moderators probably will just add them back in.

I can only see people basing a good future of EE off of their faith in such. And it's pretty obvious faith = BS.

*u stinky*


#28 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 201

Re: The Future of EE

look, back to the past, no one imagined that the EE would turn the sh** it is today, and today, nobody can imagine if EE will improve or not tomorrow. no one can predict the future, this topic is just a giant fallacy of slippery slope.



#29 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: The Future of EE

RedHat wrote:

look, back to the past, no one imagined that the EE would turn the sh** it is today, and today, nobody can imagine if EE will improve or not tomorrow. no one can predict the future, this topic is just a giant fallacy of slippery slope.

Kind of true, but as soon after Peter's change, people were kind of looking the other direction.
For one thing, I find that the signs (even if only for BC-members), and world portals are good additions.

*u stinky*


#30 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 491

Re: The Future of EE

Don't forget about timed doors, invisible portals, COIN GATES, ladders, switches and ability to respawn, even if it costs energy. Also /teleport, /kill and other requested commands...

I will never ever understand the logic of complaining peeps...

1   -   2   -   3


#31 Before February 2015


Re: The Future of EE

Builders club is the same name as roblox's membership name O_O

#32 Before February 2015


Re: The Future of EE

The problem with EE is the lack of focus on quality and the continued neglect of rewarding those who work hard to create interesting and fun worlds. That has been the standard operating procedure for EE ever since Chris took a step back and relinquished his control to others such as MrShoe.

Their focus has been on and will continue to be on fulfilling the easy requests (such as new blocks and smileys) put forth by majority of members of the EE community. They like to take advantage of this low-hanging fruit so they can meet their obligation of weekly updates, and so they do not need to put too much effort in crafting the new content.

Whenever a significant update does occur, their lack of a commitment to quality shines through as large bugs and unintended side-effects are found by users within moments of the new feature, often leading to an angry backlash here in the forums. If the bugs/effects are disruptive enough, then Chris and the others might actually try to remedy them, otherwise we have to learn to live with the sloppy coding and/or planning.

Their recent attempts to make more money from the game have also created a troubling class divide between those with and those without BC, and should they continue to add new BC-only features I see nothing but anger and resentment brewing within the community, especially from veterans who would not enjoy watching EE head towards a pay-to-play model. Pleasing long-tenured members doesn't seem to interest Chris and the others, and unfortunately that means they will continue to find ways to make money even at the cost of losing talented builders.

EE could still be turned around and transformed into a truly amazing and unique game if they just took the time to listen to the more essential (but often less voiced) requests by the more experienced members of the community, and if they really focused on rewarding world-makers and on putting out high quality updates that did not cause irritating side-effects. I don't see this happening, at least not without Chris being the one to lead the charge and coming forth to accept his recent failures with regards to EE.

Summary: Focus on rewarding world-builders and start putting out quality updates that doesn't break existing maps or cause irritating side-effects. Listen to more experienced community members and not just the simple requests put out by the majority. Stop worrying about making money and try to craft a unique experience that sells itself similar to the Minecraft model when it was in the early stages.

#33 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 3,269

Re: The Future of EE

I agree with that.   That's the reason we had beta to begin with.   If they had actually used beta as it was intended, we wouldn't be having these problems.



#34 Before February 2015

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: The Future of EE

We could somehow incite Chris to make a active, well-known member in the community with programming skills be responsible for the game updating. Nigh impossible, though.


#35 Before February 2015


Re: The Future of EE

5lin65h07 wrote:

Builders club is the same name as roblox's membership name O_O

Then the game is just copying the money making schemes from other online games, I guess Chris and his company of demons have realized just how far they can get with profits.

Last edited by treejoe4 (Apr 24 2013 2:27:54 pm)

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