Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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He's trying to be accusatory, he's trying to be defensive, he's just trying to survive. I feel like if I was a noob I'd be a lot like him.
Is he? I don't get much of an accusational tone from him at all. He's only made 1 slightly defensive post (imo that's his scummiest one) and the way he's going about surviving just screams scum to me. His justification just seems fake.
Also, he's surprisingly competent for a noob. He's very clearly able to keep up with what's being said considering he replied to specifically a post I made about him at a time where there were lots of other things he could have addressed. He also seems to understand how all the roles work suggesting that he's perhaps read and memorised them which I would not expect a noob townie to do. So I find it hard to believe that he doesn't realise that as a townie his role isn't solely about trying to survive. On the other hand, survival is something that's much more likely to be upfront on the mafia's agenda.
Focusing on the inactives makes sure mafia cannot hide through inactivity. By poking literally every single inactive user here, I have gotten them to speak and at least sometimes, tell us what they think of others.
We have to find one scum through an educated guess or someone's night action and take it from there.Lynching one of the inactives has a higher net positive than lynching one of the active players.
Lynching 1 inactive person isn't going to stop mafia members from hiding amongst the inactive players. If it did, we would have seen everyone suddenly be active after raprap was lynched. And I don't think you've achieved as much as you claim you have. The inactive players are still inactive. All you've done is got some of them to be more specific about why. What about Shlog and Onjit? You've not exactly got them to tell us what they think of others because you've been narrowmindedly focused on 1 person. You don't seem to be considering why people are inactive. We do have to find scum through educated guesses so please tell me how lynching inactive players who haven't provided much information is an educated guess and not just stabs in the dark? On the other hand, we have several players that we have a fair bit of information about whose lynches would definitely be considered an educated guess.
And what's this net positive you speak of? I don't understand how you think lynching people who haven't said much gives us more than lynching people who have had a lot to say about others.
What's your sus list right now?
TaskManager, AllenCaspe, Schlog.
Out of those 3, lynching TaskManager gives us the most information and would be a huge loss for the mafia. My suspicion on Shlog mostly relies on Allen being scum.
I'm currently viewing all of the PR claims as confirmed town as I have no strong reasons to doubt their legitimacy. Other than them I town read Proc, Railmat and ASDruska.
That leaves Onjit, jawapa and you (crybaby) as my null reads / PoE scum reads.
Devlin, Caspe may be a noob but he's not an autist. In my first mafia game on the forums, despite being a really awful mafia member who had no idea what he was doing, I still understood how the game and its roles functioned. I was also able to follow along to what was happening too. A basic understanding of the game is expected from everybody, even noobs.
A desire to just survive is usually the thing noobs would care more about in comparison to more experienced players tbh. Peace was like that, valuing his survival above the towns.
Idk, the accusatory part came from that post where he said "[Taskmanager], you're lying. Let's get him!"
How long will it take me to get banned again?
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- Lynch tally -
[5]Railmat: LORD MASTER KING, Processor, Crybaby, Taskmanager, ASDruska
[3]Processor: Schlog, Railmat, AllenCaspe9510
[1]Taskmanager: Onjit
[1]AllenCaspe9510: Mutantdevle
Majority required for lynch is [7]
Approx 18 hours remaining.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Idk, the accusatory part came from that post where he said "[Taskmanager], you're lying. Let's get him!"
Do you think Allen is being serious in that post? But that post gave me the impression that he doesn't genuinely believe that TaskManager is lying. To me, it was throwaway reasoning to be on the wagon.
Also, I can't remember why I was town reading ASDruska. I think it was just one post that made me trust him or something but looking through his iso I can't think which one it would have been lol.
Do you think Allen is being serious in that post?
Seems rather convenient to just throw away evidence against your arguments like that...
Wait am I misreading
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Do you think Allen is being serious in that post?
I mean, if I didn't think it was serious I wouldn't have even mentioned it.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
Allen was supporting me. I made some points against taskmanager, taskmanager responded, and then Allen accused taskmanager of lying. The problem is I don't think that the support was genuine. 'Lying' in that context is too broad of a statement and that shows that no real analysis of taskmanager's answers took place. It was just a reason to be voting for taskmanager.
could someone please make a list of all of the claims that people have made so far? just for easier reference
!vote allen
i don't think railmat is scum, and allen claimed bystander way too early for no reason
@2B55B5G TNG, what do you think of Railmat and AllenCaspe?
Railmat only made a town and mafia list, roleclaimed Innocent Bystander, then went inactive. Considering there are only 4 or 5 Innocent bystanders left in the game and he’s one of the 4 who claimed Innocent Bystander, I trust his claim for now.
AllenCaspe also claimed Innocent Bystander, and he said that he’s scared of being killed, so he wants to survive. Before that, he voted to lynch TaskManager, then Processor. It seems weird to me, especially when he said TaskManager was lying, I think it’s an excuse for him to lynch TaskManager. AllenCaspe’s reason to lynch Processor is because he thinks that people who convince are likely to be evil. I 50% agree this. People who convince is likely to have a plan, but it does not mean that person is evil, he can be good. Also, he is one of the 4 who claimed Innocent Bystander, so I temporarily trust his claim.
I think that AllenCaspe is more suspicious than Railmat.
And if 2 more people claim Innocent Bystander / PR, I will start to suspect those who claimed to be it.
List of people who roleclaimed Innocent Bystander:
List of people who roleclaimed PR:
Luka504 - Ace Detective
Kira - Unstable Gunman
Crybaby - The oracle
2B55B5G TNG - Occultist
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
We don't have much time left. We are not going to be able to switch all the votes for Railmat over to Allencaspe by the time the day ends. We only need two more people, and even if Allen is more suspicious, TNG is still sus. Let's take care of this one first
I know that's a really **** reason to try to convince you guys to vote Railmat, but I legitimately don't think we have enough time to switch everyone over to Allen.
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We don't have much time left. We are not going to be able to switch all the votes for Railmat over to Allencaspe by the time the day ends.
Okay then,
!lynch Railmat
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
By the way, Onjit, I sort of cleared your name from being anything except maybe the Curfew role from the Mafia. Though you're still not in the clear, you're a town lean
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- Lynch tally -
[6]Railmat: LORD MASTER KING, Processor, Crybaby, Taskmanager, ASDruska, 2B55B5G TNG
[3]Processor: Schlog, Railmat, AllenCaspe9510
[2]AllenCaspe9510: Mutantdevle, Onjit
Majority required for lynch is [7]
Approx 9 hours remaining.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
- Lynch tally -
[7]Railmat: LORD MASTER KING, Processor, Crybaby, Taskmanager, ASDruska, 2B55B5G TNG, Luka504
[3]Processor: Schlog, Railmat, AllenCaspe9510
[2]AllenCaspe9510: Mutantdevle, Onjit
Lynch quota was met.
Railmat has been lynched by the town.
He was a Innocent bystander
Night 2 has now begun. Please pm me your night actions.
The night will end in 23 hours and 55 minutes. (9th of July 07:00 gmt+2)
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Night 2 has ended
Crybaby was found dead.
She was The oracle
Day 3 has now started.
If no lynch or other event happens, the day will end in 72 hours. (12th of July 07:00 gmt+2)
A majority of votes is required for a lynch to take place. The majority for this round is [6]
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
☆ ★ ★
Yeah I had a feeling that Railmat was innocent. Nothing much that can be done about it now.
Anyway, you voted for me to investigate Taskmanager, and I did just that. He is the lowlife.
We don't need to lynch him just yet, as we have an entire day to discuss things.
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Okidoki, sweet.
Luka504 town.
mutantdevle town (probably)
TaskManager stayed out of the whole AllenCaspe discussion, didn't he? That's interesting
I have never thought of programming for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must come out. That is the reason why I code.
Ugh, Onjit... I investigated Taskmanager and he's a mafia. He's our best lynch target today.
We can lynch Caspe some other day.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
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