Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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FDOOU wrote:Creature, you still are a noob.
Oh yes, sometimes I like noobing around, why would I waste my days playing random stupid worlds while I can hang out with my friends? You surely do it all the time.
On-Topic: Userbombing isn't a trouble, unless it's in your world without permission.
my oh my creature you're like a whip
Let's address the other "arguments" here.
1) Userbombing is used so people can see levels that deserve to be seen (aka. "good" levels)
Rebuttal) Completely not true. Firstly, no single person can define what a "good" level is. Secondly, userbombing is done with good and bad levels alike, rendering this argument useless.
2) Userbombing is the only way to make new players find good levels
Rebuttal) Once again, no one can define a "good" level. Also, each player has different tastes. Stairs and minigames are fun for some users, not for others. Finally, randomly choosing a popular level and setting it as the benchmark of a "good" level (EX Crew Oddessey) is completely biased.
3) Userbombing is a good thing
Rebuttal) According to who? Who defines what is good for the community? A forum filled with people who spend more time on the forums than on the game?
4) Userbombing has been around a long time, so we can't change it
Rebuttal) MrShoe's updates have been around forever, and they're actually part of the game, but you don't seem too concerned with changing THAT. Hypocrisy at its finest.
All arguments have been nullified.
3) Userbombing is a good thing
Since you are saying It's a bad thing, some people say it's a good thing.
Saying something is "bad" or "good" is your own opinion.
EDIT: How are you going to remove them? What mod/guardian will remove them?
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
I will not user-bomb and guest-bomb, sign up for the petition. I don't like bombs
Let's address the other "arguments" here.
1) Userbombing is used so people can see levels that deserve to be seen (aka. "good" levels)
Rebuttal) Completely not true. Firstly, no single person can define what a "good" level is. Secondly, userbombing is done with good and bad levels alike, rendering this argument useless.
What you mean userbombing being used for bad like you randomly userbombing levels in a fit of rage because you couldn't get your way last time you tried this? You argument is completely flawed, yes we can't define what a "good" level is, in the same sense that you cannot define what a "bad" level is, don't say you can't define a word then use that very same word later in your argument. Bombs have been in ee way longer than you have, the reason for your wanting of them gone are purely selfish and out of hate for people in worlds you consider "noobs" getting levels high on the lobby list (oh wow Pyromaniac and MIHB what were we discussing the other day)
2) Userbombing is the only way to make new players find good levels
Rebuttal) Once again, no one can define a "good" level. Also, each player has different tastes. Stairs and minigames are fun for some users, not for others. Finally, randomly choosing a popular level and setting it as the benchmark of a "good" level (EX Crew Oddessey) is completely biased.
This point is pretty much included in the first point saying no one can define good, so is your third one. Actually by choosing something at random something is unbiased, you should probably learn what words mean before you start throwing them around the place.
3) Userbombing is a good thing
Rebuttal) According to who? Who defines what is good for the community? A forum filled with people who spend more time on the forums than on the game?
No, the community are the people in ee that interact with the bulk of the rest of the community, notice how on the forums people tend to know each others usernames and notice how the random players ingame that no one knows their name tend to not be in the community. That is what the community is, therefore the forums are the community as they are in most games as they consist of the players that other players know. (I am trying to put this in simple language so you understand) I am pretty sure the collective community defines what is good for the community, there are way more arguments against bombs on this topic than for bombing therefore the community that has taken interest in this "issue" has decided for guest bombings.
4) Userbombing has been around a long time, so we can't change it
Rebuttal) MrShoe's updates have been around forever, and they're actually part of the game, but you don't seem too concerned with changing THAT. Hypocrisy at its finest.
All arguments have been nullified.
The changes to Mrshoe's updates are mostly graphical, the changes you are proposing affect a lot more people. The Bruce smiley isn't being changed, guess why? Because the community didn't want it to be similar to their speaking out about this, therefore by saying that bombing still should be ban even though the community has given you a reason why not you are being kind of a hypocrite through that.
And finally don't say nullified or rendering when your arguments are flawed, they are really cringe worthy.
As a note I haven't had time to proofread this for typos.
This is hella gay
AK712, you was the one who was userbombing the whole EE, all of us know that becouse NVD said us that your and userbombs IP matches with yours, and now you are doing this? You are mad or something?
Creature, you still are a noob.
This actually made me laugh out loud.
AK712, you was the one who was userbombing the whole EE, all of us know that becouse NVD said us that your and userbombs IP matches with yours, and now you are doing this? You are mad or something?
This was never proven, in fact, it was proven false, because the users I supposedly bombed with were accessed with a different IP than mine, and they opened the magic levels that everyone was getting magic off of before. You can check with NVD on that, because it's true.
AK712 wrote:Let's address the other "arguments" here.
1) Userbombing is used so people can see levels that deserve to be seen (aka. "good" levels)
Rebuttal) Completely not true. Firstly, no single person can define what a "good" level is. Secondly, userbombing is done with good and bad levels alike, rendering this argument useless.What you mean userbombing being used for bad like you randomly userbombing levels in a fit of rage because you couldn't get your way last time you tried this? You argument is completely flawed, yes we can't define what a "good" level is, in the same sense that you cannot define what a "bad" level is, don't say you can't define a word then use that very same word later in your argument. Bombs have been in ee way longer than you have, the reason for your wanting of them gone are purely selfish and out of hate for people in worlds you consider "noobs" getting levels high on the lobby list (oh wow Pyromaniac and MIHB what were we discussing the other day)
AK712 wrote:2) Userbombing is the only way to make new players find good levels
Rebuttal) Once again, no one can define a "good" level. Also, each player has different tastes. Stairs and minigames are fun for some users, not for others. Finally, randomly choosing a popular level and setting it as the benchmark of a "good" level (EX Crew Oddessey) is completely biased.This point is pretty much included in the first point saying no one can define good, so is your third one. Actually by choosing something at random something is unbiased, you should probably learn what words mean before you start throwing them around the place.
AK712 wrote:3) Userbombing is a good thing
Rebuttal) According to who? Who defines what is good for the community? A forum filled with people who spend more time on the forums than on the game?No, the community are the people in ee that interact with the bulk of the rest of the community, notice how on the forums people tend to know each others usernames and notice how the random players ingame that no one knows their name tend to not be in the community. That is what the community is, therefore the forums are the community as they are in most games as they consist of the players that other players know. (I am trying to put this in simple language so you understand) I am pretty sure the collective community defines what is good for the community, there are way more arguments against bombs on this topic than for bombing therefore the community that has taken interest in this "issue" has decided for guest bombings.
AK712 wrote:4) Userbombing has been around a long time, so we can't change it
Rebuttal) MrShoe's updates have been around forever, and they're actually part of the game, but you don't seem too concerned with changing THAT. Hypocrisy at its finest.
All arguments have been nullified.The changes to Mrshoe's updates are mostly graphical, the changes you are proposing affect a lot more people. The Bruce smiley isn't being changed, guess why? Because the community didn't want it to be similar to their speaking out about this, therefore by saying that bombing still should be ban even though the community has given you a reason why not you are being kind of a hypocrite through that.
And finally don't say nullified or rendering when your arguments are flawed, they are really cringe worthy.
As a note I haven't had time to proofread this for typos.
Rebuttal 1) Starting with an unproven assumption shows your inability to craft a valid argument without an ad hominem attack. Nice job. Also, me wanting them gone is "selfish"??? So, bombing your own level because you think it's better than others and you want it popular is "unselfish", while wanting everyone's work to be considered equal is "selfish"? This makes no sense, this is invalid.
Rebuttal 2) The level he chose was a popular level and a featured level, hence NOT random, as you claim. This choice was used as a popularity appeal - showing that because this popular level was bombed by a popular user, it's okay for others to use it. This is a logical fallacy.
Rebuttal 3) This is ridiculous - saying that just because someone is not well known, they aren't part of the community. This is completely selfish. To top it all off, you attack me by saying "I am trying to put this in simple language so you understand", which is clearly hatred and makes all your arguments invalid.
Rebuttal 4) "Graphical" changes affect every single user on the game, as each user has access to the shop and its smileys/packs. Not all users have access to userbombing bots, so it would actually affect less people, contrary to your claim.
Finally, saying that "As a note I haven't had time to proofread this for typos." shows that you think typos detract from an argument, which is completely wrong.
To top it all off, you attack me by saying "I am trying to put this in simple language so you understand", which is clearly hatred and makes all your arguments invalid.
Um that doesn't make it invalid. You are just saying that because you don't know what else to say.
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
No, saying "As a note I haven't had time to proofread this for typos." means that I do not have the time to waste on triple checking for errors which due to the quality of your previous argument I thought it well within a likely possibility that if there was a typo you would have made some ridiculous point about saying my entire argument is invalid because of a misspelled word.
Going through this backwards, Graphical changes do not effect the game-play in any way what-so-ever, unless you are pedantic and talk about RPG's and copy bosses. Not all users have knowledge about guest bombs, but the fundamental idea of guest-bombs is users and attracting attention to worlds
Don't take my words out of context, I said "the community are the people in ee that interact with the bulk of the rest of the community", no one knows who the heck you are but you are part of the community as we can see you as a person instead of a random smiley in a level that doesn't acknowledge you as a person either.
Aggressive comments do not make ones argument invalid, saying "I am trying to put this in simple language so you understand" was me hinting to you that you are constantly using words incorrectly and again hinting to you that you are making a fool of yourself and that your argument is weaker than a woman’s tear. Which was proven by the fact that once again you have used the word invalid wrong, my "argument" is hardly invalid through use of aggressive language it does not make the other information any less valid, the only possible reason why it might be is that I am so filled with rage and hatred for you that I am making up arguments that are not there, which is not the case, I am mildly miffed off at you because your argument and way of supporting it is complete and utter horsefeathers.
Alright, with the random vs bias point I was wrong, I misread your argument due to dyslexia. Although, to be honest rereading that, yes it is okay to do it, I still fail to see what is wrong with guest bombing levels? You say you are in no way jealous but in what other way could spark such a detest for them? Honestly if a "good" level gets bombed then great it gets plays, if a "bad" level gets bombed then great for the maker it also gets plays, if it is really that bad then people will join then leave, if not then it is their decision to stay. If it is okay for Nou to use a guest bomb in Odyssey then yeah of course it is okay for other people to use them, what is wrong with that? They are a great way to get your level noticed and have always been that.
Honestly I attacked you personally because there is no massive divide in ee between bombers and non-bombers, there is you with your private vendetta against them for whatever reason you haven't disclosed, the 14 people that have signed your partition and the rest of ee who are pretty chill about them and see nothing wrong with using them. Mihb is going to shoot me but isn't one of the primary things to do in ee make levels? If one of the main focuses on ee is making peoples then people will want to make the best level they possibly can. Look at any of the results from the previous competition pretty much every level maker thought theirs deserved to win, this is the world you live in, humans are not nice "everyone gets along" creatures, of course people are going to think their levels are better than others. It isn't even particularly selfish to be honest, if you think your level is good then you are thinking other people will enjoy it, but I am digressing.
I am curious what has sparked this vast dislike for bombs that specifically affected you? You didn't just one day wake up and think, "god account bombs are the worst thing that has happened to ee" I am curious what happened.
And as a last note, yes AK712 it was guy account bombing levels, don't lie (you may prove your argument invalid) I can specifically remember you asking, I think it was Toop or Jawapa to ban account bombs, they said no, to which you answered that you would start account bombing levels and right after that is where the bombing problems started. The fact that someone else remembers you as the one doing it kinda almost proves it.
This is hella gay
Your attitude really isn't helping your case mr. AK. We were trying to have a proper debate but you derailed it into personal attacks. Funnily enough, we had a talk about this yesterday, and you said people on the forum are mean, while it's in fact your defensive attitude that's causing you to turn to offence, making you the cause of all this.
You're acting as if you're a victim being bullied by people on the forum, but you started this by pretending you're some kind of master debater:
Let's address the other "arguments" here.
Putting it between quotation marks, making it seem like the arguments provided aren't even worth being called arguments.
All arguments have been nullified.
This is how you see yourself:
This is what you sound like right now:
A debate isn't about winning. In a proper debate you listen to other people's arguments, not throw all your arguments at them and shout harder than they do. Saying someone has a good point doesn't show weakness, admitting you're wrong shows character.
No u.
Honestly, guest-bombs/account-bombs are bad overall, no matter what world you are using it on.
If neither world was using bombs, and a "200 minis to code" got more players than your awesome art/mini world that took 2 months to make, well, thats what ee players want. The creator fairly got those users and you didn't. While some people should check your world out, and I personally would help advertise it, why should you suddenly be allowed to be at the top of the list, with an advantage over other world creators, because you think your world is better.
All of our worlds show up in the rooms list. While I do think there should be better ordering (maybe categorizing), I feel that bombing your world is essentially stating that your world is better than any other of these "bad" worlds currently at the top of the lobby lists, and that yours deserves to be there instead, DESPITE the fact that the EE community chose the other world over yours. Incredibly selfish.
Additionally, which worlds are you bombing? Your single player art/mini games worlds with tough minis like "EX Crew Odyssey". Have you ever wondered... "Why are my worlds not getting plays". No? Oh no, it's because all the top "bad" worlds are stealing all the players attentions, what other reason could there be...
These worlds provide little to /no/ social interaction. EE is a multiplayer game. This is why "hotel" and "boss" worlds are so high up in the room lobbies. In addition "mini" worlds generally have much more scaled down and much easier minis than the ones you guys are suggesting to be bombed to the top of the lobby (which if you can't do a mini, which is common for newer users, won't let you continue...). FURTHERMORE, "code-to", "free edit" worlds are essentially open worlds with a better ability to edit. This gives freedom, especially to those who have few worlds and want to edit something. This is why these worlds reign supreme in the lobby rather than the worlds you guys are suggesting which provide little social interaction, usually extremely hard minis, and little freedom for users besides playing the minigames.
All in all, everyone who doesn't bomb, gets an equal chance. Everyone will look at all the worlds and pick which one they prefer most. Whether you like it or not, the EE community ends up choosing which world they like best, whichever one seems the most interesting to them. What would this game be without the EE community?
Well, this is just my outsider 2 cents view that last time I mentioned, had few people even find it 'reasonable'... Fire away guys.
Note: I have not read all of the posts prior to this as I'm 90% sure nothing will relate to me, or I'll even be able to come up with an argument since there is essentially my post length x10 posts
I don't really see how any of that makes bombing bad^
Bombing is just a quick way to get your level seen easily. I see no issues with it. I personally would hate to spend months creating a world, to have it sit at the bottom of the lobby with one player in it, because nobody ever sees it down there.
This petition won't gain anything, bombing is something that needs to remain in EE. If you don't like it, you can easily use the scroll bar to sift through the worlds you don't want to play, or you can change the lobby to list worlds based on something other than active players.
Also, how is wanting to gain a few players being selfish? Am I supposed to sit for hours waiting for people to join my world? Sounds like a waste of time.
Yeah, what are you trying to accomplish with this petition? Have fun with your worlds at the bottom of the list with just you in them...
Like, sure there are other ways of getting your world seen, but userbombing seems to be the most effective. You're not acheiving anything here.
id think that having a bomb bot gives an advantage to whoever has one over the people who do not have one. if enough people used bomb bots every day and someone had no friends or anything to fill up their levels id imagine it would be very hard to get ppl to join and stay in the level.
in my experience from when ee had more players it took hours or something of work to get a bunch of ppl to join a level.
on the other hand someone with a bomb bot could bomb it and then a bunch of people would quickly join it and whatever
id think that having a bomb bot gives an advantage to whoever has one over the people who do not have one. if enough people used bomb bots every day and someone had no friends or anything to fill up their levels id imagine it would be very hard to get ppl to join and stay in the level.
in my experience from when ee had more players it took hours or something of work to get a bunch of ppl to join a level.on the other hand someone with a bomb bot could bomb it and then a bunch of people would quickly join it and whatever
This actually made me think of something that could be interesting.
If you guys want user bombing to "stop", I think the best way to do it would be to actually massively share a bombing bot. If everyone has one, then nobody really has it, right?
I am against the necessity to use an outside program to get popular levels in ee
I think it should be poss to do whatever in ee w/o having to download a program
if it is that common id rather something be implemented in game than have it continue to be a program only
gkaby wrote:id think that having a bomb bot gives an advantage to whoever has one over the people who do not have one. if enough people used bomb bots every day and someone had no friends or anything to fill up their levels id imagine it would be very hard to get ppl to join and stay in the level.
in my experience from when ee had more players it took hours or something of work to get a bunch of ppl to join a level.on the other hand someone with a bomb bot could bomb it and then a bunch of people would quickly join it and whatever
This actually made me think of something that could be interesting.
If you guys want user bombing to "stop", I think the best way to do it would be to actually massively share a bombing bot. If everyone has one, then nobody really has it, right?
No... o-o
EPIOOOOOUUUUUUuuuuuu IUO0O0oooooooooooppi
;3 0>o ~X_x~ <~(^V^)~> (); ;B ;~; *~<:',',',',',{ Q=(*@`)Q
Im A ®a®ity ®
Also, how is wanting to gain a few players being selfish? Am I supposed to sit for hours waiting for people to join my world? Sounds like a waste of time.
Maybe they don't want to join your world?
I agree. I was playing a draw my thing world and all of Goeyfun's pretentious bot alts kept keeping us up because they can't draw.
Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!
Your attitude really isn't helping your case mr. AK. We were trying to have a proper debate but you derailed it into personal attacks. Funnily enough, we had a talk about this yesterday, and you said people on the forum are mean, while it's in fact your defensive attitude that's causing you to turn to offence, making you the cause of all this.
You're acting as if you're a victim being bullied by people on the forum, but you started this by pretending you're some kind of master debater:Let's address the other "arguments" here.
Putting it between quotation marks, making it seem like the arguments provided aren't even worth being called arguments.
All arguments have been nullified.
This is how you see yourself:
This is what you sound like right now:
A debate isn't about winning. In a proper debate you listen to other people's arguments, not throw all your arguments at them and shout harder than they do. Saying someone has a good point doesn't show weakness, admitting you're wrong shows character.
Well Nou, tell me this: You've been one of the fiercest advocates for userbombing. So why should people agree with you, that userbombing isn't selfish, if you've been exposed as a fraud and a hypocrite?
Nou on people ingame: "People ingame are ****holes."
Nou on people in forums: "You know they're just dumb kids"
Yes, a real great example of people who userbomb. Maybe now you'd like to admit you were wrong. It shows character, as you said. And you need character to continue to be a secret guardian. But maybe it's better that our community had a guardian that didn't stab the entire community in the back.
Userbombing should be allowed. How would worlds kick in and get noticed otherwise? If your level really gets pushed off the list by a stair level that often, then that means you just have a really **** map. I support userbomb and if you don't, then it's YOUR fault your levels don't get noticed.
10 years and still awkward. Keep it up, baby!
I am curious what has sparked this vast dislike for bombs that specifically affected you? You didn't just one day wake up and think, "god account bombs are the worst thing that has happened to ee" I am curious what happened.
Still waiting to an answer AK712. Don't pick and choose the arguments you can make a vague "rebuttal" against by calling people hypocrites and thereby being one yourself, I am actually really curious as to the reasoning behind this.
This is hella gay
[ Started around 1740942114.1124 - Generated in 0.512 seconds, 11 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.89 MiB (Peak: 2.22 MiB) ]