Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Re: World Creation » New Project » 2015-05-24 19:41:30

Badoosh wrote:

Hmm, if you're going for a boxed minigame level, I'd like to see a de stijl styled one in terms of art.
In terms of gameplay, make alternate paths of different difficulty based on color. Harder minigames are more rewarding, and you have to do less of them to get to the end: ex. 10 white minis = 5 blue minis = 3 yellow = 1 red.

Hope this helped! //

So far i got to this point :
I thought its a good idea and i credited you for it in the map! // Thanks for the idea, btw on the picture there is black rooms too, i made black as the hardest! :DD

#2 Re: Worlds » [EF Crew] Hold Space finally ready without any bugs » 2015-05-24 19:37:10

Guys, just hit 500 woots, its too late (0 o'clock at the evening) so i wont do a party today.
But Tomorrow is going to be a party, all day. So yeah be sure to come, giving edits and more stuff like that.

Keeping it simple:

.Do whatever you want it doesnt matter, ITS A PARTY YOU KNOW!!!! //

#3 Re: World Creation » New Project » 2015-05-24 14:15:42

Dude Badoosh , your idea is really cool definentely doing something like this! Starting right now //

#4 Worlds » [EF Crew] Hold Space finally ready without any bugs » 2015-05-23 12:04:41

Replies: 1

Just noting some stuff:

•Fixed bugs with ice making you too fast.
•Fixed bugs with portal speed (getting too much speed and flying into portals).
•Added the time how much it takes to finish the map.
•Added a ending.
•Crewed the world. Now the world is not mine, its the crew's world.
•World just hit 2000 plays.
•Planning to make something like a party (Birthday Party) cause of my birthday (coming on 21. July)
•World is about to hit 600 woots/likes soon so going to have a surprise for players (information in this topic)
•World is about to hit 3000 plays, when it does doing a surprise for players and helpers (information in this topic)
•And adding Players who helped me just in this topic too:
1) NVD [[Thanks for your amazing help! And the fact that you placed a diamond and text in my world makes me even more happy. Thank you ALOT!]]
2) Goeyfun [[The Thing is that because everyone likes goeyfun they came to see him alot of the time. But as we all know goeyfun likes to afk more..]]
3) Bacuong1 [[Thanks for the help in the map making! And should i mind you making half of the map, me not even noticing this...]]
4) Thanel [[The Fact that you visited my world makes me happy. Its always so when a guardian or mod visits me i am amazed! // ]]
5) Superxsuper [[Thanks for the motivation from your Hold Space worlds, and for the idea]]
6) Tankkiller1111 [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
7) TKWarrior [[Thanks for the help in the map making. Oh and that reaction to Quit Troll! You are really nice.]]
8) Beby [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
9) Flameflow [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
10) Wuthrr [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
11) IcePegasus [[Thanks for the help in the map making! And of course the ideas you gave me are amazing]]
•Just a little note that i am not from England, not from America, i am from Estonia, and we do not speak English here so i am bad at English. I hope you do get what i mean while reading all of this //
•Link to the map <-- Click it.
•Or just copy this URL-ID -: PWUXvNgmNPb0I <-- Yes that one.

•Thanks from EF Crew for helping me make this world.
•Thanks to everyone who helped me during the building of the map.
•Thanks to every player who played in this world, you really mean a lot for me.

••Without further of talking just check out the world and be up to the time of 20 July and 22 July in my world for the Birthday Party!
••Dont forget to come when the world hits 3000 Plays!
••Dont forget to come when the world hits 500 Woots!

•Dexter21 [The tallest Hold Space world maker]
•EF Crew [The crew that helped/motivated me on making the Tallest Hold Space world In Everybody Edits!]

// //

#5 Re: World Creation » New Project » 2015-05-23 10:01:00

rgl32 wrote:

Jesus guys, he said in his other post that he isn't great at english, he probably thought it meant something else, no need to almost derail an entire topic because of it...
And on topic, Some games inside games are very fun if you can find a good game that can fit into the limits of ee, but if you are only going to make this because that's what people want, then I'm not to sure, you should really build what you enjoy doing and not what will get the most plays, but whatever you choose, I look forward to your new post about it.

I will make what people want because, i dont play my levels. People do, and if i make what i want, people wont play levels at all. Thats the thing and magic about cool levels. //

P.S for people who meant bang it like in the sexual way, no its not what you think it is.. so yeah stop it //

#6 Re: World Creation » New Project » 2015-05-18 13:36:27

Well okay, so far I got ideas to make
.Mini games
.Game in a Game (Example: Temple Run)

The thing is i asked alot of people in the game and people wanted alot of GIAG (Game in a Game) thing. So maybe thus is a good idea? //

We'll see i upload the information under this topic as a reply.
And then i will make a new topic for the full build times and stuff like that. //

Throw em' ideas! -- Dexter21 //

// //

#7 Re: World Creation » Make your level for EX Crew Shift - Part 3 » 2015-05-17 10:50:38

Really dexorative (get it Dexter and Decorative?) map ( The Rainbow ) made by Dexter21.
• Borders are decorated
• 1/7 Hard line. Being about 5/7.
• Nice Decoration
• Backgrounds
• No use of invisible arrows.
• 100% Possible!

• Link and LINKID
-• Link :
--• LINKID : PWvWQmkH6ObkI

#8 Re: Game Discussion » What are your favourite type of Minis? » 2015-05-17 09:06:35

BEE wrote:

Minis that do not require any use of the spacebar.

Then my Hold Space isnt for you //

#9 World Creation » New Project » 2015-05-16 10:42:54

Replies: 18

I am starting a new project, in hope for ideas from you. Everyone who is giving ideas is going to get mentioned in full version of the map.
But before you throw those ideas on me. I am not going to do any of these 3.
1) Rpg [[I am not rpgmaster2000]
2) Hold space [[The thing is, i wont make any hold spaces in Great World, only tall world]]
3) Boss To code [[I already have one popular boss to code so yah]]

But yea anything doing with art or bots, minigames and anything else is accepted! // Fire them up

Lets do dis!

--Dexter 21
// //

#10 Re: World Creation » Lucanus cervus - How it was made » 2015-05-16 09:59:58

Dazz you always amaze me // Cool idea, A++! I rate you 10000 cookies out of 1 Lucanus Cervus // Yu gat da joek raiht?

#11 Re: World Creation » Hold Space world by: Dexter21 » 2015-05-15 14:36:37

Tho its looks like done, its not done yet. There is alot of bugs to be fixxed! the Final version is gonna go to "Rooms" thingy //

Oh yeah i forgot to say. I am adding more people to it! // So if you wanna be mentioned, help me and i will mention you! //

#12 World Creation » Hold Space world by: Dexter21 » 2015-05-15 14:33:20

Replies: 2

I got to say, I never even thought to make Hold Space(s) before, now that I made one it feels like I want to make more of them. I ain't going to upload any pictures because the map itself isn't beautiful, but the way you portal around is cool, at least in my opinion. Oh i just wanted to say, Thanks to 11 Main people that helped me or who made me get so much more plays than i expected to get.

1) NVD [[Thanks for your amazing help! And the fact that you placed a diamond and text in my world makes me even more happy. Thank you ALOT!]]
2) Goeyfun [[The Thing is that because everyone likes goeyfun they came to see him alot of the time. But as we all know goeyfun likes to afk more..]]
3) Bacuong1 [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
4) Thanel [[The Fact that you visited my world makes me happy. Its always so when a guardian or mod visits me i am amazed! // ]]
5) Superxsuper [[Thanks for the motivation from your Hold Space worlds, and for the idea]]
6) Tankkiller1111 [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
7) TKWarrior [[Thanks for the help in the map making. Oh and that reaction to Quit Troll! You are really nice. I literally cried.]]
8) Beby [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
9) Flameflow [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
10) Wuthrr [[Thanks for the help in the map making!]]
11) IcePegasus [[Thanks for the help in the map making! And of course the ideas you gave me are amazing!]]
And also thanks to other 1900 people that played in my world to get it more popular! //

If you want to check out the map ill leave the big and fat link right here :
And as always no hate for my English. I am not from England, I am clear Estonian! //
-Thanks to everyone, Dexter21! //
// //

#13 Re: Game Discussion » Gems with SMS? » 2015-05-15 14:05:29

i kinda to want something liek that, the idea in my head is something like: Needing gems by sending a message to servers, and getting gems in like 2-3 minutes. ..

#14 Re: Game Discussion » Gems with SMS? » 2015-05-14 12:21:13

The Problem is i could use PayPal but in estonia it doesnt work perfectly. and it usually says its disabled or something..
for me atleast ._.

#15 Re: Game Discussion » Gems with SMS? » 2015-05-14 11:50:47

well if you will get that fixed, oh dam i will buy gems alot //
need that beta fast tho ;(

#16 Game Discussion » Gems with SMS? » 2015-05-13 18:43:21

Replies: 7

Hey, i have a problem.
I want to get gems to buy beta or anything else, but there is no way to buy them with phone, not using surveys. (they are usually viruses)
So if you know the way to get gems with phone, please tell me. I need them fast! //

Any help is accepted in its own way. If my english is bad, dont make a look at it. I am estonian! //

-Tallest Hold Space world maker Dexter21!
-Thanks for the help!
// //

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