Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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What I can definitely say about the current team over the last few is the increasing amount of community interaction that the team members have with the rest of the playerbase. It's refreshing because there are open lines of communication between the admins and the community, and honestly it's something that can very easily be neglected if the team is tirelessly working on a project as ambitious as EE Universe.
this level personally attacked me and my bruce smiley
If we end up deciding not to transfer anything, we've discussed the possibility that someone like capasha may well produce a program (or just update EEditor), so that world saves from the current version of the game could be transferred (at least in part, or as close as possible) to the new version of the game.
I don't know how feasible this plan would be (it'd depend on how expansive the changes from EE Flash to EE Reboot are) but I am very much in favor of an idea like this. That way some of the more famous classic worlds by users who may not be as active anymore can still be preserved.
This was a thing I made in the summer with a group of kids led by a god-fearing man-child who had an obsession with rabbits. His minis were crap, so I slowly usurped power from his crew and a level that was doomed to become box minigames and stairs turned into a semi-presentable sand castle level. It's almost summer, so I guess it kind of works.
succinctly put by a friend who wished to remain anonymous:
dylantherabbit left in fear of His Almighty, so only I am left to present to you:
We will never work on this again. Enjoy.
Bye proc i'll miss you
And so ends another chapter of this game.
I wonder what will happen next?
hey look i posted with 10 minutes to go
without being a harem (~Zoey2070).
Is that really necessary though
tl;dr Your bootleg magic is waaay too common, considering how many coins are in levels and how many people collect coins.
I'm making two assumptions here because you don't say anything besides some formulas. These assumptions are:
*that these formulas apply for every coin collected.
*random(x,y) picks any integer between x and y, with each integer having equal probability.
I break down the odds of magic under your system below:
I was bored and used math and logic to argue that your formulas are bad and you should feel bad.
6 years 19 days 6 hours 12 minutes 34 seconds ago.
That's quite a long time, actually. Wow.
Then me and LuciferX proceeded to use a private hacked client to go under the world, 5 minutes after which I got banned by koya
a private hacked client
Do not:
*attempt to hack or interfere with the normal use of EE using external software.
Just a hunch but I think I found your problem.
3 hours to go yay
Is the petition to get you unbanned?
If so, I'm not supporting that.
We pay money, to let their childrens go to school. no!!! Really, i would love to have all money by me, but no, we pay for them to have smt to eat, etc.
Dear detective Anatoly, the king of morality and the shining beacon of intelligence, has finally figured out that the real problems plaguing society are immigrant schools and soup kitchens. Good job chap, you've figured it out and you solved all of the world's problems.
EE truly is dead if we think 130 members means the game is alive.
What's with ANOTHER mario world? Why do you think this'll be any better than the thousands of other ones?
Says the guy who claims there can never be too many box minigame worlds
If I had the money for a hoodie like those I'd totally get the lost astronaut one.
People will be more likely to try out your worlds if there was a minimap or some sort of logo to preview the level.
For anyone interested in a preview, here is what each world has to offer:
1) A small world that takes place outside a building. No minigame or challenge, but decent background art.
2) A coin maze.
3) A New Super Mario Bros world thing.
4)A world where the top half is the bottom half, but upside down. A neat idea except for the fact that box minigames separate the two halves.
Good idea, would definitely contribute
i blame the year of no updates
Thanks, zoey.
A world that belongs to a crew does not properly update who is and who is not in the crew; it only updates when the world is loaded for the first time (i.e. no one is in the world and someone joins). This can be exploited by griefers (or generally unwanted members) who are kicked from a crew to rejoin a world while it is still open and make changes.
Likewise, someone who wants to make changes cannot edit upon being added to the crew until the world resets.
What essentially happens is that the world thinks a user is are a crew when they are actually not (and vice versa).
A possible solution would be to have the world check for updates every so often (maybe 5 minutes, the length of a kickban?) and automatically update when crew members are changed.
When a certain someone didn't get accepted into an art school, they did something REALLY BAD. Now let's not repeat history!
Good thing this isn't art school; I can deny you with no consequences.
Though in all seriousness your graphics pack looks very flat and I don't see how it can be used in-game without your blocks sticking out like sore thumbs compared to the rest of the game.
The mirror could be replicated by glass and the sink can be made with an already-existing domestic decoration and block.
I want to address this idea a little bit because I think this is probably the most feasible solution.
4) Add a /ban command to let the user ban certain players from a world. If you're worried about too many banned players which leads to a crowded BigDb in the Worlds table, just separate the BigDb from worlds and banned players on worlds.
It would be nice to expand the power of
/kick [username] [reason]
/kick [time (minutes)] [username] [reason]
where [time (minutes)] defaults to 5 minutes and can go up to 1440 minutes (a full day).
Though other than that I feel like there's already plenty of preventative measures people can take to avoid trolling (that don't require gameplay experience--just common sense) such as not letting strangers edit your world and to save before you give someone edit.
there are many more impressive crews out there
the closest thing to an official endorsement EE has had was of EX Crew, since a few of their members eventually went on to own the game and heavily contributed to the community
you rabbit kids made box mini worlds
This is a fantastic build concept, and the level looks like it will be an amazing play.
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