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#376 2022-09-05 01:06:54

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:

I just thought I'd be like Gandhi and start randomly voting people to drum up activity.
I don't know why Gandhi voted BB after saying BB was one of his top townreads. I don't know why Gandhi voted the super inactive Bon Jovi.
Today has been really slow so far and I wanted something to happen.

But also you're a slot I'm really on the fence about. I reread your ISO and you've mostly been tunneling Elijah and asking for reads/opinions, but you haven't really given many yourself.
Also, whenever I think about it who the mafia pairs are, so far your name always shows up. Elijah blames you and BB. Gandhi blames you and Elijah. You OMGUS'd with Mini which made me wonder if you two were paired. You and Gandhi both tunneled Elijah and didn't give much of a reason for it. Like Lumi was asking you two a lot if you had a meta read on Elijah or any reason because it just seemed like you were relentlessly attacking Elijah for no good reason.

Can you help me read you by posting some opinions?

Tbh the people I really want to solve today are you, Gandhi, and Elijah.

My reads have not changed much since then, although I have some more doubts on you now:

Hidden text

I have not "not really given many [reads] myself", but rather have given them on people who actually said something. The game has really revolved around Gandhi, Buzzerbee, Elijah, myself, and to some extent, you; others are inactive potatoes for the most part, apart perhaps from 2b, whom I should try to get a read on.

When did I OMGUS with Mini lol? Also, Mini, who claims to be townhunting instead of scumhunting, is playing strangely. Townhunting is a perfectly legitimate strategy; however, the only townie he seems to have gotten is you for some reason, and he suspects basically everyone else(?).

As for Elijah, I had expected more reads from him, but I guess it is hard to get reads among a bunch of inactives. That being said, the OMGUS is real with him, and his only read that isn't OMGUS seems to be his scumread on Buzzerbee because he said he was busy, which... isn't scummy? Like, I do that all the time when I have a particularly busy time, I believe I even did it this game by saying I was multigaming.

I hope this is not too incoherent; I feel like my brain is off and like I have no consistent thoughts at the moment, so I'm going to stop playing this for a while and do something not too reading-intensive lol.


#377 2022-09-05 01:20:43

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Nuclear Gandhi wrote:
ElijahBaley wrote:

he's not inactive, every time he leaves he says "I will be back", which is scummy. why is that scummy? I do not know, but I know that as scum I've done that before + I've seen scum doing that before. being inactive or not has no bearing tbh

For me this'd be an example of someone making something that's slightly > rand a thing.
Elijah, idk if you ever looked into BB's ISO but BB said once they'd keep up while at work and another time said "back to work" after dropping a giant reads list. That's it (from what I saw). I'm inclined to believe it's not scummy to go back to work after dropping a reads list? I think it could be argued that making a reads list during work is, if anything, a good look.

tbh I don't really care, just vote someone up, a **** reason is better than no reason at all, we need to put up everyone or at least as many people as possible. if you REALLY want a "reason" to vote someone, then you are more than free to suggest a target. if today is going to go like yesterday we are going to lose.

I'll almost sheep whoever on whoever else, except that I'm not voting Minimania for the time being.


#378 2022-09-05 01:23:23

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)


Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

I wouldn't be surprised if Elijah and MM were both wolves together; because their interactions remind me of that 2020 December game where we all 3 were wolves together.
Who'd be their partner here? Anyone, just not me obviously.

MM is not my partner.


#379 2022-09-05 01:24:43

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I am also down to vote 2b. but please vote someone for God's sake. we can't just keep making up reads, we need to make real pushes.


#380 2022-09-05 01:26:57

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

MM what you got against ShadowEdge?

Nothing. I was only mentioning that BuzzerBee is far from being particularly inactive, since Elijah said he did not buy that he was busy (which naturally leads to the conclusion that he scumreads him for inactivity).

2b55b5g wrote:

nothing is happening, so i went back and backread some pages, and honestly i haven't got a single clue on how to scumread anyone due to my confusion on this day (and partly also because im overwhelmed, like im not new to mafia but i rarely play serious mafia games or setups where a majority of people are VTs) //

so what im do instead is vote someone and see what happens

i dont feel comfortable voting BB cuz that vote from Gandhi is still really weird to me, and i do believe that BB is busy. i can vote Gandhi but i'd rather wait for an explanation for now since he seemed pretty towny to me on day 1.

however i'll vote Marshmallow for now, mainly because im a sheep (and also due to impulse because i want something to happen lol). several people have suspicion on him recently (Lumi, Elijah, Minimania), and while im still not entirely convinced since i really doubt a mafia would vote an anti-town role early in the game, i think the reasons for suspecting MM are fair. i also want to see his reaction to being voted, if theres any

!vote Marshmallow Marshall

ElijahBaley wrote:


is there a reason for getting them in this order btw?

The reasons to suspect me are fair? Okay then, answer this:

What are the reasons to suspect me? Because even I have a hard time seeing them xD. What makes you not just a massive sheep hopping on a mislynch here?

I did not scum read him for inactivity. I scum read him for saying he's busy. That is not the same thing. what I am saying here falls short of what I mean, if I was to be more precise, one of his posts gave me a feeling of fear and kinda just... laying low without being inactive? gives some quick reads, apologises saying he doesn't have time, leaves, promises to come back. tell me that doesn't sound scummy


#381 2022-09-05 01:32:22

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I just had an idea. I don't remember exactly which Vsauce video it is but in one of them, he described an interesting phenomenon that could apply here, maybe. A study was conducted where a jar of jelly beans was shown to a large group of people, and that group of people was asked to levy a guess as to how many jelly beans was in the jar. So many guesses were made and nobody individually got the correct answer, but averaging people's guesses provided the correct answer. This study concluded that putting everyone's answers together made everyone "smarter" (I think that's how Vsauce put it)

I think, maybe if everyone provided a hierarchy of players from most suspicious to least suspicious, we could come up with a potentially reliable gamesolve. There's a... uh, I forgot what kind of voting system this is, but it's fairly democratic in that if the person you want elected isn't voted, your next highest vote could still have a chance. I forgot what it's called, LukeM showed it to us a few years ago in 3rd Party. I'll go digging for it brb

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#382 2022-09-05 01:35:10

Joined: 2022-08-07
Posts: 112

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:

I just had an idea. I don't remember exactly which Vsauce video it is but in one of them, he described an interesting phenomenon that could apply here, maybe. A study was conducted where a jar of jelly beans was shown to a large group of people, and that group of people was asked to levy a guess as to how many jelly beans was in the jar. So many guesses were made and nobody individually got the correct answer, but averaging people's guesses provided the correct answer. This study concluded that putting everyone's answers together made everyone "smarter" (I think that's how Vsauce put it)

I think, maybe if everyone provided a hierarchy of players from most suspicious to least suspicious, we could come up with a potentially reliable gamesolve. There's a... uh, I forgot what kind of voting system this is, but it's fairly democratic in that if the person you want elected isn't voted, your next highest vote could still have a chance. I forgot what it's called, LukeM showed it to us a few years ago in 3rd Party. I'll go digging for it brb



#383 2022-09-05 01:37:45

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
Minimania wrote:

I just had an idea. I don't remember exactly which Vsauce video it is but in one of them, he described an interesting phenomenon that could apply here, maybe. A study was conducted where a jar of jelly beans was shown to a large group of people, and that group of people was asked to levy a guess as to how many jelly beans was in the jar. So many guesses were made and nobody individually got the correct answer, but averaging people's guesses provided the correct answer. This study concluded that putting everyone's answers together made everyone "smarter" (I think that's how Vsauce put it)

I think, maybe if everyone provided a hierarchy of players from most suspicious to least suspicious, we could come up with a potentially reliable gamesolve. There's a... uh, I forgot what kind of voting system this is, but it's fairly democratic in that if the person you want elected isn't voted, your next highest vote could still have a chance. I forgot what it's called, LukeM showed it to us a few years ago in 3rd Party. I'll go digging for it brb


I had to look him up but yeah I think that's the one. I don't think it'll necessarily produce 100% reliable results since we have a relatively small sample size, but maybe it could provide something useful for us; that being an order of people we could vote if we're unsure

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#384 2022-09-05 01:43:27

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From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

It was referred to as STV

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#385 2022-09-05 02:00:59

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Mini that was basically what I was going for when I was trying to compile a list of reads from everyone. Glad to see you’re on board


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#386 2022-09-05 02:24:46

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

1. Marshmallow Marshall
2. ElijahBailey
3. Onjit
4. Big Bon Jovi
5. Buzzerbee
6. ShadowsEdge
7. Nuclear Gandhi
8. 2B55B5G TNG
9. Pqwerty
10. Grilyon2

Here is my contribution to the list. I cannot necessarily justify each placement over every other. For example, I don't necessarily think that Onjit is literally more suspicious than Big Bon Jovi when I have them in their spots for the same reason. However, these are just my honest first instinct placements.

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#387 2022-09-05 02:30:08

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Just a quick notice to everyone, I'll be reading the thread rn but I havent been able to see what's been going on since I was on vacation and my phone got waterlogged so I wasn't able to access this for the past day and a half

Gimme a moment to backread on stuff and I'll provide my thoughts

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#388 2022-09-05 02:31:40

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I've already explained most of my placements, but I'll explain the rest here:

Onjit strikes me as the kind of person who would pretend to not care about the game and to pretend to be an inactive so that the Mafia will leave him, only for him to go and hammer and save the town last m- actually maybe he and Jovi should be lower on my list. I guess place the both of them lower than Gandhi.

Buzz doesn't necessarily strike me as super suspicious. I don't like the way Elijah is treating this slot. However, I get the feeling that maybe there could be some meta knowledge there. There's some equity there if they do scum theater a lot, but I don't know them that well at all.

Edge is just... really meh? He's a null read for me and I am struggling to read him because he hasn't given us a lot at all. I wonder if there's scum motivation behind that or if he's just busy.

2B gives me the same vibes Gandhi does but with the added bonus of familiarity. Her posts to me have seemed like they come from a place of trying to solve the game. My only criticism is this; I'd like to see more progression. So, same with Gandhi, just a slight town lean.

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#389 2022-09-05 02:32:05

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Oh well that answers my thoughts on Shadow lmao, dude sorrry about your phone man

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#390 2022-09-05 02:41:39

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Why is MM on the top of your list?


#391 2022-09-05 03:14:33

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Ok so I made a compiled list of average reads. +1 for town +0 for null -1 for mafia, divided by the number of reads on that person.

1. 2B (1)
2. Gandhi (.66)
3. BB (.66)
4. Pqwerty (.625)
5. ShadowsEdge (.57)
6. Grilyon (0.5)
7. Mini (0.17)
8. MM (0.11)
9. Big Bon Jovi (0)
10. Onjit (-0.4)
11. Elijah (-0.66)



Wooted by: (2)

#392 2022-09-05 03:15:30

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

!vote Elijah


#393 2022-09-05 03:28:42

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

ElijahBaley wrote:
Marshmallow Marshall wrote:
Nuclear Gandhi wrote:

MM what you got against ShadowEdge?

Nothing. I was only mentioning that BuzzerBee is far from being particularly inactive, since Elijah said he did not buy that he was busy (which naturally leads to the conclusion that he scumreads him for inactivity).

2b55b5g wrote:

nothing is happening, so i went back and backread some pages, and honestly i haven't got a single clue on how to scumread anyone due to my confusion on this day (and partly also because im overwhelmed, like im not new to mafia but i rarely play serious mafia games or setups where a majority of people are VTs) //

so what im do instead is vote someone and see what happens

i dont feel comfortable voting BB cuz that vote from Gandhi is still really weird to me, and i do believe that BB is busy. i can vote Gandhi but i'd rather wait for an explanation for now since he seemed pretty towny to me on day 1.

however i'll vote Marshmallow for now, mainly because im a sheep (and also due to impulse because i want something to happen lol). several people have suspicion on him recently (Lumi, Elijah, Minimania), and while im still not entirely convinced since i really doubt a mafia would vote an anti-town role early in the game, i think the reasons for suspecting MM are fair. i also want to see his reaction to being voted, if theres any

!vote Marshmallow Marshall

ElijahBaley wrote:


is there a reason for getting them in this order btw?

The reasons to suspect me are fair? Okay then, answer this:

What are the reasons to suspect me? Because even I have a hard time seeing them xD. What makes you not just a massive sheep hopping on a mislynch here?

I did not scum read him for inactivity. I scum read him for saying he's busy. That is not the same thing. what I am saying here falls short of what I mean, if I was to be more precise, one of his posts gave me a feeling of fear and kinda just... laying low without being inactive? gives some quick reads, apologises saying he doesn't have time, leaves, promises to come back. tell me that doesn't sound scummy

Ehh, I do think it would be fair to let him defend himself now instead of shielding him myself. His activity disclaimer is the kind of thing I'd say as any alignment, though, so I'm not highly worried.

Pqwerty wrote:

Ok so I made a compiled list of average reads. +1 for town +0 for null -1 for mafia, divided by the number of reads on that person.

1. 2B (1)
2. Gandhi (.66)
3. BB (.66)
4. Pqwerty (.625)
5. ShadowsEdge (.57)
6. Grilyon (0.5)
7. Mini (0.17)
8. MM (0.11)
9. Big Bon Jovi (0)
10. Onjit (-0.4)
11. Elijah (-0.66)

Pqwerty wrote:
!vote Elijah

Is this like... scientific sheeping of the thread lmao?

Minimania wrote:

1. Marshmallow Marshall
2. ElijahBailey
3. Onjit
4. Big Bon Jovi
5. Buzzerbee
6. ShadowsEdge
7. Nuclear Gandhi
8. 2B55B5G TNG
9. Pqwerty
10. Grilyon2

Here is my contribution to the list. I cannot necessarily justify each placement over every other. For example, I don't necessarily think that Onjit is literally more suspicious than Big Bon Jovi when I have them in their spots for the same reason. However, these are just my honest first instinct placements.

I fail to comprehend how one could think I am teamed with Elijah - and that seems to be what you are implying here. Can you explain that bit?


#394 2022-09-05 03:29:40

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

I say we need to simplify. We have 2 Mischops until LYLO and if Elijah makes it to LYLO, the overall town read says he’ll probably get chopped. I think we need to put Elijah out of his misery and vote him today.


#395 2022-09-05 03:31:33

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Pqwerty wrote:

Why is MM on the top of your list?

I prefer MM here for a couple of reasons.

a. In the off chance Elijah is bussing a teammate, it would be more likely he set up MM to go after Buzzerbee because if Buzz flipped town, it would make it look like maybe eliminating MM wouldnt be such a good idea after all.
b. Im a bit suspicious of MM already as it is, with how they misrepresented everything I said yesterday at EoD, and took it upon himself to speak on Lumi's behalf. Just does not seem town motivated, or it's just ignorance.

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#396 2022-09-05 03:33:08

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Also I wouldn’t call it scientific sheeping. The hope is that we’ll get a more accurate opinion on everyone if we take in account everyone’s opinion. As in, hopefully the trusting opinions and paranoid opinions balance out and give us something accurate


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#397 2022-09-05 03:34:12

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

I fail to comprehend how one could think I am teamed with Elijah - and that seems to be what you are implying here. Can you explain that bit?

My theory on it is here. Basically, I would not be surprised if it was scum theater and he was just spewing you right now.

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#398 2022-09-05 03:36:05

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Hopefully I got that terminology right

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#399 2022-09-05 03:39:51

Marshmallow Marshall
Joined: 2022-07-06
Posts: 101

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Minimania wrote:

Nobody understands what I'm going for here.

My gameplan isn't to look and search for people who are Mafia. It's to look and search for people who are innocent. I said this multiple times yesterday, and I seriously don't appreciate being misrepresented.

I never once said I was going to post a readslist at eod yesterday. Where did I ever say that?

However, I did post some reads. Those reads being on Allen, Grilyon, and Pqwerty.

Why am I looking for innocent people?

1. I find it personally easier, mostly, for me to derive a list of suspects through process of elimination. If I compile a huge list of people I think are safe, then eventually it will be whittled down to just a couple of people. Ideally, those people are Mafia.

2. I'm far more statistically likely to be correct in an assumption that someone is town that an assumption that someone is Mafia. So I'm a lot more confident in making those reads. I will still push someone I think is Mafia if I'm reasonably confident, though.

I have new reads.

a. Pqwerty is lock-town to me. After their new post today and pondering on their words yesterday, I have come around and I think I trust them completely.

b. I do not entirely trust that Marshall is town. I told Lumi that we would talk today about everything I said yesterday at EoD (which I did above in this post).

Here, MM takes up Lumi's mantle, so to speak, on his own authority and demands that I provide my list of reads, particularly my scumreads. It's clear to me that he either does not understand my gameplan or hasn't even read any of the multiple posts I made outlining it at best, or is misrepresenting what I've said at worst and is looking to push me entirely because of it. Opportunistic.

c. I don't entirely trust that Elijah is town either. Something about the way they interacted with me yesterday pings me as off. They have me as 99% lock town, which seems like a bs made up figure. He is also hard-pressing MM at this current moment. This could be scum theater.

- Townhunting does not prevent one from scumhunting. Those are complementary, not mutually exclusive approaches.
- It is not opportunistic to ask you to provide the scumreads you were asked for by someone who got nightkilled. It is in fact the testimony of a sane mind lol.
- What is that "pondering" you speak of about Pqwerty's posts? You claim to have a thought process, but we don't see it. Perhaps it is very valid, genuine and obviously towny, perhaps it is fake. Hence, I would like to learn more about this (and I haven't seen the answer in your ISO, so unless I'm blind, it has remained rather unexplained).


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#400 2022-09-05 03:46:37

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,393

Re: Mafia 52 Game Thread (GAME OVER)

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

- Townhunting does not prevent one from scumhunting. Those are complementary, not mutually exclusive approaches.

I'd already explained my thoughts on this in the post you quoted. I stated that I will still push someone if I'm reasonably confident that they are Mafia, but that my main gameplan was to townhunt so that I can nail down suspects by process of elimination. Nowehere in that post did I say it was a mutually exclusive thing.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

- It is not opportunistic to ask you to provide the scumreads you were asked for by someone who got nightkilled. It is in fact the testimony of a sane mind lol.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

Well, tomorrow is now, old man

I shall carry Lumi's flame forward to victory and ask you to indeed give your reads - especially your scum ones. I read your ISO, and it's basically just you defending against Elijah without even really reaching a conclusion on him, afaik, apart from just calling him OMGUSsy.

I think I misinterpreted this post the first time I read it. When I first read it, I read it as opportunistic because I was under the impression you were saying that these were reads that I promised I would make. Now that I've read the post again, I rescind my comments made that this post was opportunistic.

Marshmallow Marshall wrote:

- What is that "pondering" you speak of about Pqwerty's posts? You claim to have a thought process, but we don't see it. Perhaps it is very valid, genuine and obviously towny, perhaps it is fake. Hence, I would like to learn more about this (and I haven't seen the answer in your ISO, so unless I'm blind, it has remained rather unexplained).

I don't necessarily feel comfortable explaining my thoughts on Pqwerty's role. I will provide my thoughts if he deems it okay to do so

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