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#51 2016-04-11 04:07:28

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: Moderation Of EE

Zoey2070 wrote:

okay so let's say there's a specific group of people that you're trying to avoid because they're annoying.


extreme lewdness and references to incest and assault also accidental forgotten censoring


"i am so tired of ee" part 3/???

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#52 2016-04-11 04:31:15

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Re: Moderation Of EE

Has anybody else noticed that the several people who actively break the rules are Master1's friends?


#53 2016-04-11 04:32:14

Joined: 2015-07-21
Posts: 1,957

Re: Moderation Of EE

N1KF wrote:

Has anybody else noticed that the several people who actively break the rules are Master1's friends?

i'm shocked that he hasn't banned me yet


#54 2016-04-11 04:39:26

From: France
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 820

Re: Moderation Of EE

We do need more moderators and to have nice kid-friendly chat again.
People can say whatever they want in pms but not publicly i agree.

SNTDcGF.png Trolls be in da place, mon ! SNTDcGF.png


#55 2016-04-11 05:45:39

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 42

Re: Moderation Of EE

The cluster funk of problems in this thread.

1. EE has a mute button & a world filter. If your word filter is on and you mute the bad people and report them you don't have to deal with those people at all. What they should add is an option that allows you disable chat or have it set to friends only so that you don't have to listen to the bad behavior or for parents, keep their kids from doing so. They have given you the tools on how you can avoid having to deal with people who are being obnoxious and rude. Could these tools be improved? Yea, I even gave a suggestion on what they could do to improve those tools. Relying on moderation to do their job properly and efficiently is a terrible mindset (although they should) and they know they aren't as good as they want it to be. That's why you have those tools provided for you in the first place. If you aren't going to use the tools provided for you then don't complain about this at all. Come back when those people still manage to find a way to still bother you even when you have taken those steps first. Even if the moderation & staff don't properly take care of said user, you still don't have to deal with them anymore unless they still manage to figure out a way then there is still a problem.
tl;dr just mute, report, ignore, and move on. That is your best solution.

2. Calling out users on here is bad mmmmk. Even if they are doing something bad IT'S NEVER OK to call someone out for their poor behavior which I see in the (poorly blurred out btw) pictures. Last time I recall part of the outrage on how Nou handled the Jawapa situation was how he shouldn't have called him out publicly on the forums for whatever he did in the first place. With Jawapa doing the same thing here by not blurring out (which didn't matter because I can still read most of the names and what was said) the bad users and pointing those people out isn't good way to handle the situation either. I don't care who these people are or what they did. Pointing fingers is not ok.

Creator of EE Shorts Series
(Picture made by Mawkm)


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#56 2016-04-11 06:23:43

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Moderation Of EE

exclusive chat from the man himself about the topic



#57 2016-04-11 06:48:04

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,110

Re: Moderation Of EE

Holy2334, my biggest concern here is that the rules are not being properly enforced by the staff. When the staff cannot agree on what is and what is not allowed, the entire structure of what is and what is not allowed becomes a vague, unorganized mess. Either use the current rules, or fix them.


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#58 2016-04-11 06:54:31

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,392

Re: Moderation Of EE

Master1: 1nsanity: ill sux ur *** for money

Ten out of ten moderation.

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


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#59 2016-04-11 07:08:25

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: Moderation Of EE

(lower quality bc it's from a video instead)

so this happened like, 45 minutes ago. in the world with the most online ppl.

real mature. yep. ok.
(also alt checking people just to make sure they're not taking screenshots of what you're saying in the most active world? in public chat? that's... kinda messed up yo)
(and also now i don't feel safe on ee anymore unless i'm using a vpn since apparently m1 would tell all his friends my alts even though i'm using the alts specifically to avoid them noticing me)
and yes, i do take screenshots of a lot of stuff which apparently works out well considering there's a consistent lack of, y'know, actual moderation going on. because, as you can tell, 1nsanity is still ban evading.

i could write a ton more about favoritism/double standards from the staff among other things but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i won't for now

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#60 2016-04-11 08:01:34, last edited by OrangeCrix (2016-04-11 08:40:09)

Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 266

Re: Moderation Of EE

Zoey: Your lack of a sense of humor is irritating. The only way to fight banter is with banter instead of sitting there taking a spit-roasting like a blow up rag doll pig.

You are going to fail on the internet if you can't take a beating once IN a while; think of this as an exercise.


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#61 2016-04-11 08:25:03

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: Moderation Of EE

OrangeCrix wrote:

Zoey: Your lack of a sense of humor is irritating. The only way to fight banter is with banter instead of sitting there taking a spit-roasting like a blow up rag doll pig.

You are going to fail on the internet if you can't take a beating once and a while; think of this as an exercise.

Okay, there's a bit of a difference between "once in a while" and actively avoiding actually playing ee, y'know, a game i've been playing for six years without any issue, so I don't get ridiculed. like, man, i ridicule myself enough. i don't need help.
And you know something funny? I've been in a lot of internet communities for the past ten years I've been using this internet handle and literally the only other place I've ever had any issue with was starcraft. but obviously i'm going to fail on the internet for... wanting rules to be followed? For wanting decent moderation? For wanting actual justice when wrongdoing is happening?

Just because I'm "lacking a sense of humor" does not mean that it's okay to completely allow your friends to break the rules. As for fighting back, maybe I like... i dunno, being nice? I actually kinda, y'know, feel bad when I'm rude to someone. i crossed a line (that ninja has 0 qualms with crossing) and felt guilty for several hours before apologizing. heaven forbid people are civil to each other on the internet. what a weird concept. not verbally abusing people.

It's nice to know that apparently the rules don't matter as long as you're friends with a mod.
oh wait i'm friends with proc and got ip banned for a week and threatened with a perma if i was caught evading. for wanting to see if a hacked client would let me cheat in a campaign. the tutorial campaign.

Hannah32 wrote:



Hannah32 wrote:

I find it slightly disturbing that you know my age

it's been mentioned several times by insan in worlds

23:10 < mirinn> also yes shes like 15...


so ye

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#62 2016-04-11 08:25:13

Joined: 2015-12-10
Posts: 104

Re: Moderation Of EE

I'm slightly disturbed that you know my age, Zoey.


#63 2016-04-11 09:28:08

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 318

Re: Moderation Of EE

You have some serious recovery issues, Jawapa. If you cared so much about this game, you wouldn't have stolen so much money form it, and therefore perhaps you could have been preventing the exact issues that you're complaining about, as you would have never been banned.

I'm not quite sure what you expect them to do. Hire more mods? Who then? You? Obviously not. There's a very simple solution to everything that you're trying to convey on this topic. World owners have full control over what is taking place in their worlds. If a world owner finds anyone to be a nuisance, they can use kicking or muting. Apart from that, if it hurts you to hear about sex and drugs, turn on censoring. You're on the internet, chap. The responsibility is only yours (and maybe your parents' too).


#64 2016-04-11 09:59:54

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: Moderation Of EE

Ben wrote:

If you cared so much about this game, you wouldn't have stolen so much money form it, and therefore perhaps you could have been preventing the exact issues that you're complaining about, as you would have never been banned.

That's actually pretty irrelevant. Jawapa is still a part of the community. Don't be rude. Jawapa's a bystander now. He's allowed to make posts here.
Also, y'know, Jawapa did have 1nsanity permabanned but that didn't really work so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ben wrote:

I'm not quite sure what you expect them to do. Hire more mods? Who then? You? Obviously not.

ah, yes, being more rude. idk. longer bans? actually enforcing the rules?

Ben wrote:

There's a very simple solution to everything that you're trying to convey on this topic. World owners have full control over what is taking place in their worlds. If a world owner finds anyone to be a nuisance, they can use kicking or muting.

World owners aren't always online in their worlds when people are online, y'know. You can't hold the world owner responsible.

Ben wrote:

Apart from that, if it hurts you to hear about sex and drugs, turn on censoring. You're on the internet, chap. The responsibility is only yours (and maybe your parents' too).

okay this might be out of line, but I very distinctly remember a report about this topic. So. um. If it hurts you to be called out, then... You're on the internet, chap. The responsibility is only yours.

Look. It personally doesn't bother me to hear about sex and drugs in a quiet, visfalsed world. What does bother me is when it's consistently in the one world in the lobby with 20 players. Players are most likely going to join the first world they see, and then they're going to see incredibly vulgar language that honestly has no place in ee. The censors don't cover everything. This is Everybody Edits, which is purported to be... y'know, family friendly.


Here's the rules from EE's site: [source]

  • Keep the chat safe for younger players.

  • In addition to above, do not create/send content that:

  • contains references to the use of drugs, sexual acts or violence.

  • contains swearing at others or bypasses the word filter.

  • incites harm against people or encourages others to do so.

Here's a breakdown of all the rules broken in the screenshots we have!

Hidden text

Maybe it's just me, but none of that seems very appropriate for a game that's supposed to be family friendly or otherwise has a large amount of children. Obviously nothing significant is being done because this has been going on for months now.

This topic isn't putting into question whether or not it's okay to say these things, it's putting into question the moderation (or lack thereof) of EE. If there IS moderation being done, it obviously isn't working.

So... something needs to change, and it probably isn't the people who are doing the reporting.

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#65 2016-04-11 10:05:01

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: Moderation Of EE

A lot of players are children who think they and their memes are funny.
Just because they think that doesn't mean we can all ignore the rules.
Apply the rules, these are also included in the "Terms and Conditions" that is being linked to in-game.

If players don't abide by the rules, report them to moderators.
If moderators don't abide by the rules, report them to the staff.
If the staff doesn't take action, point this out to them.

Moderators should not be afraid to apply week-long bans.
You may say: "But then we need to ban almost everyone..."
Then ban almost everyone!
After they got that week-long ban, they'll be more careful.
If they still break the rules, ban them for a month or a year.
Stop allowing players to break the rules.

It's fine if you think you and your memes are funny.
But if you break the rules, you get a ban.
Don't be lenient. We want a welcoming atmosphere.

And to the people who write that world-owners can take action.
Sure, they can, but that by itself isn't always sufficient.
Players should not break the rules, and moderators should take action if necessary.
And if you don't like the rules, contact the staff or write up a petition or something.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#66 2016-04-11 10:41:10, last edited by Kira (2016-04-11 10:44:56)


Re: Moderation Of EE

>Made by a former moderator who has broken the rules countless of times
>Always the same people active on this kind of thread (N1KF, Zoey, Jawapa = Experienced trouble makers)

Seriously people has to chill out, moderation in this game is perfect.
>Master1 is a player like everyone who wants to have fun with his friends (please don't tell me you use formal language while talking to your friends).

You want a welcoming atmosphere?
>Use Platform racing 2's moderation and everyone will be happy (sarcasm) = Break the rule one time and you're banned for 1 year or 1234 years depending on mod's mood.

You're saying you're trying to avoid people (M1's friends partially)
> Why don't you try to integrate instead of always going in conflict? Seriously 100% of our posts are sarcasm or jokes but you always take them seriously (Cup size for exemple).

Quick question: Are you guys hunting for drama to fill that satisfaction of yours?

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#67 2016-04-11 11:07:49

Joined: 2015-06-20
Posts: 847

Re: Moderation Of EE

And they still say they don't need more staff.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


#68 2016-04-11 12:44:23

From: The United States of America
Joined: 2015-07-15
Posts: 2,613

Re: Moderation Of EE

Eh, I see no change in EE without you. Then again we miss you.



#69 2016-04-11 13:15:21

Joined: 2015-02-17
Posts: 318

Re: Moderation Of EE

Zoey, you're missing the point. He's just throwing complaints at everyone instead of making ACTUAL SUGGESTIONS.

This entire topic practically serves as a comfortable platform to go "Oh, since I'm not a mod anymore but hold a grudge against you, I'm gonna make a huge drama". I bet he would have never made that topic if he were still a staff member.

How about proposing solutions? Idk, maybe have censoring automatically turned on when the owner is gone, or limit the chat traffic so that players wouldn't assemble in potentially non-child-safe worlds. Believe me, I want the best for this game, but what Jawapa attempted to achieve with this topic is absolute provocation.


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#70 2016-04-11 13:59:38

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 42

Re: Moderation Of EE

N1KF wrote:

Holy2334, my biggest concern here is that the rules are not being properly enforced by the staff. When the staff cannot agree on what is and what is not allowed, the entire structure of what is and what is not allowed becomes a vague, unorganized mess. Either use the current rules, or fix them.

I'm aware. It doesn't mean though that your experiences while playing EE has to be ruined by it. The moderation can be better here sure, but in the meantime you at least have some power in what you can do to take care of the situation yourself and by ignoring the bad users and encouraging good conversations with others will make a great impact in shaping the community for the better. Waiting and expecting someone to do it for you isn't going to solve anything.

Creator of EE Shorts Series
(Picture made by Mawkm)


#71 2016-04-11 14:04:30

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Moderation Of EE

Oh my god, this topic isn’t about JaWapa. It’s about the terrible moderation in the game. I’m tempted to warn people bringing that up for being off-topic. Disregard who posted this thread and just look at the message, and that message is right. The moderation in the game is awful. Sure, you can say to just mute or ignore the people perpetrating these bad vibes, but when whatever popular world at the time is full of R rated banter, even when there’s a moderator in the world, there is a problem.

I don’t play EE much anymore, but as a personal anecdote, when Onjit and I were working on our spring world, it quickly filled up with users who seemed to make it their purpose to make the chat as toxic as possible. Of course we just ended up kicking everybody in the world, but this shouldn’t even be a thing we have to deal with. An atmosphere like this is not welcoming at all. Even if it’s just sarcastic banter between friends, somebody who is completely out of the loop can join that world and find a hellhole of harassment and toxicity and be left with a bad taste in their mouth. It also leads to people not in or comfortable with the “joke” to catch some of the bullying, which is far from okay. This is not what the Everybody Edits community should be known for..

The obvious solution is to simply improve the moderation. I don't see how that's such a hard concept to grasp.

But I guess it doesn't matter since the game is going to die soon anyways.

aka towwl


#72 2016-04-11 16:49:06, last edited by Holy2334 (2016-04-11 16:50:24)

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 42

Re: Moderation Of EE

I still like the part where you guys are blaming the moderators for the toxic community yet at the same time promote the behavior by putting the trolls under the spotlight and giving them the attention they've wanted. The only way the community is going to get fixed is if the community itself fixes it. That is the end game. Moderators are just there to guide the users in the right direction ln making the community better. Even if they do a really crappy job at doing this you guys seem to know the right direction but refuse to point others in that same direction.

You guys can complain that the moderation is doing a bad job at moderating and I'm ok with that, but if you guys solely expect them to fix the community for you then you guys deserve the community you have now. I agree with what @ben said. Maybe if you guys spent that amount of time you've wasted complaining into something useful like solutions on how moderation can be better then the problem can be solved much faster.

Creator of EE Shorts Series
(Picture made by Mawkm)


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#73 2016-04-11 16:51:05

From: Where ever I need to be.
Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 637

Re: Moderation Of EE

Look, if the game doesn't die, we need another moderator. We can't survive with only one with a community this stinkin' bad.
You guys might not believe this, but once EE wasn't this bad. (Either that or my memory sucks) We can make it family friendly again, with more moderation.

Pretend I didn't exist until now

All hail me, the king of insensitive jerks

Woot if you hate me


#74 2016-04-11 16:52:19


Re: Moderation Of EE

Holy2334 wrote:

I still like the part where you guys are blaming the moderators for the toxic community yet at the same time promote the behavior by putting the trolls under the spotlight and giving them the attention they've wanted. The only way the community is going to get fixed is if the community itself fixes it. That is the end game. Moderators are just there to guide the users in the right direction ln making the community better. Even if they do a really crappy job at doing this you guys seem to know the right direction but refuse to point others in that same direction.

You guys can complain that the moderation is doing a bad job at moderating and I'm ok with that, but if you guys solely expect them to fix the community for you then you guys deserve the community you have now. I agree with what @ben said. Maybe if you guys spent that amount of time you've wasted complaining into something useful like solutions on how moderation can be better then the problem can be solved much faster.

What solutions do you propose the community puts into action?

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#75 2016-04-11 16:58:41, last edited by XxAtillaxX (2016-04-11 16:59:30)

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Moderation Of EE

There should be a mature option wherein people can talk freely with their mature friends in chat, rather than getting banned by the fun police.
Harassment can and should be dealt with by muting first, and if that doesn't work the first time, mod intervention.
Not everything has to be solved with banning.

*u stinky*


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