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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Last contest I did a critique of each submission and was asked to do it again this time, so here it is //

First off I want to say that these are JUST my own personal opinions. Each level got a five second glance. If you disagree with what Ive written, feel free to post and we can get others opinions on it.

How I reviewed:
First I looked for originality
Second I look for artistic features (shading, being 3D, shadows etc)

To find your level: Use Ctrl + f to search your team number (I am only doing backup team reviews on request). This time I looked at the person's name and if I knew you and your artistic abilities, I held you to that standard.

Remember, this is JUST the art and mostly just what I think you can improve on the art.   This has nothing to do with minigames in the levels.

Also, I apologize for the horrible misspellings and typos and whatnot. Because this was just a quick review, I decided to not waste my carpal tunnel on it.

DQ/Blank/Not loaded wrote:

2. EE smilies were the only apparent art in this level. DQ

21. Blank

100. EE smilies makes this DQ. I like the roofing on your house though. nice detail.

133. Your level only contained EE sprites so thats a DQ.

148. no link

156. Smiley sprites = DQ.

158. The rules said no smilies, so this is DQ. I like your volcano though. I wish it had more shading and hat the path   through the volcano werent obvious.

Lacking   art to critique wrote:

31. There was no art. It was just grey with a path cut into it,...

35. Its a racetrack? I like the outline pattern.

122. Nublet you didnt do much art // I like the   beginning though, looks good. I gave your minis a go too, but got stuck at the double jump //
178. Sorry you couldn't finish the contest, better luck next time // Cute stick figure people though.


6. I've given you feedback on this before but I figured I could give more. This looks good over all. I loooove the stem and the graves. Also your tree. Go teach other people to make trees. I would want your pumpkin's grooves to be darker, with shadows.

20. Aah, large gravestones. And one in the process of being broken? I think you could have made this look more 3D with shading or like a cemetary. Also, I dislike letters and words. Yes we know it is 100% tested, or at least we hope so... its a contest entry.

23. AAH ITS A PUMPKIN. Looks nice.. the smile and the eyes, but clearly unfinished. To bad, I wouldhave loved to see the shading of the pumpkin itself.

26. First I saw this and thought "oh neat" and then I saw the with and the earth and was like "huh?" and then I saw the second earth nd the moon with a tree on it, and was like "wtf". Makes me think of wicked, and overall looks good, but your pumpkins need some sort of shading, Make a light source and stick with it.

36. Cute pumpkin, but why did you use yellow blocks and not orange? I like your spider in the corner, it looks nice and creepy, but your bones seem so sparse, like they are a balancing stack instead of a pile. There are probably minis in there, but you could have used background blocks. Cute witch too, you seem to be better at smaller art, so just do a lot of smaller art in the future.

59. Oooh! That is exactly what my pumpkins look like a week after halloween! Oh wow beautiful. Shading too. I only wish that you had done a scene and not just a large pumpkin. The trees look nice too. Honestly, just keep doing EE art and you will get to a competative level.

61. While you had neitehr pumpkin nor gravestones, I figured it goes in this section since it has only really a fence here. It is a beautifully detailed fence, but I feel like I am missing something. Why is there a large grey undetailed block with yellow spots to the right? And is that a mini skeleton on the fence? I love the tree, but dont forget a light source!

70. Eep a large spiderweb. What you have here is very nice, and I absolutely love the ghost, but why pick this as your concept? I feel like you could hve delved so much deeper if you went with the shadow concept and your art would have been more styled to your abilities.

82. Your art needs some depth. Try addin shading. I like that a tower is leaning over, but make sure the perspective is taken into account.

86. I love your clouds and moon! Very nice job. And those weeping willow trees, beauiful. I like what you have done to the spider, but again, it loosk too asymetrycal to be real. Perhaps some shading on the bodypart would have made it look thicker as well.

105. I like your concept overall and I loooove the pumpkin and his witches hat, but wonder about your castle. I would want it to be more 3D. Also, I'm not sure if you didn't get to finish, or if the sky just cut off on purpose, but perhaps next time make it a smoother transition.

107. Your art is so unique. I love the constrast and the style seems like you are cutting paper out to use it as colors. I would have liked more shading and coloring though. Perhaps some light sources.

117. oooh I am really loving your ghosts and your topsoil pattern, but if your main aspect of art in the level is the lighthouse, why not make it more detailed or shaded?

125. MOON o_o MOOOOON O_O MOO_OON. so distracting. So big. So beautiful! such nice shading around it too! I love the moon, and love the light house, but I feel like you could have done a different pattern in the dirt to make it flow better with the castle. Very nice castle btw, I would have added another wall on the far left to make it look more 3D though.

129. very nice large house. I would have loved to see you try to add some shading for the house part, or perhaps make the roof a different color. The sun and the gate look very nice and detailed, try that pattern elsewhere for the best effect //

135. I hope your number is 135 (Maybe it is 136?), it wasn't really clear on the list. Anyways wow, you really did a good job of using up the space in the great world. I only wish that it could flow better or have a cohesive concept. Really loving your contrasting of dark and light, but I wonder why there are two moons..? Perhaps having a scene or some clear distinction between the pieces would have amde this clearer

138. Well, your level seems to have a lot going on.. its hard to separate what is there. I don't really see a cohesive art concept at all in the level.

143. Cute concept and that ghost is adorable, but I wonder if you could have added more. This level is mostly black, and that moon is so bright that there should be more shading and shadows. I do like the coloring around the moon though.

When I say EE style art, I usually mean some sort of layered, cut-out, or level that has been carved out for minis clearly or a 3D image cut down into 2D. Not bad, but not spectacular.

typical EEstyle art wrote:

4. EE style house and mountain. I wonder about your bat and your dragon. If you can do that style art, why not do it for the entire level? Or was that part copied/a sprite?   I might put this in DQ

9. I looove the style of art you used for your lettering, but your house is lacking. I se eyou did detailing, but it needs to be clearer. If you are going to squish a 3D image into 2D, you should make it look 3D, or pick another object

11. I like your moon and your concept, but it is so blue... why so much sky? You had so much room to make the hosue bigger, why not use it? Or add in other features than jsut stars.

14. verall it looks good, but there was so much soace to be used, and it looks like you only used some of it. The castle looks nice, but could have more shading. Also your pumkin is kinda just floating there... and should be shaded too.

16.   Ooh gruesome! Overall it looks good, but you could have expanded the house to make it more detailed. Locing the lightening, what pattern of blocks did you use? Your house could have been made more 3D as well.

19. Oooh castle. the outline of the castle looks great, but if you can do that, you can add more detail and make it look more 3D. nice layering of dirt though.

28. Your house looks flat, you need to make it look more 3D. Google picures of houses to see. Also, trees that have that many branches would be covered in pine needles.

29. Nice drawing, I like the concept of the art, but you need to make things be more 3D and have more contrast. use google as a reference.

32. You took the normal ee art style of layering, but put a nice spin on it. the bg blocks helped too I see. I like your pumpkins, but if they werent orange I would have thought that they were apples. I like how everything above ground is see through on the minimap above gorund though. I like the shading, but would prefer if you had either more objects or the ones you had were larger.

39. Another 3D house flattened onto the 2D plane. I like the tree near the bottom, but this level is less art and more minis.

44. Ooooh all that space at the top // Wasted. You could have made the house bigger, or done something there. Also, your house needs to either be shaded or look more 3D. I am LOVING the wolf though. Amazing, can I get a closeup screenie of it? I'm not as good at small art and you did such a good job with it.

47. I like how you tried to make the house 3D, but for some reason, the bat with the wings cut off jsut made it look strange instead. Is that bat a sprite? DQ...? And your moon is not a circle. Theres a circle guide online, use it in the future. Nice eyes though. And the smoke was layered nicely too.

54. I like your concepts but you need help with execution. I get a "mario" theme feel from this, and EE can be so much more than that. I love that you tried to make your house 3D, but don't forget to take into account a light source while shading. Also, your pumkpin needs shading or needs to be more pumpkin shaped or something... its just kinda hanging there.

55. I love how you tried to make your house 3D, but remember perspective lines! If the roof is at an angle, the sides of the walls should be at an angle. Also, establish a light source. Cute pumpkins though, I love their shading. And I would love to see those lights upclose

56. I like how you did your cutaway for your castle, but the majority ofyour art could do with some shading and purposeful coloring. Its nice to have random coloring in the dirt, but dirt doesnt look like that irl. Cute witches though.

57. I have one question for you. Why is your castle smaller than your house? Cute theme overall but make sure to add in some shading. That house is adorable, did you make that?

60. I can't tell if I am missing something or it is supposedto be only half there and very small. I looove the detailing on your roof and house, but wonder why the roof is made of bricks! Very cute overall, but I would have prefered to see the whole 3D image isntead of just a small snapshot of art.

62. Beautiful clouds and landscape and everything but the house thing is just so flat! You did such a nice job detailing it made me sad to see jsut a flat cut out there. Liking the concept btw, but make sure your light source is more obvious with shadows

66. Beautiful night sky, and I can tell your minis are very detailed, but what about making yor house look more 3D? Your pumpkin looks nice, but he seems only one color and could use shading.

67. Ooo, very nice. I love the towers and the witches, such fine detailing and a good attempt at shading, but the walls of the castlething are so thin I feel like I could knock it over. Try to make it look more 3D. Nice haunted tree.

71. That moon. Is. So. Beautiful. Who drew that? Come draw one for me. I like your overall concept, but you guys can do better than this style of art. Cliffs are easy to make and a typical ee-style art, break out of the box and do something new! You could have kept the concept and done something more detailed or show off your art more instead of the random-colored dirt patches.

72. Torn as to which category to put this in. Those hills... beautiful. The trees? Need work. You guys can make better trees than those ones, I mean that tree branch would barely support itself. I love the cat though. The hosue looks awesome as a frontview, but where is the depth? And that path doesn't fit with the perspective of the hill.

79. Amg nubs.... Everything looks amazing, the ground detail, the slime, the fire, the lightening, the chandelier... but your house is 2D! Houses are not 2D. otherwise, you could have   a glow to your chandelier for effect. Really loving everythign udnerground though, kudos.

83. Nice house, cute witch and trees and that ghost is adorable, but you really need more depth. Add some shading and contrast to show what is in front and what is behind nd what is round and what is flat, etc.

84. very nice depth with the kills and at the bottom. I also like whatever that green plant thing in the top right is. Your house needs some more depth though, perhaps adding shading or a light source would help.

87. I am loving the concept and the dark overtone of the level. I would like more variety of blue in the sky though. Also, is it raining underground? O_o That body is creepy, I would have liked some more contrast with him so I could have seen him better but beggers cant be choosers. Also, I cant tell if your tree has minis in it or not. If not, it should be shaded more to make it rounder.

90. Oooh you have done shading and it looks great. But... where is your light source? Your trees imply it is to the left, but other thigs say it is to the right. Make sur eyou are consistent. Overall it looks great, but the sky could have been varied instead of just brown.

94. Cute concept overall but I feel like you could have added more detail and shading. Also, I typically dislike words. I would hope that the level is 100% possible if it is being submitted as a contest.

99. I really like your ground, but your house looks paper thin and could use more depth. Also, I wonde about that tree. Does it have a disease? // jk. Loving the pattern on the moon though, and that water looks beautiful.

102. Your house is nice and detailed, but why not make it look more 3D? Also, I love the zombie, but he i no proportional to the house. The spider is adorable though. Im sorry I just cant stop looking at the lightening and thinking "those look like nazi symbols"

110. Ooh very nice concept and overall art. I am loving that house! You made it 3D // Great. I would only change a few things, including some windows perhaps and the graves on the bottom right seem like they are inside the wall instead of next to it. I also love that green monster thing. And do your witches have huge birds on their heads? O_o

119. Ieee, I love your little pumpkins in the beginning. I will say one thing about the fog, they didnt really work as well with the background blocks there, sorry. The moon looks nice, as do the monsters and such, but your houses need to be more 3D and you should use google as a guideline for drawing trees.

127. oooh creepy smile in the air, nice. I like your concept overall, but would have liked it more if the house/castle were more 3D or had more depth to it.

130. I absolutely love the clouds in the upper left corner. the outline fo your house and your concept are very nicely done, but it is clearly just flattened. Also, I think you need to google lightening to see what actual lightening looks like.

134. Ooh, very interesting concept for a level but I would have liked more details. The houses could be fleshed out more to look more 3D and the trees could have more branches (google trees for comparison) I like that you outlined thigns in a darker blue as it shows nice contrast, but wished you had done it for the whole level.

137. I am really loving your concept but feel like a few tweaks would be needed to make this better. I would suggest adding shading and having a strong light source so you can see the shading. Also, I like your moon, but you could have made it more spherical.Cute trees though.

139. Oooh I loooove the sky! I would have wished the layers were more spread out though. Looks great. The house front looks nice too, especialy the roof, but remember, houses are not 2D, and you need to add shadows or shading to depict that. Oh and cute fence.

144. Ooh very interesting and overall it looks great. The clouds look adorable and the ghosts are spoooky. Nice use of background blocks too. You even did shading ,yay. But that house/castle... its just so 2D // It needs more flair and more 3D effects.

145. This level makes me think of "jump jump jump" actually. I like the concept and the small details. Those pumpkins are awesome and that moon is cute. I would have liked for the hosues to be mroe fleshed out and 3D though. Also, your art is beautiful and petite, why not reduce the sky next time (just use black blocks) and use the space you are good at without feelign like you have to fill it up.
149. The art in your level was based mostly on the house. and while you did a nice job with the floors of the house, I think you need to focus on making the house look more realistic or at least less 2D. I like the concept of the broken bridge though, but think about perspective. Hoe huge would that house have to be if the bridge were that small? Is that reasonable size-wise?

150. Oooh spooky. I am really loving your concept, but wishig you made everything a little bit bigger so I could see more details. That moon, for example, ooks positively gruesome, but wouldn't it be better if it were a larger part of the picture? Otherwise it looks nice, but needs more depth. Note shadows and shading.

151.I don't think I really understand the title or how this is depicting the day before halloween. I think the ghosts and that alien are cute, but feel like I would have wanted more detail in your castle and for you to flsh them out and add shading.

152. I like your concept but wish that it had more detail or there were more specific objects in this scene for me to look at. The large black space seems to just take up unnecessary room, why not use a "massive" world instead? Also, you can make your objects have shading to make them more 3D
161. Nice concept and contrast, I like it, but I feel like you need to flesh out your ideas more. Use google or objects around you as a reference when drawing an think about adding in shading and shadows to improve your work.

167. Nice concept but i wish that your objects were more fleshed out and had contrast with shading so I can see their shape. Also, do you realise your objects are floating in the sky?

168. While there wasnt much art in here, what was there was nice, I like how you shaded the boxes for your minis as it made it look more artistic. The batts are adorable, I would have prefered if you had a level full of those cute things. I personally dislike letters in my worlds and I feel like the pumpkin could have had a biut more contrast, but overall it looked nice.

170. I like how it started out all bright and happy and then I opened the mini map and aaah. I do wis that your buildings had more depth to them though. I love the monsters underground but wish that they were larger or had more details.

184. Haha, it is a ghost juggling balls! How cute. But wait... are those hook jumps I see next to the ghost with the lamp? =O EGADS. Anwyays, the castle house tihng looks cute and you did the falling window wonderfully, but I would have loved more contrast. This picure looks like it all blends together, but I wish some thigns stood out to see better. Nice water.

196. Eeeek, living potatoes?!?!?! Wait... arent they part of a plant and therefore living? Anyways, cute art and great concept. I would have liked to see some elements made larger so I can see it better. Also, you seem to mix styles of art. For example, the house is 2D but some objects inside are 3D. Also, I would suggest that you steer toward cohesive art rather than block minis like rooms in a house.

200. My final review. I absolutely love the castle. To the point where I think you should talk about how you made it look 3D because a lot of people had a hard time withthat. I also like the pattern on the cliff, it looks nice. I dislike the words in the level, as a personal preference, and I'm not sure what to think about the grass. The grass looks intentionally "cut out" but it doesn't flow with the rest of the piece. Nice graveyard too but I owuld have liked a closeup of a zombie (I think thats what they are)

Simple but strong wrote:

8. Made me smile when I saw this. I have played this game before and this was nice and simple but beautifully done. I'm wondering how halloweeny it is though. I wouldnt make too many changes knowing the style you are going for, but I would delete the words.

34. Nice and simple concept and great perspective.   I can really see that house moving! I like the fence, and owuld like to see it up close. I would have changed the ghost though. I cant tell if he isnt shaded enough or just not enough detail. Neat font, even though I dislike writing in levels.

73. Nomnomnom slime. I usually dislike words in the level, but this works. I love the slime concept and you did it really well. I know youand I talked about this before, and you ended up doing a good job of showing movement and flow at the bottom ,but I just feel like somehow it could have had ripples or something... sigh, maybe in another life, eh? Amazing windows btw.

Nicely done, needs improvements wrote:

1. ee style castle but beautiful detail outside. I absolutely love your sky. I would change the lighting on the mountains, especially because the lightening looks so close.   Also that tree... I need to do a tree tutorial or soemthing for EE

3. Nicely done EE style house with a twist! It is actually 3D while remaining see-through, good job. Loving the windows, would love to see them up close. I would change the ground around the house, it either needs to be grassy or not, but right now the angle   of the house doesnt match the grass

5. Took me forever to find a spot to stand so I could see your map! Anwaysy, I love it overall, great attempt at persepctive changes and your house looks awesome, nice and 3D. I would double check what punpkins look like on google though, yours has too many crinkles for a normal pumpkin

12. Oooh excellent attempt at perspective, though I wonder what that random hole in the house roof is. You did well overall, but that sign on the other side of the road is off kilter. Also, your wooden fence could have been accented a bit more for contrast

33. Loving the spiderweb in the corner and the trees, but the skull and the house are normal 3D objects flattened into 2D. I know the BG blocks made this difficult, but even ebfore they were added, you could have fleshed out the sides of the house. The roof does a good job making it 3D but otherwise it looks as thin as paper. Also, some of those branches could no be supported, I wonder what minis are in there, and if you could add more blocks to show realistic support. Cute eyes in the forest though

65. Yes I am doing my own level. I love the moon, star you did a great job with that. I also like scream, one of my fave paintings. Dying child looks great overall, but his legs are still too short XD. I love the concept overall, nice and gruesome, but theres a buncha black space in the top right corner that could have been used. Nice blending ofstyles from the srtists though, and you were able to make a cutaway look 3D, bravo.

68. Oh smitty, what happened? What is done looks amazing, but it looks only half done and I don't know what to make ofit. I love your "cut out art" style, and will have to try it myself, but there is so much blank space and I feel sad that it is incomplete. Please let me know if you finish, I would love to see it done.

74. Nicely executed use of bg blocks, but why do your houses have white outlines. Do houses where you live have a white outline around them? // I would also make the houses more 3D. Amazing job with the light coming out of th doors though.I love the concept overall, and you did a nice job shading, but it seems too flat for me. Oh, and why is the light source on the tree the opposite of the moon? The moon should be your light source. =P

78. Ooooh, beautiful. Mmm. Overall it looks great. In terms of detailing, your next step would be to focus on shading and your light source. Remember, the light even touches the ground. You did a great job with the castle looking 3D, but I wodner why it chages colors so drastically. Also, the ground looks great, but I wonder if you could have done minis elsewhere and left it looksing smoother. Keep going in terms of art though. //

91. I will be rating your other level, not the one you submitted. Overall I am impressed by the level, especially knowing what went into it. My main beef is that it looks like a puzzle not quite put together. Evem knowing about the spirit world element, it seems so piecy. Maybe it is because it is clear to my eyes that this was done by several artists and not one, or maybe it is because some elements are not 3D enough for my own preferences, who knows.

115. As I said before, it reminds me of beauty and the beast! Haha. It looks great, perspective is great and I love the window reflection on the floor. A few things. I mentioned before about that torch chilling there. I didnt know it was supposed to be on the floor, so a shadow would have helped. Also, the stairs look wonderful, but take into account the perspective. Even if you are looking straight on, your stairs will seem to get smaller as they get closer to your vanishing point. Looks great though. Those bricks mustve taken forever.

116. Woah... psychedelic... mindblown. I dont even know what to make of this level. Its so bright and confusing. nice eyeball and swirly thing, and neat skulls, but I cant stop staring at those bright spiders.

132. Oh very nice. I love the house and how you made it look 3D! Beautiful and bravo. Note how the house sits on the hill   though and be careful of perspective. If you are looking down on the house, you are looking down on the hill too, and therefore should see some more grass //

142. I only wish you hadn't put the words in there, but that is jsut a personal preferece. Overall this is beautiful. I love the fabric of the clothes and the shading and the houses and the light. Wow, very nice. Now, this feedback here may simply be against your personal style. I personally would have either made the pumpkins yellowish or orangish. You have an orange outline and yellow inside, and I think it would have flowed better if it were one color. Also, the stars look nice, but why are they so large, and how is there a star in front of the buildings? =P It looks great though, keep going.

146. I am torn by this level because I saw how neat it looked before bg blocks were released. It still looks great though and you have many aspects that are beautiful. I love the houses that look 3D and the slime water looks awesome, especially under the island, really great. There is something off about the tree, but I am not sure what it is... hm. The branches look fine, but the trunk looks too flat hrm... maybe something to do with shading or shadows. Overall good, but I prefer levels without words in them.

171. Ooooh I just love it. That monster? Awesome. Amaaaazing job at the perspective on him. Love it. I also like how you made the house 3D. Really great. I would work on the moon, it looks more like a UFO to me because it blends with the clouds. The tree looks good in terms of branches, but don't forget the tiny branches that are on trees too. And children. I love their costumes but I feel like their faces are not quite right. I'll be hoenst with you, I can't draw people and am even worse at faces so this looks great and I can't give advice to help, but something just seems off.

192. ooooh nice. I am really loving the art here. You made the castle looks 3D even though it was cut through! Excellent and just what I was looking for. I will say one thing though, your pumpkins need to pick a style. It looks like many different people did many different styles. It is okay to have slightly different styles, but a pumpkin is a pumpkin and they should be similar at least. My favorite one is the pumpkin to the far right, but would have liked more shading in the stem. You did a nice job overall though.

193. I relaly like the concet but I feel as if some parts are lacking. Your rock formations overall look great, but there are sloughs of color with little to no variation or shading. For example, the lake. It has a small reflection in it. That reflection looks really really good, but the edges of the lake don't get darker like a normal lake area would becuase of shadows or shallow. Very nice green light too, but don't forget where the light source is comign from. If it is coming from below, then the tops of rocks shouldnt have a green glow on them.

Art at a competitive level wrote:

13. Excellent. MG crew has really improved. Who was in charge of the art? Also, if you have the progession, I would love to see it. Overall is awesome. Good shading, good coloring, even good contrast. I would change the witch in the moon. Proportionally, it is off. Also, I know it is alcatraz, but that island isn't known for its hauntings, but rather being a badass place. So if it were a baddass theme, you would win.

24. I looked at this from right to left. And went oooooooooooh oooohhhhhhhh OOOHHHH ...oh. Aw. So close! It was great. You even did trees right dammit! But that church. That church is not with the perspective!!! Aaaah everything else is soooo beautiful, but I cant take my eyes off of the bland church with no shading. Looks like a cut out // Amazing moon btw, which of you did it? I assume you used a reference for the craters as it looks accurate. Also, your reaper's dress looks odd in the front... cant tell why though.

27. Treejoe, I do love your art. I think you should do a grass tutorial. Two things. Your ground level and horizon are inconsistant. also, there is no way that pumpkin could fit on that guys head unless his head were the size of Beaker's. And if it were supposed to be a pumpkinman, why is his skin pink?   Loving the brick pattern though.
92. If art could feed, I would be full. Mmm beautiful. The tent is awesome, 3D, beautifully shaded and everything. That green aura? Very nicely done, I would have loved to see what you could have done if bg blocks were released earlier. Oh and that moon/tree? Awesome. A few suggestions... clouds. Upper left cloud looks goood, but upper right cloud looks like it doesnt fit in that sky. maybe it is too thick or it doesnt fade like the others, but something needs to be changed. Oh and why the word "win"? // makes me sad to see words where they are not needed. Nice van btw //

166. Rawr, who be you and why have I not heard of you before. Please introduce me to your artist I would love to talk to them about art // I love the shading and the lighting of the bottom, but the further up we get, the more distorted it gets with the minis, perhaps make the minis incorporate with the art more. Also, why don't you create art a lot? It is quite beautiful

198. Ah yes, I love finding gems like this in contest. They are so unexpected and just when I am about to give up on art I see something like this. Beautiful. Why havent I heard of you before. Please introduce yourself to me. I loooove yout lighting, and your shadows and the skeleton eew. Oh and that blood from the ceiling? nice. Changes would probably be with the floor. Other than the shadows, it appears to be all one color and it should be lighter around the area near the wall where the lights are. Also, the stool's shadow... is off a bit. The light that sould affect it the most is the one on the left, yet the shadow is leaning toward the left instead of the right. Also, I'm not sure what that thing coming out of the wall is, it could be clearer. Love the wall pattern though, really good.

Last edited by BEE (Nov 8 2011 7:50:30 pm)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#2 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

5. Took me forever to find a spot to stand so I could see your map! Anwaysy, I love it overall, great attempt at persepctive changes and your house looks awesome, nice and 3D. I would double check what pumpkins look like on google though, yours has too many crinkles for a normal pumpkin

I am so glad to hear that! See what happened with the pumpkin is we couldn't decide what we wanted it to look like, so we both tried using our own designs then Esox was like "Well let's combine them." I won't defame him, because it's decent pumpkin attempt (especially considering how few shades of orange EE has) but I do agree it could have been better. But as for the rest of the review it's nice to hear a good review from you. Thanks!

EDIT: Also our art was created to fit minigames in it, that's why it's not the typical "mural" type level.

Last edited by Calicara (Nov 8 2011 8:06:30 pm)

#3 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Oh wow nice work Bee.

Really helpfull //

Also will this be used for mustangs judging?

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

I assume that mustangs judging will either be point value based or discussion based. Since these are my opinions and mustang has asked me to be a part of the unofficial judge, these ratings will be similar to my ratings on art for mustang's unofficial judging.

Edit: Yes failgirl, I talked to esox yesterday about the pumpkin =P I am pleased with how your art abilities are growing, honestly just keep it up and you will go far //

Last edited by BEE (Nov 8 2011 8:05:32 pm)

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#5 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Thanks for your review on #13 Mg crew's level. We will try to change the witch, but we cant change our idea. Its still a creepy place we turned it into. We added blood and stuff everywhere to make it a little scarier, but we did try our hardest. Thank you again.

#6 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Oh, and for the curious, it took me a total of 6 hours to rate and type up the level information. Not including the two hours I was forced to play minis last night by eph and Zacoist =P

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#7 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

BEE wrote:

I assume that mustangs judging will either be point value based or discussion based. Since these are my opinions and mustang has asked me to be a part of the unofficial judge, these ratings will be similar to my ratings on art for mustang's unofficial judging.


Also 6 hours, wow...

#8 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

BEE wrote:

Oh, and for the curious, it took me a total of 6 hours to rate and type up the level information. Not including the two hours I was forced to play minis last night by eph and Zacoist =P

:3 Your welcome. //

#9 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Appreciate the feedback on our level, (79) but 3D elements were not added because we didnt want to obsess with art but rather do minigames.

#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

I know Drock, but I obsess with art, as you probably know (=P), so it is disappointing to me when I know people don't meet their potential. //

And 6 hours is not that long. Think about the judges who will have to look at the art and play the minigames.

Last edited by BEE (Nov 8 2011 8:22:24 pm)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#11 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Can you critique the back up team "Evil Smilies"?

#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,810

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

I appreciate the feedback on the map (6 Pumpkin Grave Fright) I will darken the lines when the judging is over I promise and I also promise to add shadows. I also read that you want me to teach others to make trees like that I will try to teach others in EE about the tree but I didn't make the outside of it I just shaded but added and tweaked a few branches.


SHwZksb.png  Thanks Bobithan for the sig, love it <3  5d16ccdd4a.png e62a2a5b45.png "You will never know how valuable a thing or a person is...until its not with you anymore, then you`ll regret..."


#13 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Just wondering, but why would 3D houses make mine so much better? (119)

#14 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Why did you not check the backups? After all, around 80% of the 200 people didn't submit their levels.

#15 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

GKAbyss wrote:

Can you critique the back up team "Evil Smilies"?

My first impression was that this was very nice, you did a good job with the constrast and general shading. A few things, your tree trunks seem uniform and in a row, perhaps make some lighter and some darker to signify that they are at varied distances in the forst. You did a few like that, but the ones up front   need more variation. Whether that is the moon or the sun I don't know, but it looks epic. I also love the skeleton, especially because I know they are so hard to make 3D. And everything here is 3D except the castle, why not the castle? You could have added an angled side view to make it look thicker. You have the contrast so bravo. Overall nice.

Muffin wrote:

Just wondering, but why would 3D houses make mine so much better? (119)

Because right now they look like drawings of houses. Do you want your houses to look like drawings of houses or actual houses?

main_gi wrote:

Why did you not check the backups? After all, around 80% of the 200 people didn't submit their levels.

I am going on the assumption that the majority of the levels I reviewed will not even see this critique in the first place. Why waste my time? I am doing this for free, with no reason other than improving art in the world for young artists. In the future I may not even waste 6 hours on a contest and have people request evaluations instead, if I do it at all.

Last edited by BEE (Nov 8 2011 8:50:21 pm)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#16 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

BEE wrote:
GKAbyss wrote:

Can you critique the back up team "Evil Smilies"?

My first impression was that this was very nice, you did a good job with the constrast and general shading. A few things, your tree trunks seem uniform and in a row, perhaps make some lighter and some darker to signify that they are at varied distances in the forst. You did a few like that, but the ones up front   need more variation. Whether that is the moon or the sun I don't know, but it looks epic. I also love the skeleton, especially because I know they are so hard to make 3D. And everything here is 3D except the castle, why not the castle? You could have added an angled side view to make it look thicker. You have the contrast so bravo. Overall nice.

Thanks for the help on the trees, I thought they looked like they needed more shading or something but I wasn't sure what it was. I originally just wanted to make an orange moon, but there isn't/wasn't enough shades of orange to do it, so instead I tried red bc someone was trying it earlier w/the moon, and it looked neat so I left it like that XP. With the castle, I noticed that it was a lot worse than other castles and that it could use more shading in the backgrounds to make it look more like a castle and that the walls needed to be thicker to add more shading( actually a team member said this[about the walls being thicker] but I hadn't thought it was a priority, and when I realized that it would help, I wasn't able to do much about it, plus I didn't know how to make it look better.). Anyway thanks for reviewing it. DPffn.png

#17 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

I must say, I'm troubled by your complete disregard of "in-game" art vs. minimap art.   I can understand focusing just on minimap art for this critique, but I certainly hope you will not only count the minimap art when you judge.

#18 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Well, for number 90, the light source was the moon. The shading was supposed to be from all around actually, XD.

I shouldn't have done that though, too many people would not catch it. :/

Oh well, at least you thought it was good. Thanks for the hard work Bee!

#19 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

MIHB, considering how my skill level is so lacking that I am typically unable to even get past the beginning of most levels, my judging will be on minimap art. That's why there is more than one judge.

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#20 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 3,281

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

The whole depth thing I had trouble with and ended up failing miserably   that's why there's no depth. Also you forgot the t in beautiful ;p.

Last edited by Cola1 (Nov 8 2011 10:35:56 pm)



#21 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

I forgot to ask last time so here I am. What is your opinion on the black creatures in failgirl and my map.


Pros: The black creatures are like phantoms. Depending on their location, they will appear or disappear, but their ominous red eyes linger. They help contribute to the otherworldly effect.

Cons: They are very 2D compared to the rest of the map. Most of the time, all of   the black creatures can't be seen. Therefore the map may appear too empty at times.

My question to you is, "Which predominate? The pros or the cons?"

Last edited by Pike270 (Nov 8 2011 10:38:27 pm)

#22 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 837

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Bee, amazing again, all I can say // A M A Z I N G

24. "I looked at this from right to left. And went oooooooooooh oooohhhhhhhh OOOHHHH ...oh. Aw. So close! It was great. You even did trees right dammit! But that church. That church is not with the perspective!!! Aaaah everything else is soooo beautiful, but I cant take my eyes off of the bland church with no shading. Looks like a cut out"

About that church, well....I agree, it looks like a cut out but to be honest I didn't know how else to make it //   I didn't want to make a fuss about that church anyway... //

"Amazing moon btw, which of you did it? I assume you used a reference for the craters as it looks accurate. Also, your reaper's dress looks odd in the front... cant tell why though".

thank you // well, the art was made by me, yes I used a photo from google as reference for the craters, nothing more.

About the reaper's dress, Idk, I don't usually design dresses for reapers maybe thats the problem, I will practice though //
Anyway THANK YOU for your time Bee, you did an AWESOME work AS ALWAYS.

Last edited by dazz (Nov 8 2011 11:26:35 pm)


#23 Before February 2015

Wolf exile1

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Can you rate Backup team "The collab"?

I only had 2 days to build it due to a vacation :O


#24 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Awww, you didn't give your critique on our levels. :/ That's probably because Rpgmaster forgot to put our team on the list after we submitted. So it's not a backup team, Rpg just made a misstake //

But here is the link to the official post.
Hope that you are willing to give us your critique //
Oh right, team number 63, 2ndStory //

And the picture is a little outdated as there have been some minor changes.

This was an Edit

Last edited by Ralaina (Nov 9 2011 4:45:55 pm)

#25 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 823

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Halloween Level Art.

Thanks for the list! Looks nice // it should have took you long enough o.o



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