Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#26 2015-09-07 11:38:14

From: Serbia
Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 1,451

Re: What do you hate in EE

1. the community is full of 6 year old fnaf brony furry brofisting shipping code askers
2. worlds lacking in originality
3. LAG M8 (it was less laggy before ee 2.0)

?type=online&name=br0k3n ?type=lastlogin&name=br0k3n ?type=loginstreak&name=br0k3n



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#27 2015-09-07 13:56:18

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: What do you hate in EE

Tomkazaz wrote:

You can always purchase BC and at the same time support the game.

I'm staying away from recurring, periodical, payments.
This includes Builders Club.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


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#28 2015-09-07 14:01:58

Formerly Diana2003
Joined: 2015-07-04
Posts: 1,341

Re: What do you hate in EE


I also hate that you have to purchase BC and Beta.


#29 2015-09-07 14:13:35

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 535

Re: What do you hate in EE

Tomkazaz wrote:
nlmdejonge wrote:

Hate is a strong word, but...

The artificial scarcity, where the game is limiting the building blocks, can be painful.
I'm working on a coin door level that I need 1764 gold coin doors for in total.
Over the years, I've collected 620 gold coin doors, for 46500 energy total. (Yes, 46.5 thousand energy!)
About 5 months from now I'll be able to finish building my level; it needs probably 30 minutes more work.
Every single day for the next 5 months, I'll have to keep adding energy to the coin door pack.

After that maybe I'll work on a big hazards level.
Currently, I have 50 checkpoints, 200 spikes and 200 fires.
I will probably need at least 2000 spikes and 2000 fires for what I have in mind.
Maybe 2-3 years from now I'll be able to work on that level.

You can always purchase BC and at the same time support the game.

You did pay 150$ for gems, all of which are to be given away. Very noble and magnanimous, regardless.

Why should i have to pay to build worlds? the worlds that i make (and the rest of the community) are the only thing that keeps this game alive. frankly they should be paying me to build worlds not the other way around.



#30 2015-09-07 14:35:40

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: What do you hate in EE

Tomkazaz wrote:

You can buy items with gems to speed up the process.

Pay them so I can get blocks to create levels for them?
I don't think so.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#31 2015-09-07 14:36:25

From: Fartshire
Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 444

Re: What do you hate in EE

This is the cheapest game right now. I haven't paid anything, but he estado jugando durante 5 anos y tengo casi todos los bloques y otros elementos.

por favor, no te quejes

TIeZQ7T.png     SXgDEBO.png

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HE uses EEArtist. Told u lol.


#32 2015-09-07 14:40:37

EE Homeboy
From: Cyprus
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,539

Re: What do you hate in EE

Mainx wrote:

This is the cheapest game right now. I haven't paid anything, but he estado jugando durante 5 anos y tengo casi todos los bloques y otros elementos.

por favor, no te quejes

mfw "anos" means "anus"



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#33 2015-09-07 14:48:17

From: Fartshire
Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 444

Re: What do you hate in EE

Yea, what I meant is that usted tiene que dar su ano para las gemas

TIeZQ7T.png     SXgDEBO.png

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HE uses EEArtist. Told u lol.


#34 2015-09-07 14:51:08, last edited by nlmdejonge (2015-09-07 14:54:40)

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,264

Re: What do you hate in EE

nlmdejonge wrote:
Tomkazaz wrote:

You can buy items with gems to speed up the process.

Pay them so I can get blocks to create levels for them?
I don't think so.

Actually, a one-time payment to get unlimited blocks of a certain kind, that might be okay.
Recurring payments to keep things, like BC, neh.
Getting 1000, say, gold coin doors, is way too expensive.
I don't expect changes any time soon.

Tomkazaz wrote:

You don't create levels for "them", why would you even say that?

They get money if players pay for things.
This game has players because there are (interesting) levels.
The staff wants you to create levels, because then the game has players, some of whom will pay them.
It's not rocket science.

I have permanently left the game and forum.
EE is an entertaining game and I enjoyed playing it...
...but it's time for me to move on.


#35 2015-09-07 14:56:29

From: Fartshire
Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 444

Re: What do you hate in EE

I sugget wi shoud pay eery month to keepp jour blocks. Noot only bc.

TIeZQ7T.png     SXgDEBO.png

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HE uses EEArtist. Told u lol.


#36 2015-09-07 14:58:10

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 535

Re: What do you hate in EE

Tomkazaz wrote:

@Muftwin Don't be an ignorant

starting your argument with an insult usually turns out great

And if you're not skilled enough to figure out how to make a simple yet decent world without purchasing anything, that very world will most likely not be playing worthy even if you did end up using the purchased items.

Do you know who i am man? i don't think you know who i am. This is clearly just another insult. What if all we had were the basic grey blocks? why don't you go make an interesting world with that. you dont have to pay for different color. clearly your an idiot if you cant make a world thats just as good in solid grey with no arrows or anything else right?

Tomkazaz wrote:

You don't create levels for "them", why would you even say that? You create levels for yourself, or for others to enjoy. No one is forcing you to build levels, and if you can't find a way to implement your ideas without using extra items that you do not possess, it is not anyone's problem but yours.

The point behind saying this is that if they scare off the people who build quality worlds they won't have a game anymore. they should be greatful to us and allow us some freedom to build what we want.

Everybody Edits is a free game. It offers the player countless possibilities and scenarios. Stop complaining. Please.

Whats this thread for again?



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#37 2015-09-07 15:00:18

From: A Really Really Really
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 1,044

Re: What do you hate in EE

Code askers, Trollers, People That Can't Speak english, and people like drstereos (OR just pure drstereos copies (OR drstereos slaves .-.))

A signature is a small piece of text that is attached to your posts. In it, you can enter just about anything you like. Perhaps you would like to enter your favourite quote or your star sign. It's up to you! In your signature you can use BBCode if it is allowed in this particular forum. You can see the features that are allowed/enabled listed below whenever you edit your signature.


#38 2015-09-07 15:20:05

From: look behind u
Joined: 2015-03-04
Posts: 504

Re: What do you hate in EE

I hate EE's "pro culture". The player base is so small that it is ridiculously easy to be one of the best. Yet, a lot of players still tend to become conceited, and they obsess over being the best player, best artist, best minimaker, etc.

Just relax.



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#39 2015-09-07 15:21:51

Joined: 2015-03-28
Posts: 124

Re: What do you hate in EE

I agree with nmldejonge. The false scarcity is not a big problem for me since I don't need TOO MUCH resourses for now, but sometimes you have a good idea or a project in your mind and you can't implement it because you don't have XX blocks.
Also, I have no way to pay for things online, since I don't have credit card, paypal accounts and these things. Yeah, there's still people who pay for things with cash around the world.
I'm exploring binary addition/subtraction in EE but, even with almost everything done in my mind, I can't implement it because I don't have sufficient signs/switch gates/100x100 worlds. It WILL be done, but unless I can make something that I think have good quality, i'm not releasing it.

But the thing is... that's not the thing i hate the most in EE, but thinking about that made me forget it... //


#40 2015-09-07 15:55:23

EE Homegirl
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 438

Re: What do you hate in EE

When youre  placing blocks at a fast speed and it skips a few from lag so you have to go over it again

An orange made of Oranjes


#41 2015-09-07 16:04:48

Formerly Arkonagames
Joined: 2015-06-17
Posts: 2,279

Re: What do you hate in EE

theres many things i ''hate'' on EE the wrost of them is the general community.
those pesky players that enter on our worlds and ask for code, even if you didn't set a code
those damn players that call a world ''impusibru''
those fudges players that are 50% of the community
those repugnant players that only cares about his RP/RPG worlds
those bad players that spam/adverse on another worlds



#42 2015-09-07 16:26:33


Re: What do you hate in EE

Arkonagames wrote:

theres many things i ''hate'' on EE the wrost of them is the general community.
those pesky players that enter on our worlds and ask for code, even if you didn't set a code
those damn players that call a world ''impusibru''
those fudges players that are 50% of the community
those repugnant players that only cares about his RP/RPG worlds
those bad players that spam/adverse on another worlds


As far as I know I haven't gotten 1 single player asking for code. Sometimes they ask for god, but is that really an issue?
The players who'll call your world "impossible" are un-skilled people. Everyone was a noob at a time prove me wrong.
50% of the community? No I don't think so.
To be honest there's more good worlds on lobby than rpg worlds, there's no need for you to play them, everyone has different tastes so deal with it.
Probably the only point you're right in, but i'm still going to disagree. Mute buttom exists for a reason and /reportabuse aswell. When people advertise their own world they are probably willing for people to play it. Everyone did that at once.


is everything except EE, sorry to say.

#43 2015-09-07 16:34:41, last edited by Zoey2070 (2015-09-07 21:30:38)

Moderation Team
From: Shakuras
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 5,508

Re: What do you hate in EE

Everything. I hate everything in EE. EE is suffering.

edit: especially timer blocks

proc's discorb UnGdm07.gif stylish themes for forums/the game UnGdm07.gif
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂   ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe   Gq8tv9Z.gif [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
? Hc0cu9u.gif         6yG4Efc.gif


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#44 2015-09-07 16:45:10


Re: What do you hate in EE

Arkonagames wrote:

So, you create this thread to say your opinion about our opinion?

I apologize in advance but how is that an opinion? More like false statements.

#45 2015-09-07 18:06:22

Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 6

Re: What do you hate in EE

All the 10 year olds who don't know how to apply the most basic form of grammer and do nothing but irritate other people. Children shouldn't be allowed on the interwebs.

I mean... uhm... nothing, EE is great!

Signatures are too obnoxious.


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#46 2015-09-07 20:04:26

EE Homeboy
Joined: 2015-02-16
Posts: 290

Re: What do you hate in EE

The energy shop. "Welcome to the game! Do you want to spend the next 4 years getting everything, or do you want to pay a monthly fee?"


#47 2015-09-07 20:05:23

From: Hell
Joined: 2015-06-02
Posts: 1,317

Re: What do you hate in EE

the air conditioning



#48 2015-09-07 21:08:41

Formerly Arkonagames
Joined: 2015-06-17
Posts: 2,279

Re: What do you hate in EE

Badoosh wrote:

The energy shop. "Welcome to the game! Do you want to spend the next 4 years getting everything, or do you want to pay a monthly fee?"

why people say that to get everything it needs 4 years? the price of the block packs are much lower on the new updates, and some packs got combined you can get all blocks and auras in less than a year



#49 2015-09-07 21:10:35

Riker's Beard
From: commander riker
Joined: 2015-09-07
Posts: 6

Re: What do you hate in EE

riker's beard thinks there should be more bearded smileys

am riker beard sh6g84x.gif


#50 2015-09-07 21:14:59

Moderation Team
From: PbzvatFbba 13
Joined: 2015-02-22
Posts: 6,392

Re: What do you hate in EE

Riker's Beard wrote:

riker's beard thinks there should be more bearded smileys

Who let this joker into the forums

Click the image to see my graphics suggestions, or here to play EE: Project M!


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