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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#126 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

RPGMaster2000 wrote:

Oh, I see.

Depends on Chris, really. Personally, I don't htink they'll ever make it in, but hey. We'll see.

You better make sure they get in that game. If you don't... well.... erm... I'll figure that out when I get there.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#127 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

i made some brick2.jpg

#128 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Question mark box (has coins in it)
Dirt Block (dirt)
Grass Block (This grass block is a better version than the one in game)
Plain Blocks (Red, Green, Yellow Blocks)
Guitar (A decoration that plays music on contact)
A helicopter (Used to fly around the map without knowing the level code, so you can fly but you can't edit. Usefully reward for the end of a boss level, or something like that.)
Pirate Smiley (Just felt like adding it in //

Last edited by TREE (Jan 22 2011 11:07:46 pm)

#129 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,476

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

I personaly can't wait for the Variety Pack, mainly for the sign that displays text when you near it and the spring. The sign and spring coulld make the gameplay of EE to be very different and fun.

aka towwl


#130 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

My suggestions [from Deco topic and Blocks topic] (Will be updated every now and then):

Element Pack-
Fire block, brings your smiley back to start (or to last checkpoint, if they are added);
Water block, has a slower fall and when jumping gets you higher (basically lowers amount of gravity);
Wind block, like gravity arrows but is always changing (turning and pointing in different directions);
Earth (Vine start) block, when touched a vine will come up for X seconds (like a key);
Earth (Vine) block, like anitgravity dot but but has a set path up to about 10 squares and is triggered by block mentioned above.
Weather Pack-
Cloud (Deco), in gray or white, a background tile shaped like a cloud;
Cloud (Block), in gray or white, a normal tile shaped like a cloud;
Storm cloud, a cloud tile that shoots lightning every X amount of seconds (set by user) downward to first block in column, when hit smiley is immobilized for about 3 seconds;
Tornado block, draws player in and throws them out the top;
Rain cloud (Deco), a background cloud block that drops decorative water;
Snow cloud (Deco), a background cloud block that drops decorative snow.
Hurt Pack-
Checkpoint, when touched lights up and when hurt you are brought back to last one (is free for all registered users, but only can be placed by creator in saved worlds only);
Lava, when touched smiley lights on fire and sinks and is brought to last checkpoint (comes with Castle/Dungeon Pack);
Poison, purple mist that when touched smiley gradually slows down and eventually stops and dies and is sent to last checkpoint;
Bottom/Top/Left/Right Spikes, when touched smiley is impaled [without blood, for the younger users // ] and sent to last checkpoint (comes with Castle/Dungeon Pack);
Quicksand, like lava except without fire (comes with Desert Pack);
Acid, green liquid that incinerates smiley and is sent to last checkpoint;
Black hole, sucks smiley in and is sent to last checkpoint (comes with Space Pack).
Space Pack-
Solar system (Separate blocks), Sun Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Comet Asteroid;
Star, background block that looks like a star;
Stars, background block that looks like many stars;
Galaxy, background blocks (needs to be assembled, with multiple blocks) in two shapes, spiral and ellipse.
Desert Pack-
Basic Desert Mini-Pack-
Full Sand block, multicolored yellow-orange-gold-white-etc. normal block;
Sand block, like grass block but grass is replaced with sand;
Dust devil, like miniature less powerful tornado block;
Cactus, decorative spiny plant;
Ruins Mini-Pack-
Ruin tile, ceiling wall floor corner and background;
Column, decorative stone supporter;
Stairs (Normal and broken), Normal can be climbed, Broken cannot be climbed.
Oasis Mini-Pack-
Shrub(s), small decorative plant(s);
Water Mirage, background water tile (ineffective).
Castle/Dungeon Pack-
Castle tiles, ceiling wall floor towers corners and background;
Red carpet, red connecting half-tile;
Shackles, decorative chains with handcuffs attached;
Dungeon tiles, ceiling wall floor corners and background;
Cell tiles, bars doors and background.
Extreme/Challenge Pack-
Icy block, slippery light blue block;
Sticky block, player MUST jump off block, cannot slide off, but can still move on sides and bottom;
Magnet block, like Sticky but player is drawn to block and MUST jump off, cannot slide off;
Repel block, player is pushed away from block, cannot ever touch the block unless moved from far away with no breaks (falling, arrows, etc.);
Bounce-Off block, player can touch block but bounces back off;
Bouncy block, player bounces straight upwards on block (normal jump height);
Gravity (Spiral) block, player is drawn to block and is swirled around and must use arrow keys/WASD to swing farther out and fly out of gravity's range;
Sticky (Slide) block, normal block, player cannot jump when touching block, must slide.
Peace and Party Pack-
Rainbows, decorative... rainbows;
Balloons, decorative... well, balloons;
Flowers, deco... flowers;
Sunny block, illuminates surrounding blocks (within 5-10 squares away);
Confetti Cannon, shoots decorative confetti every now and then;
Peace Sign, background block shaped like a peace sign. When clicked on when selecting blocks a choice of pre-made colors/color themes will appear.
Backyard Pack-
Trampolines, 5 different kinds, multiple color choices, 1. [>] Launches upward 5 blocks. 2. [>>] Launches upward 7-8 blocks. 3. [>>>] Launches upward 10 blocks. 4. [>>>>] Launches upward 12-13 blocks. 5. [>>>>>] Launches upward 15 blocks. Same color situation as Peace Signs;
Swings, smiley sits on swing and presses left/right or A/D to swing. Press space/jump to get off. Really just for decoration, but is interactive. With same color situation as PS (Peace Sign) and T (Trampolines).
Slides, slippery triangular ramp-type blocks. Can only move down, can face left or right, come in all "basic block" colors.
Seasons Pack-
Spring & Summer-
Spring Grass block, like sand/grass block but with light green grass (normal block, midground);
Spring Grass deco, light green grass, foreground (half square);
Summer Grass block, like sand/grass block but with dark green grass (normal block, midground);
Summer Grass deco, dark green grass, foreground (half square);
Flower block, deco (different shape than in Peace and Party Pack);
Spring/Summer Tree/Bush blocks, deco, background. Assemble yourself, with tree base, tree trunk/body, branches, branch ends, bottom bush/leaves, b-l (bottom left) corner bush, left bush, t-l (top left) bush, top bush, t-r (top right) bush, right bush, b-r (bottom right) bush, small bush (one square);
Weed block, deco, tall grass-like block, foreground (full square, conceals smiley);
Fall Grass block, grass block with golden-colored grass (normal block, midground);
Fall Grass deco, golden-colored grass, foreground (half square);
Fall Tree/bush blocks, same as normal ones except bush/leaves are multicolored (golden, brown, red, orange);
Winter (Non-Christmas)-
Full Snow block, like Full Sand Block but made of snow (white, light blue, silver, etc.) (normal block, midground);
Snow block, like Sand Block and Grass Block but with snow (normal block, midground);
Snow deco, snow (foreground, half-square);
Snow Corner deco, from Christmas 2010 Pack;
Deep Snow deco, snow (foreground, full square, conceals smiley);
Ice block, slippery block that looks like ice (normal block, midground);
Thin Ice blocks, slippery blocks that looks like ice but when jumped on smiley/user will fall through. 3/4 ramp (left and right) (underside, cannot be broken), 1/2 ramp (left and right) (underside, breaks after 3 jumps), 1/4 ramp (left and right) (underside, breaks after 2 jumps), thin ice block (1/4, shows at top of square) (breaks after 1 jump);
Winter Tree/Bush blocks, same as normal except top/t-l/t-r bush/leaf blocks have snow on them. Branches and Branch ends also have some snow on them;
Winter (Christmas)-
Large Christmas Tree/Christmas Bush blocks, like Winter Tree/Bush except with ornaments;
Santa Hat, like a crown except shaped like one of those Christmas hats (about as tall as Wizard hat).
Special Pack-
Invisibility Power-Up, lets player pass through certain blocks for a short period of time (looks like translucent star);
High-Jump Power-Up, lets player jump higher for a short period of time (looks like an up arrow, but different from gravity arrow);
Metallic Power-Up, increases smiley's weight and certain bricks will break when touched with this power-up for a short period of time (looks like a gray circle);
Super Speed Power-Up, increases player's speed for a short period of time (looks like a winged shoe)
Chompy Power-Up, player can "eat" certain blocks and go through them (looks a bit like Pacman);
Cage Block, a metal-mesh type block that can be passed through with Invisibility Power-Up;
Glass Block, like RPGMaster2000's first post in this topic (the Glass Pack), can be broken with Metallic Power-Up;
Cheese Block, light orange block that can be passed through with Chompy Power-Up;
Cookie Block, block shaped like cookies stacked on top of each other on a plate, can be passed through with Chompy Power-Up.

~More Coming Soon~

Last edited by oranj (Feb 19 2011 11:16:43 am)

#131 Before February 2015

From: We will meet again as stars
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 3,281

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

^ Oh mai, I might try to make some of those



#132 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

oranj wrote:

Ideas Suggestions Blocks Bold Text Lists Stuff Blah Blah Blah so much stuff

(I deleted all of it cuz it's so much)

Last edited by Krazyman50 (Jan 30 2011 5:46:55 pm)

#133 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

cool this come in everybody edits all this blocks ?? // //

#134 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

teleportation device that teleports someone one place to another in the map
WHAT SHE SAID and stuff

Last edited by Lagoonla1 (Feb 5 2011 9:43:09 am)

#135 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-13
Posts: 2,085

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Almost all the suggestions on this forum are cool, but the problem is if we start to have too many blocks how are we going to fit them all in game ( like in the edit bar)?


#136 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

SmittyW. wrote:

If we start to have too many blocks how are we going to fit them all in game ( like in the edit bar)?

A scroll bar, maybe, like the old edit bar, except this still pops up. The scroll bar would be like like a real scroll bar, like on the right side of this page, except maybe in a different style.

Last edited by oranj (Feb 7 2011 9:16:35 pm)

#137 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-28
Posts: 58

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

As far as blocks go, there were 3 different blocks that were removed/ put aside.   There was a gray brick, thin crown, and queen's crown. The gray brick probably will be easy to make but as for the crown, there may be a glitch that will occur. If you put up 2 different crowns, you will get 1 one of the crowns. But if another person gets the crown different from yours, will you still have your crown? Or will you lose it even though the other person got the crown different from yours? Btw, I found this at

Always remember when Everybody Edits used to average over 1,000 players a day...
Those were the days...


#138 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

I KNOW! Blocks that can "kill you" and you go back to the nearest "checkpoint" or spawn point! (if none to beginning of world)


Last edited by Uno (Feb 11 2011 7:07:55 am)

#139 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Greatest Idea Every!

Make a brick That teleports you to like a different room with different stuff.

Example: A house made of bricks with a door. You run into the door and get teleported "inside the house" (really just a different world or level)

#140 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-28
Posts: 58

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Shaban wrote:

Greatest Idea Every!

Make a brick That teleports you to like a different room with different stuff.

Example: A house made of bricks with a door. You run into the door and get teleported "inside the house" (really just a different world or level)

That has been recommended many times before.

Always remember when Everybody Edits used to average over 1,000 players a day...
Those were the days...


#141 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

But still there is a problem,how they look like in minimap?

#142 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Just like the spawn point , INVISAEBLE!

#143 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Idk if this was suggested, im not gonna read five pages.

BUt shouldn't there be like a jumbo block? ya know a block that takes up four spaces.


#144 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

whats the next pack to entry in the game?

#145 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

correiajoao wrote:

whats the next pack to entry in the game?

The newest is Glass, the next thing that I've heard about other than new smilies is a crown update, so maybe new crowns..? Or maybe just crowns that you can give to more than one person.. I don't know for sure.

#146 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-13
Posts: 2,085

Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

I know this seems kind of late, but maybe the black glass on the variety pack can look something like this.

I made this so if you go on it, it would reflect on your smiley. If you want me to change, that's okay.

Last edited by SmittyW. (Feb 22 2011 8:13:05 am)


#147 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

Hey RpgMaster Can you teach me something about the blocks?
Cuz i wanna make some

#148 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

I like the signs in the Variety Pack.
The Glass Pack looks kinda like Tetris Minos.

#149 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

smiley block with all smileys on ee

#150 Before February 2015


Re: Inbox: Suggestions for blocks.

smiley block with all smileys on ee

RPGMaster2000 1423489663471769

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