Official Everybody Edits Forums

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#1 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

I officially hate Everybody Edits

I just played the worst level ever. It was called "Easy to Expert" and guess what? The whole expert section was nothing but hook jumps. There was about 30. EE... It's just a waste of time. Nothing is new and everything is just a rip-off. I have to waste my valuable time on a perfect level with a 1% chance of it actually getting popular, not to mention the fact I spend countless months getting each and every single stupid update. Easy to Expert was effortless, I could've made the same exact level in 5 minutes. But I make my levels more original and extraordinary, but when people join, they don't give it a second thought. "ITS TOO HARD." "ITS SO BORING" Oh okay, so having a popular level with absolutely no effort or originality is NOT boring!?

EE is a waste of time. I can't believe I thought this game was cool.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

1. There's a button labelled 'Go to lobby' - works great in annoying situations.
2. Chris has been away thus not having the time to release updates. Admins have been talking about a huge update coming later this month, though.
3. I do, however, agree that we are in desperate need of new material, but I'm sure the huge update will make up for this lack of new material.

Finally, remember that Chris still has a life of his own and cannot devote all of his time towards Everybody Edits.

Last edited by BillyP (Mar 9 2011 5:01:32 pm)

#3 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I'm kinda on to Shy Guys track here. This day, the only level with some kind of decency in it, was Escapde the ice, in fact, that was a great level. All other levels, that I've been in have sucked, and that's a kind judgement. Other levels over past couple of days that have been funny are, as always Universe Boss, but also EEDD's and Jaa's levels.

So, at the moment, EE isn't that fun anymore.

But you know what's fun? Yeah, you know it. //

#4 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

The only thing that matters to me when I make a good level is not what the noobs say, but what pros say. Try to ignore the negative, because it 95% of the time comes from people who don't know how to make levels.

But the levels have grown to   be annoying. I'm growing away from EE now too.

#5 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I've started to play EE less and less, but I will play if I'm working on a level or I have a good idea. I completely agree with you, though. Levels should be more original. But don't hate EE. Hate the boring levels that people make.

Last edited by supadorf24 (Mar 9 2011 5:35:26 pm)


#6 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Quit whining and get over it. If you know a level sucks don't play it. I'm not sure if your aware but there's a little button in the bottom left corner that says "go to lobby" so what if the most popular level is something that sucks? Be spontaneous and come on the EE forums to check out some cool new levels. I'm sure it wouldn't take that long to find something by MX crew, or EX crew, or some other awesome crew. My point is, quit whining. It won't make you feel any better, and no one will have sympathy for you.

Last edited by Calicara (Mar 9 2011 5:41:17 pm)

#7 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Yes, i am also playing EE less because lack of new stuff. I know Benjamin has a life but the game is getting boring.


#8 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Ha, it's funny how an urban planner randomly decides after probably years of this game to quit.

I've noticed a pattern when I play games: I play it non-stop for a while, get bored or frustrated with it, stop playing it, go to kongregate, and find another game to get addicted too. People change, and so do their likes, so it's normal to suddenly hate a game.

And BTW, I look at this game as a challenge. To get the most players, to make the best level(s). I'm no spamming-hook-jump no-quality player. I make good quality levels.

Hope you come back, tako.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#9 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I hate EE for 5 reasons:

1. Most non-saved levels are made by guests, and TI:1 should troll them.

2. Nobody comes to my levels. Ever!

3. Minigame levels are never popular.

4. The magic coins are taking over EE. People having Magic Coin levels.

5. TROLLS! //

#10 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Blackboy1323 wrote:

I hate EE for 5 reasons:

1. Most non-saved levels are made by guests, and TI:1 should troll them.

2. Nobody comes to my levels. Ever!

3. Minigame levels are never popular.

4. The magic coins are taking over EE. People having Magic Coin levels.

5. TROLLS! //

1. What's wrong with unsaved levels?

2. Make better levels, that have a cool name, and are creative.

3. Minigame levels ARE popular. Where do you think all the noobs go, and sometimes minigame levels have cool challenges.

4. Why do you care? Leave them be, if you hate them so much, why even join them. If you don't join them ignore them.

5. Trolls?   Don't give out code bro. Make it hard....

#11 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I'm gonna say this as nicely as I can. Stop whining. In case you haven't noticed, you don't HAVE to complete levels, you don't HAVE to spend your RECHARGING energy on EVERY update,and NOT EVERY LEVEL IS PERFECT GET OVER IT. You play ONE sucky level, suddenly it's Dinasour Exctinction: Part 2. Go to the lobby and try another one. And OH NOES MY TTLY RAWKIN LEVEL DOESNT HAVE LIEK 50 PPL IN IT!!! Really? It's hard to get levels to the top, and complaining about it won't help. In case you haven't noticed, every possible minigame idea and level design has been used over and over, and complaining STILL won't help. Quit whining and find a good level, maybe make your own, but don't inform us about it.

#12 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Time to get serious.
We need some sort of way of telling people when a GOOD level comes out. We need a universal chat room for Everybody Edits. We can tell each other about our levels and share links. We need to be loyal to one another. We should try each others' levels. We should give each other honest opinions and feedback, so everyone improves. If we have no system for this, no one know what to work on, to practice.

This forum was created for this purpose, but its too full in my opinion. Yes, I know alot of people are proud of the number of accounts there are here, but there is too much popularity for each unique level to get the attention and feedback It deserves. People work hard on levels that get about five comments saying 'good job'. What the hell. If you play a level you found on the forum, GIVE THE MAKER FEEDBACK! I dont care if you tell them it needs alot of work! Be honest with people, and they will be honest with you! Don't you want to know what to work on!? I know I do!

I know I couldn't have made it very far In Everybody Edits without help from my friends. I have made levels that have gotten no feedback, and It's kinda disappointing when I check the topic and see that its still empty. No comments. Well, No Comments = No Improvement. I am sure that If everyone spent a little more time looking at the levels with one or two comments on the list, and giving Honest Reviews about them, that EE would prosper. We could finally get rid of a chunk of the massive amount of minigame levels out there, and replace them with quality levels that have been well thought out.

So what has this rant accomplished? Hopefully it will tell you what I think.

And thats all that matters to me.

#13 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Well said, Chimi. Right now all I can think of is that huge update coming at the end of this month... I wonder what it could be...

But I stick to my opinion, people change. And when people change, so do their likes and dislikes.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#14 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Dun worry. I'm currently working on a level and BEE thinks it's better than it is. I'm making it so you can play up until the point I'm working on. To watch my progress and maybe find some magic (I already found a +1 in here) go here. No help, thanks.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#15 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Join another crew, one as jsut a   member. I feel like EE is more about making maps than playing them, but that might just be my preference.

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#16 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I hear ya, Shy Guy Bros. I might try to convince Chris to add some kind of Featured Level function to the lobby featuring only the best of the best from the newer levels. A small step forward, but a step nonetheless. //

#17 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

The lobby is just horrible to search for levels
I agree though, I rarely play anymore, but I'm waiting for the big update


#18 Before February 2015

From: Belgium
Joined: 2018-03-30
Posts: 98

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I played that level too, before it got populair. It was i easy level with nothing about hookjumps. IN ANY DIRECTIONS. BOORIING


#19 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

phew. Got that off my chest. Now is anoyone accually gonna follow my advice!?

#20 Before February 2015

Official Caroler
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,868

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

I think ee is more about building, like bee said. I like making good levels, and having them dominate the player list >:) no but seriously. Join a crew that builds maps, and just make stuff......


#21 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

RPGMaster2000 wrote:

I hear ya, Shy Guy Bros. I might try to convince Chris to add some kind of Featured Level function to the lobby featuring only the best of the best from the newer levels. A small step forward, but a step nonetheless. //

RPG, I posted the exact same idea in the Game Suggestions forum several hours before you said that. Coincidence? I think not! Actually, it's probably a coincidence.


#22 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Yeah,there are such levels,personaly, lvls with bad art rly make me mad ( Triangle Smileys ) :S . but i dont have a hookjump problem
Edit: But i recommend this one ( Its ALOT better )

Last edited by Pawlowic (Mar 10 2011 7:21:52 am)

#23 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

supadorf24 wrote:
RPGMaster2000 wrote:

I hear ya, Shy Guy Bros. I might try to convince Chris to add some kind of Featured Level function to the lobby featuring only the best of the best from the newer levels. A small step forward, but a step nonetheless. //

RPG, I posted the exact same idea in the Game Suggestions forum several hours before you said that. Coincidence? I think not! Actually, it's probably a coincidence.

Haha, I'd have to call that a coincidence. //

#24 Before February 2015


Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

The Universal chat sounds like a great idea.

#25 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: I officially hate Everybody Edits

Everyone is right, I do need to deal with it. But all in all, I'm not the only one who faces this problem.

Shy Guy 142386241999013

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