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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015


Lost my 200x200 world

Strange thing happened to me a couple of months ago which didn't concern me, until today. Basically I had two 200x200 worlds, and when I bought the 400x200 world, one of them dissapeared. Now all the rooms I have, are finished up, while I'm still coming up with new ideas, and the 200x200 world would be very useful however I don't have it.

Can anyone tell me what could happen to it? Is there a limit? I've got 5 rooms altogether, and access to beta of course.

#2 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

did you change your time clock ?

#3 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Hmm... Tell Chris or one of the mods, they may be able to fix it.

#4 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

rdococ wrote:

did you change your time clock ?

WUUT? time clock??

#5 Before February 2015

Forum Admin
Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

rdococ, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with EE and in no way can affect it.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#6 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Lost my 200x200 world


So, it just disappeared? Sounds like you're trying to get yourself a free world, if you ask me.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#7 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

TakoMan02 wrote:


So, it just disappeared? Sounds like you're trying to get yourself a free world, if you ask me.

No, you actually get two 200x200 worlds automatically, once you buy beta, while I only have one unfortunately. There's no point of trying to get a free world, since i have much better ones, like the wide world, and the 400x200 world. I'm just fighting for justice;)

Last edited by PatrykSWATA (Apr 16 2011 7:30:48 am)

#8 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

PatrykSWATA wrote:
TakoMan02 wrote:


So, it just disappeared? Sounds like you're trying to get yourself a free world, if you ask me.

No, you actually get two 200x200 worlds automatically, once you buy beta, while I only have one unfortunately. There's no point of trying to get a free world, hence i have much better ones, like the wide world, and the 400x200 world. I'm just fighting for justice;)

And I thought this only happened to me.... =/

After purchasing beta I received a 25x25 and two 200x200, but then the next day one of my 200x200 disappeared.

#9 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Are you sure you're not just reading things wrong? If you have the beta saved world, it's called 'My Saved Beta World' rather than 'My Massive World 1', so check that and tell me if that's the problem. //

#10 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

BillyP wrote:

Are you sure you're not just reading things wrong? If you have the beta saved world, it's called 'My Saved Beta World' rather than 'My Massive World 1', so check that and tell me if that's the problem. //

I have only one 200x200 world called 'My Saved beta World', while I had one more called 'My Beta World' or something.

I have an idea, check one of you - beta people, what worlds you have, that haven't been bought, but came up with beta function, please. This should prove my problem.

That's all I've got:

#11 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Lol. I see your problem.
Beta gives you a small, regular massive, and a Beta only massive. The Beta only massive is only accessible through Beta client. You are playing on Free site, therefore you do not have it there.

Obligatory piece of text placed here forcing you to load an extra 100 bytes of data per post I make.


#12 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

I have a Beta client

#13 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

PatrykSWATA wrote:

I have a Beta client

But are you viewing it from or If you're viewing it from the first one then you'll see "My Saved Beta Only Massive World" but if you're viewing it from the second one, you won't.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#14 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

In that picture, you are playing from, not You can only see your 'My Saved Beta Only world' on

Last edited by Panic (Apr 16 2011 8:17:22 am)

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#15 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

I only use

There is no point of finding the reason of my problem I don't think, it should be simply solved. Benjamin got my message, but doesn't respond, so I'll try other admins.

Last edited by PatrykSWATA (Apr 17 2011 6:42:05 am)

#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Strange. You have a "My Saved Beta World" but no Beta-Only.


#17 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Title for free site.
Title for Beta site.
You there were playing in Free site when you took the picture.
Either you just failed, or you though we wouldn't thinking and were trying to get a free world.

Problem solved/ busted.

Last edited by Panic (Apr 16 2011 9:07:55 am)

Obligatory piece of text placed here forcing you to load an extra 100 bytes of data per post I make.


#18 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

/Panic, I just checked and you're right, cheers

I'm playing on the downloaded flash content, since beta site isn't working for me, on any browser, and I thought it's associated with the beta client. In spite of all, several issues we've already discovered should be solved anyway.

btw. Why is it just 'My Saved Beta Only world' that is missing, while the rest are fine? :/

Last edited by PatrykSWATA (Apr 17 2011 6:47:49 am)

#19 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

The 'My Saved Beta Only world' is only accessible to Beta players. It is only connected to the Beta client, therefore the Beta client is the only site that you can access it.

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#20 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Thanks panic, the problem is not really solved, but rather discovered, since I'm still having problems, like some people on this forum said, as I read it, that the beta website doesn't seem to work often, like it freezes right after logging on, despite any browsers being used, so i wish this could be fixed, and if not, then the downloadable content would be fine to update for beta clients, since it doesn't contain chatbox, and the 'My Saved Beta Only world' room.

I can obviously complain, but it's all up to admins unfortunately.

Last edited by PatrykSWATA (Apr 17 2011 8:06:58 am)

#21 Before February 2015


Re: Lost my 200x200 world

You should report this on the bugs list.

#22 Before February 2015

From: Virgo Supercluster
Joined: 2015-05-26
Posts: 1,114

Re: Lost my 200x200 world

Pointless bump much? Thread purpose has been fulfilled.

Lock please?

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