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#1 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

First off I want to say that these are JUST my own personal opinions. Each level got a five second glance. If you disagree with what Ive written, feel free to post and we can get others opinions on it.

How I reviewed:
First I looked for originality
Second I look for artistic features (shading, being 3D, shadows etc)

To find your level: Use Ctrl + f to search your team number (I am only doing backup team reviews on request). (To keep this as unbiased as possible, I tried to avoid names when reviewing them.)

Remember, this is JUST the art and mostly just what I think you can improve on the art.   This has nothing to do with minigames in the levels.

Also, I apologize for the horrible misspellings and typos and whatnot. Because this was just a quick review, I decided to not waste my carpal tunnel on it.

Sorry for the levels that didnt load, If you post I will try again, but I tried at least three times for each.

BIG Bunny or BIG Egg or just plain ?other? wrote:

10. Well done bunny, though I would have preferred something more 3D with shading. Cute expression and the ears are done well, but the feet and hands need angling work.
41. Very nicely done bunny and basket, not sure about the writing, it seems so small and an afterthought. The carrot could use some work too. I feel like I want to cuddle this adorable bunny and make him happy!! Angle of paws needs a bit of work.
60. Woo lots of eggs with minis in them. Not exactly the most original idea, but I love your egg patterns. Your bunny?s face is cute, but I cant tell if he is folded in half or if that is his leg. I also don?t get the joke O_o I think its missing a word.
76. The bunny looks very cute and adorable, but it looks like you are trying to copy the last contest winners with your design. Its cute though, so I will give you that. The sky could use a little more work though.
81. Wow big egg. It needs some shading. I like the sign, but theres no writing on it // Also, your grass has random holes, it could have been done a bit more tastefully.
95. Woah huge egg. Really funny concept though, I enjoy it. Clouds could be improved but otherwise I like the art, nicely done, 7/10
96. Wow huge bunny. Not sure why this is called zombie bunny, it doesn?t look like a zombie to me. It?s a nicely done bunny, but not very realistic. I guess my views are skewed because a friend of mine said that the lips of the bunny look like someone?s buttocks and so now I cant unsee that.
104. woooah huge Easter basket. I like the eggs but the Easter basket seems plain because the pattern is so small. Maybe if you had made the pattern bigger or made the basket look like it was sewn?
124. I like your egg-sun, but the rest of the level is just grass and so theres not much art to critique
127. Your bunny?s expression is very funny, but he needs more detail. I see you are trying to draw a cartoon bunny, but it needs some work. Try googling ?cartoon bunny? to get some hints and ideas.
130: Adorable little bunnies all around, but there isn?t much variation in the level. This would be fine if the level were smaller, but since its so large it looked like a lot of wasted space.
171. Well, my rule o thumb is "if you have to label your art, its not clear enough. Try adding more detailing to make it clearer, also this isnt very Easter related as it could be.
49. hahha when I made this category I had no idea the eggs would ge thisbig.interesting concept but honestly its not extremely artistic, it has a nice shape though.
51. well this falls into the ?other?category.I feel like everything is so small an minute on the map that its hard to tell what things are and most things are being swallowed up by the huge black voids around them . also, you should try angling the eggs, having only sideways or up and down gets pretty boring
110. that is one large   bunny. I love how h is jumigout of the egg but the entire levels seems to be very random. I also feel likeyou should google what trees look like in order to better draw them. So many things floating, erhaps a theme would help the level be more cohesive
114. another one for the ?other? category. I loooove your space theme, but as Ialways say, if you have to label your art in order for others to tell what it is, its not done well enough. Honestly I think you should have ust done it all in space, the bottom layer is nice and all but space is unique.
140. WOW THAT?S THEBIGGEST EGG EVA. Very nicedetailing and your attempt to   make it look3D wasn?t bad, Ijust feel like a hugeass Easter egg isn?t the most creative piece of work, I like your bunny though

Note that when I say "Typical EE Art-style level" in the below section, I mean that the art wasnt very different from others in the same section, perhaps it had the same "floating islands with grass" theme or "a cut out of the ground with caves in it"  

"Omg, Easter Smiley! Woo" Levels wrote:

1. Your art is at an average level with EE smilies and eggs scattered around. Not the most original, especially as Ive seen that bunny sprite elsewhere. Youshow dedication but I feel like you could try more artistic exploration.
5. Art is typical ?ee art? so nothing too exciting or unique except that you have shadows; many things seem to simply be random, perhaps a cohesive theme or story would give some ideas and tie things together, also I dont like text on art leels.
11. *shrugs* more average Easter art that is consistent with EE sprites, interesting idea with the clouds being bunnies, but they need some work.
16. Again, more smiley art, at least these weren?t exact copies of sprites. Also, the path in the tree is very obvious, maybe some shading would have hidden it better. I like the mushroom.
26. Well, one flaw is that since the levels are copied over to be judged, the code wont work. Otherwise, its average EE smiley art; I like how the eggs have the same style as EE smilies though.
46. *Sigh* stairs? // You make me sad my dear. Another typical EE art level. I like how you made the Easter eggs like EE art, but your level seems to be lacking a cohesive theme or purpose.
56. Luckily you only have one ee style art and other than that the level is cohesive. I really like the topiary, but otherwise there was a lot of blank space. The clouds are a nice idea for mini usage but they can be improved. Google clouds to see how they are shaped.
59. Not a bad idea doing a ?zoomed in? level, but its been done before many times so its jstu regular EE style art. Other than that, the arrows are slightly off and the poor bunnys ears are too small.
61. Smiley art // See this level's review under "Good conept needs work" category
62. Another typical EE-style art level. Quite random with the choice of your smilies though. I like how you labeled them your own names.
63. Too bad you added smiley art to this or it would have been under the good concept level category. I like how you have different levels and each level is cohesive, but I find it too ?ee style?ish to have random levels on top of the other. Perhaps if you used a wide world? Close up your art is well done though slightly random.
64. Basic EE art style with differing levels. I really like the bottom candy and eggs part, but the top and blank space there really turns me off.
68. While there is no smiley art in this level, it has that same feel. I like the cloud but the rest of the level just looks empty. Perhaps it would have looked better on a smaller world. Is that a ping-pong racket in the sky? O_o
75. ?PLZ Put ME in FiRSt PLAcE iF YOU Don?t I will cry? ? I?m not sure if this level just isn?t finished or you just like a lot of blank space, but it needs more work. I like the idea of making ?new ee blocks? at the top right, but I feel like something more original of a concept would be better.
77. Very cute, nice concept and good art. I like the shadows, they were really well done, but where is your light source? The sky is clearly night. Also, the bunny needs some shading as well. The random bunny peeking out of the bush made me sad though, it was almost original.
85. Another normal ee-style art. Not sure why there is a meteor headed to the earth though. I do like the ee bunny popping out of an egg.
88. Cute, loving the tire swing and the fishing smiley and the rainbow. Problem though, when thelevels are copied over to be judged, its not your level anymore so you wont have the code, so how will you boss? //
91. While it doesn?t actually have EE smilies it has that feel of e-art. I looove the tree, but everything else seems kind of random or sprite-ish. I?m not sure I understand your concept you are going for.
99. Anotehr EE style art. I feel like you could have used up more space though. I like the rainbow and the bunny, but you?re theme seems a bit on the darker side. Not sure if that?s a bad thing or not, but typically Easter is bright colors.
101. Aww cute bunny is yawning. This piece is another EE style art piece, and I feel like you need a concept to tie it all together as some seem to just be floating.
107. Another EEart style with smileys and random floating islands. I like your water design and the trees in a distance but your clouds could use some work .
108. Very large level but lots of space was wasted sadly. It semed very brown overall and Im not sure I understood your concept. I think it was supposed to be an egg that shot lava out of it, yet there was land above it so it wouldn?t be a problem? maybe the perspective is wrong.
111. I like the carnival theme, but i found it difficult to actually look at your because it was surrounded by invisiblocks. I like your bunny and chick, but feel they need shading.
112. Seems kind of random and 2D, you need a concept to tie it together I feel, and some shading or shadows along with smoother lines.
115. Very cute bows and I love the font, but again, a lot of wasted space. the bunny is cute too, but there seems to be random hills and land and otherwise the bunny is floating, perhaps a concept to hold it all together.
123. Your level is regular EE art, which is prettymuch a lot of sprites put together. Perhaps a concept would make it more cohesive?
135. More EE style art and smilys, I feel like you could have used up more space in the level though, a lot of it is blank.
139. Average ee Style art. I like the flowers but they are repeated too often. Im not sure if the egg is in motion or floating, hard to tell.
141. More EE-style sprite art. I like how some of the smilies are at angles though. Most of it seems randomly placed sadly and the concept is too broad.
147. I?m guessing this isn?t done, but it looks like your focus is not on art. You have the EE bunny there and some nice pixilated art, but otherwise a lot of blank space.
153. Another EE-sprite style art. I feel like you could use up more of the space in the level as well.
155.mnoe average ee art. I like your nest, but I feel like   your level overall could use more detailing. You did have a good use of the space though.
157. Again, normal EE style art. I like the bottoms of your floating islands but I feel it could use more cohesion and detailing. And eek, do I see stairs? Evilness
165. More ee-style pixel   art. I like how you at least have a concept, but egghunting is very broad and not cohesive. Also, I am not a fan of minimap writing.
170. ery cute for a small map. I like the concept but why put a random bunny smiley there? Otherwise I   would have prefered some shading.
177.   Another EE style artistic level. The levels on thi one are artically close to each other, leaving a lot of blank space at the top. A theme other than EE would have been better.
181.   Basic 2D   art. I like the bunny and eggs in the corner but they need moer detailing and shading. Otherwise its jjust more smiley art.
183. Oooh I wish you didnt have the EE Smiley art and those random numbered minis and jsut put it into a massive world instead of a great one. You used the space nicely and even have a good concept in the middle, but other things are random and unorigional that it made me sad. I really liked your middle art though. Practice shading //
185. Ooh I love the detailing on the bottom, I just wish it were like that or the whole level. Again you seem   to be lacking a cohesive theme and so some of the art seems jsut random smileyart. Really liking the bunny and chick at the bottom though.  
190. Another EE sprite art style level.   Everything seems jsut so random I feel like you need to have a concept. At least you filled up the entire world, good job.
2. Anothertypical EE style level. I tend to dislike box-minis   as they are not artistic at all. I like your chick   in the middle though, but that?s about it.
3. Another Easter smiley level. I like your egg patterns, but they look a bit too 2D. I also feel like you should have used a wide world instead of a great one, so much wasted space.
9. Another EE style level with the bunny smiley. I like your rooster a lot, but this feels like it is unfinished? The rainbow only has one cloud, and there is no sun even though its supposed to be Easter dawn.
12.Wow creepy huge ee smiley bunny. Otherwise its just the same floating ee islands with minis carved into the dirt. Nice variety of eggs though.
13. Wow loving the Easter eggs in the top left, nice shading, but the rest of the level seems unorigional. Boxed minis and other ee style art.
21. Theres so much blank space in this level is makes me sad, Id prefer box minis to blank space. Otherwise it?s a cute hotel idea, but im   not sure what hotels have to do with Easter. Also I cant tell what is coming out of that egg O_o
25. oh that Easter bunny in the grond was not needed! A typical ee floating islands/caves level, nothing too original but I like the bones in the ground and the destination being heaen, nice touch.
29.Imloving the large eggs in the bottom right corner, but the rest of the level isn?t very srtistic. I feel like it could have been left at the eggs and a few other things in a smallerworld   and I would have liked it better
31. I will give you something, it is very exact and uniform! Not much art in here,   you did the ground nicely but it?s a typical EE stle level with box minis.
35. interesting set up of the level, but im not quite sure what that huge red an orange thing is in the bottom right, lava perhaps? This is another typical ee style art level, nothing toocomplex or original
38. Im guessing this art is meant for close up reviewing because there is a lot of small art but nothing too big. That is fine, but it leaves very large spaces, which you seemed to resolve by filling the middle in with a huge white? box? Try filling the level more.
65. another bunny smiley eestyle art lvel. I like how you tried to disguise the box minis in the castle, but they still look lonely in there. I like your font but there needs to be more detailing and your theme isn?t very cohesive
93. this just seems so unfinished or ust a waste of space to use a great world, why not use a wide world? Otherwise, the eggs are nice, but look a bit ike they are floating like balloons.
94. while technically yo udont have the Easter bunny smiley in here, this level screams of boxedminis. Your rabbit is nicely done but the eggs are not uniform. Also you can very clearly see the pathin the dirst, perhaps disguise it more?
103. another typical Easter bunny ee arttyle level, I like the trees butcant people do something more than make caves in the ground for minis?
138.other than the raster bunny sniley in the upper right, what does this have to do with Easter?
158. a typical ee art style level with copying of smilies and a few bunnies and eggs   and? wtf are those swastikas?
168.   another typical ee art style level, random floating bunny and nice try with the art but I feel heneeds more clearly defined detailing and shading. Also, I dislike very large text in levels.

Good Concept but needsa little work wrote:

22. Ive given you feedback on your work individually. I will dislike the tree, but again, that is just my personal preferences. Witch is still random though =P. From afar, I would say its not the best art, but when you go to each room individually, it looks really great. wish the house were a little more 3D though. 7.5/10 on the art. //
32. It has that ?EE art style? feel but no smiley art, hooray!   I like the separate pieces of the level, but they are lacking some cohesive factor. They also appear to be from different people and some with shading and some without clashes. I like your font btw.
61. Wowow, beautiful sunset! Why did you have to go and add the bunny smilies? They are so random and not needed. Really liking everything there except the random floating islands with bunnies on them. You did a good job shading as well, except the eggs at the top are shaded backwards? the sun is shining from underneath.
67. Hahha loving the art it made me laugh. Really random concept, but a concept nonetheless. A few things, The shading on the bunnies is upside-down. fire would give light so the bottoms of them should be lighter than the top. I think that the mouth looks strange that wide open, I don?t think bunnies open their mouths that wide.
151. Wow, loving the font and the theme of the level. Not sure about the cliff, some pieces seem floating randomly, but I like how you portrayed your theme. Small tips are: Jesus/ cross should be a bit taller (compare to eggs) and more shadows on the cliff but otherwise nice.  
175. Oh my god it beautiful shading and adorable animals!!! Why did you have to go and put a random bunny smiley rom EE in there? // It looks so good without it. Ill say that the layeringof the level is in EE style but the shading is so unique and I can just feel the characters pop out, bravo.
7. I do wish people would stop with the layers of land floating. If you want to do land, why not use a wide wold? I like that you have a central concept, but I feel like it is too green and not very many other colors. and while I like the webs, the trees seem 2D . keep it for Halloween and keep improxing on it imo
27. Nicely done landscaping, but I suggest you google what mountainsactially look   like as these look like typical ?eestyle art?that I often complain about. I would think you were   attempting to do some stylistic fuzziness on purpose if your grass also reflected it to the same degree, but the mountains are a tad too   much in erms of lack of clarity. Also, why does Easter have a shadow but notmorning? And why is the shadow at an incorrect angle? Honestly I simply don?t like words on ee levels, I would suggest you remove them. I also am not liking the sun, it is very small and if you watch a sunrise, you see that it is the rays that are the beauty more than the ball of gas itself. Liking the river, but I wonder where it goes, and I told you to fix the angling of the pink egg but   it was never done // its stripes are off //  
30. Adorable little bird, but at a slightly incorrect angle unless hislegs are simply in the wrong place. I reallylike what you?ve done with the eggs in the basket, but I wish you ad added a weave of some sort, baskets are not all smooth. I like the grass portrayal and the flowers,though word to the wise, in terms of aesthetics, you should have the face of anything facing to wher eyou want peoples eyes to go, so the flowers should be looking to the middle of the level so ones eyes are drawn toward the basket not away from it. Also I feel like   a bit of outlining would have been nice on the flowers if only to keep consistent with the rest of the level. Really nice font btw, I want it!
43. adorable, only thing I don?t like about it is how 2D it looks! The only 3D thing about it was the cloud in front of the sign, which was done really well, but there needs to be more clouds or the building needs to have more   depth. Remember, no matter what angle you are from, you can see angles of everything, whether from underneath or the side, you can never be looking straight on for an entire picture, it needs depth. Cute eggs!
48. well I kind of   already gave you your review. I feel like it isn?t Easter-related enough. The only thing   that?s really Easter about it is the random falling eggs, and are those chicks? They don?t seem very clear. I like   the trees and the grass. The clouds are a bit cartoony but not too bad.   The castle needs a bit more depth imo, but overall a good level
53. Im really liking the eggs in the foreground and the flags in the background, but otherwise it?s a bit 2D for my tastes. I like the concept and the clouds with eggs are adorable but Im not a fan of all that black space, the rooms look so empty and lonely //
66. first thing I said when I saw this level was ?holy crap look how crowded this level is!? I like your bunnies and I like how you used the typical eestyle ?cave? art to your advantage, but wayyyy too much for a great world, I can barely concentrate. I like your detailing though, great job, just remember that if youre not going to make huge bunnies or large objects, theres no need to hae a huge world,   people get bored after a long time, even if minis are good.
70. awww how cute. A well done level for being so small, but im wondering what the black things in the water are.. leaves broken eggs? Also your bunny is too 2D for me, I like the rier though the angle is a bit off.
73.   Aaah! So adorable, I cant say much about th art because its so small but its so cute   =3
89. Very nicely done, I especiallylike how you did the tree,its clear   that it is blooming and yet you were able to make it so there could beminisin it, genius! I am not a fan of the below ground section though, as it is a common trend in ee srt styles, though I do say you did it very very well. Interesting dirt pattern below, Iwonder why you chose that. Oh and one question, why is the poor easte rbasket buried in the ground?? //
179. oh so very cute I love   the water and the concept and they way you filled the level. As usual though, I dislike the caves concept as I find it unorigional, but I love your bunny he is so cute. Also, as othe crews will tell you, Im picky about my trees. I would want more shading, you have a luight source, make sure you use it.

Art at a competative level wrote:

23. Very beautiful. Again, Ive given you individual feedback and you took most of my advice. Other than what I said before, I feel like you would benefit from some shading practice. Everything looks wonderful, but it can be improved by taking the light into account and adding some light reflections and more obvious shadows.

8.Yes I am indeed critiquing my own level. Ery nice overall theme of the level, it really ties it in. Sadly it not only seems unrealistic with the colorscheme, there seems to be no sort of uniform coloring. I would prefer if it was all rainbow shaded (from red on left to purple on right, changing in between) or all uniform. Also, why do some bunnies get to play while others have to work? // Also I despise the grass colorings, looks very plastic.

87. Ah yes I love this level. Very nicely done   and has a lot of flora and fauna packed into one level, and yet I can feel a story being told. Notes on the art, disliking the sun, because suns don?t really look like that.i like the carrot greens on the right more than the ones on the left and I cant tell what it is, but I reall don?t like the deer?s front right leg? hm. I love the flying duck in the background though, marvelous.

178. ah yes the gem that I am very happy to have found. Would love to know who did your art and welcome them to the art world of ee. Wonderfuldetailing, angling and you were even able to cut it in half while keeping it looking as if it is 3D, good job. Absolutely love the hot air balloon and really want   a closeup of it. I really am dislikingthe ladders up to the large purple egg though, I feel like they are so plain and 2D compared to the rest of the level // very nice job though, you filled the spacenicely without overcrowding.

Levels that didnt load: 6. 19. 29. 44. (not sure why it wont load, I remember liking this one.) 51. 57. 58. 71. 116. 164.   169. 173. 179.
^ remind me and Ill try to load them again. If your team submitted a level but I didnt review it, double check that its on RPGmaster's list, if so, post here so I can review it again or help you find the review.

Last edited by BEE (Apr 19 2011 1:53:47 am)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#2 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

BEE, you continue to amaze. ALL the levels, given a review.

BEE wrote:

The castle needs a bit more depth imo, but overall a good level

The CASTLE or the PALACE? The palace is the one in the center, and the castles are the ones on the sides.

Last edited by Tako (Apr 18 2011 9:11:49 pm)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#3 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

lol, Im sorry the PALACE needs a bit more depth.

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#4 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Ok then I'll delete those peeps too // Thanks a bunch.

I just thought the castles looks a little too... unhappy without them.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#5 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Keep the peeps and don't listen to Bee, she don't have enough style to handle the peeps.

#6 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

But she's the second person to dislike the peeps D:

Btw I already deleted them //

Any suggestions on how to make it more easter themed?

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#7 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Put a king and queen rabbit in the palace.

And an easter ninja scaling the side.

#8 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Thanks Bee! I already fixed the leg (i was mussing some key muscles that made the deer's behind to overhang) and I'll redo the sun's rays.   Also if you didn't notice before that duck was a reference to your duck level.

EDIT 1: The reason the greens to the left are a lighter tone because i had to change them a bit to accommodate the macrogame.

here the change:

A tip for anyone who reads this; is to try to find a/some piece/s of music that fits the mood of the level you want to make. Listen to that music while you make your level's art. It worked wonders for me. For adventure levels I would suggest making a playlist on youtube.

Last edited by Pike270 (Apr 18 2011 10:06:02 pm)

#9 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

I agree with the words. and the mountains.. we were going to do something else with them... then we found out we had one hour left ;-;

#10 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Bunnies typically aren't mutated and don't have lasers either. Thanks for the review. I can't believe you wrote all these! By the way, I'm number 67. I'm hoping that my "concept" will at least score me some brownie points.
Review for number 96 made me laugh. Last sentence. //


#11 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Wow, outstanding job! Maybe make some solutions to our problems?

#12 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

You ask too much of poor BEE. All the work she put into this.

Thanks for the constructive critisism, BEE. I didn't like the peeps either, lol.

#13 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

I figured that since the editing portion of the contest has ended, providing solutions wouldnt be useful.
Edit:   My favorite review is 158. XD

Last edited by BEE (Apr 19 2011 1:58:25 am)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#14 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

When levels don't load you need to open another tab with the same level, the second acc will get in

EDIT:Sorry to bring this up again but I don't see why you would spend 30 minutes in the "Omg, Easter Smiley! Woo" levels


#15 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Thanks for the review //
Even if you didn't like the level I always appreciate opinions, good and bad.
I didn't use a wide world because I don't really like them, there too small for me and 50 pixels wasn't enough to draw a giant bunny //
I guess you can't please everyone , I quite like floating islands //
Anyways, still thanks // and I actually did read all reviews and agree with most of them, but disagree with quite a lot as well

Last edited by DK Levels (Apr 19 2011 4:39:24 am)

#16 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Thanks, Bee! //

I was gutted about removing that weave too; I also think it'd make the basket look better.
I also should've removed that 'STUCK' message in the top left corner, seeing as it's pretty pointless due to the private server copy-over.

Thanks again for the feedback!

#17 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Dklevels, you are welcome to disagree with me! In fact I encourage it. Some people don't realize how art is a lot about stylistic preferences.=)

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Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#18 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

BEE wrote:
"Omg, Easter Smiley! Woo!" Levels wrote:

31. I will give you something, it is very exact and uniform! Not much art in here,   you did the ground nicely but it?s a typical EE stle level with box minis.

Thank you for your review. That was our first level that we ever made, and we were almost out of time. If we make a new level, we will improve the design of it! Yn8I7.png

#19 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

MIHB wrote:

Put a king and queen rabbit in the palace.

And an easter ninja scaling the side.

I added them, but when you're limited to 16x6 pixels it gets kinda hard.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#20 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

thanks for making me aware of 178

easter island by Niufox, GameGus, Oturan and Catman666.

awesome map. in my top5
edit: well it still looks awesome, but the way ontop the balloon was annoying and i got trapped with no way out when i jumped with 17 coins to the right side of the map from the blue egg

Last edited by tokebot (Apr 19 2011 8:14:15 am)

#21 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Wow how long did you spend typing this out.. And your soo cool //

You also have an epic sig. //

#22 Before February 2015

From: Brazil
Joined: 2021-09-05
Posts: 3,174

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

BEE wrote:

35. interesting set up of the level, but im not quite sure what that huge red an orange thing is in the bottom right, lava perhaps? This is another typical ee style art level, nothing toocomplex or original

The red and orange thing is a volcano.


#23 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

57. KAA crew:
Members: KAA x 2, LD3H, Echo
Level: Eas(y)ter level
link :
this is our level that you didn't review. (probably because it wasn't done until )


#24 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

I see you liked my   bunny...:lol:
i tried my hardest to make it look nice //
ive even changed it slightly //

Last edited by cheezpuffs (Apr 19 2011 9:48:17 am)

#25 Before February 2015


Re: BEE's Critiques of the Easter Level Art.

Gamer1120 wrote:

57. KAA crew:
Members: KAA x 2, LD3H, Echo
Level: Eas(y)ter level
link :
this is our level that you didn't review. (probably because it wasn't done until )

Levels that didnt load: 6. 19. 29. 44. (not sure why it wont load, I remember liking this one.) 51. 57. 58. 71. 116. 164.   169. 173. 179.
^ remind me and Ill try to load them again. If your team submitted a level but I didnt review it, double check that its on RPGmaster's list, if so, post here so I can review it again or help you find the review.


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