Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663


Just now, I entered a level called "Ipod Minigames."

I like Ipods. And I like minigames. Why not play it?

You want to know what it was? This:


So, let's check this off on the check-list.

? A?l?l? ?l?e?v?e?l?s? ?a?r?e? ?f?u?n?.
? A?l?l? ?l?e?v?e?l?s? ?a?r?e? ?o?r?i?g?i?n?a?l?.
? A?c?c?o?u?n?t?s? ?o?n?l?y? ?b?e?l?o?n?g? ?t?o? ?o?n?e? ?p?e?r?s?o?n?.
? T?i?t?l?e?s? ?d?e?p?i?c?t? ?w?h?a?t? ?w?i?l?l? ?b?e? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?l?e?v?e?l?.
? There will be at least 1 fun level on the list.
? There will be at least 1 fun level on EE.
? There will be at least 1 non-noob player on EE.

What are we waiting for? I've been reduced to not going to the lobby at all. If I want to actually play a level, I just go to the forums and look for one in the rooms section. The lobby is just about worthless to me now, because most of the levels are crap.

The solution? Take your best level, open it in a new tab, and just leave it there. All day. And don't play bad levels, even if it has a million magic coins. If people continue to play these foolish levels, they will continue to be in the lobby.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#2 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: EE and NOOBS

You say noob like its a bad thing //

I'm a noob!

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#3 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

The infinite problem. I do agree with you, but I sort of don't. I do agree the levels in the lobby suck, but it's a players choice. If a user wants to play stairs, you cannot deny them their rights. But at the same time I do think good levels are very under played.

#4 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-26
Posts: 2,675

Re: EE and NOOBS

BEE wrote:

I'm a noob!

I . . . I can't even.


#5 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

I think Bee made a funny. //

Also, 100% agree with you, TakoMan02, lately the lobby only showcases worlds that appeal to noobs.

#6 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

Noobs be Noobin.

#7 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EE and NOOBS

BEE wrote:

You say noob like its a bad thing //

I'm a noob!

Why do you keep saying you're a noob? I believe you said it on another thread... something like "I don't do any of those things and I'm a noob" or something.

Noob = Unexperienced, uneducated, and promotes stupidity.

You're not a noob, I think.

Last edited by Tako (May 18 2011 8:50:10 pm)

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#8 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-03-14
Posts: 1,679

Re: EE and NOOBS

Clearly you all have never seen me actually try to PLAY a level hahaha

Wheres Nou, Eph, Mustang,   Megalamb, MFL, MIHB and all those people to confirm my noobiness? =P

Custom Tab: Forum Post|Trello

Thanks Xen for my Avatar and Smitty for the smiley 47BA5lq.png


#9 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

BEE wrote:

Clearly you all have never seen me actually try to PLAY a level hahaha

Wheres Nou, Eph, Mustang,   Megalamb, MFL, MIHB and all those people to confirm my noobiness? =P

I've seen it, it ain't pretty.

#10 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

MIHB wrote:
BEE wrote:

Clearly you all have never seen me actually try to PLAY a level hahaha

Wheres Nou, Eph, Mustang,   Megalamb, MFL, MIHB and all those people to confirm my noobiness? =P

I've seen it, it ain't pretty.

I'm here to testify that Bee is as nooby as they come, although I did manage to get her to beat a special hook jump boot camp. That's a blemish on her once perfect noob record.

#11 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

mustang wrote:
MIHB wrote:
BEE wrote:

Clearly you all have never seen me actually try to PLAY a level hahaha

Wheres Nou, Eph, Mustang,   Megalamb, MFL, MIHB and all those people to confirm my noobiness? =P

I've seen it, it ain't pretty.

I'm here to testify that Bee is as nooby as they come, although I did manage to get her to beat a special hook jump boot camp. That's a blemish on her once perfect noob record.

That actually sounds like another mark of noobishness.   Most pros avoid hook jump silliness.

#12 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: EE and NOOBS

MIHB wrote:
mustang wrote:
MIHB wrote:

I've seen it, it ain't pretty.

I'm here to testify that Bee is as nooby as they come, although I did manage to get her to beat a special hook jump boot camp. That's a blemish on her once perfect noob record.

That actually sounds like another mark of noobishness.   Most pros avoid hook jump silliness.

I hereby declare BEE an official noob, in the order of noobinesss (3 Sses according to bee, again proving her noobiness). Considering the difficulty she had holding right + space, I'd say she's a noob.

As amazing as her art skills are, as bad as her EE playing skills are. Yes, it's that bad.

Last edited by Nou (May 19 2011 6:14:13 am)

No u.


#13 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: EE and NOOBS

I think the lobby list should be more organized.

Like, new, and possibly good levels, consisting with 1 person or 2 should be on:

- The top of the list
- Have it's own section

Also, levels should be voted on. Like a button near the code entry box that says "Rate Level"
You can:

- Like
- Dislike

And you can only vote once, from preventing spamming. This is kind of like the rep system on the forums, but you only do it once per level. No description either. Then Highly rated levels would be in it's own section.
Such as "Most Rated" "Most Favorite" or something.

And you, fellow stair hater, can take a wandering stair level that landed in highly rated levels list off of it.

Then, if Chris wants to, make a "Least Favorite" section, with all the least rated levels, SUCH AS STAIRS, MINIGAMES, HORRIBLE LEVELS THAT ARE ALWAYS ON THE TOP OF THE FREAKING LIST ALL THE TIME!

With minus rating levels, such as stairs and minigames, we can deplete them from the list. And good levels can show up.

^^Like it?^^
Chris should seriously approve this!

Last edited by Shy Guy (May 19 2011 6:48:44 am)

#14 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

Shy Guy wrote:

I think the lobby list should be more organized.

Like, new, and possibly good levels, consisting with 1 person or 2 should be on:

- The top of the list
- Have it's own section

Also, levels should be voted on. Like a button near the code entry box that says "Rate Level"
You can:

- Like
- Dislike

And you can only vote once, from preventing spamming. This is kind of like the rep system on the forums, but you only do it once per level. No description either. Then Highly rated levels would be in it's own section.
Such as "Most Rated" "Most Favorite" or something.

And you, fellow stair hater, can take a wandering stair level that landed in highly rated levels list off of it.

Then, if Chris wants to, make a "Least Favorite" section, with all the least rated levels, SUCH AS STAIRS, MINIGAMES, HORRIBLE LEVELS THAT ARE ALWAYS ON THE TOP OF THE FREAKING LIST ALL THE TIME!

With minus rating levels, such as stairs and minigames, we can deplete them from the list. And good levels can show up.

^^Like it?^^
Chris should seriously approve this!

Noobs will vote all the noob levels up and won't bother rating the good levels. All the good levels will stay mixed in.

#15 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

The plauge of the Noobs must be eradicated from this world. To long have the sovereign people been haunted by the noobs. It was the noobs that cruxified Jesus. It was the noobs that brought the Black Death to Europe. It was the noobs that founded the Soviet Union. It was the noobs that attacked World Trade Center.

Jelly, they are jelly.

#16 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,058

Re: EE and NOOBS

That's the problem. Pretty much:

Noob : Non-Noob

80%   : 20%

Last edited by Aoitenshi (May 19 2011 7:06:46 am)


#17 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-12-29
Posts: 2,659

Re: EE and NOOBS

BEE wrote:

You say noob like its a bad thing //

I'm a noob!


Yeah I go to the lobby now and then but most levels I play are on the forum.


#18 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

I hate those places... Thats not even about ipods!?

#19 Before February 2015

The Red Troll

Re: EE and NOOBS

takoman, we trolls are fighting against them
before we were fighting to destroy ee but noobs came along and were the protectors against noobs now, were the army basicly, but the number of trolls is becomeing slimmer and groups saying no trolls is making the noobs spread lie jerms, everybody reading this post, your best option is becomeing a troll to fight the noobs once uve completed this mission and trolls are aiming to destroy ee again then stop being a troll but at the moment being a troll is the best moment

Last edited by The Red Troll (May 19 2011 1:24:03 pm)

#20 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

Okay. I don't even go to the lobby anymore because of this.

We should have a group of people who know what good levels are. There should be a featured levels section that this group can vote to move levels into. This group should be about... maybe 20 people who play EE a lot.

#21 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

Just like TRT says, TI:1 IS THE RESISTANCE, THE CURE, join today!

#22 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

Shy Guy wrote:

I think the lobby list should be more organized.

Like, new, and possibly good levels, consisting with 1 person or 2 should be on:

- The top of the list
- Have it's own section

Also, levels should be voted on. Like a button near the code entry box that says "Rate Level"
You can:

- Like
- Dislike

And you can only vote once, from preventing spamming. This is kind of like the rep system on the forums, but you only do it once per level. No description either. Then Highly rated levels would be in it's own section.
Such as "Most Rated" "Most Favorite" or something.

And you, fellow stair hater, can take a wandering stair level that landed in highly rated levels list off of it.

Then, if Chris wants to, make a "Least Favorite" section, with all the least rated levels, SUCH AS STAIRS, MINIGAMES, HORRIBLE LEVELS THAT ARE ALWAYS ON THE TOP OF THE FREAKING LIST ALL THE TIME!

With minus rating levels, such as stairs and minigames, we can deplete them from the list. And good levels can show up.

^^Like it?^^
Chris should seriously approve this!

perfect noobs will rate up the bad levels pros will ignore what its supposed to do and - all the good levels so will the noobs
all the good levels wind up on the bad list
pros only play badlist



#23 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: EE and NOOBS

Muftwin wrote:
Shy Guy wrote:

I think the lobby list should be more organized.

Like, new, and possibly good levels, consisting with 1 person or 2 should be on:

- The top of the list
- Have it's own section

Also, levels should be voted on. Like a button near the code entry box that says "Rate Level"
You can:

- Like
- Dislike

And you can only vote once, from preventing spamming. This is kind of like the rep system on the forums, but you only do it once per level. No description either. Then Highly rated levels would be in it's own section.
Such as "Most Rated" "Most Favorite" or something.

And you, fellow stair hater, can take a wandering stair level that landed in highly rated levels list off of it.

Then, if Chris wants to, make a "Least Favorite" section, with all the least rated levels, SUCH AS STAIRS, MINIGAMES, HORRIBLE LEVELS THAT ARE ALWAYS ON THE TOP OF THE FREAKING LIST ALL THE TIME!

With minus rating levels, such as stairs and minigames, we can deplete them from the list. And good levels can show up.

^^Like it?^^
Chris should seriously approve this!

perfect noobs will rate up the bad levels pros will ignore what its supposed to do and - all the good levels so will the noobs
all the good levels wind up on the bad list
pros only play badlist



Ok, you've said this twice: noobs will not rate/dislike pro levels.

If the noob will + a STAIR LEVEL, why on earth would they - an AMAZING ART level? You make no sense.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#24 Before February 2015


Re: EE and NOOBS

I admit i'm getting a bit bored of stair levels now. I only bother if they have a twist to them, but regular stairs are getting boring now.

My preferred levels which have been common of recent is 4 mini game areas in each corner getting harder as you go along.

Though i really dislike ALL levels with the old EE logo loading screen drawn on it... why do people insist on making it in their levels? I don't see any talent in being able to copy a logo that everyone saw when the game loaded. I did however think good idea when i first saw it, now it's in so many worlds, it's rather rubbish.

And i agree, the lobby has got a bit poor with good gaming levels recently.

#25 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-11-10
Posts: 4,260

Re: EE and NOOBS

Aoitenshi wrote:

That's the problem. Pretty much:

Noob : Non-Noob

80%   : 20%

i say its about 99.9999999999999999999999999% : 0.00000000000000000000001%



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