Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#51 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

Or... Chris is just busy planning for his company's move to Silicon Valley? :3

35005CP wrote:

Otherwise, don't bother making a game.

Isn't that a bit harsh? After all, Everybody Edits was just a hobby project from the start. ^^

Oh, and many of you sound a bit like desperate boy/girlfriends. XD "Oh my, has Chris forgotten about me??!!" "Well, it would just take 5 minutes to update me about what he's doing..."

Last edited by Niufox (Jun 17 2011 5:31:01 pm)

#52 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

To the people who are quitting:

When you played this game with updates, what about the updates kept you playing? When I play ee, I usually make levels, spend my energy, and play levels. Which one of those things are stopped by the fact that there are no updates? None of them.

Only play levels? Most of the levels don't even have the "latest" updated thing in them(ex: portals, diamond blocks), so you are still playing the same levels.

Only make levels? You are bound to run out of ideas sometime, but they will come back eventually. You'll never know until you actually try to continue making levels. Just because there are no updates/new bricks, doesn't mean that you can't use existing blocks and make a great level.

If you only spent energy in the first place, then I have no idea what you were doing. It's ok if you stop liking a game, there is nothing stopping you from playing it if all of a sudden you absolutely hate playing it. You don't need to keep coming back and spending it if you aren't even playing the game anymore.

Quitting because there are no updates is pretty silly, in my opinion.

Last edited by Greenzoid2 (Jun 17 2011 6:12:16 pm)

#53 Before February 2015

From: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 6,663

Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

I have an idea: learn how to make better art. Or learn how to make better minigames.

That never gets boring.

Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


#54 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

Slovenia wrote:

He maybe got alot of other important things to do.

Yeah, like tweeting and ummm.....sleeping ?

#55 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

^^^ Greenzoid2: thanks had to be said, and it was said well. +rep //

#56 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

I mean!Serously?!You just make hate forums about a guy continuesly paying for this game.
Updates cost money!Step in his shoes or whatever and just think about yourself dealing with a riot of people quiting a game,
If you ever noticed, chat is one cent, he haves to pay 3 cents every time he gets ONE cent!This guy is paying a lot!
Do what I do, buy no beta or chat..etc..BUT still donate him free money, becuase I want a update.
And then people complaining about spelling mistakes , give him a break, hes like across the world giving us this game.
Respect the game for what it is now, enjoy it like theres no tommoro, put music up to full volume, troll some people , idk, have fun!

#57 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

^ Amen.

#58 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-24
Posts: 2,762

Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

Palm wrote:

I mean!Serously?!You just make hate forums about a guy continuesly paying for this game.
Updates cost money!Step in his shoes or whatever and just think about yourself dealing with a riot of people quiting a game,
If you ever noticed, chat is one cent, he haves to pay 3 cents every time he gets ONE cent!This guy is paying a lot!
Do what I do, buy no beta or chat..etc..BUT still donate him free money, becuase I want a update.
And then people complaining about spelling mistakes , give him a break, hes like across the world giving us this game.
Respect the game for what it is now, enjoy it like theres no tommoro, put music up to full volume, troll some people , idk, have fun!

Chris is earning bucketloads of money with EE, those 3 cents don't mean jack **** to him (he earns about ?10.000 a month with it).

If I were in his shoes, I'd make EE better because that would mean more money, plus I'd care if people were having fun, and continuous update would be a good way for that.

About the "give him a break" part: earning 10k a month with it points to it being a job, so you take select days off rather than just disappearing for months.

Now, I've been waiting for an update for ages too, because EE is BROKEN. Half the levels won't load, random kicks, ghosting, duplicate account bug, etc etc. Pretty sure that's a valid reason to want an update, cause EE isn't functioning properly.

Sure the profile update was great, but usless while EE is broken.

No u.


#59 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

I agree with Nou, and I'd also like to add that it costs nothing but two minutes of his time to quickly inform us of what's going on and when we can expect an update, but we haven't even got that. :rolleyes:

#60 Before February 2015


Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<

I don't think people realise that EE isn't Chris's actual job, he has a ton of other work to keep him busy. Remember EE is his creation, it's not just the players that want it to constantly grow and succeed //

EE development will start up again next week (i.e this Monday). I imagine a blog post will be posted soon after to explain the new situation.   There hasn't been much word because we didn't want to announce something not set in stone.

Anyways, thread locked.
Look forward to EE updates, news and all that other dream fulfilling stuff soon, folks.

#61 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-08-20
Posts: 2,157

Re: Chris forgot us?!? >.<


Awesome //


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