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#1 2025-01-02 04:59:01, last edited by N1KF (2025-02-23 04:32:57)

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

...or it gets cancelled, but we all know that would never happen.

Out of 1,201,461 worlds saved in ArchivEE 2.1 test, there are 479,885 unique worlds. How many can I possibly play?

I'll be aiming to play at least one world daily, post my thoughts, and whether or not I could beat the level.

To be completed


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#2 2025-01-02 04:59:56

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 1

I'm starting with the Public World IDs in alphabetical order for a mostly random sample. There are also Beta Worlds (BW), Contest Worlds (CW), ChrisWorld, and PW but there's a small minority, and wouldn't represent the average world. Let's save those for later!

For the default home worlds, I'll be using the nicknames I gave them.

I won't be playing duplicates, as they take up the majority of worlds (mainly empty worlds and default home worlds). One for each arrangement for blocks.

#1: PW---8fwlBcEI

House 4 home world. It's pretty neat I guess. Nice in-game art. I can get all coins in like 5 seconds. This covers over 13,000 home worlds.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
bcoins: 1/1
win: none

#2: PW---VWBNicEI

A House 6 world. Also neat, but it doesn't look as good as House 4 IMO. I can get the crown in like two seconds. There's like 6,000 of these.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
crown: get
win: none

#3: Insanity - editor2003 - PW---vjmkwbkI

Are you excited? Because this is the first unique level.

If you're fluent in worldese, you might recognize this as one of those rising difficulty levels, where each tier is harder than the next. The first is Simple, and the next is Easy. Be prepared to lose your insanity! Or not, because the level doesn't go past Easy.

I just BARELY managed to beat it in under 3 minutes. I'm sure I could do better, but yeah. The minigames are things I've seen a million times, though there were two SLIGHTLY more interesting obstacles. The second sign is slightly amusing.

The world was created in 2014. If not for the signs, it could pass as a 2011 world. It's even got 443 plays, a surprising amount for our first non-default world.

world status: incomplete
win: none
other: fully explored

#4: PW---wdmrLbUI

There it is, that famous MrShoe home world! While classic, it's fairly bland, with lots of empty space. But maybe that makes it better for editing. I can get the coin in a second, but winning seems to be impossible.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
win: unreachable
other: fully explored

#5: PW--2fbUAIcUI

Another House 6 variant.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
crown: get
win: none


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#3 2025-01-03 00:58:55

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 2

I'm surprised we haven't had an empty world yet.

#6: Puzzle Thingy - groundpound - PW--45dP0xckI


Hey, it's Groundpound! I recognize that username. This looks like an incomplete puzzle world, where you put together four words to get the edit key. There's just one slide minigame. Has potential, but it's unfinished.

This world was created November 2020, making a very late world.

world status: incomplete
win: none
other: fully explored

#7: My Home World - kiteshield5086 - PW--4OCjGhb0I


The "Yard" home world. Looks decent. I can get both blue coins in about 6 seconds, but the coins and crowns are buried underground. There are 36,480 of these worlds.

world status: complete
coins: 0/2
bcoins: 2/2
crown: unreachable
win: none

#8: PROS ONLY ALLOWED - nexus221 - PW--5prQjmcEI


Two new milestones: the first world with a reachable win trophy, and the first troll level. It starts with a 1x1 hook jump. There are several invisible portal traps sending you to the start which I fell for. There are two methods to win, and I accidentally came across one. The signs are slightly amusing, but several of them are just kinda basic "ha, noob/fat!" jokes. Most of the world is empty space, which makes me wonder why this wasn't done in a much smaler world.

world status: complete?
bcoins: 1/1
win: 263.86s
god: get

#9: Win for edit 3/4 - xxtheoreofairyxx - PW--69wbANcUI


Oh no, it's EEO's arch nemesis—world portals. It looks like this is one in a series of worlds. I want to play more worlds before I reached my self-imposed deadline (0:00 UTC) in under 40 minutes so I won't bother trying to string the levels together (yet).

Basic world, with stuff like jumps and hook jumps. At least the shapes of each section is dynamic, and not just a boxed minis level. Anyway, I reached the end in like 17 seconds.

world status: part of series
win: none
other: fully explored

#10: add to banlist or no - serg77 - PW--6ZkyBMcUI


The first world that confuses me. Dungeon blocks, red team, orange switches, water, toxic, slow effect... This looks more like a testing world than anything else. There's no objective here.

world status: unknown
win: none
other: fully explored

#11: free edit! code 1111 - drgd - PW--898pS3cEI


The first free edit world. And it's in a small world. What could possibly go wrong? Well, being an easy target for trolling. And the owner even saved it like this. There's no goal, just random Basic blocks and a bgcolor.

world status: unknown
win: none
other: fully explored

#12: My Home World - klaun - PW--8A82zKb0I


A "House 1" home world. In-game art looks decent, even if the sky and ground are a bit plain. There's no goal except reaching the crown. Or maybe going to bed.

world status: complete
crown: get
win: none

#13: Sonics World - chappiepete - PW--8dUyJQbEI


New milestones: oldest world yet (from January 2012), first art world, and first world based on an existing IP! Looks, decent, and you can tell it's fairly old. There's nothing to explore. Maybe it was meant to use the new music blocks to play Sonic music?

world status: incomplete
other: fully explored

#14: My Home World - goshnoob - PW--9Bx0kXcUI


Another House 6. There are 4,721 of these. There's a sign on the roof that's unreachable.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
crown: get
win: none

#15: Kaka - thegrayman - PW--9vPApBcEI

There we have it, our first empty world. A home world, to be exact. I'm surprised it took so long. The description for this one is "assaasasasassaassaasas". There are 8,172 of these.

world status: empty
win: none
other: fully explored

#16: My Home World - moundir12 - PW--HKz7FGcEI


A House 5. Looks...kinda ugly, actually? The cyans and yellows are rather unflattering. At least getting all coins is a slight challenge compared to some other of the home worlds.

world status: complete
coins: 3/3
bcoins: 2/2
win: none

#17: The beach tiano - tiano - PW--I8fUPHbEI


Finally, our first non-default world with an immersive theme. Specifically, a sandcastle. The level just screams of the 2012-2013 era with so many features being integrated. It's pretty fun. There's a weird red...heart monster? Likely my favorite world yet!

world status: complete
coins: 11/11
win: 27.96s


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#4 2025-01-04 00:58:19

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
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Posts: 11,167

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

CORRECTION: For #6, I did not put the correct minimap. If I recall correctly it's a 25x25 small world, with multiple colourful layers, but not much decoration beyond that.

Day 3


#18: its late closed nooo - pokoboy123 - PW--IFacyQbkI


Oh no, not this level.

Back in May I did a test run of several worlds, from the first 100 or so. Along with "Insanity", this is one of the levels I played. And it's a pain. About half the red backgrounds are ladders—it's a ladder hopping level. Fortunately I was able to beat it in about 4-5 minutes both times. If you want a very basic challenge, play this I guess.

world status: complete
crown: about 225s
win: none

#19: kalangola - natur - PW--IN6LvlbUI


A modified MrShoe home world. It's fun to see how people modify the default home worlds. It's mildly entertaining to speedrun the level and beat it under two seconds.

Kalangola seems to be the name of a town in Zambia. I don't know how it relates to this world though.

world status: complete
coins: 16/16
bcoins: 16/16
win: 1.24s

#20: My Home World - kevintheostrich - PW--3N2c5FcUI

After beating kalangola, the 20th in my list, but 19th world listed here, I realized I missed something. This should've been the sixth world, but I accidentally skipped it in the sea of worlds named "My Home World". So here it is.

It's another House 6. I like that there's a balcony.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
bcoins: 1/1
crown: get
win: none

#21: Still Nothin Much - camanator - PW--IOcN1CbEI


Our first 2011 world! Barely, by like, 41 minutes.

One of my favorite levels so far gameplay wise. There's simple platforming, a middle platforming section, and one of those compact dot trails where you can try to take the shortcut. The middle part is a little repetitive, but since it can be beaten within seconds it's not nearly as filler-y as a boxed mini level.

This is a fun level to breeze through in like half a minute, the biggest competitor for tiano's beach for the best level so far. Though, "The beach" has better visual variety.

world status: complete
coins: 15/15
bcoins: 10/10
crown: get
win: none

What's next? "star world"? Surely it'll be something I can do quickly before—

Oh. OH. It's our first stairs level. And our first 400x200 world. With 3166 coins to collect.

To be continued...


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#5 2025-01-05 00:59:45, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-05 01:02:51)

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 4

Sirjosh, I hope I'm not causing too much web traffic by using images from your website. I turned off images so maybe that'll help some. I can start uploading my own images if you want.

#22: star world - sport - PW--I_ZXq3a0I


The "star world" does not have any stars, and I struggle to understand how this world relates to astronomy. Is there some deeper, hidden significance to the title? Let me know your thoughts.

The first stairs world. The first Great-sized worlds. The oldest world yet, created in May 2011. It has ten towers to climb. Can I do it?

If, by some miracle, you don't know what stairs levels are. They're towers of stairs of key doors, triggered when somebody reaches the top, falls down, and presses the key. The cycle continues.

The first thing to note is that there are thousands of coins. A lot of them are right at the start, above the stairs, too high to be reached with jumping. But they can be reached by falling after pressing a key.

To be a completionist, I jumped up to the right point, and got a second fake player to keep hitting the red key at the end of the first tower. Fortunately, this is easy, because the world has very loose key security. You can keep touching the keys at the top. There's even a point where you can keep pressing all three keys by holding space, ruining the level for everybody!

Anyway, after putting on a YouTube video, I kept doing this. It took around 12 minutes to get the starting coins. The rest of the coins are easily gotten off to the side, or rewards for completing a tower.

If playing a stairs level single-player wasn't sad enough, there are these towers where you have to keep timing jumps. At around 20 minutes, and 2,599 coins, I was nearing the end of the level, with only three towers left, when I came across this jump:


(I don't know why but the sides of the image wrapped around, so the right side looks weird.)

There it was. An impossible jump. Proof that this wretched tower had not been tested, or even observed as possible by its creator. I opened a window of EEO TAS client, and confirmed that this jump was not possible.

I edited in a block to make it possible, and went forward to the furthest point in the map now with all the coins. Because this is cheating, I won't count it to the coin total. The Secret stairs and unexpected hook jump are slightly novel; I'll give the level that, but you can't even reach them without cheating.

Anyways, forgettable level. Would be slightly less bad with multiplayer, but you know those keys would be spammed. There might be a few thousand more of these.

world status: incomplete, impossible
coins: 2599/3166
win: none
other: possible fully explored, impossible fully explored with cheats

#23: Untitled World - thesnivy1220 - PW--JFB9jBcEI


Shockingly, the first world named "Untitled World". Also the first Wide world.

You start on the surface. After traveling down a pipe, you find yourself in a red, checkered room. The way forward is to press the key. The next room is orange, and gives you jump and curse effects. The next gives you curse.

While a bit basic, this looks like it could be the start of a fun, modern level. But it wasn't developed any further.

world status: incomplete
coins: 3/3
win: none

#24: Amazing Art - cj1dad - PW--JpG-XZbEI

Amazing art?'s just an empty small world with a few arrows at the bottom. Am I missing something? Is this postmodern art?

world status: incomplete
win: none
other: fully explored

#25: home interior - misshapensmiley - PW--JveGxmbUI


Exactly what it sounds like. There's no challenge here, just home interior. And it's well done! The wall is made of pleasant Domestic backgrounds; the floor is lined with carpet and wood. It just looks nice and cozy.

This is part of a series, connected with world portals. I might check the rest out once I figure out how to deal with world portals.

world status: part of series
win: none
other: fully explored

#26: My Home World - sahilbeef - PW--K7RF-5b0I


It's House 2 (Winter)! This level looks nice and cozy. The blue and purple ground is an interesting design choice that looks a little ugly in-game, but works on the minimap. The coins and crown can be gotten in seconds with basically no skill.

I'd like to see a non-winter version of this home world, but it looks like that wasn't done.

world status: complete
coins: 2/2
bcoins: 1/1
crown: get
win: none

#27: CAVE BOSS OFF - gaby101 - PW--KADyc_ckI


Our first boss—oh, it's not that kind of boss. You escape from a cave with spikes and a low jump effect. It's moderately difficult, moderately fun, and the blue coin is in a clever hidden spot. The in-game art looks pretty neat. I'm guessing it's unfinished, but the world owner was generous enough to give us a win trophy. Thanks!

world status: complete
bcoins: 1/1
win: 228.21s, 16 deaths

#28: 123456789 - 12456789 - PW--KImQ4lbUI


A small world, with Secret blocks, some arrows, and a small castle with loads of coins but no way to get inside.

There is no clear goal. The level is likely a metaphor for class inequality—the Secret blocks outside representing the lower class being overlooked, and the unreachable castle full of treasure representing the ruling class. The arrows reflect how the lower class, with its lesser power, can be pushed around by the elites if they do not have the means to fight back.

Neat castle, I guess? How am I supposed to judge this?

world status: complete
coins: 0/32
bcoins: 0/32
win: none
other: fully explored

#29:  timmy - timmy0funny - PW--KJjtNgbEI

Little timmy's first world. It's an empty small world.

world status: empty
win: none
other: fully explored

#30: games boss to code - firewizard - PW--Ko61C-a0I


YES! This is the classic EE I have been yearning for! We got pyramids, stairs, boxed minis,  fakeout crowns, smiley art, Secret block maze, AFK at the start, a troll box, a boss to code, random hook jumps, and a secret code! The second oldest world so far, right behind "star world", the other (inferior) stairs world.

Big warning: boxed mini 6 has a roller coaster that seems to be inescapable, possibly due to changed physics, unless you take a shortcut through it. This means four blue coins have to be missed, unless there is some way to get through I don't know about.

In around six minutes I got to the the boss to code, where there are five gold coins and a crown you can get in a small gauntlet of minis. You need to do the gauntlet up to five times to get all five coins, but if you're very quick with the green key, you can get more than one, or even all five in one try. The last six gold coins are locked behind the boss, meaning they are impossible to get without cheating.

world status: complete, intended for multiplayer
coins: 5/11
bcoins: 147/151
crown: get
win: none

#31:Space Sector #A - pikabee - PW--Kyc773b0I


Welcome to Sector A! A Virus has broken out in this part of the Universe!
I need your help to find this virus and destroy it! Before it spreads!
You can find me along the way. My name is not improtant.
[sic] Yet...

Uh-oh, looks like the world ends there! I guess that virus was let loose...

Nice art, for what little there is. There's a description, too:

In a world where your only chance of survival is through sheer precision and timing; Sector #A.

world status: incomplete
win: none
other: fully explored

#32:  b dm crew chat only - doomactivator - PW--L0QwDIa0I


From 2011, a social world for b dm crew, an army against trolls! The world is fun to jump around in, but there's no goal. The only coins are locked off in the staff rooms. The use of key doors and gates to obscure the code is pretty clever.

world status: social
coins: 0/22
win: none
other: fully explored

#33: 123456789 TREVIAN - trevia - PW--L5kOxWbUI


A small world, with some keys and no goal. The beige Brick background doesn't look so good with the grey Basic and the splatters of magenta. I'm guessing this was a new player's testing world?

world status: unknown
win: none
other: fully explored

#34: sweet home alabama - natasapotato38 - PW--L7RpLLbUI


Where the skies are

It's a home world with art of two ghosts and the :kissing: Kissing smiley. The name might not make sense, until you realize that this is a Home World, and of course the song "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. All this makes me suspect this is something an older player from 2011 or earlier threw together upon getting a home world. Nothing to explore, unless you land on one of the ghosts right after spawning. Neat art.

world status: complete
win: none
other: fully explored

#35: mini mini pro - maxmol - PW--Lk-Zm8a0I


A small world,  with little coasters and a bunch of coins. The main problem, though, is the lack of a spawn point. You're stuck in the top left, right where the crown is! And there's no way to get out. This is a win, but only by a technicality. And if you're speedrunning by time trial rules, then you can reach the crown with a perfect time of 0.00s.

world status: complete
coins: 0/27
bcoins: 0/27
crown: 0.00s
win: none

#36: hi please join - beeman - PW--Lqg-KQa0I


Hi beeman,

I'll join your world! I bet you didn't expect that five years after the game shut down, huh? Normally I wouldn't write directly to the world owner, but since you're polite enough to say hi, I'll write my analysis in the form of an overly formal public letter. Your world is the oldest so far, from March 30, 2011, but sadly, it has 0 plays. Maybe worlds back then didn't count plays? If not then that's quite tragic.

Your level tasks the player with simply jumping up key door stairs, with some coins to the side you can jump to and get. If you fall off blue stairs (which you're encouraged to do for the coins), you can stuck unless the blue key is triggered. You can still get them all in single-player by triggering the key then jumping, but this means you have to jump slightly further to reach the coins. Of course, the level is extremely short, so you can just reset and complete it all in a minute.

In multiplayer, there is no system stopping a player from spamming keys they have reached. This could be considered either good or bad design depending on whether you value fairness, or mischief in your world.

This is a very quick, and small sample of EE gameplay, that looks like it was made without much planning. There's some charm to that, even if there isn't much unique gameplay.

Thanks for the world!


world status: complete
coins: 0/8
crown: 6s
win: none

#37: Untitled World - lukav - PW--M4cWmYbUI


A mostly empty small world, with the border missing, and some Basic blocks placed near the edge, as if they had been dislocated out of their position. Nothing else is there. Slightly ominous. You could write a horror story about this.

world status: empty
win: none
other: fully explored

#38: Untitled World - torpet - PW--M5C0UUbUI

A medium world. The right half of the world has water, and there's...the right half a smiley drawn out with Secret blocks? There's a small column of water near the top on the left, but the rest of the left half is empty. What happened? Did Thanos snap half of this water world away?

world status: unknown
win: none
other: fully explored


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#6 2025-01-06 00:59:54, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-06 01:03:19)

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 5

I procrastinated a bit this time, so you only get three worlds.

#39: mundo zunbi br - gilcrazy09 - PW--M5qfYrbUI


A Wide World with nothing but a few zombie doors and gates. The title is in Brazilian Portuguese, so this might make it the first non-English world.

world status: empty
win: none
other: fully explored

#40: MINI BOSS EVER - shazadi - PW--N2wgEebEI


OW, my EYES. There are skulls backgrounds everywhere. There are even skull decorations and curse effects. Somebody loves skulls.

This is the first dedicated boss world. There are 10 coins to get, which can be gotten without god mode, BUT only if another player has god mode.

Getting the 10 coins requires a goofy amount of precision by pressing the red key to open the door, and moving your smiley to the right at the right time to get enough momentum to land pass the green door. Do this 10 times, and you win. But I'm running low on time, so I won't do this now.

world status: complete
coins: 0/10 (3/10 with 2 extra players with god mode)
win: impossible (1 player), skipped (2nd player with god mode)

#41: 21040404 - paullo - PW--NRnrxIbUI


Nice farm, interesting red-green-yellow sky gradient, basic jumps, got all coins. I had to do this small world quickly. Is this a copy of MrShoe's farm world?

world status: complete
coins: 4/4
win: 4.35s


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#7 2025-01-07 00:29:34

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,037

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I tried the last one and that jump took me a little more time than I'd like to admit... Also Joey and Turtlecat1 say hi!

Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!


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#8 2025-01-07 01:00:34, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-07 01:15:45)

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From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 6

Today I'm giving myself more time so I can actually find some decent levels. By the way, I'll stop listing "win: none" (meaning the world has no win trophy) since so many worlds cuont.

#42: domas - doms - PW--NWR3yFbEI


Somebody trying out the Sci-fi pack in April, 2012. There are keys, but the only one that does anything is the unreachable green key which blocks the crowns.

world status: unknown
crown: under 2s

#43: floating iles of EE - randomeditinguy12345 - PW--Neob7ua0I


Hey, a large-ish, complete-looking world. The block choices, such as constant backgrounds, Candyland, Glass, Summer 2011, and Halloween 2011 made it pretty obvious to me that this is a late 2011 world.

When playing multiplayer, a glaring problem becomes quickly evident--there are a few spots early on where key gates block your path, and there is nothing stopping a player from repeatedly pressing keys.

The world starts promising, having you jump across the titular floating iles [sic] like Trollie's "Avatar" world (which I recommended). But another problem becomes evident--you need coins to progress, and the coins are positioned in spots that require you to lose progress, doing the same task multiple times. Not a huge problem, because the world can be beaten in a few minutes, but noticable.

Any of the first three coins are skippable with a well-timed jump past a coin door, and if you do this, you get permanently stuck in the second layer. This didn't happen when I played, but it's possible.

The last third of the world is a downgrade. Instead the open, floating isles which let you jump how you please, it turns into random cramped minis which are mostly filler like tight fits, zig-zagging tunnels, and dot hook jumps.

Had potential, but you blew it, randomeditinguy12345. I'm sure you care about my overly dramatic review, 13 year later.

Cleared everything in around 350 seconds.

world status: complete
coins: 12/12
bcoins: 6/6
crown: get

#44: Happy Birthday Xeno! - grensnez - PW--Oh6HrYcUI


A birthday world for Xenonetix, made November 2020. The world was created in February 2020, so it might be the newest world so far.

You can immediately jump to get god mode, and can get the cake and diamond. This is the first world with a Diamond block by the way. There's no win block as far as I can tell.

A sign gives thanks to Yete, Jaida428game, Jalen162boss, and Groundpound for building this. There are also some signs congratulating Xeno.

This is more of a gift than anything else, so it would be a bit tasteless to critique it.

world status: complete
god: get
cake: get
diamond: get

#45: BOSS OR NINJA 2 CODE - dudeman2222 - PW--PHAissbEI


Totally radical, dude! This level is filled with Halloween 2011 blocks, dating it to around that period.

The second...boss world? There are like, four columns of blocks for this boss. Very tight. There's some optional filler tunnels that take you back to the start, with no reward.

If you give a second player god mode, you can get all coins and crown within a minute. You're supposed to only get one coin at once, but you can just do automatic 1x1 jumps to jump back up and get all of them within a minute or so.

The portal might be broken, because it brought me nowhere. I still got the "code". If you consider how compact the code is written, you can probably figure out which digits are in there.

world status: complete
coins: 5/5
bcoins: 14/14
crown: get
code: get

#46: DARIONIS - darionis5009 - PW--PUNwMCbkI


A small world, with very simplistic art. That's a smiley face, a smiley with an aura, and a wide person. Is that a cell phone? A radio? I don't know.

All the empty space is filled with coins. But thankfully they're all easy to get, and can be gotten in a minute.

world status: complete
coins: 168/168
bcoins: 3/3
crown: get

#47: My Home World - fireboy7 - PW--PdTvoucEI


A home world, with blocks ominously missing. You might be able to get on the roof with 1x1 hook jumps, but I didn't do that.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
bcoins: 1/1

#48: Title Screen - theirritatingpenguin - PW--PjrwLkbEI


As you might expect, this is a recreation of a loading screen, from 2012. The world starts with some zig-zagging tunnels of Secret blocks, which are quick to get through, but a bit unnecessary and feel like the world creator was just trying to fill the remaining space.

The coins and crowns are easy to get within a minute, but a warning--you can get stuck in the factory because the door is a green key door. To get out, you need to reset or get a second player to press the green key.

Beside recreating the title screen, the highlight is the rocket on the right side. I don't know what motivated the creator to put that there, but it's a nice original creation.

At the start, after the zigzagging tunnels, you have one chance to get to a "pro spot" by doing a hover. Nothing significant there, but I'm pointing that anyway, for some reason.

world status: complete
coins: 22/22
crown: get

#49: Basic Blue - icecweam - PW--Psg4FxbEI


It's a world filled with...Basic Blue.

world status: unknown
other: fully explored

#50: Abstract Level - brynda1231 - PW--SI1WKbcEI


Description says "Hard and messy, but possible."

Um, no it isn't. There's one point where you have to jump higher than is possible. And another where a block blocks your way. Removing the backgrounds, I can tell there's no way through.

Anyway, the world is fairly basic, with some hook jumps. The premise being that everything's messy and hard to see, think "Made by Jerks" by one of the EX Crew (was it Mustang)?

Somebody with edit must've made this impossible. Perhaps the world owner, but the world may never know.

world status: complete, impossible
win: impossible, get (with cheats)

#51: My Home World - mommytttt - PW--VAY_vbcUI


Finally, it's the final home world! It's quite different from most of the others. It looks pretty nice, and the crown is actually hard to get by default home world standards.

world status: complete
coins: 3/3
bcoins: 1/1
crown: get
win: 6.34

#52: My Home World - kenchi1 - PW--VYfZhAcUI


A sort of average looking home world, with code written out in coins. Unfortunately, the coins are impossible unless you can do a precise jump with that dot.

world status: complete
coins: 0/37
code: get
crown: impossible
win: impossible

#53: My Home World - qwafrfgy - PW--Wih6kUcUI


Third "My Home World" in a row! Anyway, it's just an edited version of one of the home worlds. I don't know what's different.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
crown: get


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#9 2025-01-07 01:02:04, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-07 23:45:33)

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

John wrote:

I tried the last one and that jump took me a little more time than I'd like to admit... Also Joey and Turtlecat1 say hi!

Hey, playing these worlds on is a great idea! I should try that out.

Wait, how do I get the world on PixelWalker?

edit: You enter a level by typing legacy:ID. Thanks, Joey!


#10 2025-01-08 01:00:03

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 7

Starting today, I will play worlds on PixelWalker when possible so others can join in.

#54: TL CREW R.I.P. - dtop - PW--ZnKzGHbUI

Click to play PW--ZnKzGHbUI!

A memorial for TL Crew, apparently. Description is "By ninjasling". There's a grave, some swamp creature, a pirate ship, and lightning. The level creator did a good job at creating a moody atmosphere.

It might look impossible at first, but there are invisible blocks beneath the lightning. You can get all coins, but not the crown.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
bcoins: 2/2
crown: impossible

#55: My Home World - yeyey - PW--_W1oAzcUI

Click to play PW--_W1oAzcUI!

Another default home world. I feel like I've done this a few times. Being a default world, PixelWalker won't load this one, so I played it in EEO.

The main distinction here is the smiling GUEST-1 standing on the table, saying "Help me". I get it's probably an attempt at humour, but it's a confusing thing to put in a default home world, and I get why this was replaced.

world status: complete
coins: 1/1
crown: get
crown: get

#56: Perfect Smiley Art - raraul1708 - PW--_n0af6bEI

Click to play PW--_n0af6bEI!

No, not that Perfect Smiley Art that got a gazillion plays. This is a small one with a smiley. Neat art. I expected this to be from 2011 with the block selection and, but surprisingly, it's from October 2012.

There's nothing to do but get on top of the smiley right as you spawn.

world status: complete
other: fully explored

#57: stair coin level - choconiki - PW--aZK4sGbEI

Click to play PW--aZK4sGbEI!

Another stair level from 2011 that's only large this time, thankfully. There are lots of coins, but they are much easier to get and don't require pressing the keys. I could beat it in around 4 minutes.

The level is supposed to stop you with a key gate after pressing the key, but you get the speed to fall straight through it. If somebody else presses the key, then you reach the gate, you can infinitely jump on it and trigger the key.

world status: complete
coins: 358/358
bcoins: 358/358
other: fully explored

#58: secret portal br 1_1 - aarioon - PW--avlEuPb0I

Click to play PW--avlEuPb0I!

encontre o portal invisivel para ganhar

e entao que começe a caça do portal

...which is Brazilian Portugese. It means there's an invisible portal to look for, but there isn't really any. There's a troll section that claims to give you code, but it's just a curse.

If the green key is pressed, you get access to a small playground with mostly hook jumps. There are no rewards, but I climbed through all the tricky parts anyway.

I'm guessing this was meant to be played with a player having edit, placing an invisible portal to reach the crown.

world status: unknown
crown: impossible
other: fully explored

#59: lol minigames - apaapa - PW--bNkOJja0I

Click to play PW--bNkOJja0I!

A small minis world. Most of the world is filler tunnels. This is like the inverse of randomeditinguy12345's "floating iles of EE", where it starts as cramped filler minis then starts to open up by the end (though not quite as good as that world).

Despite appearances, this world might actually be the oldest yet, from January 19, 2011. It has lots of blocks from 2012.

world status: complete
coins: 9/9
other: fully explored

#60: Artsy <3 - matrixzk - PW--cCbgs2cEI

Click to play PW--cCbgs2cEI!

A cool art world created in 2016! I recognize Mew, Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Sceptile, Mario, and Homestuck characters. The empty space is filled with invisible dots. Let me know if you recognize the other artwork.

Two details: next to the shield, there's black text that says "current ranking". I don't know the significance of that. Second, one of the Homestuck characters has switch doors with the ID 666 on it.

world status: incomplete
other: fully explored

#61: Music of The Rainbow - xplodingcesium - PW--cIzNgdcEI

Click to play PW--cIzNgdcEI!

A music world. The music is kinda messy, and a sign says that it is just a test. For some reason, there's a block blocking the way, but you can just move around it.

world status: complete?
coins: 3/3
win: 5.50s

Next time, on playing random EE worlds...A high-quality, 400x200 school role-play world? Cat vore??

To be continued...


#11 2025-01-08 01:33:03

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
Joined: 2016-08-27
Posts: 3,009

Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

this is so based


also known as DevilCharlotte

search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)



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#12 2025-01-08 04:14:53

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

this is awesome pls continue this


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#13 2025-01-09 00:59:39

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'm gonna stop writing "other: fully explored" for empty worlds, since there's nothing to explore in them anyway.

Day 8: #62-


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#14 2025-01-10 00:40:35

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Two more corrections for "HighSchool RP Remake". I accidentally wrote "role-playing levels" instead of "role-playing rules", and some of the houses on the top can be entered, but not in PixelWalker (because the gravity effect doesn't work correctly).

Day 9: #84-

And that's all the worlds starting with PW--! I've gone through 1/64 of 1/64 (or 1 in 4096) of possible Public World IDs! Tomorrow we'll also be reaching World #100.


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#15 2025-01-11 00:57:41

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 10: #97-

OK, I was wrong. We didn't have enough time to reach #100. The next level, level #100 will have cake!


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#16 2025-01-12 00:33:38

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 11: #100-

I would have liked to play more today, but it looks like I have something to do before the deadline. So only three worlds today.


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#17 2025-01-13 01:02:26, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-13 01:02:58)

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'll be getting to 120 worlds, which currently averages out to 10 worlds per day.

Day 12: #102-


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#18 2025-01-13 07:38:37

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

When randomly roll and beat my cold world


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#19 2025-01-13 21:50:15

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

NoNK wrote:

When randomly roll and beat my cold world

The Cold World ID is PWp1ks2X7dbkI, #400121 in alphabetical order. Don't worry, by our current method it'll take 400000 more worlds, 40000 days, or 109.5 years!


#20 2025-01-14 00:59:53, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-14 01:01:18)

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'm going to stop using the vague "world status" and replace it with a tagging system that describes more about the world. The tags will describe design patterns, but not things can be determined automatically from the world's metadata or blocks.

I will also be removing the "other: fully explored" because I'm trying to fully explore all the worlds by default, and I want to cut down on some of the boring boilerplate text.

Day 13: #121-


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#21 2025-01-15 00:59:56

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 14: #130-


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#22 2025-01-16 03:59:32

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'm a bit late today.

Day 15: #136-


#23 2025-01-17 00:59:31

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'm going back to win some levels I skipped. This means "-1 Gem Race" and "I M P O S S I B L E" are the only levels I have left uncompleted.

Day 16


#24 2025-01-18 00:57:19

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

I'll stop including "difficulty: none" unless the level has some goal.

Day 17


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#25 2025-01-19 00:59:56, last edited by N1KF (2025-01-19 01:05:00)

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Re: Week 8 playing random EE worlds until EE! releases

Day 18


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