Official Everybody Edits Forums

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#1 2024-10-12 07:24:48

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,112

Number 11111 Komment on Forums

Born in the early 2000's, I was a rather sheltered kid. An enjoyable life, but not much experience with meeting new people.

My early experience with the internet was just with image searches, downloads, and game walkthroughs. But that changed with Kongregate in 2011.

Kongregate opened a new world of amazing, free games. Multiplayer, online games were new to me as well. I saw a game that would change my life far more than any other, forever:

Everybody Edits

...but the thumbnail looked kinda crummy, so I skipped it. Of course, I went back and played it.

Everybody Edits

The game was so captivating, and it was so magical. I really liked level editors, as it felt like the most special possible feature in a video game—being able to create whatever you're playing. So finding Everybody Edits was a dream come true! And with thousands of active players! This video is an amazing first impression, IMO.

I remember being really excited to see the Christmas 2011 update announced. Like, really REALLY excited. Logging in to spend energy on those limited-time Christmas items was so important to me, that it became an inside joke in real life.

Some worlds I remember:

Everybody Edits Worm by Xeno and EE players (this was years before he owned the game)
Everybody Edits by superxsuper
Donkey Kong race level by unknown creator
Fossil coin hunt by unknown creator

If you think you might be able to find either of the latter two, please post about it in The "Remember that world?" topic.

First account

At some point, I made my first Kongregate account. I don't know when, either late 2011 or early 2012. I don't even remember if this was before or after I played Everybody Edits.

Outside a few chats on Shellshock Live, I don't really remember my first interactions. But I remember being told that it's not safe to share my name online, which is why I've told it to so few people. And that name was in my first account name, which is why I won't share it here.

I had an interaction where I revealed my age, and somebody told me I was too young to have an account. Technically, they were right—COPPA restricts U.S.-based websites from having children under 13 communicate freely, without consent from parents or guardians.

This person said my parents would be arrested for child neglect. I was banned from Kongregate for being under 13, so it felt serious to me. I believed this person's claims, and for months, I would feel guilt and dread when I thought about it. To this day, I don't know whether this person was well-intentioned.

I still remember the password, and I can log in, but it's still banned for being underage. Even though the account itself is nearly 13 years old!

Number1KirbyFan on Kongrgeate, and guest9667869769

Of course, being banned won't stop me. For my second account, I needed a new name. Something that doesn't reveal much about me personally. I liked Kirby a lot at the time, and I still do. December 29, 2011, I made my account Number1KirbyFan.

And my name in Everybody Edits... Well, before I tell you, I should tell you I was trying to keep the "interacting with people online" thing secret. And that meant playing online games as a guest. So I went with something very discrete, very subtle:


GUEST966 wasn't even taken. I'm guessing I just spammed numbers because I saw GUEST1 and similar low numbers were taken.

Unlike the lost days, these days I have 235 forum posts to look through. And things get wild.

I start making spam threads, about rumors like Chris Benjaminsen being dead, or Beta users having a /ban command. And I start making crews.

  • The Editor Crew

  • The MEGA Editors Crew

  • The Troll Nuke Team

  • The Multiple Scorgasms - All credit to the name goes to michaelan. He did the hard work of finding that name. Really, you don't have to credit me. I insist.

They didn't really go anywhere. This began my long-lasting tradition of starting projects and going nowhere with them.

I have lots of friends, and I have lots of haters. I must apologize to shaunsred, who gave me constructive criticism, but I was too bullheaded at the time to accept it.

One of my on-and-off friends michaelan invited me to his chat room. He, or somebody else did the classic "put your password in the chat and it'll be censored" and I felt for it. michaelan took control of my account, and did many profane things with it. It was devastating, like my entire world was being destroyed.

I spent hours arguing and getting in conflicts. Even when I got my account back, he found increasingly elaborate ways to manipulate my other "friends" into getting my password. It was very chaotic, so I don't remember exactly how this all ended, but I somehow lost access to the account. The account's last activity was in April 18, 2012.

Maybe one day I'll message a Kong Staff and see if I can get back into my account. Currently, michaelan's account has a "permanently banned" message, while mine doesn't. So I'll take that as a win. //


February 20, 2012, I registered my Everybody Edits account NUMBERKIRBYFAN1O on the main website. You might be wondering what the 1O is. I put that there because you needed a username to kick, and O and 0 looked identical in the user list at the time. (I wasn't aware of the autocomplete feature in chat.) You might also be wondering why there's a 1 missing. The answer is that I forgot. I didn't even notice that for like, months or years.

Number1KirbyFan on the Official Everybody Edits Forums

I registered this forum account around March 2012, Number1KirbyFan. If you're wondering why the registration date shows up as 2014 now, that's because of the forum transfer. I later used the usernames Number(1)KirbyFan, Dr. N1KuF, and N1KF.

I had a rough start here. I was very self-concious about my reputation, which was in the negatives at that time. I even made a topic asking about it. You can dig through my old posts if you really wanna see that. I also made the Dark Crew, which once again—hardly went anywhere. But at least I made a few worlds under the DARKCREWADMINPROFILE.

The in-game friend system was added early 2012, letting users without chat chat with their friends. I made some of my first friends—Minimania, iPwner, C3po345, imgood9, robotkoer, and some others.

At this time, I was seeking approval from popular players I considered "pros". If you're one of these people, I must admit, this is probably why I talked to you and wanted to be your friend. iPwner, one of the only people to call out this kind of behavior in his EE Dicktionary, the most crude yet on-point analysis of the EE community. I even got my own tribute!

I joined Fail, a website closely connected to EE. I've spent many hours goofing around there. Some of my funniest and some of my worst moments come from there. But what happens in Fail, stays in Fail. I even made my own site, the DErp Forums! It was mostly me and my friend circle there.

Around mid-2012, EE updates were getting controversial. MrShoe's updates mostly added new blocks and smileys without meaningful new gameplay features, and the player count was dwindling. I defended the updates, being one of the few to counter the criticisms and have hope in the future of EE. I was also in the minority of players who thought trolling was a net negative influence on the game. I made the Editors' Revival Project, which never really went anywhere—Koto (KingOfTheOzone) did a better job at compiling and highlighting good worlds around that time.

Around this time I remember being called "mature" more than once based on my age. In the right conditions, yeah, I could have a serious conversation. But I wasn't mature when it came to understanding peoples' boundaries. There are many comments I remember making in poor taste, probably many I've forgotten. Being called out is what helped me to grow.

I entered my "weeaboo" era. I introduced myself with konnichiwa, and briefly returned to Kongregate with the account N1KFukkatsu, with fukkatsu meaning revival in Japanese. So yeah, that happened.

In 2014 I was trolled big time. Some bloke named NUMBERKIRBYFANIO or similar impersonated me and said a bunch of vulgar things in a popular world. I brought too much attention to them being an impostor, and I ended up giving other people the impression we're the same person looking for attention. A user in chat even claimed we both had the same IP address after clicking a link they put in chat. To this day, I don't know who really did this, but the important thing I learned here is not to feed the troll. Or maybe I still need to learn that...

The Worst Era of N1KF

Now probably begins the worst era of N1KF. I went back and looked at my oldest Kongregate posts, but I still won't bare reading the posts of this kind.

I dove too deep into pseudophilosophical and political wonderings. I see myself as a role model, and I projected my desire for hope and optimism on other people. I regularly made lengthy and wordy posts like this one to argue with people who didn't take themselves that seriously. Instead of reflecting on myself I mainly criticized others' posts, and the behavior of in-game moderators. I remained polite, but politeness isn't the trump card I thought it was.

I also made debate topics to push view of real-world issues. While I still agree with many points I made, I don't think I'm in a good position to make meaningful statements on these things, which have very little to do with me, my life experience, or Everybody Edits.

I made the "Sincerity" topic in 2017, arguing that people aren't sincere enough. Finally Atilla gave me the call-out post I needed for so long—that I came across as insincere, and had the charisma of cardboard at that point. I didn't play EE to argue, I played to make friends and see the creativity at display. I missed that point, and I must give my thanks to anybody who has helped me reflect on my mistakes.

For my 9999th post in 2019, I made a somewhat vague "I hope you are happy" topic and stopped posting. Of course, I started posting again months later, but hopefully it's just fun stuff and EE-focused discussions from here.


There are many things and many moments I haven't mentioned here. Many friends I made, and sadly, the passage of time has left me to forget some of them. If you're reading this, thank you for sticking around with Everybody Edits for so long.

Not including deleted posts, this is my 11111th post, an overview of my time on Everybody Edits and these forums, taking inspiration from the likes of Zoey2070's 2070th post or Bimps1002's 1002nd post. I've procrastinated on making this post for nearly five months now. It may not surprise you to know I've summarized my early EE history in multiple posts already. But this is my first summary reflecting on the Worst Era™ as well, so that's new.

This will be the last milestone with only 1 in the number, unless I make 100,000 more posts. And may God help us all if that happens.


Wooted by: (4)

#2 2024-10-18 16:40:48

From: wait I'm not a secret mod huh
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 5,853

Re: Number 11111 Komment on Forums

Thanks for sharing. This was a fun read. I remember being confused by your whole username dynamic changing so much. Never would've guessed at that much going on behind the name. lol

tbh, I'm logging in just to say that I never really saw you as insincere. And maybe I should celebrate my 5th post.

Oh, and I was thinking about this forum again the other day. Basically, we're all freakin' old, but I keep remembering this community as a bunch of young'uns from 2011. That's so weird.


Wooted by:

#3 2024-10-20 07:57:20

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,112

Re: Number 11111 Komment on Forums

hummerz5 wrote:

tbh, I'm logging in just to say that I never really saw you as insincere.

I'm glad to hear that, and I appreciate you following through my ramblings in the past.

Yes, I mostly spoke my sincere views. But good intentions can only bring views so far, when they aren't backed up with action or experience—going years without charity, local, or political work to make the world better. The lack of humility to admit this is what I consider insincere, and I suspect some found it a bit grating.

This change in outlook also made me focus more on shorter, direct, and readable posts. There's a place for the mind's wanderings, but I feel I put them here before they were ready to hatch.



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