Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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NoNK, Nou, Kirby, Joeyjoey65
Boring minigame but EE owner see the badness of spike hell world and decided not and never add spike or any other hazard
noob's hardest world challenge challenge
a random noob want make hardest ebe world ever, but he only know 1x1 hook jump, decided to make a counter system which going to let you do a lot of 1x1 hook jump in a row
assume that we have infinity color of counter, and the counter can goes up infinity without being inaccuracy.
in a 400x400 world, the largest world that noob can get, use the counter to make the player do most 1x1 hook jump in a row, make sure its still possible to win(even that you can't win before the end of our universe, its still finite and possible to win for noob), how many 1x1 hook will noob get?
extra rule: no rng portal
its a good parkour minigame LLL
i didnt see a problem, 100% possible
if u cant do just git gud L … 2036706c13
Tortureial #1 Done! … 20693ec9e1
For everyone who want some torture
You may think some jump is ridiculous or impossible, but trust me, every jump has been proved by TAS!
i want play the map on eeo loading screen
PWvwuqkwd8c0I [ebe wolrd]
a wrodl dnoe
wehn ebediotr fix? os i can copy it to eoe adn upalod
PWvwuqkwd8c0I [ebe wolrd]
a wrodl dnoe
wehn ebediotr fix? os i can copy it to eoe adn upalod
Capasha isn’t fixing EBEditor
Not today...
Tortureial #2 Done! … 569494a18a
Sad god is the original owner of this world, he said this world is not torture enough, so he is going to infect the next world with rng portal
bad news: imgbb screenshot broke, so i must find a new way to upload my screenshot
btw, my k8 is having some problem, cannon pass key gate = game crash
is this only my problem or game problem? if everyone having the problem, im going to use that to make a world called collapsing world, if the newer version fixed it, please give me the newest version so i can continue my work of a easy world which main mech = cannon
for tortureial #3, im just too lazy to make lol, and the only reason im making the cannon level is that i have a level in other game using the mech but it don't let me upload it, so i have to make same thing here
i WILL be back when there are actual a working ee remake for me, and which is not some stupid google account login or whatever (i have steam now so i guess we can prob use steam)
and im prob a ultra noob now, you may see i keep dying on some very simple minigame
edit: its seems that image is fixed, look like its my problem
btw for k8, how many world is done? where to download? i want play more good k8 world (but it must should be not too hard like insane difficulty, or any weird mech with extreme difficulty)
ok a new 25x25 im bored … 094cb1580c
this world is also on pixelwalker
finally this post is back!
alesmile told me this world and say its hard, so i tried it to see why.
the puzzle part is good, still didnt reach the hard part yet
Edilights, Kirby, Joeyjoey65, NoNK, John
Tower level 2 verified by theegglet! While tower level 3 is already finish in eeo (and i don't have a 25x25 to publish to pw), tower level 4 is going to be harder! so theegglet will stop say my level is easy!
Theegglet should verify my [easy] map(Cuz i think only that world is hard enough for theegglet), pls give me a 100x100 and white spike pls
Yes its pw only thing
You could pass the spike by hold left, this thing is not happen in k8 with this setup (even if you use tickspeed and you have 999% speed effect)
It should be impossible cuz the speed hardcap is 1 block per sec, idk how exact its working in this game because i don't have tickspeed command
How??? Is it a half block hitbox glitch or a speed hardcap breaking glitch? And will it get fixed?
@john Please check this
Hey Ture, sorry I can't see the pic
EDIT: nice find, pic loaded for me now
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PW need auto holdspace so i can idle on the rng machine and get coins
when will pw get update? we i don't want another eer or ebe, we i want update!
please not another dead game, if pw don't get a update, it will be like exact same thing as what eer and ebe get - losing player, nobody online ever
so update when
why everytime i joined a game, the game is getting stopped update? i guess its my problem
also im not grind realm cuz no progress save
fk u pixelwalker, always auto disconnect me when i try to join large world
game-CsDDLPab.js:147 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Pong received after close
fk u pixelwalker, always auto disconnect me when i try to join large world
game-CsDDLPab.js:147 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Pong received after close
You know, you could use the PW topic to show them this.
wjyg wrote:fk u pixelwalker, always auto disconnect me when i try to join large world
game-CsDDLPab.js:147 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Pong received after closeYou know, you could use the PW topic to show them this.
Oh, ok
btw i have a idea for 2 player level, but nobody is online so i can't test
Kirby wrote:Level with deco? And arrow? And not gray basic? It will be call "interesting minigame"
After i speedrun some world, i think rushing world is fun, so i decide to make a world for rushing (there prob some bad room but most room is fun for me)
when i done i will set time for speedrun medal on first level
there are no spike and mud, because die and swim is slow
there are only yellow thing(or at least, orange)(and removeteam gray)
its a rush level, so its called (Burst Minigame), still BM
I pick yellow because
1. i can use arrow, dot, and boost, so more things to do
2. yellow make me think about speed
'-' ok... he is not my friend
Yan Joshua knows as Nightmore, 7kudmath, Ygor Matheus, Kogor, Koya and RQ aka ~
I'm a professional artist, talented in various art forms, and also a programmer.
I had been playing Everybody Edits for four years ago. ~
Learning English and Japanese, Portugal ~
Native Portuguese speaker, fluent ~
20 years old, April 5, 2003. ~
He/Him ~
Contact information:
Discord: Kenny 💀#0578
In-game: 7KUDMATH
Xbox: YanJoshuaRQ
Steam: YanJoshuaRQ
When i want get joeyc back to tell something about world idea, i randomly joined this world, and i see its difficulty 3 so it should be short, but its NOT, its fake difficulty, its waste me forever time
and once i exploited it, joeyc is already gone... so
This is why i hate this world, exploit is easier than actual world
i will NEVER play any world next time when i need get joeyc, even its looks easy and short, and the difficulty say its easy
realms is having worst possible difficulty rating system, im not trusting it
(world name: wonder (realm say its difficulty 3, its totally fake difficulty))(spoiler is the exploit of the world)
so yes, the world is good, the problem is about the stupid realms theegglet tier difficulty rating(which always rate world easy)
You guy prob wont understand how hard to join a pw world for me, here are the simulator … e6e94305fc
and the most pain thing is, me and joeyc want make a world, but joeyc say its need at least 400x400 world, which mean... i will taking forever and forever to join, just to build
they need fix it
Try now Turewjyg. We pushed out an update that should help people that have unreliable internet service.
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