Here the topic listing all EEO Collab worlds 
Discussions take place in the EEO Discord, in #worlds>EEOC#X
▼EEOC #1
Informations :
Submissions were between 16/01/2023 and 16/02/2023, levels had to follow theses rules :
- any size and shape, 25x25 minimum
- full border that blocks the player
- entrance and exit of 3 blocks anywhere in the border
Levels have been ranked by difficulty and copy/pasted with eeoditor in a 637x460 world, see the gif.
I had to use miror on somes levels to fit all (giants cavern, weird bridge, lictor2 and keytime tower).
Then I did the level path + transitions art, on discord stream for the end (turtle idea with kira, added somes easter egg...).
And finally testing, with few mistakes fixed (softlocks, portals IDs, almost impossible puzzle
Thanks people who played the 1.0 and reported these ! Good luck to win now 
Winners :
- OC
- Turewjyg
Download :
v1.3 - Mediafire (orange pillar added)
Minimap :

Levels list :

Difficulty tier list :

EEOditor gif :

▼EEOC #2
Informations :
Submissions were between 25/02/2023 and 25/03/2023, levels had to follow theses rules :
- any size and shape, minimum 25x25 size
- solid border, blocks or spikes
- at least one opening of 3 blocks somewhere in the border
- 1 coin / level
- maximum hard difficulty
- no spike, fire, acid
- no portal
All others informations in game, glhf !
Winners :
- JOEYC maybe i fell asleep when he was at 27 coins
Download :
Minimap :

Wipgif :

>due to some eeoditor crashed i didn't have the beginning
Levels list :

▼EEOC #3
Check discord 