Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
You are not logged in.
intestine blocks WHEN?
i know i am late but i was wondering:
what is your fashion taste like?
is it purely jeans + t-shirt?
if yes, have you ever thought about branching out?
2020 or 2021
Will there be TrueType graphics similarly to how there are TrueType graphics in ?
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
Will EEO will get updates?
I Animate Stuff
The return of the question mark blocks/decorative in EEU when?
"𝓗𝓘𝓖𝓗 𝓠𝓤𝓐𝓛𝓘𝓣𝓨" non-animated signature.
You know this eagle ain't lying when he can smell things miles away from him, all thanks to his super powerful sense of smell. (Idc if this image doesn't fit, lol.)
Idk what my profile icon is supposed to be, lol. Activeness: Infrequent ¯\_(º_o)_/¯
Boring fact: Used to have a 709+ daystreak, but lost it due to my memory error...and then eventually lost my 263+ daystreak, also due to my memory error. (Was I sane at that time...?)
Fun fact: If you happen to see my username or Sticksam on Twitter/x or on other sites, that's actually a different person, NOT me. I never use Twitter/x. I just wanted to clear up the confusion a bit for those who are not aware of this, lol.
I honestly know little to nothing about them when I first saw those names on the internet. XD (Might have to give myself a bit of a different nickname at some point in the future.)
since you're going to tuck this AMA away and pretend you didn't have to, but regardless anyways,
when's shop? (for EEU).
How long are 24 hours (American) in British units?
guys help how to mark all new posts as read?
nvm found it lol
How long are 24 hours (American) in British units?
apparently 24 hours american converts to 2 weeks british
Luka504, mutantdevle, rat, bgic, Dencc, Kkay, 32OrtonEdge32dh, KyYay, Bluecloud, Minimania
Yeah Xeno's definetly realized that an AMA will likely go to **** when most of the people who know you also heavily dislike you. Go figure.
How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.
why is xeno even so hated??
you don't have to answer anything lol. it's a forum online of otherwise irrelevant people.
you don't have to answer anything lol. it's a forum online of otherwise irrelevant people.
Speak for yourself.
nlm is pretty relevant lol
Question for xeno: what's your opinion on the EE pedo community?
guys help how to mark all new posts as read?
nvm found it lol
nlm is pretty relevant lol
bgic wrote:nlm is pretty relevant lol
our president … p?id=34172 … 05#p595105
guys help how to mark all new posts as read?
nvm found it lol
After EE downfall , some EE players didn't opt at the time . When they will be in EEU?
What are you looking for?
I don't care.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well I think this has run its course. Plenty of questions to answer when the time comes, and I doubt we'll be getting any new ones in worth "asking".
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
when are u gonna do the AMA
we should campaign this
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
Chocolate in EE when?
Whenever Satanya wishes to add it. I hear she likes chocolate.
What's your favourite colour?
Generically, blue, although I generally veer towards cyan specifically.
Do you think pink is the best colour ever?
I suspect that's yours, so we can expect the pink-haired smiley in-game soon?
who was your favorite grandparent?
Although they have all sadly passed away, my grandmother on my father's side was very loving, caring, and generous, and I miss her the most. My grandmother on my mother's side was the most supportive though, although very strict at times. I don't really remember my grandfathers, as one was gone before I was born, and the other passed away when I was I think 3 years old, although I do have a vague memory of him reading me a bedtime story, and other than photos, that's the only live memory I have of him. They were all good people.
Favourite pizza topping?
I generally choose chicken in some form, whether it's Spicy Chicken, Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Breast Strips, or pretty much any other form of chicken you find on pizzas. If I go for a pizza without chicken, I usually end up getting some form of chicken side instead (in addition to garlic bread).
I'm hungry right now!! Can you recommend me a nice snack, please?
I expect you have a Chocolate Pack somewhere?
Chocolate in EE when?
Whenever you add it to Project M if you haven't already I suspect?
I wanna double-ask this. Can I add chocolate blocks in Everybody Edits?
It's your game. Surely this is your decision?
Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate, easily. I'll have dark occasionally, although if I do, I prefer it be orange dark chocolate.
What is your biggest regret from your time as owner?
I suppose how I handled things in January 2019, as that was the biggest turning point for the game, prior to the Data Breach, and we believe the Data Breach may have occurred as a result of the events of January 2019 anyway. It caused me a lot of stress and hardship for the remainder of my time as owner, although thankfully there were good times as well.
Whats your favorite EE smiley besides the bat?
As an emote, the Penguin, but in-game, I would often wear the Masquerade Mask and the Maestro as alternatives to the Bat. Nearer the end, I would also sometimes wear the Black Dragon, and during Halloween, I'd switch the Bat for the Gargoyle. There were a lot of epic smileys to choose from.
Have you fixed your pc yet? :O
Sadly no. Every time I try to, I worry I'm just breaking it even further. I'm currently using a laptop plugged in to a monitor, but it's so much slower than the PC. One of my friends said they were willing to come help me fix it (as he builds PCs anyway), but simply couldn't because of lockdown/Covid restrictions, so I'm on my own. Going to try to commit more time to fixing it in February though.
Do you have a gable roof or a flat roof?
Gable roof on the terraced house I live in. Flat roofs are more commonly found on apartment buildings and in cities, at least in the UK, neither of which I live in myself.
What are you plans moving forward after EE? (e.g. career, other hobbies you want to spend time on, etc)
My immediate plan is to work on moving house, some point during February/March. I'll continue my sheet music work in the meantime to make ends meet, and I would love to get back into composing music, but I need my main computer for that. I think I'll try to get out more, going back to Geocaching for example, which I haven't done in quite some time due to the area I currently live in. I really miss playing piano, but it's going to be a long time before I'm able to buy another one of those. Gameswise, I've been playing plenty of Among Us, and I'm likely to continue doing that.
worst 2 when
We very nearly added it, although as we were going to add it in December, we determined there wasn't necessarily long enough left of EE's lifespan for people to realistically complete it, and we didn't really want to add it to EE Offline. Naturally, now it will never happen.
least fav ee player?
I think you already know, so no point restating. I think I may have answered it in a previous AMA as well, and it hasn't changed.
how are you going to survive without the $80/month?
Considering that went towards server costs I no longer have to pay, this actually means I'm now saving more money as a result of not being owner, because I was losing money every month while the Patreon stood under $120/month or so. So I imagine I'll survive even better considering I'm not losing money to EE any more.
one last ego trip?
Guess so. These AMA posts are likely to be my last on these forums.
In a single word (well or more if you'd like) how would you describe your journey as an EE Owner?
What is your opinion as a staff about the spanish community in EE??
Very positive for the most part! We had plans for Localization in EE Universe before the transfer of ownership. I do not know the new team's plans on that front, but I was very pleased to see how immensely popular the game was within the Spanish and Brazilian communities! You collectively made some wonderful levels.
Can I rename myself unchi to 4649? I mean can I get back to the old username in game?
I would recommend talking to John about this, perhaps messaging him.
Do you still want to punch joey, etc.?
Nope. We're on good terms now, and have been for quite some time.
Why hasn't the game come down yet?
Because when you posted this question, it was before the shutdown deadline. Not sure why you asked frankly.
Will you miss us?
Will you be an active community member?
I will miss many of the community members and staff as a whole. It's the end of an era. I wanted to be an active community member, but I don't believe that's possible any more, so I'm likely departing completely, however much I didn't want to.
Will you change the winner sign in be gone in both EE and EEO???? I just won many hours ago and my death count is 51273 so please
Guess this would have been a question for the Campaign Curators. Too late now, sorry, but congratulations on actually completing it nevertheless!
Btw can you add images in EEO
Nope, although I think some people have already modified it so you can.
Can you sign in my world and save it?
Page 1 down. Remaining questions to come shortly.
4649 wrote:Can I rename myself unchi to 4649? I mean can I get back to the old username in game?
I would recommend talking to John about this, perhaps messaging him.
Send me a PM on the forums and we can get it sorted out.
John wrote:Will you miss us?
Will you be an active community member?
I will miss many of the community members and staff as a whole. It's the end of an era. I wanted to be an active community member, but I don't believe that's possible any more, so I'm likely departing completely, however much I didn't want to.
You should still be an active community, or at least check up on everyone just to see how things are going. You don't need to leave!
John wrote:Can you sign in my world and save it?
Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!
A number's persistence is the number of steps required to reduce it to a single digit by multiplying all its digits to obtain a second number, then multiplying all the digits of that number to obtain a third number, and so on until a one-digit number is obtained. For example, 77 has a persistence of four because it requires four steps to reduce it to one digit: 77-49-36-18-8. The smallest number of persistence one is 10, the smallest of persistence two is 25, the smallest of persistence three is 39, and the smaller of persistence four is 77. What is the smallest number of persistence five?
I like this question a lot, as a mathematical puzzle to figure out. Without Googling, I think it would have to jump to the 200s at the bare minimum, although perhaps even 300s because finishing on an even number is more likely to be reduced down more quickly, and the 100s are all just multiplying a two digit number by 1, and none of the numbers between 77 and 99 would count. The number can't have a 5 in it, because that would always result in reaching a number with 0 in it in under 3 steps. It feels like 3 and 7 are the key prime numbers to be involved, but most iterations of the 300s seem to be around 4 steps. That means we jump up to 600s, as we're skipping 4 (even) and 5 (reduce to 0), and where the 6 can help keep the reduced numbers in 3 digits, at which point I think after checking the multiples of 3 and 7 througout the 600s, we reach 679-378-168-48-32-6. I may have missed a lower one at some point, but I guess that's my guess. 679.
1. When everybody has right to go at EEU Discord and some of them were banned intentionally ? Does Zumza join us (He asked me why he can't join) ? Could he enter?
That would now be up to the new owners and moderators, although I believe there is a new Everybody Edits Discord for people to join if they wish.
2. What's your opinion about this game ( EE ) and the succesor of it (EEU) ?
Overall, I loved Everybody Edits. It was a great game, even though it had many bugs and inconsistencies, the community-driven content was mostly very good, and there was just enough of a competitive edge to keep people coming back to it over and over again. The bots were mostly excellent as well, and I hope people make some amazing bots for EEU. EEU has a lot of great potential, and I hope it will succeed, but only time will tell.
3. There are some players whose minds are against you even after announcement from forum . Do you think their arguments were right?
Depends which arguments you're referring to. Sadly I think this is too vague a question to answer accurately, as I don't know whether this is in reference to people wanting me to pass on the game, or wanting me to continue as owner of the game. Multiple people have multiple points from both sides.
4. After your main game ? Do you try to find an another job?
After I've moved house, I plan on looking for a part-time job to supplement the sheet music work I do, or ideally a full-time job working on sheet music, but I've tried getting that for years to no avail, so not holding out as much hope for that.
Will you still play EE?
I will most likely play EE Offline again for nostalgia in future, yes. I think I've played my fair share of EE for one lifetime though.
do you stay staff ? do you stay an comunity member?
I thought I'd be staying as staff, but it turns out I won't be. I may return as a community member in future, but not until after many months away I feel. We'll see.
can you look into the not beable ot login bug on EEU? (facebook loggin broke)
favourtie thign form being owner of EE (or any gam ein general)
It's a hard question, but I guess just the fact that I succeeded in my mission. My ultimate goal when taking ownership of the game was to make sure it lived on as long as it realistically could do, and I succeeded in making that happen, delivering enough updates to keep the game going, and keep a community, albeit a smaller one, up until the very end. I loved EE and was so passionate about it that I wanted it to live on beyond its own lifespan, which is why I set out to make sure EE Offline was made. The decision came as a result of the crushing blow that occurred when the site Gameglobe shut down, where thousands of players' levels and creations were effectively just deleted an inaccessible forever more. I did all I could realistically do in a preservation effort to make sure people could still play EE even after it shut down, and save their creations from 10 years of EE history. Although there were a lot of bumps along the way, we managed to reach that situation eventually. EE Universe was an attempt at modernising the game and making it more consistent and fun, and I really loved working on that too, and wanted to see that grow and succeed moving forward, but I'm proud of what I did as owner for this community overall. I tried to make all of my decisions about EE and EEU with the community as a whole in mind, even if I failed sometimes with those decisions. Most of them I think were the right call though, and it's just those few that weren't that stand out most, but I'll live with them.
hardest descission to take as owner?
Passing the game on to someone else, because it's a big risk to take when you're so unsure of the future. I don't want to see all the team's hard work go to waste, so I want to believe I made the right call.
reason of signature?
Because I really love this animated image. Thank you again to HG for making it for me.
yoour age?
favourite packs in EE na dfavorite packs in EEU (whete released or unrealeased)
In EE, probably the Sci-Fi pack (if not counting the Music Pack), and in EEU, probably the unreleased Sci-Fi pack. The fact that EEU pack had a ladder that lit up as you climbed on it was epic, but I think that may never be added now. It was just such a versatile pack in both games.
xenonetix will you ask master1 to make ee legends in eeu
I know he had planned on doing so. I do not know if he'll continue to play EEU now though. If he does, I don't see why he wouldn't make them, but the game would need far more hazards and action blocks first.
can i make an alt and opt-in and claim the name 2B55B5G with my alt?
I think we resolved this.
what's your opinion on homosexuality?
I'm straight myself, but no problem with anyone being whatever sexuality they want to be.
what's your opinion on homophobia?
Against. It makes no sense to me to be homophobic, as its none of people's business what other people's sexuality is. If you have religious beliefs that are against it, just accept that other people don't necessarily have the same beliefs as you and move on, rather than trying to spout homophobic propaganda, slurs, and insults.
what's your opinion on abortion?
Fine with it. I don't consider it 'killing babies', as they haven't developed enough of a brain to be considered sentient at the point of an abortion. If you reach the stage of an unwanted pregnancy, there is nothing wrong at all with aborting, because that's better than bringing a new life into the world into a family that doesn't even want or can't support them.
do you think birthing a child is selfish?
No, nor do I understand how anyone would think it could be.
would you ever have kids?
Yes, but if I do, it's much likely to be in later life. At this stage in my life, I believe adoption is the more likely path for me, but only after I've been in a very-long term loving relationship.
are you infertile yet?
No. You claim this is related to 'personality', but how is this question related to personality?
what's your opinion on menstruation?
Just a part of life. That's like saying "What's your opinion on clouds flying through the sky?". It just happens.
what's your opinion on trump?
He should never have been President, and thank goodness he no longer is. He's done far more damage to the world than good.
what do you think of burgers?
I like them a lot, both beef and chicken. I don't think cheese belongs on a burger though, as I think the cheese just overpowers the good flavour of the burger.
do you believe hot dogs are sandwiches?
-do you think that pickle relish belongs on hot dogs?
Yes, and no. It's not really a belief, but simply fact. Even Neil deGrasse Tyson says so. I don't like pickle relish much, although I'll have it if it happens to have come with it.
favorite pizza topping?
-do you like spinach on pizza?
-do you like onions on pizza?
Chicken, no, and yes.
opinion about pineapple on pizza?
No problem with it at all. I used to have pineapple quite a lot on pizza while I was at university, because back then, I used to dislike having meat on pizza, but now I usually get chicken instead, or sometimes beef.
favorite cereal?
-do you like frosted flakes cereal?
-do you like coco puffs?
-in what order do you assemble a cereal meal? (milk or cereal first?)
Honey Nut Cheerios (although I think they very recently rebranded to Honey Cheerios). I also have Shreddies a lot.
I used to have Frosties, but haven't had them in years now.
I used to have Coco Pops a lot as a kid, but haven't had them much as an adult. Still like them on the rare occasion I do have them though.
Cereal, then milk, obviously, although I sometimes add more cereal to the remaining milk if I've finished all the cereal.
favorite movie?
-opinion on horror movies?
-opinion on rom coms(romantic comedies)?
It's a very difficult question, because I generally like series of movies rather than individual ones. The Back To The Future Trilogy I think is my favourite overall series, although picking out a single one is difficult. I also love the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and the Indiana Jones movies, and the Star Wars movies. Blazing Saddles is an epic standalone movie, but I'm not sure I'd call it my favourite.
I don't like watching horror movies. Some of them I'm fine with watching, but they don't entertain me in the same way I think they're intended to entertain people.
Romcoms are fine. I really liked Hitch for some reason.
do you like dogs?
-post pic of favorite dog, if applicable
-cats or dogs?
-favorite dog name?
-have you ever committed bestiality?
-have you ever hurt a dog?
-do you feel empathy toward dogs?
-opinion of "art of racing in the rain"? (book or movie, if applicable)
-do you cry in movies when a dog gets hurt?
-if no, when did you learn you were a psychopath?
Guess I don't really have a 'favorite dog' as such, although Jacksfilms's dogs are very cute.
Never heard of it.
Not sure I can think of any specific movies where dogs get hurt that I've watched, except animated or CGI. (I've never seen Marley & Me for example, although I know the spoiler.) I have cried at some animated movies with dogs in them. I do not believe I am a psychopath.
how often do you check for testicular cancer?
how often do you check for breast cancer?
-you are supposed to do a self exam once a month for breast cancer.
As often as any average person I suspect. All clear thus far, although my grandmother passed away from cancer, so there is a known danger.
Your experience on playing EE?
Overall, loved it. I wouldn't have stuck around for 10 years if I didn't.
As a logician, what is your opinion on the morality of suicide?
I don't ever encourage it, but I understand why people are driven to it, or feel the need to do it. I do think it can be considered a somewhat selfish act when there are other people who care about you and will be directly affected if one were to proceed with it. The main reason people do it is as 'a way out' of their own problems, which is a selfish approach in my opinion. If I were to ever do it myself, and I hope never to do so, I fully accept it would be a selfish action for me to take.
can you rank these players in least favorite to most favorite?
I cannot.
Did stanya give you the required $100,000 to sell EE?
No, nor was that ever the 'required' amount.
would you describe yourself more as a DILF, a MILF, or a GILF?
None of them. I'm not a Dad, Mom, or Granny. From a purely gender-related answer, I guess it would have to be D.
are you a top or a bottom?
is the pp still 5.7 today? can you double-check? did ee increase or decrease pp? for legal reasons im talking about pokemon and the PP for each move.
I don't know of any Pokémon with a PP of 5.7. I've double-checked, and there still isn't one with that PP. I don't believe EE has had any influence at all on the Pokémon world.
who was your favorite player to ban and who was your favorite staff to fire?
Don't really have favourites in this field.
why'd u stay with EE as long as u did? cuz everbuddy was meme'ing you like 24/7
This is answered above when answering Peace's questions.
did ee screw up your mental health or was that pre-existing? i say it's the former but other ppl say it's the latter so i'm just double-checking.
Both. I had depression long before I was owner of EE, although since I'd been on medication, I wasn't getting angry as much as I did before the medication. Some of the dramas and controversies naturally raised my blood pressure and stress levels to a point where those anger issues sadly returned, so I would definitely say working on EE overall made my mental health much worse. Hoping it can improve again now that I'm no longer owner.
does your life have meaning?
Hope so. I hope I've made a positive difference to some people in the world.
what is the meaning of life?
do you feel old?
Somewhat, although not properly old. I suspect I'm reaching middle-age for my particular life, and I doubt I'll live past 70.
boob or butt?
I was more likely to write 80085 on my calculator in school than 81177.
can we get some mf feet pics to simp to?
can peace/nn be a community manager? if not, why not?
No. That's out of my control now anyway. Not sure he'd want to be. I did consider doing some dramatic readings of his posts for a video at one point, but that never came to pass.
do you love your parents?
Of course.
do you love your friends?
do you have amazon prime, hulu, netflix, or didney+?
Prime and Netflix. I've had Netflix for years, but use Prime on and off. I'll probably go for Disney+ soon for all the new Marvel stuff.
which is better: ps5 or eeu?
will eeu run on my KFConsole? what about my bud light bl6 gaming console?
which media do u consume the most of: music, tv, movies, videogames, youtube?
I feel like video games vs YouTube must be incredibly close.
can you tell us about a time when you really had to go to the bathroom but there was no bathroom around / you had to wait a long time to go?
Ok. I went in some bushes when no one was around.
what's your wildest party story?
I guess I've forgotten the majority of the details of the wildest parties I've been to, but I had a lot of fun in my uni days.
what is your ideal spouse like?
All of my relationships have developed through knowing someone for a very long time before actually getting together with them, so I would definitely say personality is far more important than looks, as I really don't care how they look. Other than that, just loving, caring, and supportive, and someone I can love, care for, and support in return. We should have similar interests and overall have fun in each other's company, doing whatever we want to do.
what are your gender pronouns?
He, His, Him.
what would you change about the way you look, if any?
Although I don't care that much that I'm overweight, I would like to be ideal weight if it could be a magic action.
who is your favorite actor?
It varies a lot, although I've watched so much of Will Smith that, for now, I guess I would say him.
what is your funniest ee experience as owner? ee experience in general?
I wish I had one off the top of my head to recall. I guess the reaction to my response to Kira about Campaigns was very rewarding (as John posted a screenshot of).
Also we are going to miss your savage moments!! … _Opera.jpg
what's your favorite ee drama (it doesn't have to involve you)?
Not sure I have one. I've never been entertained by community drama, and, even if people seem to believe I like to perpetuate it, I really don't, and it's generally that I'm just incredibly pedantic and can't help myself but to point out flaws in logic, which results in people taking offence to what I've said. I feel like I've gotten better with avoiding it over time for the most part, although it still happens. I know you asked this question with the intent of a light-hearted answer, but I'm sorry I guess I don't have one.
has ee made u better or worse as a person?
Sadly, as owner, I feel like probably worse. As a player, better.
how involved are u going to be with ee moving forward?
Unlikely much at all, although I expected to be more involved when I agreed to the transfer.
do you have any stock in ee? do u get any of the profits if there will be any?
No. The current arrangement is that I receive 10% of EE's profits for 10 years, although I have my doubts I will ever see any of those profits sadly. We shall see. They're not shares.
who is the best ee girl? best ee boy? best eebay? best ee non-gender-binary?
Bee. Nou. Presumably just eBay. No idea.
who is your favorite staff memeber?
It's a very difficult question to answer, and it's fluctuated massively over the years, but most recently, John.
are you addicted to anything?
Gaming most likely. I very rarely drink and I don't do drugs. I admit I used to have a poker addiction many years ago, but I haven't played for a very long time now.
what advice do you have for satanya for being the ee owner?
Lsiten to the community (as a whole) more than listening to your own staff and intuition. They know what they want in the game, and the game is more likely to be successful if you listen to them and give them feedback, keeping them updated. Don't make a game that only you want, and don't be afraid to make decisions against what you believe yourself, because the game's less likely to be successful if you do.
what life lessons / life skills have u learned from your experience as owner?
Sadly, don't put as much trust in people as you initially feel you should. Be very wary of who you ultimately trust. Don't give any time frames or predictions for anything, because they're more likely to be delayed than not, even with contingency built in. Nothing is guaranteed or certain in this industry. I've also learned that, even though I wanted to become a full-time Community Manager for over 12 years of my life, that is no longer the right career trajectory for me.
how do u feel now that u aren't owner? relieved? disappointed? sad? happy?
It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I hope that ultimately, there'll be relief, but I have felt a mix of everything you've listed over the past couple of months.
anything else you want to tell us?
I'll come back to this at the end.
How did the situation where u accused Emalton of giving me 2 gems + the purple ghost (which wasn't officially obtainable at the time) turn out?
Resolved I think? I can't really remember at all, and I think we discussed it since you asked this question anyway.
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
Probably none unless it had good reason. I could throw a javelin for example, but I'm not sure I ever have done.
at what point have you given up on trying to sell ee for 200k usd/15k usd/whatever the price was
There was never ever a point where I tried to sell it for either of these prices.
where did the name "xenonetix" come from
I took the name "Xenon" professionally on GameGlobe as my staff name alternative to "MegaLamb". I then moved to another project professionally where the name "Xenon" was taken, as was "Xenonex", so I eventually took "Xenonetix". It then became my online professional persona username, while MegaLamb remains my casual username.
Who from EE positively impacted you the most?
Probably Nou. Can't really explain precisely why, but overall, he made the most impact to my life as a whole for a number of years. He was also the reason I became staff in the first place, and if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have become owner, so the butterfly effect means he impacted me the most, although he massively impacted it long before I became staff as well.
how much do you weigh?
Between 16 and 17 stone, although I have not weighed myself in a very long time.
Does the UK strain of covid-19 scare you?
How do you feel about wearing a mask when you are out in public?
Used to it at this point. The annoying thing is that breathing steams up my glasses though, and there's not much I've been able to do to prevent that.
Would you get the covid vaccine once you are eligible to recieve it?
Of course.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
Legitimately no idea. I hope to finally be in a long-term relationship at the very least by then.
Are there any new hobbies that you would like to try?
I've wanted to learn how to pilot light aircraft for the majority of my life. I feel like that's a hobby I'm more likely to learn in my 40s, whenever I finally have a stable income with enough savings, and nice living conditions.
What is your favorite type of pizza?
From Bella Italia, this is my usual order, the rare times I ever get to go.
What is your least favorite food?
In terms of food types, fish and seafood. For the most part, can't stand it, and mostly, my body has a seafood intolerance anyway.
What is your most favorite food?
In terms of savoury, I usually say Yorkshire Puddings, and for a meal, it would be a full Roast Dinner, with very nicely done turkey. In terms of the meal I have most as a favourite though, that would be pizza. When it comes to desserts, Sticky Toffee Pudding, ideally with custard, or Melting Chocolate Puddings.
What country would you like to visit (when deemed safe)?
Always wanted to visit Iceland. Relaxing in hot springs while watching the Northern Lights sounds absolutely amazing to me as a holiday. Very expensive place to visit though.
What was your least favorite subject in school?
It varied throughout school-life, but the one that I repeatedly hated most was History. I really didn't see the point of learning it. Some of it's interesting, sure, but unless you're going to become an actual historian, none of that mattered to me and I didn't care about what had happened hundreds of years ago.
If you won £1,000,000 what would you buy with it?
I'd give half of it to friends, family, and charity. The other half I would buy a house and car (Tesla) to live out the rest of my life I suspect. In terms of a 'frivolous spend' though if I weren't being serious, I've wanted to open up the world's first Laser Tag Go-Karting Course, but from my previous research, such a thing would cost far more than £1M to actually achieve. The aim would be that you could shoot sensors not only on the body but also the go-karts themselves, and could even effect the speed of your Go-Kart directly. There are certainly places out there that have both Laser Tag and Go-Karting, but none that combine the two.
What did you learn from your experience as owner of EE/EEU?
It's often still worth persisting with your aims and not giving up, regardless of any backlash and confrontation you may face.
There's 5 Lollipops on the table, and all of those 5 lollipops are in different colors. One is Red, and the others are Blue, Yellow, Green, and Pink. I took the green one. And someone stole the pink one. What lollipop will you get?
Blue. Guessing Satanya stole the pink one.
Do you think 2B55B5G is eligible for joinning the mod team?
If no, then who?
Nope, and anyone we wanted to bring on as moderators were brought on as moderators, so there's not really a good answer to the latter.
Did you truly expect that this AMA was gonna go any other way, Xeno?
Not really, but I'm fine with it.
ye like jazz?
Yes! I listen to various Jazz regularly, and if you like Jazz arrangements of video game music, check out the J-Music Ensemble.
Page 2 complete. I'll return to Allen's 100 questions in the next post.
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