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#1 2020-08-10 08:41:15, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-08-11 01:35:37)


HELP Red portal connection between complex maps (Tracking switches)

I am doing a map and there are a bunch of options and progress data that neet to be keept for the connected world with red portals
Someone good in math that want to help to figure out a solution pelase?

"Switches" that the red portals need to track:

- 17 bosses (I have decided that the best way to track these monsters is to make them progressive and not randomly selected, so we have here 17 different switches that can only one be selected) - Total variations: 17 (If you know a way to allow to keep randomness of the bosses switches efficiently then tell how)
- 7 skills | total switches options: 7 those can be randomly unlocked by the player in the main world
- 14 upgrades available for the skills: total switches option 14: those can be randomly unlocked by the player in the main world, only the latest skill level of each skill is counted to be saved by the red portal (Skill A has two x3 level upgrades, skill B has two x3 level upgrades, skill C has one x3 level upgrade, skill D, E and F does not have upgrades so those 3 does not count here as they don´t have additional upgrades)
(- 6 dungeon entries portals to be unlocked: Those are related to the amount of bosses killed, so the are not counted in result)
(- 16 EXP points - those are directly related to the bosses that has been killed, so they have the same switch number than bosses killed, these are not counted in result)

Trying to do the maths

I am struggling a lot with maths for the random options for skills and the way they would link with boss tier, so I have no idea how much red portal options these data would need....
I am not quite sure the number of red portal alternatives that would result of the mix of data, but I am guessing it is a terrifying number of red portal amount of options, I hope is not the case, someone good in math that could help to figure it out please?

Did I made the maths correctly?
18888121728 red portal possibilities?
I hope I am 100% wrong about the math above, But I think that that is not how you randomize the alternatives in the final multiplication above, so the number might be even bigger lol

I wonder, is it possible to do all that data tracking and variables with less red portals?
What is the minimum amount of red portals that would I need to keep the data between maps efficiently? (Or I should simple trash the idea of data tracking between maps using red portals?)
PD: All of this would not be needed if EE had bigger maps and capable to hold large data amount inside the big map, BTW the map is The Grand Grimoire … p?id=42395
I wanted to expand the world and get a better organization of the data and progress inside the map, so I want to link the main world to other world (or other worlds) to do the combat fight on the other worlds and only keep the minis and the skill tree in the main world

I made a suggestion that might be the solution to this kind of situations where large amount of data need to be codified from world to world: … 97#p783997


Any idea to connect those data efficiently?
Any idea of how much red portals would I need for the task?


UPDATE: I ended up requesting to buy a bigger world, now The Grand Grimoire is 600x300 world The next challenge is to optimize the world content so all content fits in the new world size and as so the world is able to be saved and not get corrupted (Yay)

#2 2020-08-11 00:32:34

Joined: 2015-02-27
Posts: 535

Re: HELP Red portal connection between complex maps (Tracking switches)

I think its a mistake to attempt to do this you should just make it all fit in one world. However, I had an idea. I went through several versions of the idea, but what it boils down to is that you need to create an encrypted password partially based on the state before leaving the world and have the player enter it when they enter the new world and then decrypt it. I don't know if you really want to do that or not.



#3 2020-08-11 01:29:15, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-08-11 02:09:27)


Re: HELP Red portal connection between complex maps (Tracking switches)

Encryption is exactly what I was trying to do, but it end up with 20+ million variable outcomes in result of various possible combinations the player can do while developing the in-game character, so it is not an efficient solution.
(Is exactly as placing one red portal per every single combination possible for a Master Lock that have more than ten digits to be randomly combined, the result is an immense amount of possible combinations (and in result an immense amount of red portals))
So the solutions are either to:
1. make all fit in one world 300x300 (This mean for me a legendary headache and making it virtually impossible to fix or find issues in the switch system and a total mess on switch system organization)
2. reduce the amount of features of the map (This mean to make the game shorter and less engaging)
3. reduce the random options of the map (This keep all features but limit the optimizations allowed to be done by the player´s game character, this allow to make the encription using red portals)
4. Make the player individually select the build for each boss after being teleported (this mean a lot of work for the player but keeps all the content of the world intact, this allow to make the encription using red portals)
5. Add this feature to the game: … p?id=47119 (This would fix all problems and allow multiple worlds to be efficiently connected, but it means for the EE devs to handle a lot of work to introduce this feature to EE, so probably this will be more pausible for EEU rather than EE)
6. Expand the 300x300 world to a larger sized world (This might cause some problems to save the world, risky but contain all the content for the world and allow to keep all world content intact and fast)

Muftwin wrote:

but what it boils down to is that you need to create an encrypted password partially based on the state before leaving the world and have the player enter it when they enter the new world and then decrypt it. I don't know if you really want to do that or not.

7. If you was meaning to give the player an encripted code that the player need to type in the new world, then it sounds amazing and can be perfectly done
Sadly this mean to allow players to possibly cheat if they try to brute force the combination or someone tell them a combination that gives them advantage in-game
But if the connected worlds remain private and only the player can join them by using a red portal in the main world (Otherwise they enter in a trap box to avoid cheats) This option is possible and would keep all features and progress intact between world to world
The problem of cheating either by entering a code by brute force or someone´s else code to cheat, get advantage in-game is by giving the player a randomly selected red portal spawn poing when joining for first time the main world (The grand grimoire) This bring the player to a switch that alter the encription of the code based on the randomly taken switches in the beggining of the map. This would allow to encript the data and avoid brute forcing or the player using someone else´s code as it would simple not work
If the player enter a wrong code or try to bruteforce the code, then the world get blocked, since the player has a pre-stablished anti-cheat code added to its game so it is virtually impossible to break it
As said this idea workds, but: Firstly I have no idea how much work and complexity it would mean to make this encryption code & anti-cheat system for it, and secondly it would use a lot of space to make the encription switch system, so even if I am able to build this encrypt code system I would end up with the same issue of option (1.) and the same inconvenient than option (4.) (One error from the player remembering the code and its game over).
I prefer to avoid using an encrypted code (and it´s anti-cheat) even if it have everything it need to make an excellent work by tracking data and keeping progress intact for the reasons above this sentence. (That unless you know a way to do this encrypt system and it´s anti-cheat system efficiently and simple and want to share the way to do so)
Anway, I opted to use alternative 6.
Still, your suggestion wasn´t on my mind before, and is a great alternative, I am surprised I didn´t thought about it before, thanks, it is a brilliant idea, if it wasn´t because I opted for option 6. the next alternative I would choiced would be yours, option 7.


The best option overall is N°5. but is not in-game, I hope to see it in EEU

#4 2020-08-11 17:19:22, last edited by Grilyon2 (2020-08-12 07:16:45)

From: Chile
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 374

Re: HELP Red portal connection between complex maps (Tracking switches)

I did this with the skill upgrades

Hidden text

As you said, "only the latest skill level of each skill is counted to be saved by the red portal" it is not neecesary to deactive the swtiches.
17 * 196 * 9 * 9 * 3 * 8 = 6477408 Still millions of world portals, but atleast is less.

Also, i dont understand what formula you used to calc. Can you tell me?



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