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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2020-07-18 09:19:06

Joined: 2016-06-16
Posts: 7

About EE Universe

You may remember me, you may not, but I would put Universe on open beta right now. Reasons?

Well its not worth it to play right now the original version, if its going to shut down it 5 months. It would be better for me and for some other people to play the new version if its even unfinished.
When the original shuts down, the worlds not downloaded are lost, and even those can be played only single player. So it would be more worth to just play the new version and do something here. It would be not lost unlike the original.
If you are planning onto building something big and awesome in original, do not. If you were me, I would only play it casually.

Since Joshua has left the developer team, I feel like the development is going to be EVEN slower, and I totally think, that open beta will be not released in time.
I dont care if I would miss like half of original features, I would just rather to build something with small resources rather to use huge amount of them and in few months ceasing to uselessness.

Thanks for understanding.


#2 2020-07-18 10:19:23

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: About EE Universe

open beta is not reasonable wih tonly 10 of the 479574 feature right t now you will get broed quickly in EEU simply beause you only have a fw blocks no shop and only ~7 smileys its far form done to be in OB


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#3 2020-07-18 10:26:25

Joined: 2016-06-16
Posts: 7

Re: About EE Universe

Hey, atleast something? You could make stuff of like 3-5 block packs with the default smileys back in 2011, no?


#4 2020-07-18 12:20:01

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: About EE Universe

peace wrote:

you will get broed quickly in EEU simply beause you only have a fw blocks no shop and only ~7 smileys its far form done to be in OB

I don’t think it’s mainly the lack of features that makes EEU boring, it’s the lack of players primarily. Not everyone is a builder, some people like to just play worlds but there’s rarely any decent worlds to play right now. And even if you are a builder, why bother when no one is going to play what you build?

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


Wooted by: (2)

#5 2020-07-18 22:43:56, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-07-19 07:17:08)


Re: About EE Universe

I have played thousand of games in the internet (literally), and doing a rate for all of them EEU in its current state would be placed in the lowest tier, around 2/10ish (unplayable)
And not because it is currently worse than EE, but because it is really bad in many aspects
It is a good thing to keep it a "secret" until Developers optimize/fix/change the current game mechanics, after getting the quality EEU require to be playable at least it would be a good idea to start open beta

Currently it does not worth playing EEU because it is bad I would not even play one hour straight
I would have no problem to play EE 10 hours daily (Its more I once got around 600+ days in a row, or more playing every day 4-10+ hours without getting bored)
Even having 10000 players in EEU it would still be boring to play (As said, because it is currently bad in many aspects that are pending to be changed/fixed/improved/upgraded)

To be honest it is impressive how much work to do developers have in hand that I would not be surprised if EEU gets in open beta in 2022-2023 (Considering how slow the proccess of development has been since now, around two years to just done the unoptimized very start base of the game and how the whole developer team have vanished and had to be rebuilded again recently) (I hope it won´t be the case)
I made topics pointing out the weakness I have seen of EEU and I hope developers & staff had read those or are already aware of the current EEU weakness points and are willing to take care of those and not ignore those weaknesses


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