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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2020-06-27 00:31:21

From: Poland
Joined: 2017-12-10
Posts: 816


switchable, visible on minimap
you can add this with "add zones" menu, choose color, name, position and what triggers it on
just imagine playing at some puzzle levels, trigger waypoint and read "you need %50-coins% more coins to go here" with constant reminder

Thanks to Nikko99 for signature
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#2 2020-06-27 05:25:45, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-06-27 06:32:55)


Re: waypoints

This sounds to me like quest track, I have suggested while on staff to make some kind of quest track log
That is basically a text written by the owner combining some in-action words (Like %coins% in text of EE)
That would allow the player to know what he have to do next

Your idea seems to be connected with that, but instead of being part of a text, it is part of visuals,
All of this things can be added using complex switch system and coin systems so the player is able to read text that indicate what to do next, but this is overall overwhelming
I do agree that there should be a way to make the players know what to do next
I think a text that the player have in all moment (Added in the builder bar, as an user interface that pop up, something like what we have in RuneScape quest logs)
The thing you suggest sounds like visual indications that allow the player to know where to go, I think that can be not desired sometimes, as players usually like to feel the adventure rather than knowing what to do in all moment
So the option of having a quest log seems more convinient (Inside the quest log there could be a connection with the minimap, so the owner could add zones related to quest log, and each zone added is connected with a "?" symbol near each part of the quest track, (Each step of the quest have its own "?" symbol near it)
This zone allow the player to visualize either in the minimap (a red area blinking for example, semi-transparent) or could create an arrow that moves in the corners of the game-screen of the player, like you show in the picture in your topic, this arrow follows he position of the next goal (could indicate where is the layer zone placed, or an item related to the layer)
But I feel this is overwhelming for the builder and the player.

As so, the quest track log added to the builder bar seems more appropriate for the purpose


And if you mean to add some kind of "Mod-text" inside the game that dissapear after the player completes a task (Or enter/exit a text-zone area), I think that could be interesting
It would be amazing to see advanced settings for "Mod-text" like what we had in Happy Wheels, EE(U) have a lot to learn from Happy Wheels when its about advanced gameplay settings (EEU shouldn´t have the same amount of advanced settings, but should have at least a few that allow important/useful/intereting/advanced tasks in-game)


A text zone would be good indeed, there is a bunch of features that could be accomplish with them, could have:
Active text zone: Able to trigger passive text zones and "action tool for zones" items (Triggers when the player enters in it)
Passive text zone: Does not trigger unless activated by action, activates after certain tasks are accomplished by the player and deactivate after other tasks accomplished as well
"action tool for zones": This is sorta a zone but with a shape that the player place in the map, it is an individual object that uses 1x1 blocks, and when activated it displays a text placed on it, it is basically a "Mod-text" with advanced settings

The active text zone triggers the "action tool for zones" when: (It interacts with the smiley)
- The player enters in it
- The player exit it
- Others
* Advanced settings for it:
- The zone activates/deactivates after "x" seconds after the player exit/join it
- The zone is not able to be activated/deactivated after used "x" times (It would be useful if the owner want the action to happen only once in the gameplay)
- Can´t be deactivated after activated (Check/uncheck)

The passive text zone triggers the "action tool for zones" when:
- The player obtain the required items
- The player lose the required items
- The player does not have the required item yet (And deactivate/activate after the player obtain the required item)
- Others
* Advanced settings for it:
- The zone activates/deactivates after "x" seconds after the player meets the parameters required
- The zone is not able to be activated/deactivated after used "x" times or the player meets "x" parameter (It would be useful if the owner want the action to happen only once in the gameplay)
- Can´t be deactivated after activated (Check/uncheck)

The zones does not change the settings of the "action tool for zones" item, instead the "action tool for zones" item can select what is the parameter that the player require to activate/deactivate it:
Activates when: Zone "___(Active/passive)___" is "____(activated/deactivated)____" | When that happen, the "action tool for zones" is triggered, and the text is displayed
Deactivates when: Zone "___(Active/passive)___" is "____(activated/deactivated)____" | When that happen, the "action tool for zones" is deactivated, and the text disappear

This idea whould be a feature to handle actions for text mod, which could help the player to create advanced game concepts

#3 2020-06-27 10:19:31

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: waypoints

how about you can always teleport to waypoints?


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#4 2020-06-27 13:21:22

From: Mars
Joined: 2017-05-31
Posts: 640

Re: waypoints

peace wrote:

how about you can always teleport to waypoints?

That would be too cheating, we can use portal as an alternative but not teleporting to waypoint, it should exist for us to go, maybe a path for it. This could be similar to real life where you would have a map and a path to follow to.


#5 2020-06-28 10:21:29

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: waypoints

maby some waypoint scould show th emap wiht a line as to where to go if enable dby owner and then either being able to carry it or just seee it once (or more if you go back to the waypoint if ur lost)


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell



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