Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Hey everyone.
As the title says, I think it might be time for EE to go.
Here's why:
1) EE and EEU are going to die pretty soon anyway. Most browsers are going to discontinue Flash support once 2021 comes around, and EEU is stuck in development Hell because they can't find someone to rework the server.
2) It causes a lot of drama and bad blood between people that wouldn't happen if the game was shut down.
3) EE lacks the resources to get out of this mess (dwindling playerbase, lack of funding (only $225 per month, which doesn't even cover the costs of running the server), skeleton-crew staff). I assume Xenonetix is losing money on this project.
4) Even if we had the resources to save EE, Xeno and the community have been too stubborn to make any effort to cooperate to save EE, so nothing will really change it's fate.
5) The short-term sadness of sending it on it's way now will be less than the long-term sadness of watching it slowly suffocate and then having it die.
6) Atilla lessened the pains of EE dying by making EEO. Got some unfinished business on EE (i.e. you need to finish building your level / there's more campaigns you want to beat)? Just download EEO and do it. Still want to play EE with your friends? Just download EEO and do it. thanks atilla
7) A lot of ex-EE players / ex-forum users still use the Discord. So if you're worried that you won't get to talk to your EE friends again when the game shuts down, chances are you'll see them on the Discord.
I just think it's best to cut our losses and move on. I know it's sad, but I feel like it only goes downhill from here. Also we can't argue that we've put in too much work to stop now, because it will still cost more (emotionally and financially) to let EE die with Flash and to let EEU die in development Hell than it would be to just shut them down.
So, it is with a heavy heart that I have to say:
This is no way for a game to live. So the only option is death.
A. You like it or not, there is no chance of Xenonetix shuting down EEU
1. He would not stop if he is losing money
2. He would not stop if a rant happen
3. He would not stop if there is no even a single player playing the game
4. He would not stop if Patreon shut down
5. He would not stop when EE die
6. He would not stop when EEO failure happen
7. He would not stop when everyone rage and quit (And rightly so)
8. He would not stop if tons of messages and threads are created of how bad things are going and how good would be to have a new owner
9. He would not stop if there is only 1 staff member per role in the staff, and he is most likely to find desperate fan player who want to join the staff (There are hell a lot of players who want to become staff)
10. He would not stop if the game get delayed for even more years
B. So these are the options we have on hand:
1. Everyone in the staff left (Unlikely) and no one want to join the staff (Also very unlikely) if so, the game would get stuck on where it is and die (Unless the shop opens, if so, we would expect the game to continue until no one want to buy anything on the game anymore, and after so, the game dies after many months of no progress)
2. Xenonetix get out of funds (Unlikely) and sell the game to someone else (Also unlikely since the price he want would not be affordable for many people willing to pay, there are only few people that have the money and even so they do not guarantee to buy and save the game for good)
3. Somewhere in the internet raises a copy of the game that beats completely EE/EEU/EEO and EE/EEU/EEO get burried to die (This does not mean the game shut down, it would continue, but likely a ghost city game since everyone would be playing the copy)
4. Someone get crazy money and want to buy the game for whatever price
5. Something really bad happen and EE&EEU&EEO shuts down, and as so it is most likely a copy will be created and it will replace EE/EEU/EEO
6. The game continues on and lets see what happen next, it can surely survive like EE did for all these years (It would survive even with 5 players playing the game only)
7. EEU success and we can dismiss everything above this list
C. What is going on now and predictions:
1. New staff is being recruited (Right now)
2. Patreon users are supporting the game
3. The developers are getting the shop and the server rework done, and we can expect those to be released fairly soon (1-2 Months)
4. After the shop opens, a lot of progress will start to happen, a lot of graphics being introduced on the game, possibly new features added soon after (3.) (2-5 months)
5. When (3.) and (4.) happen, EEU will start Open-beta, and as so new players will start to play EEU (Patreon shut down, the shop replaces it) (5-8 months)
6. After so, if all go good, we can expect the game to be open to all the internet, and we will see what happen next (8-? months)
Unless something from the red (B.) list happen then (C.) is most likely what will happen next
(Text in blue is an aproximate of when something is likely to start happening)
Staff have already found an experienced developer, a veteran of the game who is working with John on server rework, there are no problems (I am surprised you didn't hear about them). I think that the money for advertising is enough, given the fact money is not spent on certain small or logical things ATM, $225 is still some cash that will be used for future development of the game. It will be bad when it is 0$.
who is it?
chances are you'll see them on the Discord.
the discord is broken it requires phone verification (for quite some itime) so i cant get in im in but i cant verificate
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
who is it?
Priddle/NVD is back, except he's working as a developer with John and Joshua.
How many walls of text do I have to write before people get the message? Just because you're not optimistic about something doesn't mean that others shouldn't be. If you've given up, fair enough, you have every right to just leave, goodbye. You don't need to try and shut other people's hopes down in the process.
Diff has already stated numerous times that, with or without EE, these forums are always going to exist and he has no plans to ever shut them down.
EE is going to stop existing at the end of this year anyway. There's no reason to shut it down any sooner than that. Whether the game exists beyond that will depend on EEU's success. It will be a natural process of if it lives or dies from there and I see no valid reason to give up on it before it's had its chance.
*superwoot* woot this post if you wantto super woot mutnadevle spost (wroth 3 woots)
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
This looks like an “EE is dead” thread in disguise.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
This looks like an “EE is dead” thread in disguise.
No, it's actually a post to prove a point --- in disguise.
I told Luka in Discord that people wouldn't accept EE being shut down and that it would die slowly on it's own.
He disagreed because he said people defended EE back when there was like 100 people online and that they wouldn't now. So they'd probably want to shut the game down.
I said "what will happen if I make a post saying we should shut down EE?" (paraphrased)
Luka said "Idk, let's do it and find out" (paraphrased).
So I did it and we found out.
Thanks for participating in this experiment. Your responses have been recorded. Have a nice day.
PS: I did not know that NVD came back because I thought he quit a long time ago and I haven't heard anything from him since. So maybe EEU won't die after all. Or maybe it won't die as soon as I thought.
I'm closing this because it served it's purpose.
Pages: 1
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