Official Everybody Edits Forums

Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2020-05-11 10:37:20, last edited by TundrumMax (2020-05-12 07:43:11)

Formerly Memomemo
Joined: 2017-10-26
Posts: 447

Proposing a new Ownership system

Most of the work was done by Anatoly, and he wanted me to share it with you.

This system proposes a new ownership system that splits the ownership between three people. These people will have specific roles for the game.

The Head Administrator legally owns the game, and thus controls the branding and staff team. The Head Administrator also manages the moderation team in order to keep the game safe. The Head Administrator will communicate with the Concept Designer in order to discuss features or major changes to the game. He will not take part in any drama unless it abuses a staff member.

The Concept Designer handles the inner workings of the game, such as game concepts or new features. The Concept Designer has to communicate with the forums in order to get a deep understanding of what the community wants. He communicates with the developing staff team in order to make these concepts a reality.

The Forum Administrator controls the forum with no influence over the game itself. The Forum Administrator mainly deals with the community of the game.


Staff Proposal

I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse


Signature by HG


#2 2020-05-11 10:40:42

From: Heart Locket
Joined: 2018-03-24
Posts: 901

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Where's vice admin

I Animate Stuff


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#3 2020-05-11 12:00:46

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

TundrumMax wrote:

He will not take part in any drama unless it abuses a staff member.

How do you even enforce this lmao

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


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#4 2020-05-11 12:37:46

Formerly Memomemo
Joined: 2017-10-26
Posts: 447

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

TaskManager wrote:
TundrumMax wrote:

He will not take part in any drama unless it abuses a staff member.

How do you even enforce this lmao

not us, but the owner

I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse


Signature by HG


#5 2020-05-11 13:33:52

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

TundrumMax wrote:
TaskManager wrote:
TundrumMax wrote:

He will not take part in any drama unless it abuses a staff member.

How do you even enforce this lmao

not us, but the owner

How does the owner enforce it?
Especially when the owner breaks his own rules

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#6 2020-05-11 14:13:22, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-05-11 14:44:25)


Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

I would be happy with this system, GREAT WORK!
Would work only if there is: RESPECT | Each leader must respect other leader roles, and not attempt to do the work of the other leader roles, focusing only on its own role


TaskManager wrote:

How does the owner enforce it?
Especially when the owner breaks his own rules

My personal reasoning for solutions of your question:

Staff member abuse:
Simply by sanctioning the abusing staff, or firing that abusing staff in needed

Owner abuse:
There are three owners, if one of them is abusing rules, then the abusing owner must stop, and if not, there is a rightly so 66.66% vote to remove him from his position
All the three of them would sign a legal contract that makes them to obey pre-stablished rules, which ones need to be decided by the 3 owners together (And to change any of those would also need to be decided by the three owners together as well), the reason of the kick of a owner need to be determined by the rules, and need to be serious enough to take action (Serious enough could mean repetitive over time action)
This work only if the owners are not colluded, the major sanction if they are colluded is the community contempt, unless there is a clause in that owners contract that determine that if owners are colluded and attempt to kick the not colluded owner by injust (Not stablished) reasons they lose ownership
About how firing of an owner works, how it is implemented, I have no idea, might be attached to the contract of owners with pecuniary sanction (Legal actions)

#7 2020-05-11 15:09:01

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

what abou campaigns? alos hsouldnt ther ebe an hea dmodeartor? one person that gets full acces to al lmoderation tools and gets a special role to remove 'mod' status (ntot 'admin'ect oonly 'mod') incase a mod asbuses power he ccan then solely or wiht the head amdin (owner) discuss which mdod handles what (for exmaple one can be activve in game and another can do only reports ect)


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#8 2020-05-11 16:52:00

Formerly Memomemo
Joined: 2017-10-26
Posts: 447

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

peace wrote:

what abou campaigns? alos hsouldnt ther ebe an hea dmodeartor? one person that gets full acces to al lmoderation tools and gets a special role to remove 'mod' status (ntot 'admin'ect oonly 'mod') incase a mod asbuses power he ccan then solely or wiht the head amdin (owner) discuss which mdod handles what (for exmaple one can be activve in game and another can do only reports ect)

Campaigns are literally mentioned in the image.
The game owner is the head of everything, I believe that anatoly is saying that they should manage the moderators

I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse


Signature by HG


#9 2020-05-11 19:20:30, last edited by Cyral (2020-05-11 19:27:03)

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

People with no experience being a project manager or running any sort of business should stop proposing dumb staff structures

Also, keep in mind that most business don't have convoluted staff structures like this. They are successful because of good leadership and smart decision making by the founders (which include operating agreements, vesting schedules, etc - things that legally set a structure for minimal abuse). I think it's pretty obvious that the failures of EE staff is due to the inexperience (or incompetence really) of the owner and not a specific structure.

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#10 2020-05-11 20:17:59, last edited by Minisaurus (2020-05-11 20:21:52)


Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

The current organization of the game staff in a nutshell:

#11 2020-05-12 02:59:57

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Hey just a few quick questions:
1. Who will handle the finances? The head administrator?
2. How do we get Xeno to agree to this? Is he going to be one of the co-owners?

Xeno has some good ideas, so he could be a concept designer. But, I think he would want to keep his legal ownership of the game given how long he's been refusing to give it away. So maybe he'll demand to be the head admin.


#12 2020-05-12 05:46:35

From: Chile (Homeland: UK)
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 272

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Pqwerty wrote:

Hey just a few quick questions:
1. Who will handle the finances? The head administrator?
2. How do we get Xeno to agree to this? Is he going to be one of the co-owners?

Xeno has some good ideas, so he could be a concept designer. But, I think he would want to keep his legal ownership of the game given how long he's been refusing to give it away. So maybe he'll demand to be the head admin.

In the ideal system devised secretly during the transpired events, finances would be handled by the domain owner along with legalities, various other tasks would be handled by at least a team of 3-4, possibly consisting of the leader of each team. Voluntary, that way no tasks are imposed on members who are unwilling to participate.

As for how to get Xeno to agree, only a wallet full of money or a very persuasive arg from the patrons + candidates will work. The second option has failed due to missing criteria.

If you need to contact me, use my discord ID 319247782932119554




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#13 2020-05-12 06:26:19

Formerly Memomemo
Joined: 2017-10-26
Posts: 447

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Minisaurus wrote:

The current organization of the game staff in a nutshell:

ah yes, my favourite developer, Jhon

I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse


Signature by HG


#14 2020-05-12 07:42:36

Formerly Memomemo
Joined: 2017-10-26
Posts: 447

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Staff proposal, again by Anatoly but also Security Drone

I can speak by breathing in but it sounds like a dying horse


Signature by HG


#15 2020-05-12 09:28:32

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

how i would see it:

owner: owns the game (is the game dev on for exmaple knongregate for exmaple) has the most contact with (in this case) PIO handles some finaces

unde rhim are: head admin: or better said head developer acts as almost a 2nd (co-)owner leads the developer team mainy discuesses wiht otther heads he gets full acces to PIO severs aswell and coudl probably be basically an co-owner
hea dmoderator: al,lowed to hire/fire moderators where he/she sees fit has acces to that piece of code to chande moderator privileges for ussers except himsefl/herself if he/she sees there are too few mods he/she can 'mod' somoene if smsone abuses he/she can remove 'mod' if he/she bauses owner (in this case xeno) can remove 'mod' from him/her he alos leads who does what in moderation team
head ghrapic: leads the ghrapics team and talks a lot wiht developers/head admin for adding action blcoks or special blocks such as slopes and asking on their opinions aswell he/she coudl alos be the one who sits 24/7 starign at game suggestinons/ghrpic suggestions.
head other team: talks a lot wiht head ghrpic and head admin about what his team coudl do his teaam coudl porbably take care of thing sliek campaigns music adn or help the other 2 teams
head fanbase: owns the forums the wiki and watever fnabses EE has he/sh e is fully owner of it and is capable of hiring mods for it
then the admins/devs: they code the game and send their pieces to the head admin who can finaly agre or chnage minor things and upload the game porbbaly some ruetsed devs can alos upload only the client for exmaple which doesnt chnage much (but stil cantupload if it chnages very muhc idk if this can be done but whatever)
the moderators: moderate the game handle bans/reports basically keep things clean before somene is getgin murdered in real life //
the grapich team: make grapic assest for the game the blcoks smilesy auras and porbably evenn UI's (functionality is for the devs) speak alot wiht dves to talk abotu hwo X coudl wokr out esp for UI's and action blocks so they can do minor chnage son thier art work to fit it wiht the devlopers thing of functionality
the other team: consist of a few members hwo dont have a specific role they coudl help wiht minor things the otheres dont have time for such a campaing playtesting music for music zones or other minor things or asistance the ghrapic team in makiging a big UI chnage they and their head will tak a lot wiht the devs/grapic team
the fanbse memebrs ar emostly moderatrors on the fourm/wiki/whatever but there could alos be an extr admin to help code the forums/ect basically this is an enitre subteam not diretly relate dto th egame but hey
optinal roles that th eowne rcan be boss/leader off are:
finance checker: dos basiaclly almost all abotu finace and talkes wiht the owner/head admin abotu how to spend the money
i think i already told this but this coudl really work to lower stress of the owner and allow the powner to sit back and see thie rgame grow


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#16 2020-05-12 16:39:43

From: Bathroom
Joined: 2019-07-04
Posts: 78

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

TundrumMax wrote:

Staff proposal, again by Anatoly but also Security Drone … height=620

Someone seems missing...

downwoot for forums 2020


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#17 2020-05-12 17:07:14

From: United States
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 2,269

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

@peace did you have a stroke while writing that?

Player Since 2011. I used to make bots and stuff.


#18 2020-05-12 17:49:19

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Is Phinarose coming back?


#19 2020-05-12 18:10:11

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,710

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Pqwerty wrote:

Is Phinarose coming back?

i doubt it very much



#20 2020-05-12 18:18:21

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,158

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Remember that Everybody Edits Trello suggestion community that really thrived? Let's try out a more collaborative approach. Many of our best EE programmers aren't even staff members. Let our powers combine and the production of EEO and EEU will be big league. Big league, I tell you.


#21 2020-05-13 18:44:37

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

N1KF wrote:

Remember that Everybody Edits Trello suggestion community that really thrived? Let's try out a more collaborative approach. Many of our best EE programmers aren't even staff members. Let our powers combine and the production of EEO and EEU will be big league. Big league, I tell you.

How did the Trello suggestion community work? Also, it would be awesome if everyone worked together.


#22 2020-05-13 20:30:58

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

I don't think substituting one charity system for another does very much good overall.

*u stinky*


#23 2020-05-13 22:00:24

From: 'Murica
Joined: 2015-10-09
Posts: 2,078

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

XxAtillaxX wrote:

I don't think substituting one charity system for another does very much good overall.

Yeah but EE doesn't make much money, right? How can we replace it with a profit business model if it doesn't make money?
Like commissions and royalties would be cool incentives for people to design and code stuff, but I don't think they can afford it right now. The only thing they could make is a promise that if one invests their time in EEU and it becomes a success, then they get a royalty or one-time commission for their work.


#24 2020-05-14 01:32:21

Joined: 2015-11-28
Posts: 4,202

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Pqwerty wrote:

Yeah but EE doesn't make much money, right? How can we replace it with a profit business model if it doesn't make money?

Yes, it is quite difficult to make money from a product that is not for sale. You can replace it with a profit business model via common business practices; making deals and selling a percentage in shares.

You will never have Chris Lamb able to make a deal though, because he doesn't know anything about business and I can smell his narcissism and naivety from a mile away, and so can others, that's why I got a deal with Benjaminsen and when he tried to talk to Benjaminsen he didn't get a reply.

*u stinky*


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#25 2020-05-16 16:50:08

Formerly Kaleb123
From: California of America
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 1,263

Re: Proposing a new Ownership system

Minisaurus wrote:

The current organization of the game staff in a nutshell:

Aww Shoot!
This is not by any means professional, efficient nor does the fact Xeno is in charge of basically every category. An organization is composed of trust and multiple parties that are the best at what they do. Xeno you need to have trust and need to expand your search for more like-minded individuals like yourself that have experience in their field and that you trust managing operations. Literally so many factors bro... I cannot believe the game is operating so illiterately.

This by any means is not me hating I am just stating the facts based off this picture from Minisaurus and I really hope we as a community learn, and you Xeno that you hopefully take this to heart. I really do want the best for this game that has been a big determining aspect of my life.



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