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#276 2019-10-19 21:11:55

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,464

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
TaskManager wrote:

Because it was kind of odd that you accepted my response at first, but then decided that it's not good enough

This is moving into a really dull topic and it's a bit annoying since i don't think my answers will help anyone with finding scum. But i'll explain it to you.

I read your post #236, only replied to the second part of it. Then half an hour later i re-read your post and found the first part of your post unsatisfactory so i decided to address that specific part of your post in a new reply.

Thank you for your contribution towards finding scum. //

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#277 2019-10-20 01:16:01

Formerly 12345678908642
From: canada
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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

...I need to check the forums more often. (I checked 32+ hours ago but it was still night then, and there was no indication on when it'd end.)

We already have some wagons going and I don't think that's a good thing; there's a bunch of people that seem like they'd just follow consensus opinion (I'm one, because I've realized that my reads in past maf are so inspired by others'), except when the consensus is made of like 4 people it's a bit hard to trust.

Am currently looking through people's posts (bless onjit for iso list lol). Will make another post later.

suddenly random sig change


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#278 2019-10-20 01:35:51

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NoNK wrote:

Diff has more votes than norwegianboy despite the popular opinion seemingly tending towards norwegianboy

Smart money's on holding off so we don't have a repeat of yesterday where everything screamed that we were making the wrong choice and went along anyway. Only those trying to get a repeat would be trying to pile on already.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Q2: I play much more aggressively as town. It's not alignment indicative. In fact, playing passively is my scum M.O. It was only in universe mafia that i tried to emulate my town playstyle as scum. Shouldn't you be aware of that, as you were my former scum teammate in that game?

So you're saying as maf you would have no choice but to play aggressively. Anything else would be an immediate tell. This is meaningless.

Also would like to point out that

NoNK wrote:

The fact that diff thinks he was townleaning is a grade B+ yikes

Yeah. Norboy was town reading me too til you guys decided otherwise. Norboy over here literally asked me to vote so he could townread me like he wanted to before somehow managing to twist that into a reason to scumread me. Other people generally agree with me or townread me. So yeah. Town leaning at least, except for you anyway.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#279 2019-10-20 01:49:43

Joined: 2019-04-22
Posts: 1,346

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Anyone else feeling that Norboy / NoNK teaming?

It makes utterly no sense as to why Different55 is getting voted.


#280 2019-10-20 02:00:30

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

I'm open to going either way honestly, I feel like Norboy is more suspicious atm, but I can see Diff doing some "fly on the wall" strats where he's right about the lynch but does nothing to stop it. If that's because he had prior knowledge, then that'd obviously mean that he was mafia. But I can also see Diff going off a hunch, he's a pretty cluey guy most of the time I reckon.

What still makes me suspicious of Norboy is mostly a hunch at this point, as he seems to be trying to flood the thread with the same points over and over - stifling discussion and making people think he is "more right", because nobody's actually going to meaningfully read all of this nonsense haha
He did it with the Peace wagon (although again Peace was playing real badly) and he seems to be doing it with Diff.

My question is this: What are we set to gain from a Diff lynch, over say a Jawp or Kira lynch? Both are also quite suspicious imo.



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#281 2019-10-20 02:07:13

Formerly 12345678908642
From: canada
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Posts: 3,402

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

I don't believe there's much reason to look at the peace lynch, since any number of town or mafia could've been on it. The votes that took them to L-1 are suspicious though (if I was online I would unvote the moment I saw that). Daneeko is new but that shouldn't be an excuse, and I don't believe Kira about their **** thing (**** stopped almost entirely at about page 3 here; it was the same for other recent mafs... though they never took those seriously either) (The last one was fine because that was basically hammer time). This makes norboy/kira much more town, and I don't consider them scum atm (no blind trust ofc though). I don't believe who started it to be too important, because there's too many possible motivations for me to come up with something good.

The last sentence in Post 71 (jawapa) is really weird but I believe it was just them not thinking. (I do a lot of stuff without thinking too; actually putting brainpower in is hard, and literary analysis is what makes me lose the most marks at school.)

Diff also seems to not want a wagon but for a different reason than I don't, so I hope they don't use some sort of association stuff. I understand their point, but I don't believe any wagon is unshakable. Actually, now that I think about it, that's not actually that bad of an idea to try for future games.

I'd vote for diff, but I'm not online often enough to be able to unvote at L-1 if necessary; so the vote will be cast later. (I'm basically voting for diff though, unless I change my mind.)
I feel like the wagon on norwegianboy grew a bit fast; I need to investigate more, but I'm also lazy and have other things to be doing atm so I'll put it off (dw; it's day so I'll at least check in every 18h). The same applies to actually looking through people's iso.

PS: what happened to the rest of the pages (this wasnt an iso or anything) unknown.png

suddenly random sig change


#282 2019-10-20 02:38:06

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

There currently isn't much of a wagon to have grown. I voted for Norboy because I didn't want to contribute to a wagon and Norboy was the scummiest person to not already have his own started. Kira agreed he was a bit scummy.

On the flip side, 3 people all swapped their votes from Kira to me within a few hours. That's the kind of movement we should've seen yesterday with peace when we realized we were wrong. Daneeko's likely just along for the ride but the other two? Especially Norboy's whiplash-inducing 180° on me? I don't have a nice convenient excuse for that.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


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#283 2019-10-20 03:16:04

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

O dang not even a few hours. Like 15 minutes. Norboy set the first vote at :31, Daneeko was in by :47. That's some speed right there.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#284 2019-10-20 07:09:08

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Different55 wrote:

O dang not even a few hours. Like 15 minutes. Norboy set the first vote at :31, Daneeko was in by :47. That's some speed right there.

that happened because I do nothing but check the ee forums for mafia 33



#285 2019-10-20 08:17:23

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Kira wrote:

Anyone else feeling that Norboy / NoNK teaming?

It makes utterly no sense as to why Different55 is getting voted.

I’m not hiding that. In fact, i am going to openly declare that i’m fully convinced NoNK is town and i trust him fully.

Also that point about me being scummy for posting a lot? Wtf lol.

Me and NoNK switched our votes fast because i literally asked him too. Daneeko is the only one that joined outside of that. So if you think that’s suspicious, i’d look at him. But personally i townread him.
Also Diff, how many times do i need to say that i never had a strong townread on you?

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#286 2019-10-20 08:29:07

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

ShadowsEdge, Taskmanager. Would you be interested in joining the vanguard of justice and vote for Different55?

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#287 2019-10-20 08:35:11

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,709

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

vote norboy

feeling cute, might unvote later



#288 2019-10-20 08:40:59

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Different55 wrote:

There currently isn't much of a wagon to have grown. I voted for Norboy because I didn't want to contribute to a wagon and Norboy was the scummiest person to not already have his own started. Kira agreed he was a bit scummy.

On the flip side, 3 people all swapped their votes from Kira to me within a few hours. That's the kind of movement we should've seen yesterday with peace when we realized we were wrong. Daneeko's likely just along for the ride but the other two? Especially Norboy's whiplash-inducing 180° on me? I don't have a nice convenient excuse for that.

you seem to be implying that we should immediately believe someone when they roleclaim, sure peace flipped green but most of us were convinced peace was lynchworthy (despite norweg not caring about that, which i still find confusing)



#289 2019-10-20 08:42:42

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

edit: lynchworthy is in the context of 'probably scum'



#290 2019-10-20 08:46:42

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Daneeko wrote:

(despite norweg not caring about that, which i still find confusing)

I see this point brought up against me and i don’t understand it. Asking Peace to roleclaim is a formality to ensure that the person we are lynching isn’t a PR. He claimed VT, so even though i was still convinced he was scum. If he was town then at least we wouldn’t be mislynching our PR’s.

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#291 2019-10-20 08:52:07

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
Daneeko wrote:

(despite norweg not caring about that, which i still find confusing)

I see this point brought up against me and i don’t understand it. Asking Peace to roleclaim is a formality to ensure that the person we are lynching isn’t a PR. He claimed VT, so even though i was still convinced he was scum. If he was town then at least we wouldn’t be mislynching our PR’s.

sorry for asking but ... what does PR mean ...



#292 2019-10-20 08:56:48

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Power role.

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#293 2019-10-20 09:34:13

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

in that case, yeah i guess that was justified



#294 2019-10-20 10:16:41

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Alright so I have some downtime, late I know, but I promised I would do it. The comp ended a while ago, but I got sidetracked with personal stuff, which is why I ended up doing this all now.

So I've decided that the best option for me, as someone who's largely been inactive, was to reread the entire thread (What an idea!). Anyway, these are the thoughts I'm getting from it. I'm not going to be going into a full on dissection of posts, and instead just post some of my ideas.

Firstly, I'll go on a case by case basis, since it's typically what works the best. I'll start off with the typical candidates, since they're the ones with the most traction at the moment.

From reading back through the thread, I still hold my case against Norwegian. While I'm not going to openly claim Norwegian as town, at the moment, I don't believe the claims that "Norwegian lead the wagon, so they have to be scum trying to push the lynch onto an unsuspecting town!" I showed that sentiment on an earlier post, but I suppose it was lost in the message. Don't get me wrong, I think Norwegian is fully capable of pulling something like that off, but at the same time, I feel as though Norwegian wouldn't choose to use the same unrelenting tactic which would result in suspicion against himself (See TFR, Mafia 31, as well as suspicion against him right now).

Different has been heavily focusing on two main points: 1. Peace is town, because the wagon against them rose quickly, and 2. Norwegian is scum, because they aggressively pushed for Norwegian. The biggest reason I have to suspect anything from Different is the fact that the way he's taking this is suspiciously similar to how I played TFR (Claimed the popular Mafia candidate was town, while on Day 2 advocated for the wagon leader as mafia, because they mislynched). It's possible that Different is town, but from personally doing that playstyle, I also want to believe that it has some scum-indication. I'm not fully convinced on Diff's alignment yet. Diff also sort of has this hypocritical vibe, one of the points that Diff brought up about Norwegian was that they were being too aggressive, and disregarded Peace's claim as town and pushed on anyways. Then when Norwegian is put under the spotlight, Diff starts pushing for Norwegian, and even acknowledges that Norwegian could be town (Not directly, though), but uses the same idea that the scumminess of his actions overrules the possibility.

In my personal opinion, Kira gives me weird vibes. Mainly because he pushed on with the whole **** phase for far longer than anyone else did. But if his posts before then were really just ****, then there's really only 2 posts of substance that Kira has, which makes it even harder to try and read him. Zelda proposed the idea that Kira would likely take more care into their posts if they were mafia, because they're aware of how they're seen, which I'll share the sentiment of for the time being.

I don't mean to be rude, but with the fact that Daneeko is heavily changing his vote, and has his opinion easily changed by the opinions of others reminds me of how Peace played as Town in TFR. I'm claiming him as Town simply because I feel like his actions in general have been overly scummy, and if he were Mafia, he would have tried to make an attempt to change his style, but he pushed on with the same ideas.

Jawapa has been sort of weird, his logic isn't a reason I consider his standings weird. But in general, his actions seem scummy, but at the same time (I went back to check this, if you want to check for yourself you can, I don't have a link so sorry), the last time Jawapa was mafia (If I'm correct, this was PurgatorEE), Jawapa did try to hold some level of town standings, while this game, and similar to last game, they openly throw out ideas which I believe they're aware makes them look suspicious. One of the thing I've noticed is that in PurgatorEE, Jawapa always clarified that he might say things that would make him look scummy, and even posted a reads list consisting of all the players. While in this game, and last game, Jawapa never felt the need to clarify that what he's saying would make him look suspicious (iirc), and Jawapa's "reads" are more focusing on singular players, rather than providing reads of all players. That's one of the main reasons I'm leaning against a Jawapa wagon. I don't know how well Jawapa is at deception, but considering last game, where they were able to push a lynch against Kirby, claiming Kira as the Faction Cop, I wouldn't put it completely past Jawapa.

Everyone else I feel like I don't have much opinions on. NoNK, Taskmanager, and Onjit all seem like they're trying to help, and I don't have any strong suspicions against any of them. Although, I will bring up a few things, NoNK seems to follow a lot of the same ideals that Norwegian shares, though, he does explain his reasonings for them. Taskmanager switches his opinions around quite a bit, but I don't necessarily find anything that gives any scum traits on him, and Onjit in general has seemed to try to help, by placing reads when needed, and providing input where it's needed. As for Zelda and Slab, they've been largely inactive, so they're mostly null for me, with only a slight lean for town, because of some of the posts they've made having that idea within it.

I'll be honest. I fell asleep part way through writing this. Not my proudest moment and I almost actually did go to sleep but I got woken up and figured I needed to finish the post before I went to sleep. And on that note, I'll be going to sleep because I probably should not have spent an extra two hours staying up to finish this, but oh well.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




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#295 2019-10-20 11:08:07

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

I kind of wish you'd come to a conclusion Shadow, like:
"X is most likely scum. let's vote X"
"Y and A is not scum, but X is"

Just something that would be easy to fathom at first glance rather than having to analyze your huge post to see what you're actually thinking.
To make things simpler i've done it for you Shadow.

Shadows post summarized:
- Is against the wagon on Norwegianboy. Believes it to be unlikely that Norwegian would be committing to an aggressive playstyle as a scum player for two games in a row. But he knows Norwegian is capable of this strategy so he is being cautious about trusting him.
- Is suspicious towards Different55 because he is playing similarly to how Scum!Shadow played in French Revolution mafia. Also claims that Diff is hypocritical by painting Norwegian as having been aggressive in Day 1 when Diff is being very aggressive towards Norwegianboy here in Day 2. Diff is using the same argument Norwegianboy used in day 1 towards Peace that the scumminess of Peace's/Norwegians actions overrules the possibility of being town.
- Kira seems suspicious because he has spent too much time ****. But Shadow is currently sheeping Zelda's claim that Scum!Kira would be more careful about what he posts.
- Daneeko seems like a town player because he is changing his stances a lot, and that seems unlikely for scum to be doing.
- Jawapa's actions seems scummy, but from his scumplay meta which is based highly on PurgatorEE it doesn't seem like Jawapa is emulating that sort of play at all in here.
- Doesn't really have a stand against other players due to them being largely inactive or they seem like town.

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#296 2019-10-20 11:19:29

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

I kind of wish you'd come to a conclusion Shadow, like:
"X is most likely scum. let's vote X"
"Y and A is not scum, but X is"

Just something that would be easy to fathom at first glance rather than having to analyze your huge post to see what you're actually thinking.
To make things simpler i've done it for you Shadow.

Shadows post summarized:
- Is against the wagon on Norwegianboy. Believes it to be unlikely that Norwegian would be committing to an aggressive playstyle as a scum player for two games in a row. But he knows Norwegian is capable of this strategy so he is being cautious about trusting him.
- Is suspicious towards Different55 because he is playing similarly to how Scum!Shadow played in French Revolution mafia. Also claims that Diff is hypocritical by painting Norwegian as having been aggressive in Day 1 when Diff is being very aggressive towards Norwegianboy here in Day 2. Diff is using the same argument Norwegianboy used in day 1 towards Peace that the scumminess of Peace's/Norwegians actions overrules the possibility of being town.
- Kira seems suspicious because he has spent too much time ****. But Shadow is currently sheeping Zelda's claim that Scum!Kira would be more careful about what he posts.
- Daneeko seems like a town player because he is changing his stances a lot, and that seems unlikely for scum to be doing.
- Jawapa's actions seems scummy, but from his scumplay meta which is based highly on PurgatorEE it doesn't seem like Jawapa is emulating that sort of play at all in here.
- Doesn't really have a stand against other players due to them being largely inactive or they seem like town.

thank you norwegianboy, very cool



#297 2019-10-20 13:49:02

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Joined: 2015-02-07
Posts: 16,575

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Also that point about me being scummy for posting a lot? Wtf lol.

I'm not even sure how you're trying to pull that out of "speedvoted for me"

Daneeko wrote:
Different55 wrote:

There currently isn't much of a wagon to have grown. I voted for Norboy because I didn't want to contribute to a wagon and Norboy was the scummiest person to not already have his own started. Kira agreed he was a bit scummy.

On the flip side, 3 people all swapped their votes from Kira to me within a few hours. That's the kind of movement we should've seen yesterday with peace when we realized we were wrong. Daneeko's likely just along for the ride but the other two? Especially Norboy's whiplash-inducing 180° on me? I don't have a nice convenient excuse for that.

you seem to be implying that we should immediately believe someone when they roleclaim, sure peace flipped green but most of us were convinced peace was lynchworthy (despite norweg not caring about that, which i still find confusing)

My dude how many times have I said that the speed and intensity of the wagon was a glowing neon sign with *nobody* disagreeing with me? We all agree that wagon was backed by scum. And what happened? Y'all went along with it anyway. With Norboy in particular outright saying he didn't care.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

Also Diff, how many times do i need to say that i never had a strong townread on you?

Dearest, you can say it as many times as you want but we're not allowed to edit posts here. Anyone who ISOs you and views your posts in context with mine can see it.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


#298 2019-10-20 13:57:26

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Different55 wrote:

Anyone who ISOs you and views your posts in context with mine can see it.

See what?

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#299 2019-10-20 13:58:42

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Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Also @Shadow I'm being aggressive today because I feel aggressively attacked. Again, 3 votes in 15 minutes all swapped from another person will do that to a guy. Especially when that guy is as paranoid as I've been for this game.

Another thing to point out that Norboy only seems aggressive when it suits maf. He aggressively went after peace despite the signs that he was town. Unlike anyone else who negligently-or-otherwise didn't remove their vote, he specifically said he didn't even care if he was town. He was pretty passively town-leaning against me, no matter how he tries to spin it now, until I place my vote on him (which, I even said in my vote post he wasn't my most suspect person. I was just avoiding a wagon we'd get stuck in. Sure is now though) and suddenly I'm the scummiest guy in the game for having legitimate, 100% understandable suspicions about him. He's even tried to twist my actions that he himself prompted (saying that that was all he needed to happily townread me) as evidence I'm scum.

"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto


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#300 2019-10-20 14:05:24

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: Mafia 33 [Friday Wins!]

Different55 wrote:

Another thing to point out that Norboy only seems aggressive when it suits maf.

Suits who exactly? Can you give names?

Different55 wrote:

He aggressively went after peace despite the signs that he was town.

There were no clear signs that he was town, the speed in which the wagon gained momentum could be explained by mafia bussing him as well.

Different55 wrote:

He's even tried to twist my actions that he himself prompted (saying that that was all he needed to happily townread me) as evidence I'm scum.

More like i wanted you to say something on day 1 so i could figure out if you were actually town or just lurking mafia. And i'm leaning that you were doing the latter.

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