Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Will there be customizable world sizes? I just found this idea very great, like you know, someone makes a great 300x25 world or some other ratio
could be fun
You Rock!
Will there be customizable world sizes? I just found this idea very great, like you know, someone makes a great 300x25 world
or some other ratio
could be fun
I strongly remember the Staff hinting at custom world sizes, but I can't actually find it. Instead I'll point out that capasha's leaked world minimaps include this:
(78 × 42)
and this:
(28 × 69)
These could be a result of hacky mod worlds being custom sized as can be done in EE, but based on all the evidence I'm going to assume these kinds of things are standard.
Plus there's this post
Since the reboot is going to have customizable world sizes, there could still be different sized worlds, right? If they set a limit for world sizes in each category of worlds, there would be different world sizes.
edit: I found it
~ Dynamic World Sizing ~
In Everybody Edits Universe, it’s planned that (at least initially) only one type of World will be available, which anyone can purchase as many of as they wish. All newly registered accounts will receive a set amount of free worlds, and will be able to purchase further worlds directly from the player’s World List (or the shop(s)).
When first accessing a world, a popup will come up with the height and width where the player can use keyboard arrows, arrows in the user interface, or type a number within a certain range. The default world size will be 200x200, but can be adjusted immediately, followed by a confirmation popup. The world size won't be adjustable after starting to edit the world unless the world is deleted or cleared, effectively replacing the world.
Xenonetix wrote:During the Closed Beta period, we expect to add the following to the game:
Smiley Customizer
Shop System
Smiley Accessories
Switches & On/Off Systems
More Blocks
Music Zones
Vision Zones
Magic Coins
am waiting for vision, music, liquid, background, switches, shop and smiley customizer as well as accessories
the game is disappointing.
atleast you get to play it dude
When your energy refills...
huk94 wrote:Will there be customizable world sizes? I just found this idea very great, like you know, someone makes a great 300x25 world
or some other ratio
could be fun
I strongly remember the Staff hinting at custom world sizes, but I can't actually find it. Instead I'll point out that capasha's leaked world minimaps include this: (78 × 42)
and this: (28 × 69)
These could be a result of hacky mod worlds being custom sized as can be done in EE, but based on all the evidence I'm going to assume these kinds of things are standard.
Those are just cropped screenshots. Worlds will be available in sizes that are a multiple of 50, starting at 50x50 and going up to 600x400.
Kentiya / Atikyne — EE & EEU lead artist 2018-2020
and going up to 600x400.
Are there plans for greater world sizes further into EEU's development?
LukeM wrote:Can't remember exactly what the issue we talked about was, but we've now got it set up so that the game continues running at ~0.1tps while the game is in the background (which the physics engine handles losslessly pretty well).
imagine boss to code world. A player can jump in mid-air and switch their tabs. On other's screens he will fall and that's it, but when he switches back to his tab, he will still be there
The physics system runs losslessly, so even though it's running slower you'll still move just as quickly. We haven't added block placement to the lossless system yet, so blocks could take up to ~10 seconds to be removed / placed, but we plan on fixing this in a later update.
LukeM wrote:Can't remember exactly what the issue we talked about was, but we've now got it set up so that the game continues running at ~0.1tps while the game is in the background (which the physics engine handles losslessly pretty well).
what is tps? terabytes of data saved per second?
Not sure if that was a serious question, but ticks per second.
▼Xenonetix wrote:am waiting for vision, music, liquid, background, switches, shop and smiley customizer as well as accessories
the game is disappointing.
We've only just entered the Closed Beta period, so we haven't done anything we plan on doing later during the Closed Beta yet.
Those are just cropped screenshots. Worlds will be available in sizes that are a multiple of 50, starting at 50x50 and going up to 600x400.
You mean a multiple of 50 in area, so if a user bought 50 blocks 14 times, the user could get any world with 700 blocks in it up to 600×400, such as 2×350, 4×175, 5×140, 7×100, 10×70, 14×50, 20×35, 25×28, 28×25, 35×20, 50×14, 70×10, 100×7, 140×5, 175×4 or 350×2?
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
Gosha wrote:LukeM wrote:Can't remember exactly what the issue we talked about was, but we've now got it set up so that the game continues running at ~0.1tps while the game is in the background (which the physics engine handles losslessly pretty well).
imagine boss to code world. A player can jump in mid-air and switch their tabs. On other's screens he will fall and that's it, but when he switches back to his tab, he will still be there
The physics system runs losslessly, so even though it's running slower you'll still move just as quickly. We haven't added block placement to the lossless system yet, so blocks could take up to ~10 seconds to be removed / placed, but we plan on fixing this in a later update.
So if the game runs at 60fps, the physics code will execute once a frame, and at 1fps the physics code will execute 60 times a frame?
PiotrGrochowski wrote:LukeM wrote:Can't remember exactly what the issue we talked about was, but we've now got it set up so that the game continues running at ~0.1tps while the game is in the background (which the physics engine handles losslessly pretty well).
what is tps? terabytes of data saved per second?
Not sure if that was a serious question, but ticks per second.
By ticks you mean audio samples?
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
▼LukeM wrote:So if the game runs at 60fps, the physics code will execute once a frame, and at 1fps the physics code will execute 60 times a frame?
▼LukeM wrote:By ticks you mean audio samples?
A 'tick' in this situation means a single evaluation of the physics code, although we're using a fairly fancy system where this doesn't apply as much as it usually would.
I'll probably write a longer explanation at some point, but the tl;dr: is that ticks are tied at 1:1 to the framerate unless the game is in the background in which case it runs at 0fps, ~0.1tps. A tick consists of updating your inputs, so which arrow keys etc you're pressing, then it goes through each player one by one and updates their position. This first part is performed normally as you'd expect, but the second part is a bit different to most games. The core physics system doesn't really care about ticks, it's just told "update this player's position to where it should be at this timestamp". Internally it stores the next timestamp that a 'physics event' should happen, so it's basically just a 'while timestamp > next event' loop, each step calculating what the next physics event will be and returning a mathematical equation for what the player's position should be until that happens. Finally, when the timestamp is within the current physics path, the game just evaluates this equation to find out where the player should be.
This has a number of advantages, for one, 'minor' physics events usually only happen a couple times a second, and 'major' physics events (which require the path to be re-calculated) happen a lot less often than that, so updating the physics is a lot faster, potentially even allowing us to simulate it server-side for near perfect anti-cheat. Secondly it means that we can update the physics as frequently or infrequently as we want, allowing the game to run smoothly at any framerate. This is something EE just couldn't do, and along with the incredibly weird decision to run at 100tps and 60fps, meant that the frames were very inconsistent, with some frames 'lasting' twice as long as others, making the game look weird and jumpy.
O means Optimization, that's great!
You Rock!
stuck at initialaizing fix pleas ei wanna play EEU
i refreshed once after like 20 secs
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
RIP hovering glitch
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HG's signature for me - Anatoly's signature for me
The Mashed Potatoes Song - The longest post on EE forums - Play my Minesweeper
damnit my plan has been foiled
When your energy refills...
Hmm... Not sure what the issue could be then...
Do you have an ad blocker or strict 'tracker blocker' or something that could be breaking the Facebook or Google login?
i dont use adblock and i coudl login into facebook fine after repeatly gettgin my password wrong and when i chnaged it and i logged in sucefully it opneed my timeline (in the seperate wsmall window that opnened) i closed it and recliked logign wiht FB then it asked me if i wanted to continu as (insert my real name here) and said what info EEU woudl get i lclicked that and it went to the loading screen i posted the screenshot of
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
LukeM wrote:Hmm... Not sure what the issue could be then...
Do you have an ad blocker or strict 'tracker blocker' or something that could be breaking the Facebook or Google login?
i dont use adblock and i coudl login into facebook fine after repeatly gettgin my password wrong and when i chnaged it and i logged in sucefully it opneed my timeline (in the seperate wsmall window that opnened) i closed it and recliked logign wiht FB then it asked me if i wanted to continu as (insert my real name here) and said what info EEU woudl get i lclicked that and it went to the loading screen i posted the screenshot of
So you registered an EEU account, it worked, then you changed your Facebook password and it stopped working? Or did it never work in the first place?
peace wrote:LukeM wrote:Hmm... Not sure what the issue could be then...
Do you have an ad blocker or strict 'tracker blocker' or something that could be breaking the Facebook or Google login?
i dont use adblock and i coudl login into facebook fine after repeatly gettgin my password wrong and when i chnaged it and i logged in sucefully it opneed my timeline (in the seperate wsmall window that opnened) i closed it and recliked logign wiht FB then it asked me if i wanted to continu as (insert my real name here) and said what info EEU woudl get i lclicked that and it went to the loading screen i posted the screenshot of
So you registered an EEU account, it worked, then you changed your Facebook password and it stopped working? Or did it never work in the first place?
no i wanted ot logign wiht my fb acount but i forgo tmy p[asswor d(tired a few times) thenchnaegd th epassword so i coudl gian acces to the game only to not even seeing anythign but the backgourdn and th egame screen wiht the initilasiing fthing now whenever i open EEU it firts get sto a balck screen until i close the tab and reopen it wiht CTRL+SHIFT+T (open the last closed tab) to get to the same process (it logs me automatically in as it does not ask to login wiht fb or google) only to see no workign game
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
damnit my plan has been foiled
can reproduce
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
RIP hovering glitch
wow, the smiley is so round... my eyes can't except it! only pixelized smileys can be in this game!!!!!
You Rock!
▼LukeM wrote:no i wanted ot logign wiht my fb acount but i forgo tmy p[asswor d(tired a few times) thenchnaegd th epassword so i coudl gian acces to the game only to not even seeing anythign but the backgourdn and th egame screen wiht the initilasiing fthing now whenever i open EEU it firts get sto a balck screen until i close the tab and reopen it wiht CTRL+SHIFT+T (open the last closed tab) to get to the same process (it logs me automatically in as it does not ask to login wiht fb or google) only to see no workign game
Ok, thanks, I don't have time to look into this further today but I'll try to see if I can work out what's happening tomorrow.
Kentiya wrote:and going up to 600x400.
Are there plans for greater world sizes further into EEU's development?
Not currently. 600x400 is the largest size that fits comfortably in the game at the native size and it will cost 24000 energy, or almost 6 weeks of energy.
Kentiya wrote:Those are just cropped screenshots. Worlds will be available in sizes that are a multiple of 50, starting at 50x50 and going up to 600x400.
You mean a multiple of 50 in area, so if a user bought 50 blocks 14 times, the user could get any world with 700 blocks in it up to 600×400, such as 2×350, 4×175, 5×140, 7×100, 10×70, 14×50, 20×35, 25×28, 28×25, 35×20, 50×14, 70×10, 100×7, 140×5, 175×4 or 350×2?
No, 50 for each dimension. So the next size up from 50x50 would be 100x50 and 50x100, then 100x100 and so on.
Kentiya / Atikyne — EE & EEU lead artist 2018-2020
Please let me in
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