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#651 2019-08-29 16:59:23

From: somewhere in space ig
Joined: 2018-11-06
Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Ok, so I finally finished my reads. As for response to 2B, I understand why you would think that, but I was honestly just very busy the last two days, and making this reads list as in depth as I could, it was hard to get it out early like I'd hoped. And, there's a TL;DR at the end, simplified explanations for why I think people are what I placed them as. Anyway, without further ado, here are my reads.

Case 1: Peace / JoeyC

Joey's posts were far and few between. He never really had an opinion of his own, and mainly followed the wills of others. The only instance where I can find where he made somewhat of his own claim was this:

Joeyjoey65 wrote:
eleizibeth wrote:

joey, i think it would be better to take our time and make the right decisions rather than lynch potentially useful people asap

yeah, it's only a day one lynch, so there's gonna be some amount of randomness, but i think if we wait for more info we might make a better decision than just lynching a completely random person because they're "usually inactive"

We probably aren't going to get that much more info than what we currently have now. It's honestly hard to get a good answer about someone especially on day 1. Where nobody's really figured anybody out. As usually being inactive will honestly just rise more suspicion towards you.

Although it's not really much. I don't think anything about Joey's actions specifically give off any suspicious vibes.

As for peace, he is much more active than Joey was. Which is where most of my reads on Peace will come from.

Most of Peace's posts are hard to read. But he followed a different mindset to what Joey set forth. Joey was for the Policy lynch, while Peace made it known that he wanted to wait it out for more information. Day 2 is where his lynching gets sporadic. He listens to Zelda's opinion of Mutant (Which is fine on it's own accord). But the part that struck me as suspicious is the fact that Peace voted and unvoted for Mutant. And did so again later on.

In the first part, it's reasonable, he listened to an opinion that Zelda made, and was following through. He did, later on, decide to place a lynch on Mutant once again later, to "Place pressure on him." During the inbetweens of these two votes, he claimed that he was unsure of lynching Mutant because:

peace wrote:

right now i have no idea hwo to lynch other then MABY mutant btu mutant is a 50/50 eithe rhes mafia or a framed townie that looks very sus now cuase of no kill so thats teh reason im not gonna vote mutant yet as that would be helping the mafia alos woudl liek to hear somethign form bimps so thats a nice wait as well

His opinion was either that Mutant was a mafia, or a framed townie. He's mentioned his stance on this twice, although never came to a conclusion on him. My reasoning for this is that he likely didn't take the time to isolate Mutant's posts, and that he just was going with what the rest of the Town was saying. I find it somewhat suspicious that Peace followed that course of action.

His opinions on Mutant are the only ones I can find to be sporadic. He hasn't brought suspicion up against anyone except for Mutant. He might have agreed with suspicions, but the only person he actively tried to get lynched was Mutant.

My opinion on peace is that his opinions seem to be malleable, he never really seems to have an opinion of his own. He did, however, bring up the fact that Norwegian self voted, which meant it was unlikely that Norwegian was Mafia. But most of his other opinions, from what I read through (I skipped over some because a lot of his posts were hard to read), just seemed like opinions that other people have already stated.

My final verdict on Peace is that he's slightly suspicious.

Case 2: TaskManager
TaskManager wrote:

Luka are there any other reasons besides Slab being a lurker

TaskManager wrote:

The candidate is worth considering until we have better options
I say we wait since the day jusg started and not even a half of players posted yet

TaskManager wrote:

What do you think of Zumza, Jawapa, Zelda being candidates for the same reason?

Pretty much since the start of the game, Task have been trying to get people to think more about what they're doing, rather than going straight into a lynch, although, his pattern for who he voted for was a bit off. He sided with saying that Slab should not be lynched, then onto saying Slab SHOULD be lynched (To confirm is Norwegian is Mafia or not), then ended up switching over to Norwegian. He did eventually explain that this was because:

TaskManager wrote:

!lynch NorwegianBoy
The only reason I didn't want to do this earlier was that there  was a wagon on Slab already and taking votes from him and putting them  on Norboy could make either have not enough votes for a lynch, now that  other people switched to Norboy, there's no risk that the wagon falls apart
Also mutant provided another good point on lynching Norboy so here we go

I don't understand why he was afraid to vote for Norwegian if he was afraid the wagon would fall apart. He justifies his reasoning for voting for Norwegian clearly as that he's switching since a wagon is already being formed against him. Because of his openness about it, I doubt that alone will mean much. But, I do think it's a bit odd that he draws suspicion onto someone, and only chooses to vote them once other people also started to form a wagon on them. Possibly an attempt to not draw suspicion to himself.

TaskManager wrote:

I kinda find it odd how Zelda threw in the "mutant juicy target" accusation, then completely forgot about it in his next post, possibly because people didn't believe it fully, I think it's scum indicative how he stopped pushing that point when people didn't buy it much
I also don't like Zumza's unexplained vote on Zelda though

I can fancy a Zumza lynch or a Zelda lynch right now, but this is only because I see nothing else to go off
If someone presents a better case on someone else, I'm willing to consider that

This post really stands out for when I first started suspecting Task. Task does explain that he doesn't like Zumza's lynch, sure, that's understandable, because Zumza did place the lynch out of the blue. But the part that I find odd is that Task is trying to bring up suspicion against Zelda here. Zelda's only two posts in Day 2 were something against Mutant, and a post concerning the Jester.

My thought process for this is that either Task was trying to figure out what Zelda's intentions are, or that Task was trying to build up a case towards Zelda to eventually get him lynched. Similar case as he did with Norwegian.

TaskManager wrote:
Crybaby wrote:
TaskManager wrote:


Does Mutantdevle being suspicious about you make you feel unsure about your vote or something?

I intended unvoting a bit earlier, it's because Jawapa is way more likely to flip as jester, than scum imo

TaskManager wrote:

Though I've thought about his play in PurgatorEE, and I'm unsure on him either, the way he plays right now isn't similar to the way he played in PurgatorEE as mafia

There's also this post. Knowing how Taskmanager has acted thus far, he seems to have a backlash at the people who suspect him, by proving points of why he's not Mafia, and sometimes voting for them. (Task was suspected by Norwegian, because Task voted for him, Jawapa was suspicious of Task, and Task eventually voted for him, but backed out, and Bimps is now suspecting Task, and Task is now suspecting Bimps, which Task did vote for Bimps). The reason this post stands out is that he didn't seem to have that same approach when Mutant had a suspicion on him. In general, Task has been very passive to Mutant up until Day 3, which I'll go over on my read of Mutant.

In that fasion, the only other thing I find suspicious about Taskmanger is his lynch on Jawapa. He decided to lynch Jawapa to make him go to L-2, but near the end, backed out of it. Now, the reason I find this supicious is because the reason Taskmanager backed out of it, using this post for his reasoning:

TaskManager wrote:

I intended unvoting a bit earlier, it's because Jawapa is way more likely to flip as jester, than scum imo

But when he initially voted for Jawapa, he mentioned the fact that Jawapa is likely to flip Jester, yet lynched him either way:

TaskManager wrote:

!vote Jawapa

Let's try it
For all we know he could be a jester, but eh not a big loss for us

The only reason I find it suspicious, is that knowing that Jawapa was likely to flip Jester, he decided to opt out of the lynch. And I see this as an attempt to save himself from being killed by Jawapa, since Jawapa had suspicions on Task. It's likely to assume that Task thought Jawapa would kill him if he kept with the lynch.

My final verdict on him is that he's suspicious.

Case 3: 2B55B5G TNG / Luka504

Similarly to how I read Peace, the first part of this analysis will be on Luka's Posts, then moving onto 2B's posts.

Luka504 wrote:

Lynching day 1 is generally favourable, even if you do it randomly. For one, it stops us from ever having an even amount of players. If there's 13 people alive, you need 7 for a majority. If there's 12 alive, you still need 7 for a majority, which makes it harder to reach a consensus.

Two, dead players are the only factual information we have access to (excluding power roles). When someone goes, we can analyse their interactions with everyone else. What did they flip? Who started their bandwagon? Who defended them? Who should we go for next.

It's still too early in the game to have a concrete case on someone. The day has recently started, and I'm only suggesting slabdrill if we do not have a better candidate for the guillotine.

The first line of this post sounds super suspicious. I get what he's going for with that information, but it just sounds suspicious. Although, I'm still not wholly aware of Luka's playstyle, as many mention that him being aggressive is just a part of how he plays.

The second and third lines do sound a little more holistic.

The fact that Luka decided to so eagerly lynch someone, mainly being Slabdrill, is what I think most people read as a suspicious move, especially so early on in the day.

There's only really one post I find suspicious from Luka, which is mainly this:

Luka504 wrote:

I.. Don't know what more you want me to say.

And it's not of suspicion, but more the fact that he seemed to try to appeal to what Norwegian wanted him to say here. He seemed sort of hopeless, which could have been either a sign that he was revealed, or that he just has no defense.

Now I move onto 2B55B5G. When he first joined, he tried to move past what happened with Luka, as shown in this post:

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

I don't know why Luka was focusing on lynching Slabdrill rather than other inactive people. I think Luka could've pushed a Slabdrill lynch if he really wants to get rid of inactive players. But what Luka is thinking isn't what I'm thinking, I still think we should wait everyone to talk then decide, rather than lynching someone random and you get no information from it, plus lynching early kills discussion time, so I didn't understand what Luka was doing lol

Norwegian originally read this as a scum move, since he seemed like he was trying to ease the suspicion on him. I do agree with Norwegian's assessment on that, since this post does seem like that's coming off that way.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

So Mutant, you're saying Luka was trying to cause discussion? I guess it makes sense but it makes Luka very suspicious.

Although, this post, along with others, makes me think otherwise. He denies the claim that he was trying to cover it up, and even several times throughout the first day continues to agree with the assessment that Luka came off as suspicious.

Another post for why I believe otherwise on 2B's standings is his reads, most other's haven't shown reads, except for some other few. I think he could have elaborated more on a few points, but overall, gets the general idea of his opinions.

Another thing that strikes me as suspicious, similarly to why I found Task suspicious:

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

!vote MrJawapa

I’m voting Jawapa because Norboy suspects him, and he also voted for Norboy. And I did not understand why did Jawapa vote for Zelda, I think Zelda was just saying his opinion on the N1 kill.

I think Jawapa and Zumza might be connected, they both wants to lynch Zelda. Zumza’s vote on Zelda was to cause conversation and reactions, but later he said he feels comfortable on gambling Zelda. Jawapa also sees no other candidate to lynch.

2B55B5G TNG wrote:

For me it really seems like they both have a connection. And I also don't want to risk lynching Jawapa. If Jawapa is lynched and turns out to be jester, it's fine for me, killing me doesn't really make any differences because I consider myself not very helpful. But what if Jawapa kills Zelda or Crybaby? I think both of them are valuable and helpful, killing them can be a big loss. So I don't want to risk it.

Therefore, I'm voting for Zumza.

!vote Zumza

They both voted for Jawapa, and soon after unvoted because they suspected Jawapa of being Jester. And for those reasons, is one of the main reasons for where my suspicion of 2B comes from.

He does make it clear that he votes for Zumza over Jawapa, because he believes Zumza and Jawapa have a connection, but just didn't want to risk lynching the Jester. But as with my opinion on Task, this could be an attempt to avoid being killed by Jawapa. However, Jawapa didn't suspect 2B, which is why I'm less inclined to believe that his intention was to avoid being killed.

The rest of the posts by 2B, there's only like 3 or so more, don't really strike me in any sort of direction.

My final verdict on 2B is slightly suspicious. (Due to him retracting his vote on Jawapa).

Case 4: mutantdevle

Something about mutant does feel off. It's hard to put exactly into words, because all of his posts just seem like Townish posts.

So I'll start from the beginning, since this will probably a lot harder for me to place a read on.

mutantdevle wrote:

I think the main problem we have is with the disguiser. The janitor isn't anything special; it just has a chance to deprive us of some information. But that lack of information could make the mafia over-confident and hence potentially expose themself. But that disguiser, unless we lynch them today, no flip can be trusted (no town flip can anyway). I just want to make that clear to everyone because it changes quite a large dynamic of the game.

This post just feels like Mutant's trying to get information out to people.

His lynch on Norwegian did strike me as suspicious. I explained multiple times why I thought Norwegian was Town before their ultimate demise, and at first Mutant said that he was lynching Norwegian because he wanted to confirm him as Town (Which he later corrected, because he meant as Mafia).

Norwegian also found him suspicious. And I'll review the points that Norwegian made, since they'll probably be more accurate that points I can make.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

Primarily because of all this talk of 'other options' without anyone else truly being seriously suggested, I'm going to vote Slabdrill. Because let's be honest, Slabdrill is almost objectively the optimal lynch on day 1.

!vote Slabdrill

He just said that only the day 1 lynch can be trusted, yet chooses to vote against the person that would tell us the least amount of information out of everyone. Is this really how a townie Mutant would act? (Taskmanager voted this post. In general MrJawapa and Taskmanager agrees a lot with Mutantdevle. Especially on the Slabdrill lynch.)

I agree with this post. A lot of the suspicion that Mutant has can't really be pinned to this game exactly. As in, in previous games, Mutant has done full out posts trying to explain why people are suspicious, and why we should vote for them. Although, in this game, we don't see much of that.

I did notice the link between Mutant and Task, where Task was backing up Mutant Day 1, and then on Day 2, also sent a few posts defending Mutant. The only reason I don't see this connection anymore, is that into Day 3, Task started to suspect Mutant more and break ties between them.

If Mutant and Task were both Mafia, and they were supporting each other for the first two days, it would make sense why they would want to break that for Day 3, since Day 3 is the last chance for the town to make a move on the Mafia. I find it suspicious that on this day is when the two of them decided to break their link.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

To clarify, I do think that only looking at Slabdrill in the beginning was a bit narrow-minded. However, now that other options have been looked at; or rather, no one seems to have any solid reasons to go for other options; I'm now fully supportive of lynching Slabdrill at this stage.

Also, I no longer agree with my statement that Slabdrill is a useful lurker. As you pointed out, he was useful to me last game by basically being a yes man. But then I thought about the rest of the games he's played in where he's basically been useless - hence my most recent comments. Also, I did suspect Slabdrill last game since he was on the lynch side of the plan. This was only later changed (as stated in heaven) by 2B55 being scummier than him towards the end of the game.

Now Mutant is doubling down on the "lynching anyone else is useless" stance. Also he retracts his statement about Slabdrill being useful.

In general, Mutant's targets seem odd. At first being Slab, switching over to Norwegian. On day 2 supecting Zelda, for attempting to divert the lynch, in a sense, and on Task on Day 3. The Day 3 lynch is what stikes me as odd, since Task and Mutant had a passive connection up until that day, and then are now acting more aggressive to each other.

I'm aware that on Day 2, near the end, both of them started to voice their opinions of each other being suspicious, but that doesn't negate the fact that they did it right before one of the most important days for us.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

There's yet to be anybody that I consider suspicious enough to be worth voting for. However, you (NorwegianboyEE) are currently top of my suspect list.

Now that i'm moving against the Slabdrill vote he immediately puts me on top of the suspicion list.

I don't have much opinion on this part, since all of it can really be explained from what Norwegian said. But, I do find it suspicious that Mutant, like Task, had retaliated against the person who started bringing up suspicion on them, and chose to put them as a high priority for who they were targetting. Although, this doesn't reveal all too much in that case, since it was Day 1, but it is something to make note of.

NorwegianboyEE wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

So I'm somewhat confident that norwegianboy is town, lynching him could solve the alignment of 2 other players, and even if I'm wrong norwegianboy being the only person confirmed as town is still valuable. I don't really see a reason not to vote.

!vote Norwegianboy

He might just be trying to clean his hands from the knowledge that he knows i will flip town. Thus trying to make me look scummy, but also acts like voting me is a "good thing" and therefore he shouldn't be suspected for doing it.

That part does sound like he's trying to ease the suspicion on him. He seemed confident that Norwegian was Mafia, but it is obvious that Mutant tried to take away the suspicion those rose around him from his lynch on Norwegian.

(I cut out the part of text where Norwegian had a string of posts without the BBCode thing on it, but they don't really have much more opinions for them by me other than what has already been mentioned).

Mutant's posts don't seem to reveal too much about his alliance in my opinion. But his actions, and the difference from how he plays this game to how he played last game do differ greatly. It could possibly be because of the night killing aspect, which wasn't present in PurgatorEE. But I think that despite that, Mutant would have still tried to be more helpful to the town, and have more of an opinion on more scenarios.

Instead, Mutant chose to focus on specific people, not putting some input into other lynches. One of the things I find suspicious. Although, there's not much else I can really say about Mutant, since he seems very odd to me. His actions don't line up with what he's saying, and I can't really pin it into a specific post, because it's not in a specific post.

My final verdict on Mutant is that he's suspicious.

Case 5: ZeldaXD

Despite Zelda's inactivity, I have mentioned my stance on them before.

ZeldaXD wrote:

God you guys are already at it with the walls of text. I have only read over the top and I don't think the focus Luka seems to have with Slabdrill is scum indicative or anything. Would mafia really be so low iq as to focus so aggresively on someone? Unless thats what they want us to think.

ZeldaXD wrote:

Mutantdevle would be a very juicy target for mafia, especially with doctor being dead, because we all know how helpful mutantdevle is for whatever team he's in, so if mutant is town I think mafia would target getting rid of him, but they pick to kill a random like eleizibeth? Not buying it, I'm scum-reading mutant HARD.

The first message, while late, does provide some insight. At the time. no one really took the time to think about it. Because of that, everyone was so focused on lynching Slab or Luka. The second post to me doesn't strike me as anything suspicious, but mainly to prove my point that he's just trying to give information out to everyone.

ZeldaXD wrote:

My main reason to find Mutant very sus was him not dying n1 despite being a very obvious target, however, I forgot there's a lookout (and a veteran), so it makes sense as to why mafia would not target him (yet). But I'm not willing to call him non-sus as of yet nor do I think such theory should be entirely discarded, especially considering Norwegian's lynch, who wrote a case against him which Mutant did not bother to answer quoting mutant "If anyone agrees with any of the points Norwegian made in this post then please point them out but otherwise I don't see a lot of point in refuting what he said if he's not here to justify them."

Further onto that, Zelda does explain that he forget that there was a Lookout. It was likely a mistake on his part, as he did admit to it, and doesn't give me a reason to believe he isn't Town. Again, on top of that post, there's this:

ZeldaXD wrote:

Welp, since it seems likely Jawapa will be lynched and that nothing much is going to change in the next 35 minutes, I'm going to vote Jawapa.
Jawapa, if you are jester, kill me. I don't want to risk Crybaby or Slab having power roles, albeit they could be mafia, I find it unlikely.

Where Zelda willingly voted for Jawapa, knowing full well that Jawapa was likely to flip Jester. His reasoning for doing so was that he didn't want to risk a PR being the victim to Jawapa's kill. Despite being unable to prevent that kill, Zelda has shown that he is Town, primarily through him willing to sacrifice himself to save a possible PR.

As for this post:

ZeldaXD wrote:
ZeldaXD wrote:

I'm calling it now; Most likely, no mafia voted for Jawapa until the end. We were all aware of Jawapa being EITHER scum or jester, and mafia knew for sure he wasn't mafia thus they probably knew he was most likely Jester, why would mafia risk having one of their teammates vote for Jawapa and risk getting them killed?

Expanding on this theory, it would in fact be in the interest of mafia to push a Jester lynch but not actually commit to it, if there's no mafia in the lynch, then it's 100% guaranteed for a townie to be lynched.

I think the prime suspicions from this post would be Task or 2B55. Mainly for the reason that both of them placed a vote on Jawapa, and both of them ended up retracting their vote from him. There isn't much else I can analyze from Zelda's posts.

My final verdict on Zelda is Townish. (Don't wanna fully call it town just yet).

Case 6: Slabdrill

Ok so this read will probably be shorter than the rest, because Slab has less posts than others here.

Slabdrill wrote:

I'm not too good with giving comments on a wide scale like this but I never get anything specific to give comments about. I know of the usual traits that slightly indicate scum, but I don't pay too much attention to them. Maybe I should look a bit closer sometimes.

I also want to repeat mutant's concerns that D1 is the only time we can be sure the killed person is a townie instead of maf, since after that the disguiser may have been killed (and they have no reason not to disguise themself because there's no use limit on it), as this is pretty important.

Understandable, and I believe the second part does give off more of a Townish vibe, since Slab is trying to help spread information. While it was initially voiced by Mutant, it seems like Slab is using this post to make sure that everyone is aware of it.

Slabdrill wrote:

That explains your inactivity in the last game a lot, actually. My keyboard is completely busted so I spend nore time on my phone. (My previous post was made on a different computer because iso-checking everyone on mobile seems like even more of a pain. This is why I waited a few hours before doing it.)
Not wanting to promote yourself as town also makes sense, since people seem to read that as a scumtrait. And indeed, while I know I’m a townie, if I didn’t I’d read myself fairly neutral. Taking attention off or yourself to focus on the broader view is also what I think is correct; it’s all i really give, except when abswering a specific question.

(you have gained a small amount of townie points for me from that post, though it totally read like you defending yourself though i wasn’t suspicious anyways.)

However, despite Slab's inactivity, I do find his reads to be somewhat useful, such as this post, and the other two posts he's made concerning his reads.

The only really suspicious thing isn't really much of a reason to suspect them. But they did vote for Norwegian, and then the next post after, unvoted for Norwegian.

Slabdrill wrote:

!vote norwegianboy

i think they’re town, but the information is the best we’re getting

Slabdrill wrote:


I really think norwegianboy is town. They’re still probably going to win plurality anyways...

also peace’s posts are understandable because they’re all short, though they should probably reread the entire thread and/or say something to help get a read on them

But, despite that, with the context of the situation, it does make sense why Slab would retract his lynch from Norwegian, since there seemed to really be a divided opinion on the lynch against Norwegian (Some voting for him, saying that Norwegian is likely scum, while another side defending against the lynch). And they sided with trying to defend the lynch, which is why I don't really see them retracting their vote as suspicious.

Slabdrill wrote:

day ends in 70 minutes (12pm my time, and it’s currently 10:50)

!vote jawapa

even if they’re the jester, i think they’ll hve good enough judgment to kill a scum. though i’m not sure if any scum acrually still have the vote on them

Similarly to my reasoning with Zelda, I see this as more of a Townish move. He was aware that Jawapa was likely the Jester, Slab still voted for Jawapa. Their intentions were a bit different, however. Zelda voted for Jawapa to prevent a possible PR from getting lynched, while Slab voted to push closer to plurality (Likely to make it so that Jawapa being lynched would have a higher chance of exposing possible Mafia members, as well as giving Jawapa the chance to kill a possible Mafia member). After this there's not too much to go off of, since the rest of it is just update posts and such.

My final verdict on Slabdrill is Townish. (Again, don't want to call it Town just yet).

Case 7: Bimps / Heebus Bajesus

So, as stated before, this will follow a similar format to how I did the Peace/JoeyC read. Starting off with posts from Heebus, then moving onto posts by Bimps.

HeebusBajesus wrote:

And as of mafia so far all I see that can be done at the moment is state the obvious. Trying to analyze posts when nothing has been done yet is loose proof and not really a reliable foundation on someone.
It sounds lazy and dumb but I think sitting back and waiting till first night hits is what I'm gonna do.
Another part of my decision is because I simply don't know anyone here besides Rene. I don't recognize how different people here act on a daily basis nor how their attitude fluctuates towards certain things.
Therefore I am sitting back.

I've explained my opinion on this already. I did find it suspicious that Heebus chose to sit back instead of participate in the post analyzing and such. I haven't been as prominent on a vote against lynching Heebus, and now Bimps, because when Bimps replaced Heebus, Bimps was more active, which inactivity, coupled with the clear decision to do so, is the only thing that made me suspcicious of Heebus.

The rest of Heebus' posts just seem like clarifications for why they were inactive, so I don't really have much reads on Heebus on that end.

As for Bimps, nothing really struck me as suspicious up until the debacle with Task. Most of his posts before that were his reads on people. I don't have much opinion on the debacle between them, because to me, it doesn't seem like there's much I can really get from it. It seems like a tactic from both of them to try and get the other lynched. My opinion of Bimps is just inbetween because I don't see any of his posts that reveal anything about his alliance. He did claim Villager when he first came in, but I'd figure it's best not to trust the claims just yet. Most of his posts don't really give me the opinion of either Townish or Suspicious.

Bimps wrote:
mrjawapa wrote:

I am jester. And I'm going to.

If he decides to back out before the end of the day, he needs to be lynched tomorrow.

His comment about killing him instead of crybaby or maxi makes me believe he is godfather. Killing the godfather doesnt take a power role away from the mafia, as they still get their nightly kill.

They're probably gonna have their janitor disguise zelda as a townie.

Ok but if you end up not being jester you aren't gonna hear the end of it
!vote MrJawapa

Also this post gives off more of a Townish vibe, but, as he doesn't really explain his intention with voting for Jawapa, I can only really assume he's doing it to bring Jawapa closer to Plurality. And considering he did this so close to the end of the day, I don't have much reason to claim it as a Town move yet.

However, I do want to bring up this to him:

Bimps wrote:

Just gonna ignore task from now on, ez scum in the bag. Now time to post my epic reads
-Peace (Replacing JoeyC) - Annoying as **** so I'm just gonna say he's not scum because I can't read his posts
-2B55B5G TNG (Replacing Luka504) - Has wrote a lot, and this is gamebreaking but I'm assuming that if you subbed into scum you probably wouldn't want to type up this much stuff
-mutantdevle - Not fully confident on this, but they want to wagon people which is a no bueno move. Could be town
-ShadowsEdge - Ez pick
-ZeldaXD - Way too sus for my liking
-Slabdrill - Idk lol probably town, they haven't talked enough. Could see them being scum if devle isn't

I appreciate the enthusiasm to help, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could prove more of a reasoning for each player.

Final verdict on Bimps is Neutral.


Peace: Slightly suspicious, but not enough to dictate a lynch for today.
TaskManager: Suspicious, because of their actions with Mutant, and how they lynch.
2B55B5G: Slightly suspicious, would not be enough to dictate a lynch.
mutantdevle: Suspicious, because his playstyle on this game differs heavily from PurgatorEE.
ZeldaXD: Townish, seems like they're just trying to help.
Slabdrill: Townish, also just seems like they're trying to help.
Bimps: Neutral, because none of their posts really give off the impression of either alignment.

My current Mafia suspicions are TaskManager, mutantdevle, and Peace.
Only reason I chose Peace over 2B55 is that Peace, while trying to help, seems to just follow the majority opinion, while 2B55 has stated his opinion in circumstances, and provided reads as well.

As with previous reads, I won't be placing a lynch just yet. Today is even more important not to get too hasty into a lynch. While I do find Mutant and Task the most suspicious, I think it's best to wait for their responses, and get an opinion from everyone so that we can all reach a consensus on who to lynch today.

And again, I'm sorry for my reads taking so long, I got caught up with School, Band Practice, and some other things going on, so I wasn't able to have a lot of time to go into making the reads.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




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#652 2019-08-29 17:54:37

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

ShadowsEdge wrote:

He sided with saying that Slab should not be lynched

I never said we shouldn't lynch Slabdrill

ShadowsEdge wrote:

I don't understand why he was afraid to vote for Norwegian if he was afraid the wagon would fall apart.

Back then, we either had to keep all votes on Slab to lynch Slab, or move all votes onto Norboy, to lynch Norboy
I've considered them to be a mafia couple back then and was happy to vote for either
breaking the wagon into to smaller wagons does no good, it's basic math

ShadowsEdge wrote:

My thought process for this is that either Task was trying to figure out what Zelda's intentions are, or that Task was trying to build up a case towards Zelda to eventually get him lynched. Similar case as he did with Norwegian.

Nah I was looking for anything suspicious cause we had nothing to go off

ShadowsEdge wrote:

There's also this post. Knowing how Taskmanager has acted thus far, he seems to have a backlash at the people who suspect him, by proving points of why he's not Mafia, and sometimes voting for them. (Task was suspected by Norwegian, because Task voted for him, Jawapa was suspicious of Task, and Task eventually voted for him, but backed out, and Bimps is now suspecting Task, and Task is now suspecting Bimps, which Task did vote for Bimps). The reason this post stands out is that he didn't seem to have that same approach when Mutant had a suspicion on him. In general, Task has been very passive to Mutant up until Day 3, which I'll go over on my read of Mutant.

Out of all people suspecting me only Mutant sounded reasonable
Norboy was retaliating cause I pushed against him, Jawapa is jester and Bimps's accusations are a joke, I'm pretty sure he's mafia

Guess I gotta play the trump card and address Jawapa unvote along the way

I am the Lookout.

Unfortunately I did not find anything. I checked you (Shadow) on N1, with no visitors, and Bimps on N2, with no visitors too.
I unvoted Jawapa because Zumza reminded me (post) that jester is only able to do a revenge kill on a person who voted them up. I completely forgot about that, kind of a **** up on my end. But the fact that Jawapa was very unlikely to be scum is also a valid point. Eventually that move saved my life, because Jawapa stated that he'd go for me if it wasn't for my unvote. We still lost a PR though, rip
You might think I could be a disguiser, but I'm pretty sure the disguiser isn't told the role they "steal" (at least that's how it works in ToS, gotta ask kira to clarify whether it works the same way here), a disguiser wouldn't take a 1/5 chance claiming LO.
I do anticipate a fake counterclaim though, since if mafia get me lynched today they won the game, and they can risk one of their players fakeclaiming to do that, as long as town trusts that player instead of myself.

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#653 2019-08-29 18:07:50

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Okay, passively across the entirety of today (like 2 minutes every 10 minutes) I've been writing a huge case about 1/4 the size of Shadow's post about why Zelda and TaskManager are very obviously a mafia team and I check the latest page before I post it to see in big green letters "I'm the lookout".

Fml I spent ages on that post :/

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#654 2019-08-29 18:09:25

From: somewhere in space ig
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

TaskManager wrote:

I never said we shouldn't lynch Slabdrill

Said it cuz you agreed that we shouldn't do a Policy lynch straight from the start. Sorry for the confusion.

TaskManager wrote:

Back then, we either had to keep all votes on Slab to lynch Slab, or move all votes onto Norboy, to lynch Norboy
I've considered them to be a mafia couple back then and was happy to vote for either
breaking the wagon into to smaller wagons does no good, it's basic math

I suppose, but it would have been nice to clarify that earlier. I just assumed you said that because you were unsure of if you would be able to get Norwegian lynched (Which sounded like a scum move to me), but again, I did say that I was unsure of if that was really the case, because you openly said it.

TaskManager wrote:

Nah I was looking for anything suspicious cause we had nothing to go off

Makes sense.

TaskManager wrote:

Out of all people suspecting me only Mutant sounded reasonable
Norboy was retaliating cause I pushed against him, Jawapa is jester and Bimps's accusations are a joke, I'm pretty sure he's mafia

I suppose, but your interactions with Mutant is what made that suspicious, since you were backing up Mutant, and sided with Mutant in D1.

TaskManager wrote:

I do anticipate a fake counterclaim though, since if mafia get me lynched today they won the game, and they can risk one of their players fakeclaiming to do that, as long as town trusts that player instead of myself.

I don't really think there'll be a counterclaim. The Mafia would be stupid to do so, and you would be able to easily call them out on it. I still have my suspicions of you, but for now I'll leave them to the side. Since I don't want to risk losing the Lookout.

Also, who do you think we should lynch? I know you've had your assessments on Mutant and on Bimps, but I want to know your opinions of what we should do.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#655 2019-08-29 18:20:49

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

My scum read on Zelda was almost entirely based on their associations with TaskManager so I don't know what to make of their slot anymore and wouldn't feel comfortable voting them yet unless someone has any strong reason to.

Shadow and Slabdrill are undoubtedly town. If anyone disagrees then fight me.

That leaves peace, 2B55 and bimps.

Bimps is scummy because Heebus was scummy and bimps hasn't done anything to change that.
2B55 is actually kinda townie from what I remember.
Does anyone ever know what the **** peace is? Actually, thinking about it more, I briefly played with scum peace and I don't get the same sense of uncertainty in his posts as he had there. So I'm getting more of a town read from peace here.

So for now I'm thinking: bimps > Zelda > 2B55 > peace.

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#656 2019-08-29 18:23:10

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

I'm not playing differently in this game I just care less about it right now.

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#657 2019-08-29 18:24:00

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

TaskManager wrote:

I'm pretty sure the disguiser isn't told the role they "steal"

I asked Kira and he confirmed that this is true. The disguiser doesn't know their own fake role

ShadowsEdge wrote:

I don't want to risk losing the Lookout.

I'm pretty sure I'll die during the next night anyway, there's nothing stopping the mafia from doing that

ShadowsEdge wrote:

I suppose, but it would have been nice to clarify that earlier.

I did! Twice!! Maybe even more

ShadowsEdge wrote:

I want to know your opinions of what we should do.

What's there to do? My bets are on these two and I'd vote either of them (Bimps and Mutant)
Since you scum read Mutant in your long **** post, I could switch my vote over to him
Fyi I didn't read your long **** post entirely, I've read through my case, and skimmed over other cases, cause that's too much text for my liking //
I also feel slight scum vibes from 2B
I'm really unsure of Zelda and you.
I think Peace and Slab are townish.

mutantdevle wrote:

Honestly, we should have lynched TaskManager yesterday. I'm just annoyed at myself that I wasn't around earlier enough in the day to push it.

By the way, this is like mutant expected a lynch on me to be agreed upon
It's really odd how bimps and mutant are so overconfident about my alignment

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previous signature by drstereos


#658 2019-08-29 18:24:14

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

ZeldaXD wrote:

Guys I don't want to pressure you but the clock is ticking and we need to find out who is a mafia to lynch or else we lose.

I don't like that you say these things yet you don't have a clear answer yourself.

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#659 2019-08-29 18:25:21

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Main reason why I townread Peace is that he'd eventually slip or panic if we was mafia
Look at his postsin RailMat's mafia game, he started panicking very quick

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previous signature by drstereos


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#660 2019-08-29 18:25:51

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

mutantdevle wrote:

I'm not playing differently in this game I just care less about it right now.

Reminds me of my own excuse in PurgatorEE when you approached me with "You're less active in this game"

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previous signature by drstereos


#661 2019-08-29 18:27:09

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

mutantdevle wrote:

Bimps is scummy because Heebus was scummy and bimps hasn't done anything to change that.

What do you (and others) think of points that I provided against Bimps? I swear, it's like nobody even bothered reading them

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previous signature by drstereos


#662 2019-08-29 18:44:21

From: somewhere in space ig
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Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

mutantdevle wrote:

My scum read on Zelda was almost entirely based on their associations with TaskManager so I don't know what to make of their slot anymore and wouldn't feel comfortable voting them yet unless someone has any strong reason to.

Shadow and Slabdrill are undoubtedly town. If anyone disagrees then fight me.

That leaves peace, 2B55 and bimps.

Bimps is scummy because Heebus was scummy and bimps hasn't done anything to change that.
2B55 is actually kinda townie from what I remember.
Does anyone ever know what the **** peace is? Actually, thinking about it more, I briefly played with scum peace and I don't get the same sense of uncertainty in his posts as he had there. So I'm getting more of a town read from peace here.

So for now I'm thinking: bimps > Zelda > 2B55 > peace.

Honestly Peace strikes me as more suspicious, but the only reason I have no real claim against Bimps is because the only thing that can be used to identify Bimps' alliance is his claim to being Villager, but even that can't be counted as true just yet, because the majority of people here are Villagers.

TaskManager wrote:

I did! Twice!! Maybe even more

Oops, might've missed it. When I went through your Iso I didn't see anything related to that. So sorry about that.

TaskManager wrote:

What's there to do? My bets are on these two and I'd vote either of them (Bimps and Mutant)

I'd agree, but my stance on Bimps is still undefined, since I don't have much of a claim to him. I do want to hear his response to you on this as well, though.

TaskManager wrote:

I think Peace and Slab are townish.

In that case, who do you think the Mafia are? (I know you read Bimps and Mutant as Mafia, but who do you think the third is)

TaskManager wrote:

By the way, this is like mutant expected a lynch on me to be agreed upon
It's really odd how bimps and mutant are so overconfident about my alignment

Mutant did bring up a post about possibly lynching you in Day 2, I mentioned it in my post as well, but it seems now like a move to get rid of one of their threats without having to risk killing them in the night.

TaskManager wrote:

What do you (and others) think of points that I provided against Bimps? I swear, it's like nobody even bothered reading them

I didn't read through them because I wasn't sure of either of your alignments. Knowing that you're the Lookout clears things up.

Bimps might have possibly been trying to side with Mutant in trying to get rid of a threat to them. The Mafia seem to only target less significant players at night, and target the more significant players during the Day. Bimps and Mutant teaming up on lynching you seems suspicious on both accounts. I'll do a deeper analysis on the interactions between the two of you if you want.

But in any case, I'll be putting Bimps down as Suspicious now rather than Neutral.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#663 2019-08-29 18:49:01

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Hey lookout if you aren't task this is when you CLAIM IT


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#664 2019-08-29 18:52:17

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

ShadowsEdge wrote:

In that case, who do you think the Mafia are? (I know you read Bimps and Mutant as Mafia, but who do you think the third is)

TaskManager wrote:

I also feel slight scum vibes from 2B

TaskManager wrote:

I'm really unsure of Zelda and you.

Either of these 3, leaning towards 2B

ShadowsEdge wrote:

I didn't read through them because I wasn't sure of either of your alignments.

This is genuinely frustrating
If there's no confirmed townies, then why bother reading the thread at all

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previous signature by drstereos


#665 2019-08-29 18:55:47

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Bimps wrote:

Hey lookout if you aren't task this is when you CLAIM IT

Hi I'm task

Also, whoever we lynch today, if they flip as town but the game doesn't end, that either means we got the disguiser today, or Crybaby was the disguiser

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previous signature by drstereos


#666 2019-08-29 18:58:20

From: somewhere in space ig
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Posts: 1,010

Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Bimps wrote:

Hey lookout if you aren't task this is when you CLAIM IT

Can you explain why you don't trust Task's claim? If a Mafia were to openly claim Lookout, they could be immediately shot down, so Task claiming it doesn't seem like he's lying about being Lookout.

TaskManager wrote:

This is genuinely frustrating
If there's no confirmed townies, then why bother reading the thread at all

What I meant was, yes, I did read through it, but I didn't bother analyzing it, because, at the time, it seemed like a bunch of nonsense, since neither of your alliances could be stated with clarity. And to me, like I said in my reads, the debacle between the two of you doesn't reveal all that much. But since you revealed as Lookout, I'll take a look through it again.

Don't ask me what I'm doing, I don't even know what I'm doing.




#667 2019-08-29 18:58:50

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

TaskManager wrote:
2B55B5G TNG wrote:

?? I thought mafia needs to have majority to win

We have 5 town, if we mislynch, 4 town, mafia kill one, 3 town

3 town vs 3 mafia

Mafia still doesnt have majority

But anyway we should be very careful about this day's lynch

3 town vs 3 mafia is 6 players, with a majority of 4
there's no way 4 people would vote a mafia player so the town is helpless at that point

actually false, if 3 towns vote for one person and 3 mafs vote for another person overtime plurality means the day lasts forever and no one dies


Calling **** on mutant's excuse.

I'm still undecided between maxi or bimps, but maxi is considerably more convincing.

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#668 2019-08-29 19:01:06

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Slabdrill wrote:

actually false, if 3 towns vote for one person and 3 mafs vote for another person overtime plurality means the day lasts forever and no one dies

fair point but what's the possiblity that all 3 townies are aware of all 3 mafias and stick to their vote?

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#669 2019-08-29 19:02:29

Formerly maxi123
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Haven't seen a votecount for a long while

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previous signature by drstereos


#670 2019-08-29 19:20:29

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From: Hell
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

TaskManager wrote:

Reminds me of my own excuse in PurgatorEE when you approached me with "You're less active in this game"

I have more entertaining things going on in my life right now and this game fails to have a captivating appeal like the last game.

There's several differences between my inactivity and yours. First of all, yours was proven to be a scum tell whils I have shown periods of inactivity in multiple games. I'm sure you'd find it difficult to argue that the way I've been in most of this game does not match the periods of time that I've been inactive in previous games. Secondly, your scumminess majorly decreased the quality of your posts too. I can't remember who it was but one of the people that said I'm acting differently in this game also said that despite that my posts are still townie. If y'all's reads on me is entirely based on how much effort I put into the game then you're going to find yourselves easily manipulated when I do get to play a game as mafia.

TaskManager wrote:
mutantdevle wrote:

Bimps is scummy because Heebus was scummy and bimps hasn't done anything to change that.

What do you (and others) think of points that I provided against Bimps? I swear, it's like nobody even bothered reading them

I probably haven't read them properly. I've only really skim-read the last few pages. All I remember of bimps is that he's somewhat aggressive but I immediately put that down to playstyle.

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#671 2019-08-29 19:25:39

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Devle you're just being a ****. Don't excuse your gameplay by using other games. I want to lynch task, and will put my vote on him if there is a counterclaim, but devle is making me **** rn
!vote mutantdevle


#672 2019-08-29 19:28:22

Formerly 2B55B5G TNG
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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

So I read Shadows' long post, and I agree with what he said. Yea, my action of unvoting Jawapa is suspicious, but that was because I was scared that Crybaby or Zelda could be killed, so I switched my vote to Zumza.

I also believe Task's Lookout claim, so I don't know why Bimps still doesn't trust Task. There's also a chance that Task isn't lookout and he claimed lookout so the real one can hide, but I don't think that will happen lol.


also known as DevilCharlotte

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#673 2019-08-29 19:32:06

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Slabdrill wrote:

Calling **** on mutant's excuse.

What excuse?

Slabdrill wrote:

I'm still undecided between maxi or bimps, but maxi is considerably more convincing.

This confuses me, did you not see the claim?

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#674 2019-08-29 19:33:22

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

Bimps wrote:

Devle you're just being a ****. Don't excuse your gameplay by using other games.

Are you kidding me? The only reason people are saying they are suspicious of me is because of other games. And you're saying I can't then point to those games to defend myself?

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#675 2019-08-29 20:08:01

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Re: Mafia 29: The French Revolution MAFIA + JESTER WIN!

mutantdevle wrote:
Slabdrill wrote:

Calling **** on mutant's excuse.

What excuse?

Slabdrill wrote:

I'm still undecided between maxi or bimps, but maxi is considerably more convincing.

This confuses me, did you not see the claim?

1. the "i just decided to be less active this time" one. I understand that you occasionally have periods of inactivity (the start of the d2 was fine, for example), but without knowing exactly why claiming that you're trying to solve the game less than normal for no reason reeks of scum.

2. Good point. The lack of a counter-lookout claim makes maxi seem considerably more town.

suddenly random sig change



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