Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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sx: kira
mutant: caleb(me) proc
proc: nowegian (asks why one of the best playsers shoudl go to hell iin hell phase 1
trytu: onjit (hasnt posted so he gave him a vote)
trytu: unvoted by onjit
(tomahawk: task: (lol ill include this joke vote))
kirby: kira task trytu crybaby onjit 2b zoey (put ti at L-1) (reason for kirby wagon was inactivity)
kirby: unvoted by crybaby
jawap: mutant (inactive and he doesn tlike much votes on kirby so fast he suggests jawapa cause if indeed hes maf task coudl be maf aswell)
zoey: proc
kirby: unvoted by onjit
sx: onjit
jawp: trytu
jawp unvoted by trytu
proc: unvoted by nowegian
jawp: unvoted by mutant
zoey: mutant (calls out zoey later about kirby's vote (hes 2nd voter tho)
kirby: unvoted by zoey nad 2B and task
zoey: task kirby 2B kira nowegain jawap (zoey gets lynched)
kira: kira
cryabby: trytu
kirby: proc kirby
sx: sx
crybaby: nowegian onjit caleb jawap
kirby: mutant kira trytu zelda task crybaby (kirby is lynched)
noweg: proc
proc: onjit
onjit: crybaby
trytu: noweg
trytu: unvoted by nnoweg
sx: noweg 2B
zelda: kira
trytu: proc onjit kira trytu
caleb: zelda
tryru: mutant jawapa crybabya (trytuis voted out)
slab replaces sx
noweg: noweg
crybaby: kira proc jawapa onjit task (5/7)
jawpa: crybaby noweg task 2b zelda
noweg: proc
jwawpa: unvoted by crybaby zelda
jawapa: proc zelda crybaby
jawapa unvoted by noweg crybaby
crybaby: unvoted by onjit kira
jawapa: slab crybaby onjit (jawapais lynched(idea from mutant hwo tonwread him he diddnt voted he diddnt feel tehe need to when crybabya asked why not he said that answe remains unanswered until later...)
crybabya: onjit (reason not explained)
onjit: mutant (big wall of text) zelda
zelda: proc (proc is defending onjit)
onjit: noweg slab
mutant: onjit
onjit: peace (i put him on L1)( my reason after tasks asks for it: he already had 4 votes and i think hes likely mafia cause of his last few posts also im not sure abotu proc being mafia hes defending onjit quite alot i hnk hes mafia if onjit is mafia
onjit: unvoted by zelda
mutant: proc
onjit: onjit
onjit unvoted by noweg
peace: kira (me askign if there is a pnealty for townie sin hell)
onjit: noweg kira (onjit isi lynched)
kira: kira (sayign he doesnt have time anymore)
proc: peace
proc: unvoted by me
noweg: proc 2B task slab mutant (he is a little sus cause noweg is ognna selfvote but he still votes) noweg (nowegis lynched)
2b: kira 2b
mutant: crybaby
2b: unvoted himself
mutant: 2b proc task
mutant: unvoted by proc after taks made the L1 unvoted by 2b aswell
kira: 2b
2b?: unvoted my mutant but seriously i coudltn find his vote on 2B or on someone im very confused baout this ive skimread the phase a few times over and over
mutant: proc
mutant: unvoted by crybaby and proc
task: kira
mutant: peace
task: mutant
kira: unvoted by 2B
task: proc
task:unvoted by proc ro pur preasure on town
proc then votes mutant as a mistake and 5 sec after deadline he votes taskmanaer (cause of forum limitions) after a mods descissiosn he can break the tie and votes taskmanager (taskmanagergoes to hell)
crybaby: 2B (and unvotes later)
2b: 2B
proc: proc
mutant got this plan:Heaven 4: Kira
Hell 5: Zelda
Heaven 5: Processor
Hell 6: Crybaby
Heaven 6: mutantdevle
Hell 7: peace
Judgement day vote: send Slabdrill to hell with the assumption that 2B55 is town.
2b: unvotes
kira: kira 2b proc mutant (put shim on L1) zelda (kira is voted)
zelda: peace mutant 2b proc (zeldaneeds to go to heel )
this is up to hell 5 not doign heaven 5 yet as were in heaven 5 nad im tired after many horus of doing this and takign breaks form this post someone can make thi sbetter i guess but this are all the votes an dunvotes thoughout the thread for the record let me add my sus list down here so you can easier read it kirby kira trytu onjit zeldaproc crybaby and me (obv)slab 2b mutant zoey task noweg jawapa my reads who i think is town or maf
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
mutantdevle wrote:Well there's not a lot the mafia can do to be honest. The townie reaction is to accept the plan. The mafia reaction is to reject it - but they obviously can't do this too strongly or they'd be obvious. So, the last mafia member would either give up or subtly try to seed doubt into the plan.
No action needed by the Mafia if they're already winning from it
Which mafia is winning from it? Point them out to me and tell me why they’re mafia.
These criticisms are pointless if you have no alternative.
mutant its you you dont need to defend youself as YOU made the plan guys hell 6 mutant goign to hell lets hammer proc to hevane
he deserves it up there if mutatn flips town then next hevaen crybaby goe sup so then theres me 2b and slab left one fo us 3 goes to hell and that would be in my opinion 2b if he flips towwn tehn on judge dya we can vote out slab as i 100% know my role lets discuss this but really mutatn you arent winnign this not this time mate sorry for you
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
If Peace and Slab are in judgement day, it’ll be hard choice, they’re both very suspicious. But sure if that really happens, vote Slab to hell.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
if proc flips mafia then idfk tf i going to do i also wanna hear afte rthe game is over why 3 mafias voted zoey out (if its not 4 whic would be holy moly)
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
Zoey2070 [8]: Processor, mutantdevle, TaskManager, kirby, 2B55B5G TNG, Kira, NorwegianboyEE, mrjawapa
in game
dead town
dead maf
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
With 6 alive, it takes 4 votes to send a smiley to HEAVEN.
Processor [4]: mutantdevle, slabdrill, 2B, peace
Not voting [2]: Everyone else
This phase will not enter overtime.
Mod notes:
A decision has been made! Flip incoming.
One corrupted smiley still lurks among the five of you.
With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HELL.
Not voting [5]: Everyone
This phase will enter overtime in 74 hours.
Mod notes:
Keep it fun~!
peace why do you even scum read me? It's hard to understand given your way of typing. But from what I do understand, it seems like you've just chosen to scum read me rather than it being something that has genuinely formed.
Unless anyone has any objections of substance, I'm continuing with the plan.
so me slab adn crybaby didnt vote zoey
That doesn’t prove you, Slab, and crybaby town.
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
If Peace is town, there’s a high chance that Mutant is mafia. Peace highly suspects Mutant with lack of reasons, and he was the only one who opposed Mutant’s plan, and tries to convince people to vote him to heaven. These things already made him suspicious enough. But I think the mafia is hiding in the people who agrees the plan, or maybe even Mutant himself is the mafia, and they are trying to make peace seem suspicious. I still don’t know why Peace is certain that Crybaby must be town, and the fact that Processor town reads Mutant makes me hesitate...
Do you mind sacrificing yourself?
also known as DevilCharlotte
search 2bisniekitastan if you wanna find my worlds on ArchivEE
(i changed my name to that as a meme when ee was about to die, that is not my actual ee name. had i known that an archive would exist i wouldn't have done it. please refer to me as 2b55b5g)
With 5 alive, it takes 3 votes to send a smiley to HELL. mutantdevle [1]: peace
Crybaby [1]: mutantdevle
peace [1]: 2B
Not voting [2]: slabdrill, crybaby
This phase will enter overtime in 71 hours.
Mod notes:
You hear crashing rock in the distance..
peace wrote:so me slab adn crybaby didnt vote zoey
That doesn’t prove you, Slab, and crybaby town.
no that doesnt ofc its only that there is a high chnace that all maf voted zoey out if that sthe ase (which i think caus ei scum read mutant) then i want explanation
peace why do you even scum read me? It's hard to understand given your way of typing. But from what I do understand, it seems like you've just chosen to scum read me rather than it being something that has genuinely formed.
!vote Crybaby
Unless anyone has any objections of substance, I'm continuing with the plan.
mutant why on earth do you scumread crybaby? why just why hes labeled town by almost everyone and if ur gonna say 'he could be a jawapa 2.0 and play a trick aswell' then think about YOU who coudl do the same so prove hes scum
If Peace is town, there’s a high chance that Mutant is mafia. Peace highly suspects Mutant with lack of reasons, and he was the only one who opposed Mutant’s plan, and tries to convince people to vote him to heaven. These things already made him suspicious enough. But I think the mafia is hiding in the people who agrees the plan, or maybe even Mutant himself is the mafia, and they are trying to make peace seem suspicious. I still don’t know why Peace is certain that Crybaby must be town, and the fact that Processor town reads Mutant makes me hesitate...
!vote Peace
Do you mind sacrificing yourself?
ok good sent me to hell but if i flip town vote mutant to hell next hell phase and see who was right what do you think of that?
ok so even thgouth i do not like this but sure let ddo it:
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
safe to say that if i flip mafia (which i dont) mutant is town but if i indeed flip town which ido then you can relate my scum towards mutant
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
ok so eihter vote mutant or vote me idc i will flip town maby i can bring some peace in hell vote mutant the next hell phase and vote crybaby in heaven he deserves to be in EEU the rest can come later hwne mutant th elast maf is in hell where i give him some peace and where you see satan cheere dup by me who is a vanilla townie hell wont be a place anymore for the poeple who did somehting wrong hell will be a place where i will chear up everyonewho came in hell all people will ebcome good poeple there and after a while theyre deserve to visit heaven
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
If Peace is town, there’s a high chance that Mutant is mafia.
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but if I was mafia, I'd have already won.
There's no reason I'd put myself so low on the list to be sent to heaven. Why waste my time dragging out the phases when I could have taken either Kira's or Proc's place in heaven?
Why would TaskManager criticise me so hard when I was at my closest to being lynched in the game? He had no reason to believe he'd be lynched at that point.
Stick to plan. Both Kira and Proc gave their full support to this plan. It's not a coincidence that the only people taking issue with the plan are those on the lynch list. Proc being town was my only worry about the plan - I have no reason to doubt that the rest of the plan leads to victory.
mutant why on earth do you scumread crybaby? why just why hes labeled town by almost everyone
The fact that 100% of the time ALL mafia members said that Crybaby should be sent to heaven instead of me. And he's not labelled as town by almost everyone, he just used to be. Since then there have been doubts, especially from proc.
and if ur gonna say 'he could be a jawapa 2.0 and play a trick aswell' then think about YOU who coudl do the same so prove hes scum
And vice versa, if you believe that 'jawapa 2.0' isn't a possibility, then you shouldn't be scum reading me. So you should either be open to both of us being scum or neither of us.
2B55B5G TNG wrote:If Peace is town, there’s a high chance that Mutant is mafia.
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but if I was mafia, I'd have already won.
There's no reason I'd put myself so low on the list to be sent to heaven. Why waste my time dragging out the phases when I could have taken either Kira's or Proc's place in heaven?
Why would TaskManager criticise me so hard when I was at my closest to being lynched in the game? He had no reason to believe he'd be lynched at that point.
Stick to plan. Both Kira and Proc gave their full support to this plan. It's not a coincidence that the only people taking issue with the plan are those on the lynch list. Proc being town was my only worry about the plan - I have no reason to doubt that the rest of the plan leads to victory.
u mafia can do ANYTHING in this game remebr the zoey bandwagaon where 3 maby even all 4 mafs bussed her out? you forgto abotu that one? there is no way mafia can win this other then play townie and sacreficing one memebr to soudn townish and you just setted up this plan to maeke you seem townish by sneding 2 townies to heaven first so everyoen will believe you and lynch you the next i mena none is ogign to belive oyu went you wanted ot be first right? and you put everyoen on the lycnh list so uhm what do u mean? alos
The fact that 100% of the time ALL mafia members said that Crybaby should be sent to heaven instead of me
ALL? so you knwo the last maf memebr? is it you that is hte last maf member? cmon only 4 mafs are revealed yet ugh lets hear somethign form slab and crybaby first
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
u mafia can do ANYTHING in this game remebr the zoey bandwagaon where 3 maby even all 4 mafs bussed her out? you forgto abotu that one?
So your point is that, because 3 mafias bussed Zoey, ANYTHING could happen. So you scum read on me is nothing more than a conspiracy theory?
you just setted up this plan to maeke you seem townish by sneding 2 townies to heaven first so everyoen will believe you
Why would I do that when I am townie enough to be sent to heaven first?
ALL? so you knwo the last maf memebr?
I clearly meant all the mafia that have flipped.
Why would I do that when I am townie enough to be sent to heaven first?
becuase you stated various times you dont wanna go yet that is why you put yourself on th ebottom so you can go as last player dont fool me mutantdevle
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
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