Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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here are some ideas i have for everybody edits offline (i was too lazy to spend time making images :/)
i know it said EEO wouldn't have multiplayer, so how about a different type of multiplayer. a code you would have to enter kinda like a 'party code' , or if thats not possible, a LAN option so you can play with IRL friends.
also rename the game to everybody edits can have more than one player aka EECHMTOP because multiplayer in an offline game is not good or cool or fun or fresh amirite
-better usernames
a username you can change whenever you feel, even while in-game.
-new world selection menu
you can choose through the preset world sizes, or type in your own size dimension to auto make a world aka width = 1 and length 200. (min could be 1 and max 1024?)
-custom smileys and blocks
you can click on the custom tab of either the smileys, auras or blocks to either add a new one or click the little plus icon near an existing block pack to add a new icon. you can choose the name of a new block pack or smiley. if the proportion of the block is not the right size required (etc the size should be 24 w 24 l but its 23 w and l or 25 w and l) then it will show a popup saying ''do you want to resize the file?'' if you pick yes it will outstretch it to the right size which might make the block look weird.
-a lobby
this was also not going to be included, but maybe a lobby to access campaigns, downloaded worlds and made worlds, and a create new world selector, like stated above. (maybe even if multiplayer is made the 3 most recent worlds visited can be downloaded from the lobby too)
and thats all my ideas! if you have any more i can maybe add, please reply to this with your suggestions, i would love to hear them
fixed, also thanks for telling me
ee offline. offline stands for no multiplayer
-better usernames
it's confirmed that there won't be any usernames in ee offline, and why would u even need them in a single player game?
-new world selection menu
that's kinda unfair, the max world size u can download from ee is, for example, 300x300 and in eeo u can make a damn 1024x1024 world?
-custom smileys and blocks
I don't mind this but you already have 1500+ blocks from ee, why would u need any more, even so, I don't see anything wrong with this so I don't mind, and blocks in eeo will be 16x16 like in ee, don't combine eeu and eeo
-a lobby
As such, when we launch EEO, the intent is that you'll be able to just double-click these files to play them, and away you go!
Play EEU
Thank you eleizibeth ^
I stack my signatures rather than delete them so I don't lose them
theoldinese wrote:-multiplayer
ee offline. offline stands for no multiplayer
The reason everyone is suggesting multiplayer is because of offline bots.
I'm known as "haslo" in EE. Also, I refuse to play EEU.
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