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"Bwuce & Summewgiww"
It was an unyeventfuw wintew day, Summewgiww had just woken and, as pew usuaw, had begun checking hew inbox and fwiends wist. To hew suwpwise, had a fwiend wequest fwom Bwuce.
Cawmwy, awbeit nyewvouswy she accepted.
Awmost donye, she had wefweshed hew fwiends wist, to find that Bwuce is onwinye, inside hew wowwd.
Unyawawe of what she was getting hewsewf into, she bwought hew cuwsow to the ‘Pway’ button, joinying. Cweawwy, she was nyewvous and anticipating what Bwuce might say.
When she joinyed, Bwuce had immediatewy nyoticed, just as he was wiking and favouwiting hew wowwd.
“Oh, sowwy. I was just-” Bwuce began attempting to expwain away this awkwawd situation,
“N-n-nyo sowwy, my mistake,” Summewgiww hastiwy wepwied.
“I was just going to finyish my awt.”
At this moment Summewgiww had nyumewous thoughts, and was contempwating whethew to ask Bwuce fow hewp. Unyabwe to make the situation wowse, she took a sigh and nyewvouswy asked fow assistance.
Bwuce accepted.
Without hesitation Bwuce had begun assisting Summewgiww with hew awt, unyawawe of the bwush she had been hiding.
“T-thank you (・`ω´・) It means a wot to me.” Summewgiww shywy stated undew hew bweath,
“Nyo pwobwem, you’we *cough* youw wowwd is amazing. Hey, uh. Wouwd you wike to see a minyi I made?” Bwuce had stumbwed, embawwassed.
“Oh, suwe (・`ω´・) ” Summewgiww excwaimed, in an attempt to divewt the fact that she had nyoticed.
Bwuce had begun pwacing down the wast few bwocks, and shuvd Summewgiww in. “Twy it,”
Summewgiww had stawted attempting it, eventuawwy getting cwose to the end.
“I knyow it’s hawd, it’s supposed to be. The mowe you pway, the hawdew I--eww--it gets.“
Bwuce had stawted to become even mowe wawy of what he says.
“I’ve just been enjoying you--youw wowwd. That’s aww.”
Summewgiww had begun stawing at the awwows bewow, divewting hew eyes fwom Bwuce as she shywy said undew hew bweath.
“Me too.”
Bwuce nyoticed this, “I’m sowwy?”
Summewgiww stawted bwushing, “I wike you too.”
Bwuce, suwpwised at the admission stawted confessing his weaw motive.
“You mean the wowwd to me. I favouwited youw wowwds so I’d knyow when you’we onwinye,”
“I didn’t expect you to join, and I wasn’t suwe if you’d accept my fwiend wequest.”
“Of couwse I wouwd.” Summewgiww wepwied,
“I’d wike being youw fwiend--maybe mowe.”
Bwuce, somewhat shocked, begin to ask with a puzzwed wook on his face,
“Maybe mowe?”
Summewgiww stawted to wowwy that he wasn’t intewested in hew,
“Oh- you don’t want t-”
Bwuce cawmwy puwwed Summewgiww cwosew,
“I’ww do anything with you.”
“Weawwy? Awe you suwe you wouwd?”
Bwuce wested his awm awound Summewgiww and began to wightwy cawess hew,
“Anything.” he wepwied.
Summewgiww was visibwy excited by the nyotion of intimatewy spending time with Bwuce.
She nyuzzwed hew head against him, “I wouwd do anything you wike.” she acceded.
Bwuce was cweawwy enjoying hew wawm embwace.
“It’s a wot wawmew with you this cwose.” he affectionyatewy admitted.
“My home is cwose, wet’s go thewe.” Summewgiww suggested.
Bwuce stood up puwwing Summewgiww into his embwace, befowe wifting hew up, cawwying hew home.
As they entewed the home, with the snyow stawting to mewt fwom the wawm aiw awound them, they soon weawised they nyeeded to dwy off.
It was a smaww house, with onwy a wiving woom and some basic bwocks to save enyewgy.
It was cweaw she hadn’t nyeeded a wot, though with hew awwangements, hew house wooked as beautifuw as evew, decowated with hew awt.
Summewgiww had stawted to take off hew dampenyed owange toque, thin jacket and gwuvs.
“I’m soaked,” Summewgiww sighed, cweawwy dismayed.
Upon quick weawisation, she hadn’t a washwoom, onwy the bawe essentiaws with what she couwd affowd. Bwuce had stawted to nyotice hew fwetting, hew hasty attempts to find a sowution.
Defeated, she shywy asked fow him to cwose his eyes.
Compwyingwy, he cwosed his eyes.
She had stawted to undwess nyow, with Bwuce stwuggwing to keep his eyes cwosed.
She spent the nyext few minyutes attempting to undo hew bwa.
Dwownying with defeat, she nyewvouswy asked Bwuce to assist hew, yet again.
Bwuce gwinnyed and openyed his eyes as she was tuwnyed awound.
Twying nyot to wose focus, he undid hew bwa and wet hew haiw down.
“Is thewe anything ewse?” Bwuce asked.
“Oh, awso can you--” Summewgiww had tuwnyed facing him, fowgetfuw of hew cuwwent state.
Summewgiww quickwy tuwnyed awound and with embawwassment fwushing uvw hew, she had began to cwy.
“I’m sowwy ^w^ It was a mistake. I pwomise ^w^ ”
“It’s okay. Don’t cwy, we aww make mistakes. Hewe,” Bwuce hewd out a shiwt fow hew.
Summewgiww shakingwy wetwieved the shiwt fwom his hand.
Stawing down, she wifted hew awms and swipped on hew nyew shiwt, a wight pink with a heawt and a singwe white fwowew embossed onto it.
“Aw, wooks cute on you.” Bwuce commented, the gwin wesiding.
“It doesn’t,” she stawted bwushing, with hew bwush tuwnying into a fwown.
“I’m nyot much to wook at.”
“Of couwse you awe.” Bwuce bwought his hands towawd hew soaked wintew weggings,
“Do you stiww nyeed my hewp?”
A wight smiwk had wisen on hew face, wooking into his eyes and beginnying to bwush.
“I’ww take that as a yes.” Bwuce had began puwwing them down, confident of hew weaction.
Bwuce took off hew weggings, “You can do the west. I nyeed to dwy off as weww”
“Okay.” Summewgiww muwmuwed.
“You don’t have to wook away, I’m nyot shy.” Bwuce indicated.
As he wemuvd his cwothes, and stawted to put on his fwesh paiw fwom his backpack, he nyoticed she was stiww watching.
“Awen’t you going to--” he asked,
“Oh, wight.” Summewgiww avewted hew gaze, beginnying to change into a fwesh paiw of panties and socks.
They wewe both fuwwy dwessed nyow into theiw nyew dwy and wawm cwothing.
Bwuce came cwose to hew, “Onye wast thing.”
“Oh?” she wepwied, as he wet hew haiw down.
“You wook cute with youw haiw down,” he began pawting hew haiw fwom hew eyes.
Dwownying into hew eyes, he muvs cwosew and pwaces a kiss onto hew cheek.
Without deway, they soon feww back into a tight embwace onto the bed cwose by.
Cuddwing nyow, they wewe siwent and in bwiss; cwosew than evew, and woving evewy second of it.
“It feews so much bettew being cwose to you than spectating.” Bwuce wemawked wovingwy.
“I wike it too,” she wepwied.
“You can get as cwose as you wike.” she bwushed.
Bwuce muvd his hands against hew, feewing hew wawm body pwessed against his.
Swowwy gwowing tiwed togethew, they faintwy whispewed sweet dweams befowe fawwing asweep.
In the mownying they both woke up in eachothews awms, wightwy yawnying and nyuzzwing cwosew away fwom the dim sunwight peewing thwough the window onto theiw embwace.
Nyot vewy wong aftew, Bwuce heaws knyocking on the doow. It’s Summewgiww’s best fwiend, Hewen.
Upon answewing the doow, Hewen asks why Bwuce is thewe.
Bwuce stammewingwy wepwied “I’m just, uh, tawking to Summewgiww about the nyew campaign.”
Hewen wooks confused and asks, “Oh, okay. Whewe is she?”
Bwuce stawes at hew, answewing, “She’s...uh, sweeping.”
Hewen wooks at him distwaught, and wepwies to his widicuwous fabwicated stowy,
“Tawking whiwst sweeping?”
“Nyo, she went to bed, uh just nyow. I’ww wet you knyow when she’s awake.”
“Oh, so you’we staying… whiwe she’s sweeping?”
“Nyo. I’ww just weave a nyote saying you want to tawk with hew.”
“Mmmk. I’ww see you watew then.”, she wepwied concewnyed.
As she’s wawking away, Bwuce cwoses the doow and tuwns to making Summewgiww bweakfast.
A dewicious hot meaw to stawt the day, he bwings it to hew in bed and wakes hew up with combing his fingews thwough hew haiw.
“Wise and shinye, sunshinye.” he gweets hew, his attwaction gwowing with hew cute joyous expwession.
“Oh, you’we so sweet.” she wepwies with a woving smiwe,
“I must have the wow gwavity effect. I think I’m swowwy fawwing in-wuv with you.” he wepwies, intoxicated by hew adowabwe weactions.
Giggwing, she wepwies, “I think I am too.”
“Oh, Hewen knyocked eawwiew today, I towd hew you wewe sweeping.”
Summewgiww takes a sip fwom hew dwink, “I’ww caww hew watew, wet’s do something.”
Bwuce takes a moment to think about the choices,
“How about we do the nyew Wintewy Wondews Campaign?”
Summewgiww seems thwiwwed untiw weawising she’s unyabwe to, “Oh, I can’t. I don’t have beta.”
“Weww, I don’t cawe about enyewgy ow gems. I’m spending my gems and enyewgy on you.”
“Hewe. I bought a coupon. 7FN5-28ZN-BWYG-XXXX”
“Oh, you didn’t have to.”, she wepwied with suwpwise.
“Don’t wowwy about it, wet’s just enjoy this campaign.” Bwuce hewd hew by the hand and bwought hew into the wowwd.
Wittwe by wittwe, they pwogwessed thwough the campaign, cowwecting evewy coin, incwuding bwues.
It was quite evident to Summewgiww that Bwuce is skiwwed at enduwing the spikes, it came as nyo suwpwise to hew, fwom what she obsewved the pwiow nyight he was fit,
When Summewgiww was unyabwe to pwogwess any fuwthew, Bwuce cawwied hew awong the way.
Eventuawwy, they had cowwected aww of the coins and made theiw way to the nyext wevew, detewminyed to achieve theiw pingu smiweys.
Vewy quickwy they began to faww in-wuv with each othew, it was quite evident that they wouwd have a wong wasting wewationship, as they tend to enjoy spending theiw time with each othew.
She had nyevew expected a man, such as Bwuce, to be so capabwe and suppowtive of hew.
She wanted to do something speciaw fow him,
The day aftew, Bwuce had weft and was wowking on his minyis.
She had stawted to design a gift fow him, using the wittwe spawe bwocks she had weft.
A checkewed fwag quiwt >w< She had spent the day designying it fow him.
It was a wight white, and a cyan bwue that matches his eyes.
Wovingwy, she bwought it to him and instantanyeouswy he adowed it.
“Thank you so much, you’we an amazing designyew and even mowe of an amazing fwiend…”
“Just fwiends?”, she wepwied.
“Unwess you want something mowe...” he stated,
“If you do, too.”, she said suggestivewy.
“Shouwd we teww anyonye?” he questionyed hew
“Onwy Hewen. Pwomise?” she asked
“Pwomise.” he compwied, seawing the pwomise with a kiss.
Bwushing, she weached fow him and puwwed him into a tight embwace.
“Did you heaw about the nyew competition?” she asked,
“I think so, awe you thinking about joinying?” he wepwied,
“Maybe, we wouwd be a gweat team,”
“You’we good at minyis, and I’m sowt of good at awt.” she said suggestivewy.
“I just nyeed to get some mowe bwocks, we shouwd be abwe to stawt tomowwow, if that’s okay with you.” she nyuanced upon hew pwevious affiwmation.
“I can just get you them nyow, and we can stawt today.” he intewjected.
“Nyo, weawwy, you don’t have to.” she said unnyewvingwy.
“It’s okay. I want to stawt nyow whiwe we’we excited.” he pwoposed excitedwy.
“This is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait ^w^ ” she excwaimed in a thwiwwed voice.
As the day pwogwessed, they spent theiw time wowking on a map fow the competition, it was mostwy wewated to eastew considewing they both had enjoyed spending time with each othew doing vawious activities such as painting and finding eastew eggs.
With onwy 3 days weft untiw the competition ended, they wowked at a huwwiedwy pace, despite incwedibwe nyeed to attention to detaiw.
Bwuce was faiwwy competent at assisting with awt at times, and Summewgiww was wewativewy usefuw fow testing Bwuce’s minyis whiwst he was wowking on the nyext, pwepawing a wawge stwuctuwe of minyis that pewfectwy bwended in with the awt that Summewgiww had cawefuwwy designyed.
In the end, it was gowgeousnyess and gowgeousity made fwesh.
The wesuwt was a stunnying awt piece fiwwed with owiginyaw minyis that, with any wuck, wouwd suwewy win the competition.
Of couwse, Summewgiww had awso awwowed Hewen and othew cwose fwiends to visit the wowwd and, the cwiticisms wewe uvwwhewmingwy positive.
Tomowwow is the wast day to make any finyishing touches, as cwose as appwoaching they took theiw time and cawed about the intwicate detaiws of the map.
As the day came to an end, Bwuce had awwowed Summewgiww to visit him, upon entwy she had nyoticed that his wiving awwangements was anything but cheap, taking them a whiwe to weach the bedwoom, despite theiw exhaustion fwom today's events.
Awthough nyewvous about visiting him, she was cawm and cowwected, they wewe compwetewy comfowtabwe with each othew aftew aww.
As usuaw, they had cuddwed up in bed enjoying each othews’ wawmth, nyevew wasting a compassionyate houw togethew.
They bwiefwy tawked about the contest and, eventuawwy feww asweep in each othew's gwasp.
As they woke up, they finyished touching up the wowwd and pwepawed themsewves.
They both visited the gwand map, whewein the judges wewe making active cwiticism and commentawy of contest wowwds, discussing teams, and the wike.
It was nyow ow nyevew, the weviews they had weceived thus faw wewe good, howevew it was undetewminyed whethew they wouwd actuawwy win. In any scenyawio, they had definyitewy enjoyed the time they spent togethew to cweate something as incwedibwe as theiw competition wowwd.
Stiww, the anxiety and excited cuwiosity gweanyed uvw the them thwoughout the weviews, with vague genyewawised comments about the awtwowk and minyis. They wewe hopefuw and detewminyed thwoughout the days pwiow and they suwewy wouwdn’t wose hope nyow.
With the countdown appwoaching nyiw, they gwasped each othew’s hand, nyot cawing whethew anyonye wouwd nyotice.
The wesuwts wewe in, the judges discussed it to themsewves fow a showt whiwe.
“We wouwd wike to thank evewybody fow pawticipating. The majowity of the candidates did an outstanding job with theiw wowk, each and evewy contestant has been considewed, and we have decided upon these thwee winnying teams.” the judges excwaimed.
“The fiwst winnying team of this competition is… 4 smiwies
Congwatuwations to the fouw of you. You can find youw pwizes thwough the wowwd powtaw on the wight.
And… the second winnying team is… Bwuce and Summewgiww.
Congwatuwations to you both. You can find youw pwizes thwough the wowwd powtaw on the wight…”
Bwuce and Summewgiww hewd each othew in gwee, cewebwating theiw victowy togethew and unyabwe to contain theiw happinyess, they embwaced each othew in a kiss accidentawwy, soon weawising they wewe on stage, in fwont of many spectatows.
The gossip was imminyent, but the onwy thing Bwuce and Summewgiww couwd expwess is joy. They hewd hands and wawked thwough the wowwd powtaw, with Bwuce weceiving a wawe set of speciaw bwocks with physics pwopewties, and Summewgiww weceiving a bunny smiwey.
In a stwange way, they wewe okay with peopwe knyowing theiw secwet. They’we in wuv.
The end?
Wwitten by Anyonymous.
Ideas by Anyonymous, Jesse and ZewdaXD
Stowy questions:
1. Fwom the wowst to the best, **** aww the chawactews in the stowy. Expwain youw answews.
2. What did you think about this stowy? Expwain youw answews
3. What pawt did you wike the most? Why?
4. Why did Bwuce wie to Hewen when she knyocked the doow?
No thank you, we already have peace.
This is unreadable.
not my fault you have <10 iq
use the worse version as refference
Funnily, peace can write better than this guy lol
Funnily, peace can write better than this guy lol
this guy has a NAME you @!#!@#!@#
ps. i didnt write anything lol i just ctrl v-ed from [DATA REDACTED]
I think your keyboard is Brocken.
I think your keyboard is Brocken.
its BROKEN ya huge ####
my keyboard is perfectly fine why thank you
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