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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2019-03-04 14:55:44, last edited by ILikeTofuuJoe (2019-03-05 05:01:12)

From: Obvervable Universe
Joined: 2018-06-04
Posts: 1,770

Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

- For Noobs -
This section explains the basics of mechanical blocks in Everybody Edits.
-- Pseudo-Randomness --
--- Portal Randomness  ---
When a portal's target has multiple corresponding portals, a random one is chosen. This can be used for the most random random things. This method is simple, compact, and should be used at all times.
I'm not including an image, this method is way too simple to have an image.
-- Incremental Machine --
This machine simply adds to the current number by 1.
--- Decimal Version ---
This machine requires more switches, more space, but is easier to read. This machine is basically a long if-then-else block. How to make it: (n is for switch, ñ is for switch door, ǹ is for switch gate, p is for portal, ^<>v is for boost, . is for block, and s is for spike.)
(For every number, do this(After first dont add portal):)


This is very important as you will need this for if-then-else machines.
After each of these, add one to the value of the switch.
The player comes out the portal, meets a boolean checker that checks if the player has not gotten the switch yet. If that is true, the player get the switch. If not, the player continues with the next checkers.
--- Binary Version ---
This machine requires less switches and less space, but requires the visitor to understand binary. This version is recommended when representing numbers when switches are very limited. How to make it:
Version 1:


This version is more compact, but also more complex. After the second everythings the same except numbers. The third p targets the first p, the fifth p targets the second p ect.
Version 2:


This version takes up more space. Every level needs to deactivate all switches before it and activagte itself.
EDIT: fixed version 2.

-- Basic Time Stuff --
Time might not be very important, but is simple enough to be in here. This section only includes the basic time mechanisms with timed doors. Timed doors are not accurate due to tghey have two global states, not private states. A player can simply time the time they go in the machine to shorten the time as much as possible. PS. The timed dokors take less space. How to make(i is time dolor, ì is time gate):

. .

Again, repeat without the portal.
-- Logic Gates --
Not a lot of use either but is still simple enough. First explaining logic gates:
NOT: Literally a switch gate.
PS thats the only one accepting one input, the other ones need two.
AND: On only when both switches are on.
OR: Any switch needs to be on.
NAND: Flips AND.
NOR: Flips OR.
XOR: On only when one switch is on.
XNOR: Flips XOR.
--- AND and NAND ---


PS a is input two. Looking familiar? If player hits spike AND result is 0, else AND result is 1. For NAND just flip gates to doors, doors to gates.
--- OR and NOR ---

.>ñ .
.ǹ.> .

For NOR again, flip gates and doors.
--- XOR and XNOR ---
*WARNING: Most complicated logic gate!

.ǹ.>à .
.v.ã. ...

For XNOR you know what to do.
- The Noob Exam -
1. Make a random machine that when a player goes in the portal, a random ore is given.
2. Make a machine that copies a player's switch states to corresponding global switches.
3. Make a clollectable item.
4. Make a machine that compares private sswitches with global switches and gives an output.

You pass the exam if all of the machines work correctly.

Example Answers:

- For Intermediates -
(Only start if you've passed the noob exam!)
-- RNGs --
RNGs, also known as random number generators, involve taking randomized states and assigning values for them. One example of an RNG is real life is a dice. And one thing that uses a dice is a board game. This section will be about generating and presenting random numbers with a dice.
First, create a random machine with 1/6 chance on each output and 6 possible outputs. (No images because this is from the noob section and if you forgot then go back to the noob section and relearn).
Then, create a switch corresponding to each ouput. (Pre-noob stuff)
Portals under each output leadking to display rom.
Display the output however you like.
Yep, RNGs are fairly simple. Flr how to use RNGs, see Machines-Advanced-Board Game.
-- Variating Randomness --
Unchangable randomness is not that useful for ores(see noob exam). For example, ber ores should be found deeper. This needs the help of variating randomness if you don't want to create anoter random machine for each possible deepnsess. This version unlocks more outputs, but locking outputs can also be done. Maybe you have ten random ores, and for one deeper search you wangt o add that to 11. There are two ways of doing this:
// TODO imagse
This version requires less space and is recomended.
// TODO images
This versiojn requires more space and is recommended only when there is only one thingthat needs unlocking.
Forthe complete oresmachine, see Machines-Intermediate-Ore Digger.
-- Currency --
Currency is for anything that can be both added and subtracted in a player's private switches or a world's global switches. This section will only be about decimal currency as binary currency is very complicated.

Coming Soon...

- Machines -
Alright this is deatailed stuff about actual machines.
-- Intermediate --
--- Ore Digger ---
Variating Randomness
Precise Timers
Incremental Machines-Decimal Version
How to make it:
NOTE:This is NOT a lprecise way of making Ore Diggers. This just includes most of the information you might want to have a ore digger.

Coming Soon... ~meow~
Posting Goal: 2000
#Joe Griffin
Thanks HG for the signature and avatar!!!


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#2 2019-03-04 16:34:18

Forum Mod
From: UK
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 2,853

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

ILikeTofuuJoe wrote:

I'm not including an image, this method is way too simple to have an image.

You really need to include an image.

One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.


Wooted by: (3)

#3 2019-03-04 16:47:59

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

imclude image siwh tnumbes please


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#4 2019-03-04 17:25:20

From: Chile (Homeland: UK)
Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 272

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

Handy, but other users might need an image to help accompany said descriptions.

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#5 2019-03-04 19:35:49

From: EE Universe
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 2,245

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

i have no idea what youre trying to portray with the text, images pls



#6 2019-03-04 21:32:21

From: World 4-2
Joined: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,331

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

Tomahawk wrote:

You really need to include an image.

Daneeko wrote:

i have no idea what youre trying to portray with the text, images pls

Security-Drone wrote:

Handy, but other users might need an image to help accompany said descriptions.

ILikeTofuuJoe's first unwritten rule:
Never upload an image. Always use only text.

Time before becoming a Member - Leaderboard
1. Whirl - 9 months
2. KirbyKareem - 8 months
3. pwnzor - 2.4 months
4. MWstudios - 2 months
5. ILikeTofuuJoe - 1.5 months
giphy.gif Piskel is the best GIF maker I've seen
HG's signature for me - Anatoly's signature for me
The Mashed Potatoes Song - The longest post on EE forums - Play my Minesweeper


#7 2019-03-05 02:07:13

From: Obvervable Universe
Joined: 2018-06-04
Posts: 1,770

Re: Everybody Edits Mechanical Tutorial

Doing images later promise ~meow~
Posting Goal: 2000
#Joe Griffin
Thanks HG for the signature and avatar!!!



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