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Lets get hyped over the new school year!
What year will you go to?
If going to university: what’s your major?
What are your expectations?
Are you excited, or do you just want the year to be over already?
Ill start:
Last year I graduated so now I’m going to university. I’ll be doing a double bachelor of mathematics and physics. Im excited to meet my classmates, but also a bit scared as I think there will be a lot of very awkward people. When I was on introduction days I wasnt able to really make friends because I felt like the guys would rather talk to other guys and with girls the conversations were very one sided ( i had to ask questions to get them to talk). But I’ll stay open minded. It also doesnt really matter if I make friends, as I’ve already made friends in the university with other majors.
I can’t wait to start working, as I’ve been bored a lot this vacation. I really have to stay active every day or I’ll just become depressed and bored, but my friends don’t want to go out every night (surprise surprise). I feel like school will be a good way to stay active. But I also hope I will have some time free from school as I’ve a lot of plans already during school.
Overall this year will be way better than high school, because I hated that. Focussing on the subjects I actually like will be great, and as I’ve moved out I will be much more free to do what I like, and I no longer have to feel guilty when I’m home late because my parents are worried and cant sleep.
Pm me with anything math related please
Moved out? Luckyyyyy. Though it IS both a blessing and a curse because of money and buying your own stuff.
University is only boring if you want it to be boring. There are lots of ways to make friends and attend parties (although I do neither, I just take my classes and leave).
It's imperative to study, and do homework on time. When it all catches up to you moments before the work is due you start feeling really anxious, stressed, and feeling unprepared. Always do the assignments on time!!
Also, consider a part time job. My job is very social, and grants a lot of opportunities to go places with my coworkers. I understand not all jobs are like that, but social jobs (fast food, desk clerk, cashier, [some] warehouse jobs, etc.) are a great place to start!!
Good luck! My next semester starts tomorrow. One of my class rosters has a lot of familiar faces, so I'm pretty hyped.
Edit: it's not awkward at all to ask questions to new faces. In fact that's a great way to start a convo. Just make sure the questions are relatable, broad, and able to branch out into [hopefully] natural and engaging topics. As a introverted extrovert (I can't carry convos myself but I love engaging in them) it is a GODSEND when someone is able to carry a conversation naturally. It's interesting what they have to say, and often times they'll hook me with something I feel like sharing as well. It's hard for me to carry a convo because... well I'm kinda boring lol. I lack a lot of experience.
Also, consider a part time job. My job is very social, and grants a lot of opportunities to go places with my coworkers. I understand not all jobs are like that, but social jobs (fast food, desk clerk, cashier, [some] warehouse jobs, etc.) are a great place to start!!
I'm in a hiring process of a job, it's a tutoring job that pays very well. (only students with very high high school grades can apply so it pays good).
Edit: it's not awkward at all to ask questions to new faces. In fact that's a great way to start a convo. Just make sure the questions are relatable, broad, and able to branch out into [hopefully] natural and engaging topics. As a introverted extrovert (I can't carry convos myself but I love engaging in them) it is a GODSEND when someone is able to carry a conversation naturally. It's interesting what they have to say, and often times they'll hook me with something I feel like sharing as well. It's hard for me to carry a convo because... well I'm kinda boring lol. I lack a lot of experience.
I don't really mind asking questions, but I'd rather have the person I'm talking to give me the impression that they actually want to have a conversation instead of giving me short answers... In a conversation I'm usually the observing one, I don't mind talking but I'd rather listen. It's no fun for me when I'm the one talking all the time.
Also some people there really annoy me, they always want to prove they're smarter and know more of the subject instead of actually discussing the subject. But that's mostly the people that do physics. The people with math major are mostly very social and nice people.
Pm me with anything math related please
7th grade
i dont like school that much
I'm also going to be starting my first year of university (although we start really late so I still have over a month of holiday left XD). I'll be studying a computer science course with a lot of maths theory stuff in, so I should enjoy it as those are by far my favourite subjects . I'm also a mix of excited and scared, but more because I might be one of those awkward people than because other people might be XD, overall I'm definitely looking forward to it though
I'll be a completing my 2nd year of college to get a Level 3 diploma in "Creative Media Production and Technology". Which is a fancy way of saying games development.
I can't wait to go back to college because I find it incredibly enjoyable as it's something I'm heavily interested in and I've made a lot of friends there who also have similar interests.
We're being put into new classes which I am excited for. My tutors told my main friendship group and I that we're probably being put into classes together because, whereas the classes were random last time, they are putting us into more skill based classes now. All of us got distinctions and the tutors like us anyway so we really don't have to worry about being separated. Instead, we can just look forward to meeting new people who will now be in our class.
Soon I will be taking the place in 9th grade
My uni third year starts in October ~ electronic and computer engineering.
Should be the most interesting year so far. I gotta work harder than I did in the last two years combined, but eh. It’s just part of the process to rework my lazy ****. On the plus side, I get to live with my gf and some good friends, and ima start cooking a little more seriously. Baking, too.
Top tip: sort out your motivation issues ASAP, and not when it really starts to matter. Also don’t drink twice your limit in 30 mins.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
wow most of u are in uni
I'm going to wrap up my bachelors degree in social anthropology this school year. After that i'll probably go for an masters degree, but we'll see.
Good luck to y'all, no matter what you're studying.
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I am going into my second year of university, and my classes begin on August 27th. I am a nursing major which means that I have to take a lot of science classes and I do not even start taking my nursing classes until my third and fourth year. I would say this upcoming semester is going to be very challenging, but luckily I seem to be interested in most of the classes I am taking. I just moved in only five days ago and so far I am enjoying being with my friends again. Hopefully, my GPA doesn't go down this semester.
I don't really mind asking questions, but I'd rather have the person I'm talking to give me the impression that they actually want to have a conversation instead of giving me short answers...
In a conversation I'm usually the observing one, I don't mind talking but I'd rather listen. It's no fun for me when I'm the one talking all the time.
Hmm. I would say this is the reason your Q's aren't hitting it off. You have to smile, look interested in learning about your peers, and go from there. From a personal experience, one simple question like "what's your major?" is enough to go on a long string of topics. Just ask natural, don't overthink, don't pressure yourself.
Emma333 wrote:I don't really mind asking questions, but I'd rather have the person I'm talking to give me the impression that they actually want to have a conversation instead of giving me short answers...
Emma333 wrote:In a conversation I'm usually the observing one, I don't mind talking but I'd rather listen. It's no fun for me when I'm the one talking all the time.
Hmm. I would say this is the reason your Q's aren't hitting it off. You have to smile, look interested in learning about your peers, and go from there. From a personal experience, one simple question like "what's your major?" is enough to go on a long string of topics. Just ask natural, don't overthink, don't pressure yourself.
I can have conversations with them yes, but I don't enjoy them. I'd much rather talk with someone who can initiate at least a little conversation. If I talk with someone and all they can give me is boring short answers I move on to the next person. I have no interest in being friends with someone I have nothing in common with or who doesn't want to share their interests. I have met great people at my university, why waste time trying to be friends with people that don't seem interested in being friends with me?
Pm me with anything math related please
senior year college grind help me
Computer Science - The thrill, the horror, the joy
Part 1
Arrives in theatres this October.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
I'm also going into uni, I move in a week and classes start maybe a week or so after. I'll be doing graphic communication and I'm really excited to get out there so I can get away from my home life for once
oh lord high school senior
I am going into my second year of grade school. I am studying a major in geometry, mathematics, and friendship. Last year I learned how to wash my hands and it was very interesting, I can't wait until I can go for recess with my friends again.
I'm starting the second year of my vocational (electrical engineering) high school, and I'm pretty indifferent about it. The first year was hard enough in terms of how much I needed to study to get decent grades (came from primary with almost all perfect grades, in high school my first grade was a 1 (F)) and, even though I lose the less important subjects (like biology, geography, chemistry, etc...), I'm still afraid that I might not do too well. Though, even if there is a lot to study, I'm glad to even be in this school (especially in one of the more "professional" classes), I get to study the things I like and talk to my pretty chill classmates.
Good luck with the school year everyone!
no.... I hate school or just think it's boring i haven't went to highschool since 3 years ago I got sick, I am still at another school tho and I hate project X some times on wendays becuase its etiher answering questions/bingo and gambling or either maths
the time project x is good is when its creating stuff like art, or using woood etc
gambling? wtf, what school are you in
no.... I hate school or just think it's boring i haven't went to highschool since 3 years ago I got sick, I am still at another school tho and I hate project X some times on wendays becuase its etiher answering questions/bingo and gambling or either maths
the time project x is good is when its creating stuff like art, or using woood etc
Sounds like an awesome school.
Someone please get me out of school its so boring especially when i have to sit and stay for hours
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#Joe Griffin
Thanks HG for the signature and avatar!!!
actually this year im going to high school (9th grade i think, first high school in italy). i got 9 in the 8th grade exam so im not that worried about grades. the only thing that actually makes me afraid is making friends. im so afraid because i had lots of fake friends in middle school and i dont think i will have real friends in high school and i dont even know who are my classmates, even if its september.
im more hyped than scared for this year lmao because i heard that we can use our phones and go on different floors during break so i can meet more people i know
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