Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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WARNING: This post may offend you. If you get offended easily, please leave. If you read on anyway, and get offended, and then proceed to flame and -rep my buttocks you are clearly a little kid.
I've came back to EE about a month ago now, and I was suprised at how many 'noob' levels there are. Honestly, 95% of the levels are either boxed overused unoriginal minigames, or boring races, or unorginal bosses with stupid adjectives *cough* element boss, water boss, rainbow boss, boss to C x69 *cough*.
One level I went into was a level that was meant to be entered into the halloween contest, and i'm going to keep the maker anonymous, decided to use loads of hook jumps and thought EX crew liked them. I countered that with nothing close to an offensive sentence, and I got kicked for being a 'smart ****'.
Gee, 95% of EE are untalented little wannabie kids. I know this game was targeted at kids, but atleast aim for a SMARTER group of kids. These children are unimaginative, uncreative, and just plain stupid. Heck, theres even tonnes of groups that took the 'crew' suffix and added 2 letters infront, blatantly describing their wannabie acts. Sorry if that last sentence offended some mature players, but can't you just think of something else other than meaningless initials with a crew after? Even 'Marshmallow Hunters' would be better than that.
I totally agree, Most of the Worlds a noobishy *cough* 95% are *cough*
Last edited by xGBx-PwNzZ (Oct 25 2011 4:19:50 am)
Selecting your core demographic isn't exactly like aiming a gun at a shooting range. For us to change demographic, we would have to pretty much revamp the entire game, and that might cause the loss of an entire demographic, even though you don't like them that much.
If you have any suggestions for expanding the game's core demographic, feel free to express them.
i agree with the title thing, it is hard to find a proper title like 'the odyssey'. Can't more games have proper titles?
i agree to most of it but the 95% of levels are noobish bit is false, its 99.9%
Last edited by ILoveBacon (Oct 25 2011 4:33:48 am)
build your perfect levels yourself MaybeNot this is a game for kids not for experts
The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.
I agree with you, but this is probably the 7th rage topic about this, just saying, I'm not hating.
The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.
i remember back when EE was creative. now EE has alot of what we call noobs i am just saying they are learning.
EE has been over run by noobs.
Edit -
The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.
May i add a little to this?
I say beta people should be able to vote on the best levels, like lets say they is a buttom 1-5 star and they apear in a section let's call picks of the week?
Last edited by rhyst1 (Oct 25 2011 7:46:52 am)
Seems like all EE is about now days is making good levels.
People honestly spend more time complaining and not enough doing.
If you think EE lacks 'good' levels, then I think you should make one, you are not gonna increase the amount of 'good' levels by ranting.
Believe it or not, the forum community, who are used to 'better' are a very small minority compared to the total EE players.
Also, the reason why EE is over run with 'crap' levels because suprisingly a lot of people enjoy them. I do remember when I first came to this game I used to love stairs, I would purposefully look for stair levels because I liked them.
A lot of people are like this, only they enjoy them longer than I have.
Basically, EE gets 'crap' levels because there aren't a lot of good ones, because no one bothers to make them, so they just rant instead, like this topic... and several others before.
(rant over)
I say beta people should be able to vote on the best levels, like lets say they is a buttom 1-5 star and they apear in a section let's call picks of the week?
That won't solve anything, like I said, majority of this game are people who like minigame and stair levels, that's why they dominate the lobby, doing this won't help.
Also, if it's only beta, non-beta's will feel powerless and complain it's not fair that they have to play levels that have been chosen by someone else.
Last edited by DK Levels (Oct 25 2011 7:59:27 am)
Seems like all EE is about now days is making good levels.
People honestly spend more time complaining and not enough doing.
If you think EE lacks 'good' levels, then I think you should make one, you are not gonna increase the amount of 'good' levels by ranting.
Believe it or not, the forum community, who are used to 'better' are a very small minority compared to the total EE players.
Also, the reason why EE is over run with 'crap' levels because suprisingly a lot of people enjoy them. I do remember when I first came to this game I used to love stairs, I would purposefully look for stair levels because I liked them.
A lot of people are like this, only they enjoy them longer than I have.
Basically, EE gets 'crap' levels because there aren't a lot of good ones, because no one bothers to make them, so they just rant instead, like this topic... and several others before.
(rant over)
exactly my point, I agree 1000%, you want something better, shut up and start working, don't expect others to make your "perfect" level.
Meh good levels aren't what EE is about. EE is about having fun while playing in your sparetime. Doesn't matter if it's a so called nooby level or if it a ''pro'' level. Not everyone think's that a ''pro'' level is fun to play.
Bah to tired to write anylonger, I was going to write more. But I just want to sleep.
As long
as someone can enjoy a playing a level, it's not nooby. Even though it may be the same repetetive pattern as in lot's of other levels.
And if you want levels that you find good, make them yourself.
I think it's good that there aren't that many ''good'' levels, since when such a level pops out from nowhere, it gives you a refreshing feeling.
And if 95% of the levels where like that, then you wouldn't play as much, since a ''good'' level takes much more effort to play through. While an easy ''noob'' level you can play without any effort at all, which means that you can play several in a row. Which is relaxing. Bah.
Last edited by Ralaina (Oct 25 2011 8:07:11 am)
I think you guys really take ee too seriously. Ever played a board game, and you lost, and you thought to yourself "It's just a game"? EE is just a game. That doesn't mean we should all stop playing or stop caring, but everyone is taking this way too far.
So I say, just chill out and relax. If you enter a noob level, just leave it, you don't need to complain.
And if you want to see more "pro" levels, then make them yourself.
Last edited by SmileyZ (Oct 25 2011 8:04:56 am)
I also see more and more people sick of these levels, eventually EE will improve. Just start trolling and telling people they can do better. We as a forum comminity have fun without the noobs.
Meh good levels aren't what EE is about.
I know they aren't, I said 'Seems like'.
EE is about having fun while playing in your sparetime.
That's exactly what EE should be about, it is to me, but people make it out to be so much more than that.
Doesn't matter if it's a so called nooby level or if it a ''pro'' level. Not everyone think's that a ''pro'' level is fun to play.
Meh good levels aren't what EE is about.
I know they aren't, I said 'Seems like'.
Well, that wasn't directed to you :3 I just followed up on your statement, since everyone seems to think like that. It was directed to the ones that think like that, which is alot of people.
Last edited by Ralaina (Oct 25 2011 8:13:19 am)
Meh good levels aren't what EE is about.
I know they aren't, I said 'Seems like'.
Well, that wasn't directed to you :3 I just followed up on your statement, since everyone seems to think like that. It was directed to the ones that think like that, which is alot of people.
Ahh okay never mind, I miss read it :3 I agree exactly though
You, MaybeNot, are the best person i've ever seen write something so goddamn true.
I agree completely...
Yeah, most of the non forum sided community sucks, just deal with it, ignore them, and continue on your work.
But i'd really love to have a way to cut down on the very, VERY bad levels... All i see nowadays are "Monkey see, monkey do" And what they're copying is newbie fashioned levels that got popular via guest bombing. Thus, making it harder for me to work, and for most of us to put up our noteworthy levels.
True, perhaps it should come to time when EX Crew will be the level judges to make a "sticky" to place the level DIRECTLY at the top of the lobby
The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.
It would be awesome if you could select your level based on the average amount of time players are in that level. If it is a noob level, people leave fast, so it will be at the bottom. On the other hand, if it is good, people will stay for longer. If only Chris would implement that! :'(
Shy Guy wrote:The reason that you see 95% of noob levels in the lobby every day is because how the lobby is made. It's always gonna show a popular level, and Chris doesn't plan to do anything about like he usually does. If there was a way to hand-pick popular levels and put them in their own separate list(s), that would drastically increase the fun and convenience on finding a good level and playing it.
It would be awesome if you could select your level based on the average amount of time players are in that level. If it is a noob level, people leave fast, so it will be at the bottom. On the other hand, if it is good, people will stay for longer. If only Chris would implement that! :'(
Sorry to ruin your dream, but it's just the opposite.
Most of the EE community are noobs. You happen to think that the forums are all of the community and that's where you're wrong...
Now let me say another thing. Now I'll tell you: Create a list with all of the EE pros.
With a bit work you will probably do something that's close to the reality. Now I'll tell you to create a list with all of the noobs. You won't do it, probably.
So, say a noob enters a "PRO" level, he will probably ragequit right away, and if a pro will enter it, he will stay.
If we will follow your theory, we will result by putting ONLY the noob levels at the top, and not like now when there's about one "pro" world per lobby list at a moment.
Oh gosh, it's this topic again.
They are enjoying the game, now what in the world is wrong with that?
My friend, who's nine years old, actually loves stairs and hook jumps and all that stuff that's considered "noobish" and he has a super fun time playing Everybody Edits. I think it's people like you who need to start being a little more happy and realize the enjoyment and excitement of the game. I like to set up sandbox levels for my friends so we can make houses and have laser battle wars and destroy each other's bases and houses 1xd1
I really think too many people on the forum are treating this game like it's supposed to be some contest about how original their levels and ideas are, who's better, who's popular, etc. Treat the game that way if you want, whatever. :/
Everyone must meet the minority's standards.
As long as they're having fun, who are we to say they're playing the game wrong? Just don't play those levels; there are plenty more that are infinitely better.
Yeah, well, you know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Myself for example, dislike EX styled "impossible" maps, as soon as it starts with accurate jumps I leave as I fail and fail over and over. Non fluid gameplay for me, ..
Regarding all the noob level: I totally agree with your statement of having so many unwanted maps, but thats due to the sheer size of the community itself. 5% of them create outstanding maps, which covers minis, art and bosses. So in total 2% of all maps might be good, may it be mini "or" art etc.
Just avoid all map names like "ABC CREW" or so. Look for an original name and join. Thats why Supadort24's map "Time is killing me", suddenly was filled with players. It is attractive compared to "MAGIC HERE"
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