In the picture, the gray module represents the part of it that tells the hour.
The purple module represents the part of it that tells the minute.
Each portal with the same color of dots are linked together.
There are two normal bgs, the green bg is the input and the red bg is the output.
The minutes part of the machine is divided into two sections. One counting lots of five and the other is counting to five. When a smiley is fed in as an input (every input is counted as a minute passing) it is put through the first module, which counts up the inputs or minutes until 5. When it hits 5 it'll reset and the right module will start counting the lots of five. So, a way of seeing what minute it is on is by multiplying the number (1-12) from the right module, then adding up the number (1-5) on the left module. EX: Switches 20-23 are active on the right, which means 4 of them are active. On the left, there are the switches 40-42 active, which means 3 of them are active. 5x4+3=20+3=23 so the minutes part is ??:23.
After the right module hits 12, it rolls over and the hours part starts counting.
In the hours part of the machine it counts the hours up to 12. After hitting 12, it resets (Keeping the first one on) and activates/deactivates the 14 switch. The 14 switch is the switch that says "If I'm off, then it is AM!" or vice versa. EX: Switches 1-11 are active, which means that 11 switches are active. The 14 switch is on as well, which means it is pm. This means the time now looks like this: 11:23 PM
If you'd like, when building this machine you can add in seconds, which would just be a duplicate of the minutes part. When that module is done, it feeds into the minutes part.