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Est. December 2010
It’s good for women living in islamic countries where they barely have any rights. Its good for girls living in India being raped because the life of a woman there us not worth half as much as the life if a man. SJW **** is stupid, it’s just people echoing other people without knowing what they’re talking about and I hate it. They ruin the meaning of feminism, which is to give women all over the world the same oppertunities and rights as men have.
Pm me with anything math related please
For a good debating topic, the OP should define the terms first, in my opinion.
I do not know what you mean by feminist and what's that supposed to extend to. But I do believe men and women should have the same rights.
Everybody edits, but some edit more than others
Feminism is generally misinterpreted in media. It is a GOOD movement because women have been gaining more and more rights in terms of being closer to men. Remember how unequal gender roles were back then? All women had to be housewives because the workplace was male-dominated?
feminism is good, the US should invade other countries to enforce global feminism
You'll rarely find any people who agree with postmodern feminism. It's a very small, yet very vocal minority which feeds from faux outrage.
The people in favour of classical feminism typically (and should) identify with humanitarian labels, rather than subject themselves to the barrage of sort of identity politics modern feminists usually engage in. We don't need to allow for SJW bigotry to continue poisoning society behind labels.
The term no longer reflects nor comes close to describing classical feminism, and it shouldn't be used when referring to classic feminism as such.
If they didn't want this to happen, they should have fought back against the opposing feminist agenda instead of allowing it to get to this point.
*u stinky*
Ofc feminism is good. The SJW feminazi stuff is only a very small (although vocal) minority, and the overall positive impact far outweighs the negatives - which IMO get blown out of proportion anyway.
#MeToo is a nice example of feminism. A guy in a decent job wouldn’t dare harass a woman during that period, and if a few guys can’t even breathe the wrong way as a result then so be it. It takes a bit of time for the initial hypersensitivity regarding issues like that to die down, which is good for maximum awareness, and the world’s a better place for it.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
i found this on a meme channel few minutes ago but its kinda relevant so i decided to share:
as for personal opinion:
equal rights for both genders - yes im all for it
feminazis that are hating on the opposite gender - **** no
i found this on a meme channel few minutes ago but its kinda relevant so i decided to share:
▼CONTENT WARNINGas for personal opinion:
equal rights for both genders - yes im all for it
feminazis that are hating on the opposite gender - **** no
you tell em maxi, feminism is bad, it should be banned, all gender should have equal rights,i even heard about a women or girl complaining about that there was no girl scouts when there was, that is a bad feminist they are always exaggerating and overreact, just like when a man and women is married, and then the man is really busy so he can't do much with her, and then she makes assumptions that he doesnt love her anymore, its just crazy
homo and lesbi are basicly another forum of gaining rights and hating the oppisite gender , if you are woke and really dig deep and alk and learn /search about this you will know
feminism is bad, it should be banned, all gender should have equal rights
do you not know what feminism is lol
Est. December 2010
soniiiety wrote:feminism is bad, it should be banned, all gender should have equal rights
do you not know what feminism is lol
i know what it is, i just might not of explained properly or you don't understand, idk what reason, i try my best to type etc
feminism is the equality between men and women, apart from a small number of extremists, so you're contradicting yourself when you say feminism is bad yet you say all genders should be equal.
Est. December 2010
feminism is the equality between men and women, apart from a small number of extremists, so you're contradicting yourself when you say feminism is bad yet you say all genders should be equal.
also that isnt what feminism is because it is womne do not have enough right and they want to be stronger and better than men,
so that is not true
kreacher wrote:feminism is the equality between men and women, apart from a small number of extremists, so you're contradicting yourself when you say feminism is bad yet you say all genders should be equal.
also that isnt what feminism is because it is womne do not have enough right and they want to be stronger and better than men,
so that is not true
Misandry is the idea that women are better than men
Feminism is the idea that women and men should be equal. There's primarily a female focus because misogyny has had such a tight grasp on society, but feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
But then it's no longer feminism.
Anak wrote:feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
But then it's no longer feminism.
Why wouldn't it be?
N1KF wrote:Anak wrote:feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
But then it's no longer feminism.
Why wouldn't it be?
Because feminism is about women and how they're treated. If an issue isn't about how women are treated, it's no longer a feminist issue and therefore no longer part of feminism. Focus on gender equality from neither side is called egalitarian, if I recall correctly.
Anak wrote:N1KF wrote:Anak wrote:feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
But then it's no longer feminism.
Why wouldn't it be?
Because feminism is about women and how they're treated. If an issue isn't about how women are treated, it's no longer a feminist issue and therefore no longer part of feminism. Focus on gender equality from neither side is called egalitarian, if I recall correctly.
it is about how women are treated. just i this case, women are perceived to be benefitting more
Anak wrote:N1KF wrote:Anak wrote:feminism also includes things like helping men receive rightful custody of their children where the odds would skewed in women's favours.
But then it's no longer feminism.
Why wouldn't it be?
Because feminism is about women and how they're treated. If an issue isn't about how women are treated, it's no longer a feminist issue and therefore no longer part of feminism. Focus on gender equality from neither side is called egalitarian, if I recall correctly.
Well feminism is about "the equality of the sexes". In most cases it is about women because in most cases women aren't/haven't been equal to men in society, however feminism can also tackle issues that largely target men as well (most if not all of which stem from the view that women are lesser than men/other stereotypes anyhow).
Egalitarianism is the view that everyone deserves equal rights, so not just about gender. I find it's seldom used for what it means though
Butting in here, but a lot of men’s issues stem from women’s issues. For example, it’s frowned upon for a man to have “feminine” qualities like crying, being weak, and submitting. We only see these qualities as bad because we see them as feminine and we believe femininity to be inferior to masculinity. This is one of the many ways feminism helps men indirectly. By helping women, we drop the stigma of femininity and therefore we let men express themselves more freely.
So even if you see feminism as being “about women and how they’re treated,” it STILL benefits men.
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