Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Pages: 1
im not sure what it does and no one uses it, it is also most likely a communist mind control tactic that makes you reliant on tags.
Monospaced text without removing formatting. Allows you to substitute your own syntax highlighting or just to make things easier to read. ASCII art with colors. IRC logs with nicks differentiated and timestamps faded. I think I'm the only person who uses it. I don't remove BBCode tags though. I can remove their button but the tags themselves must stay or it'll break old posts.
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Pre tag:
A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.[1] This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.
A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.[1] This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.
The only difference I've found between the two - aside from the random whitespace above and below the pre text - is that a pre block will display leading and trailing newlines. What else is there?
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
I prefer the ins tag though
ins looks horrible
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
Pre tag:
A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.[1] This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.
Code tag:A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.[1] This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.
The only difference I've found between the two - aside from the random whitespace above and below the pre text - is that a pre block will display leading and trailing newlines. What else is there?
The pre tag preserves all formatting
The code tag [b][color=#A53131]disables all formatting[/color][/b]
"Sometimes failing a leap of faith is better than inching forward"
- ShinsukeIto
Onjit wrote:I prefer the ins tag though
ins looks horrible
which is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
Xfrogman43 wrote:Onjit wrote:I prefer the ins tag though
ins looks horrible is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
we should make this a meme
Onjit wrote:Xfrogman43 wrote:Onjit wrote:I prefer the ins tag though
ins looks horrible is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
we should make this a meme
that's called a forced meme and also being an unfunny mong
maxi123 wrote:Onjit wrote:Xfrogman43 wrote:Onjit wrote:I prefer the ins tag though
ins looks horrible is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
we should make this a meme
that's called a forced meme and also being an unfunny mong
youre probably right
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edit: this is clearly not shift-js compatible
Bimps wrote:maxi123 wrote:Onjit wrote:Xfrogman43 wrote:ins looks horrible is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
we should make this a meme
that's called a forced meme and also being an unfunny mong
youre probably right
like i had a nice thing going and you ruined it
thanks man
maxi123 wrote:Bimps wrote:maxi123 wrote:Onjit wrote:which is precisely why it's the best tag on these forums
we should make this a meme
that's called a forced meme and also being an unfunny mong
youre probably right
damnlike i had a nice thing going and you ruined it
thanks man
what do you mean
I dont care much about the tag.
Thanks to Niko99 for the signature!
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[ Started around 1740867676.0928 - Generated in 0.142 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.73 MiB (Peak: 1.97 MiB) ]