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SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Why did everyone say it's bad? I loved it, especially when the commander of the ship goes into lightspeed into snoke's ship (the special effects were ****** amazing lol). What did you think of the film? It was nice to see yoda again as well.
Est. December 2010
Reasons people don't like it:
oh yeah i loved the part where... uh.... yoda said: wow luke you really are one of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
hello there! please ignore my old signature, it didn't exist
humor was ok, cgi was great, but that flying leia scene ruined it
what the **** how in god's name do you expect the audience to comprehend this? the fact that some mystical choo-choo brought carrier **** fisher back to life? you killed snoke and luke yet believed her role was more important to keep her alive through some **** witchcraft **** you
i liked the scene where purple hair **** zoops into the big destroyer ship
was confused about luke dying, should've kept him alive. but i think it's some sort of "he used all of his power and now we must take him" kind of deal. similar to yoda's death you know, except yoda was just lying there and dissipated like my confidence during an oral presentation
all in all ok movie 7/10
I think most people agree Leia's almost-death scene **** sucked. Very few times do I ever want characters I like to die, but that is one of them. Her death would have brought a sense of hopelessness to the Republic until Luke showed up, too, upping the tension. So, why?????????
I actually enjoyed Luke's character, he was sassy af. And that scene where Luke shows Rey the force by tickling her with some sort of plant? Priceless.
I agree with OP, the visual effects on the suicide crash were beautiful, and the lack of sound provided an incredible atmosphere.
Chewbacca didn't get enough screen time. Didn't really like that bird thing he picked up as a pet.
I hated Kylo Ren in VII. Loved him in VIII. His temper-tantrums were overdone in VII, now they feel like a quirk of his character. I'm a huge fan of his motive to "just end it all." And, his manipulative style is super interesting to watch unfold.
Finn is kind of forgettable. That mechanic chick is incredibly forgettable.
Also, the title literally has "*spoiler warning*" in it. I don't feel the need to hide spoilers.
Currently playing through: Mega Man 1-6
Listen to my in-game music! (it's pretty much all I'm good at)
star wars as a franchise would be better if every movie made since rotj was focused on ewoks
The whole film was full of dumb, illogical actions and scenes which we were apparently supposed to accept at face value.
It’s a shame, because the cast was good. Remember that it’s usually the people who write the script who are to blame, not the actors.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
i have never seen a single star war and i don't even know what a jedi is.
thank u this is my contribution to this post
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
Reasons people don't like it:
- Yoda's visual appearance was crap.
- How Leia survived being sucked into space was such BS.
- Killing off Snoke means we probably won't get answers as to who he was.
- The plot was kinda bad, it was basically a cycle of "oh no we're ****!", "let's run away!" and "hooray! we are saved!" 3 times over.
- They ruined luke's character by making him into a coward.
- Having luke die at the end was not only bs but the way he died was pathetic and a poor send of to his character.
- Some of the cringey humour felt out of place for a star wars movie.
This, except for the Luke part. I love how he turns out to be not the amazing perfect jedi everyone expected, he’s human and something in the past ruined him. And then when he realises that, he does a cool stunt and sacrifises himself.
I also looved Rey and Kylo, they cot some kind of brother-sister bond, even though it was created by Snoke. And I really hope they don’t become romantic in the next movie because that would really suck.
The lightspeed trough ship move made me wonder why it was never done before? Seems like a great weapon, and looked awesome.
I liked the plot, but there were many small annoyances.
Pm me with anything math related please
I suppose Leia had the force genes inside of her of she used a little of it to propel herself towards the ship before she died in the vacuum of space
Est. December 2010
I suppose Leia had the force genes inside of her of she used a little of it to propel herself towards the ship before she died in the vacuum of space
Except realisticly her body would never stay together like that in space.
Pm me with anything math related please
Devlin wrote:Reasons people don't like it:
- Yoda's visual appearance was crap.
- How Leia survived being sucked into space was such BS.
- Killing off Snoke means we probably won't get answers as to who he was.
- The plot was kinda bad, it was basically a cycle of "oh no we're ****!", "let's run away!" and "hooray! we are saved!" 3 times over.
- They ruined luke's character by making him into a coward.
- Having luke die at the end was not only bs but the way he died was pathetic and a poor send of to his character.
- Some of the cringey humour felt out of place for a star wars movie.This, except for the Luke part. I love how he turns out to be not the amazing perfect jedi everyone expected, he’s human and something in the past ruined him. And then when he realises that, he does a cool stunt and sacrifises himself.
I also looved Rey and Kylo, they cot some kind of brother-sister bond, even though it was created by Snoke. And I really hope they don’t become romantic in the next movie because that would really suck.
The lightspeed trough ship move made me wonder why it was never done before? Seems like a great weapon, and looked awesome.
I liked the plot, but there were many small annoyances.
Personally, I do like what they did with Luke. That list was mainly created out of what I have heard my family and reviews of the film say. Also, a Rey and Kylo romantic vibe would literally be a worse case scenario for the next film. The Finn and Rey romantic vibe annoyed me, the Finn and Rose romantic vibe was just pathetic, basically, can we just keep cringey and unnaturally forced romance out of films in general please? kek.
I agree with Devlin's list of negative points in this star wars movie. The most bs thing to me was unrealistic behavior of oxygen in open space, particularly when the bombing hatch of the last bomber opened with that asian girl sitting in the bombing bay and when they opened the door to open space for Leia to "fly" in in that BS scene. Like what.
As for Luke, him being a coward makes a lot of sense in the movie actually
Luke became an old whiny angry coward lost in his books and ideas that jedi are bad.
I like that they introduced yoda and made luke rethink everything and realise that jedi are not important.
It added depth to luke's character.
Also "yoda lightning" was weird. Makes you rethink how much power you have after death. You can manipulate the world around while being dead. That's weird.
also, what's the problem with gravity in the movie.
I understand that "big ships" can control gravity somehow
but small ship with opened floor (bomber)?
The most bs thing to me was unrealistic behavior of oxygen in open space, particularly when the bombing hatch of the last bomber opened with that asian girl sitting in the bombing bay and when they opened the door to open space for Leia to "fly" in in that BS scene. Like what.
what's wrong with that?
what's wrong with that?
cant tell if serious or not
if you open a door/hatch in open space all the air inside quickly escapes from the interior space and usually "sucks" you outside as well
and when youre in vacuum your own internal pressure will **** you up
suuuuuure you can say that leia somehow used the force (although in the previous episodes she was NEVER force-sensitive thus its still ****) to not fall aparts in outer space but what about that asian girl's sister that was in the bomber??
I'd guess that being sucked outside would happen, but you don't explode in space or anything...
although in the previous episodes she was NEVER force-sensitive thus its still ****
Umm... yes she is. They make a big deal about Leia being force sensitive in the original trilogy. When Luke has just lost his hand and found out Darth Vader is his father the other characters had just left in the Falcon; Leia senses Luke is still alive and they go back for him. Additionally, when they blow up the 2nd death star Han says that he hopes Luke wasn't on it at the time it blew up. Leia then says that she knows he wasn't because she could feel it.
So yes, Leia does have a connection with the force. My problem with the scene is that the visual effects looked **** and she should have died from being in space for too long.
maxi123 wrote:although in the previous episodes she was NEVER force-sensitive thus its still ****
Umm... yes she is. They make a big deal about Leia being force sensitive in the original trilogy. When Luke has just lost his hand and found out Darth Vader is his father the other characters had just left in the Falcon; Leia senses Luke is still alive and they go back for him. Additionally, when they blow up the 2nd death star Han says that he hopes Luke wasn't on it at the time it blew up. Leia then says that she knows he wasn't because she could feel it.
So yes, Leia does have a connection with the force. My problem with the scene is that the visual effects looked **** and she should have died from being in space for too long.
That kind of "feeling he/she is alive" thing isn't necessarily caused by force. There are numerous games and movies that have this kind of bond between related people. For example in TES V: Skyrim that old lady in Whiterun felt that her son was alive when everyone thought he's dead.
And even if this bond was caused purely by force, in these cases it was the force simply "telling" Leia something, while in episode VIII this space flying, so to speak, is the very first case when Leia actually uses the force.
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