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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2017-12-11 17:55:50

Joined: 2017-12-11
Posts: 3

Today's campaign world

Hi i'm Lictor,
I want my world to be move out of the campaign :
Why you changed double jump to triple jump ?
Why you edited signs ? It was a christmas world present for Oranj, removing those signs is so direspectful

just remove and ask the next time,
and stop editing levels that isn't yours

you really suck ee staff


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#2 2017-12-11 17:57:23

Formerly jkdrip
Joined: 2015-07-27
Posts: 644

Re: Today's campaign world

If I were staff I'd want proof this is actually lictor

Currently playing through: Mega Man 1-6

Listen to my in-game music! (it's pretty much all I'm good at)


#3 2017-12-11 18:01:08

Joined: 2017-12-11
Posts: 3

Re: Today's campaign world


#4 2017-12-11 18:03:48

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: Today's campaign world

AnootherAlt wrote:

Hi i'm Lictor,
I want my world to be move out of the campaign :
Why you changed double jump to triple jump ?
Why you edited signs ? It was a christmas world present for Oranj, removing those signs is so direspectful

just remove and ask the next time,
and stop editing levels that isn't yours

you really suck ee staff

the staff hav erihts to do that to make campaing poss and/or nice for others wihtout disrespectfull sings (although dont know what was writen on them)


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#5 2017-12-11 18:06:46

Joined: 2017-12-11
Posts: 3

Re: Today's campaign world

"the staff have rights to do that to make campaing poss and/or nice for others wihtout disrespectfull sings (although dont know what was writen on them)"

they are also supposed to ask me if they can use the world
and also ask before editing it and change effect / signs

just **** them, they need to buy respect


#6 2017-12-11 18:15:06

From: Serbia,probs never heard of it
Joined: 2015-02-19
Posts: 2,934

Re: Today's campaign world

As someone who got their world made into a campaign without permission (twice) I understand the feeling of working on a world and then it suddenly becomes a campaign without your knowledge and consent.
Like jeez I know you're on a 1 day time constraint Megalamb but this is such a scummy practice that you really need to change.

How long will it take me to get banned again?
Place your bets right here.


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#7 2017-12-11 18:22:44

Formerly HG
Joined: 2017-08-16
Posts: 2,306

Re: Today's campaign world

And my submitted world was declined with no tips for acceptance, apart from only a "too difficult" reason.


#8 2017-12-11 18:43:48

Joined: 2015-02-21
Posts: 4,066

Re: Today's campaign world

Copy the world and make a campaign of it and edit it how much you want. But don't touch other peoples work and destroy it for them.
This makes me so damn mad.


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#9 2017-12-11 18:54:47

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Today's campaign world

I am speechless.
Deer ee-staff, please refrain from "not being so nice".



#10 2017-12-11 19:06:07

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Today's campaign world

The staff broke their promises, and people are becoming hateful over it. This makes me sad.


#11 2017-12-11 19:16:17

Joined: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1,132

Re: Today's campaign world

Thats natural. N1KF. Someone f"makes something wrong" and people are disgruntled obviously.

Wondering if there is anyone else left from the staff, but Megalamb. Seems not.



#12 2017-12-11 19:24:52

Wiki Mod
From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ From: ဪဪဪဪဪ
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 11,167

Re: Today's campaign world

Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's okay.


#13 2017-12-11 20:05:57

Joined: 2017-12-11
Posts: 1

Re: Today's campaign world

2bad imo


#14 2017-12-11 20:10:30

Formerly Pipec
From: Mailboxٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴٴ
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Re: Today's campaign world

AnootherAlt wrote:

Hi i'm Lictor,

AnotherAltt wrote:

2bad imo

I don't believe you are lictor lol?

M2my8OF.png M2my8OF.png M2my8OF.png

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#15 2017-12-11 20:58:13, last edited by Jorc (2017-12-11 20:58:49)

From: Petoria
Joined: 2016-03-20
Posts: 1,351

Re: Today's campaign world

why did megalamb not ask lictor's permission to add his world to advent calendar even lictor said no, but megalamb didnt care and posted it?
wtf why

there's campaign rule that: staff need to ask owner of world's permission to upload into campaign. but well staff didnt care about that rule


#16 2017-12-11 21:03:54

Moderation Team
From: Hell
Joined: 2015-03-31
Posts: 3,848

Re: Today's campaign world

EEJoranasc wrote:

why did megalamb not ask lictor's permission to add his world to advent calendar even lictor said no, but megalamb didnt care and posted it?
wtf why

From what I've seen Lictor saying, I don't think he specifically said no; it's just Lictor was never asked in the first place. Had he been asked, I believe he'd probably have said yes. But since he was never asked in the first place, that's where Lictor's problem is and what he does no consider okay.

I don't know if that's Lictor's train of thought for certain, but it's what I understand of the situation. I suspect there is also the possibility that Lictor would say no considering the whole present to Oranj thing.

kMMA0S6.png dxGW6FY.png


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#17 2017-12-11 21:56:23

Joined: 2016-11-18
Posts: 726

Re: Today's campaign world

so it was meant to be an even worse hookjump world? rip

but anyway that's still pretty scummy to do, to edit someone's world like that, AND taking edit away from them.  this is not how you attract new players, this is how you drive them away.



#18 2017-12-11 22:08:25, last edited by Xenonetix (2017-12-11 23:10:34)

Past Owner
From: Moving on with my life
Joined: 2015-03-07
Posts: 899

Re: Today's campaign world

Level reverted back to exactly how it was before, and the level in the campaign changed to a different level. Sincere apologies.

Devlin wrote:
EEJoranasc wrote:

why did megalamb not ask lictor's permission to add his world to advent calendar even lictor said no, but megalamb didnt care and posted it?
wtf why

From what I've seen Lictor saying, I don't think he specifically said no; it's just Lictor was never asked in the first place

I may be mistaken, but a long while ago, I asked Lictor if he was generally ok with us using his levels in campaigns, and I believe he said yes. I did not ask specifically about this level in particular, and that was a mistake.

Full disclosure: I haven't asked Sensei1 whether we could use his level in it either, but I've had a similar conversation about using Sensei1's levels in general in campaigns.

One of the biggest issues has been that there are a number of people who have given general "consent" with a view to wanting some of their levels in campaigns, without specifying any levels in particular. One famed example was Luka504, who had said he wanted at least one of his levels used in a campaign, AND then gave consent to use VVVVVV, and then said he regretted it afterwards.

Here is a list of just some of the people who have said in the past that they do not mind if any of their levels are used in campaigns:

- Luka504
- Oray
- Lictor
- Kira
- Sensei1
- Ravatroll
- Kirby
- Master1
- CommanderKitten
- Bee
- Lickagoat
- 0176
- Kankurou

If this is incorrect for anyone on this list, please feel free to get back to me, and I will make sure it won't happen again.

All that said, this Advent Calendar campaign is not even a real campaign. After the campaign is over, all the levels are to be reverted back to exactly how they were before the Advent Calendar happened, as this Advent Calendar is just using the campaign system to deliver it. It's a disappointing side-effect that players lose their edit rights when a world is campaigned.

capasha wrote:

Copy the world and make a campaign of it and edit it how much you want. But don't touch other peoples work and destroy it for them.
This makes me so damn mad.

That's far worse.

N1KF wrote:

The staff broke their promises, and people are becoming hateful over it. This makes me sad.

Staff broke their promises long before I came along, putting almost all levels in any campaigns from 2016 onwards in without permission or consultation of any of the level owners. At least I try to seek out people and ask, and I take people literally when they say they want their worlds campaigned. Luka504 is saying on this thread that I never asked him, but that's untrue - I had a conversation with him about getting his Snake level campaigned long before it was campaigned, and he said he thought that was a good idea. I'd said there were some issues to address as there were a lot of people who did not think it should be campaigned, but Luka504 was not one of them. Similarly, I discussed with Luka504 about VVVVVV becoming campaigned before he completed the level. After level completion, I said I would add it to the campaign, and after its addition, he started saying it wasn't good enough to be campaigned, which, to me, is a view only he seems to have, but that's an aside.



#19 2017-12-11 23:25:34

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,037

Re: Today's campaign world

Are we really going to complain about a removal of offensive sign in a campaign world? Who cares if it's removed - it has no purpose to the level. It isn't like the entire world was changed.

If Lictor gave Megalamb the "ok" to use any of his worlds, then why is he angry when it's used?

People forget they don't own the content they create on the game. I think topic is just idiotic in my opinion, especially since Lictor previously gave permission to Megalamb to use any of his levels.

Very pathetic.

PSA: If you don't want the staff to use any of your levels in the game, then don't give them permission to!! @lictor @luka

This entire topic makes me ****.

Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!


#20 2017-12-11 23:40:21

Formerly 12345678908642
From: canada
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Re: Today's campaign world

Emalton wrote:

Are we really going to complain about a removal of offensive sign in a campaign world? Who cares if it's removed - it has no purpose to the level. It isn't like the entire world was changed.

If Lictor gave Megalamb the "ok" to use any of his worlds, then why is he angry when it's used?

People forget they don't own the content they create on the game. I think topic is just idiotic in my opinion, especially since Lictor previously gave permission to Megalamb to use any of his levels.

Very pathetic.

PSA: If you don't want the staff to use any of your levels in the game, then don't give them permission to!! @lictor @luka

This entire topic makes me ****.

The problem isn't the world being campaigned. It isn't the removal of the sign (though i'd argue against that too). It's the major changes to the gameplay (changing the 2jump to 3jump) without being given permission to do so.

Also, ipwner didnt show any signs of being notified of their world being campaigned ?

suddenly random sig change


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#21 2017-12-11 23:43:29

Joined: 2019-01-11
Posts: 2,037

Re: Today's campaign world

Slabdrill wrote:

It's the major changes to the gameplay (changing the 2jump to 3jump)

It's not a significant change to the gameplay though.

Miss Everybody Edits and your old friends? Check out and reconnect with the community!


#22 2017-12-12 05:44:52, last edited by iPwner (2017-12-12 05:46:18)

From: CaliforNYAN Land.
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 1,514

Re: Today's campaign world

Mega Lamb wrote:

I discussed with Luka504 about VVVVVV becoming campaigned before he completed the level. After level completion, I said I would add it to the campaign, and after its addition, he started saying it wasn't good enough to be campaigned, which, to me, is a view only he seems to have, but that's an aside.

I just wanted to say that I strongly second this view with utmost reverboir. ;-0 There are many other unkempt doo's that shouldn't be campaigned, but that's a shining star e.g!


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