Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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"Just telling history" and "This should be okay because we are not bad, but people in history are" are not good excuses for this.
If you want to tell legit history of something touching as this - make it qualitatively. Not like this:
This looks more like making fun of |bad things happend in history/suffers of people| in a childish form
leftmost: What's wrong with that? I needed a way to differentiate the officials from the people in the camp.
middle: What's wrong with that? From the information I had about the holocaust from school (not much), that should be somewhat accurate (aside from the swastika).
rightmost: **** ipwner (what is that supposed to be anyway)
suddenly random sig change
Slabdrill wrote:rightmost: **** ipwner (what is that supposed to be anyway)
That's not the only instance of the "gun" block being used inappropriately.
of the ones i can remember:
ISIS camp with them shooting people: Do they not do this? I believed that an extremist would go to such an extent if necessary.
People shooting the guy in the US: Easiest way to express "trying to overthrow" without signs.
Display at the end: This one is fine im pretty sure
The thing in russia: idk ask ipwner
I don't actually remember any other use of guns.
the title of your world that depicted the holocaust (amongst other things) was called "cultural enrichment".........
anyways i just repeated what mega said about the world not being publishable, it's not my decision b/c i'm not a staff member
And what's wrong with that? The blocks allow showing these negative points in history far better than is doable with existing blocks (see world linked in OP (pre-clear (get it from atilla's world service thingy if needed))).
right but you never said it was mega's decision until after i made the post and was already really angry at you so i assumed it was just sorta a collective idea.
As a note, i saw cola1 in the world (in OP) the other day. They seemed to have a less extreme reaction over the world as a few other people have.
suddenly random sig change
As a note, i saw cola1 in the world (in OP) the other day. They seemed to have a less extreme reaction over the world as a few other people have.
because a competent judge doesnt reveal their opinions until the end
I want to hear that megalamb can atleast hear where we are coming from, but it doesnt seem he can. If he cant it isnt a very far step for him to think that my group is genuinely made up of mean spirited racists. This couldnt be further from the truth. Infact in several instances from the level we have specifically exaggerated the cruel nature of some of these societies. Some people may say we are joking despite the fact that we have repeatedly said we are not it is obviously a very sick thing to do to joke about these historical periods.
All we want is to entertain people, which before our world was shut down, we did. Even one of the judges said they "laughed several times while playing the level". During this time exactly 0 people said they were offended by it. Most of them specifically commented to me that they enjoyed it and could see the historical context. Megalamb, can you understand that?
I also want to talk about goshas post in order to say that i really genuinely am not kidding and need you to spell out in words where the problem in these images are. The left one is a guy holding a sword...ok? The second one is a very small image of a whole train given you didnt show the whole train i get the feeling your not even talking about that your specifically talking about the swastika. Yes it is a racist symbol. Nowhere are we condoning it. It doesnt say anywhere that gasing the jews is a good thing, and depending on how you read into it says several times it is a horrendous thing. If you cant see that its because art is subjective, so if you censor it we cannot learn from it. The last one is a picture of a cow. There's also a meme about soviet russia which afaik has no racist origins? Please explain whats wrong with these things CLEARLY you guys have not been very clear. I may actually just not be seeing these things like i said the art is subjective. Heck there might be something wrong with the cow that ipwner put in intentionally that i legitmately didnt understand. That said i still dont see it.
I'd also like to remind everyone the name of the game. EVERYBODY EDITS. EVERYBODY. This suggests to me that the game is founded on free speech. It's right in the title. If you start by censoring this level it's a slippery slope that I could make a case that I am offended by every single level in the game. I dont think I need to explain further the importance of free speech. Maybe some of you arent american (benjaminsen isnt either), but I still think its important that the administration understands how this is what makes the game great.
If you start by censoring this level it's a slippery slope
I dont think I need to explain further the importance of free speech
differentiate the officials from the people in the camp
one would think that the officials would be the ones that don't have the star of david on top of them
and honestly i AM much more inclined to think you're
genuinely made up of mean spirited racists
than just completely naive and thinking that it's socially acceptable to refer to the holocaust, isis, child slavery, and whatever russia was as "cultural enrichment"
people start out as joking, which leads to people who actually believe these things thinking it's accepted, to the jokers ALSO believing it, to people becoming extremists etc, to people getting ran over at a rally for not believing in their cause
All we want is to entertain people
i, too, think child slavery and the deaths of six million people, and isis killing people is entertaining.
look. your world wasn't to educate or prove any sort of point, it was stupid edginess that is quite honestly tiresome.
already really angry at you
mate, i was so angry at you that i couldn't judge more worlds that night, went to bed, woke up, and was still angry. was legit hoping y'all'd get banned for it but right now that feels a little too far.
it was just an extremely tasteless world and you knew what you were doing while you made it.
i was expecting a decent world but what i got was a slap in the face and a recreation of the holocaust
proc's discorb stylish themes for forums/the game
꧁꧂L O V E & C O R N꧁꧂ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
danke bluecloud thank u raphe [this section of my sig is dedicated to everything i've loved that's ever died]
ok so while i get parts of your view there's one major thing that i'm not too sure about: ML mentioned "references to drugs" and I can't come up with any spot where this occurs. While I see what he means by "disrespect to ... cultures", I don't agree that it's disrespectful to Indian people.
PS. ipwner made a very large majority of the stuff talked about in this thread.
So there's one part made specifically to be brutal that no one made any comments about? Both me and muffin thought it would be the most offensive part of the level, but no one even mentioned it at all.
suddenly random sig change
Both me and muffin thought it would be the most offensive part of the level,
So you consider there to be a most offensive part to the level... that means you knew the world as a whole would be offensive whilst building it.
Slabdrill wrote:Both me and muffin thought it would be the most offensive part of the level,
So you consider there to be a most offensive part to the level... that means you knew the world as a whole would be offensive whilst building it.
Slabdrill misspoke there the context we talked about it was not what was the most offensive part but what was "the most brutal part". As we have said we believe that while history can be brutal, that you can learn from it, and the only reason to be offended by it is if you dont understand it. You guys have yet to point out any part of the level where we advocate any of the things happening when infact the contrary is true. Would you shut down a history museum which had a nazi artifact exhibit?
I plan to address zoeys post later i was hoping for a response from megalamb, who I will respond to at the same time. Maybe gosha too if he responds.
You've claimed you were not joking. If that's the case, you might not have wanted to suggest it was clearly meant to be a joke with "1st Plaze" and an inappropriate pun on Phinarose's name. From the sounds of it, from Muffin and Slabdrill, it sounds like iPwner was your Achilles Heel in this contest, so I would turn to him. I understand the beef reference, and it's not appropriate. The level primarily promotes terrorism, drugs, and the slave trade, rather than in any way trying to educate people about them. I understand if there were an educational intent behind the level, but if that were the case, I would have expected a far more professional-looking level including explanations.
Ignoring all of those points, from a purely logical point of view, the main key factors for the staff disallowing the level is due to the standard Everybody Edits rules, the pertinent ones of which I have highlighted:
Rules of Everybody Edits:
Do not create/send content that:
is illegal.
contains references to the use of drugs, sexual acts or violence.
contains swearing at others or bypasses the word filter.
discriminates other people based on their religion, race, sex, political beliefs, age, sexuality, or anything else.
incites harm against people or encourages others to do so.
contains others' personal or confidential information.
impersonates someone in a misleading or deceptive manner.
As a result, the relevant consequences are outlined:
Rules of Everybody Edits:
Breaking the rules:
Depending on the situation, breaking the rules can have consequences such as:
deletion of the offending world.
a temporary ban.
complete suspension of your account.
If anything, considering 5 out of 7 of the primary Everybody Edits rules have been broken, I think the staff have been immeasurably lenient on the team members involved having not banned any of them yet.
P.S. You've stated that if people understood the references, they would not be offended. You've also stated that this level is meant to educate people. Those two things cannot go hand-in-hand. Either you have to explain the references in the level directly for it to educate, or you're expecting people already educated enough to recognize references that can only be considered offensive. I have also not referred to what you claim may be the "most offensive part" of the level for the very reason that it is the "most offensive part" of the level, and there is really no need to point it out when there are plenty of other severely inappropriate subjects to bring up as to why this level should have never existed on a children's sandbox game.
kreacher, mutantdevle, Gosha, Anch, Tomch, Xfrogman43, Onjit
We cannot argue that we havent done any of these things until you tell us how we have done them. I maintain that this world is neutral (not "educational"), and that there is nothing wrong with that. Would we be allowed to release the world under the caveat that we did some research and wrote it on signs? I have spoken to my teammates and length and we still cant find the drug reference anywhere, and we built it. Please, please, tell us where it is. We are dead serious when we say we dont know.
There are jokes in the map but they are not about the cultures at all.
We cannot argue that we havent done any of these things until you tell us how we have done them. I maintain that this world is neutral (not "educational"), and that there is nothing wrong with that. Would we be allowed to release the world under the caveat that we did some research and wrote it on signs? I have spoken to my teammates and length and we still cant find the drug reference anywhere, and we built it. Please, please, tell us where it is. We are dead serious when we say we dont know.
There are jokes in the map but they are not about the cultures at all.
dude look at the blocks you used not cool to some kids just accep what megalam says and if you are in the team you did somethign to the contest you could atleast say your opinion about th eblocks and/or chnage them so you cant say youy did nothigign wrong
thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell
you guys are retarded if you think you have any argument for things like that belonging in a children's game. This isn't the place to "educate" people on the holocaust and whatever else you find edgy. Start a blog or something if you really care that much.
Evilbunny (in cursive)
When I say "most offensive part", I mean that "since no one mentioned it at all, it's likely that that part is actually far less offensive (in your eyes) than everything else, yet we believe it's more offensive than everything else." If we assume that both parties assume the scene is just as offensive, you're overstating 99% of the level.
Also, I'd point out the scene if i had the ability to, like, fly through walls or something like that...
Note that second on that list is the gas chamber.
suddenly random sig change
ee isnt a children's game
more adults play nowadays than kids
ee isnt a children's game
more adults play nowadays than kids
I disagree with that statement but regardless of the player base the target audience of the game is children and as such things will be kept child friendly.
cool world
we still cant find the drug reference anywhere
u blind it says drugs sexual or VIOLENCE
Est. December 2010
you guys are **** if you think you have any argument for things like that belonging in a children's game.
This is a children's game? The staff seemed to have been distancing from that for a while. They loosened up on the rules, left a common offensive word uncensored, had a rule-breaker become a moderator, and are generally a lot less professional than the original team. It's only when they're supported by the majority of the forum that they backpedal on that.
Basically, it's a democracy led by a bunch of rebellious teens and young adults. It's kind of sad to see what this game has turned into. I know we can do better than this.
This isn't the place to "educate" people on the holocaust and whatever else you find edgy. Start a blog or something if you really care that much.
We have a campaign world about suicide. If this really is a children's game like Mega Lamb says, dark topics can be acceptable if done tastefully.
We should have monarch-owner (like chris) who could say "no" and it's final world without any debates. Not this democracy with noobs
We should have monarch-owner (like chris) who could say "no" and it's final world without any debates. Not this democracy with noobs
This isn't a democracy lol. The whole discussion in this thread is pointless because their world is going to remain disqualified regardless of what people think.
Gosha wrote:We should have monarch-owner (like chris) who could say "no" and it's final world without any debates. Not this democracy with noobs
This isn't a democracy lol. The whole discussion in this thread is pointless because their world is going to remain disqualified regardless of what people think.
How do you know that?
Devlin wrote:Gosha wrote:We should have monarch-owner (like chris) who could say "no" and it's final world without any debates. Not this democracy with noobs
This isn't a democracy lol. The whole discussion in this thread is pointless because their world is going to remain disqualified regardless of what people think.
How do you know that?
It would appear that Megalamb has been speaking on behalf of the staff team throughout this thread. I'm fairly certain he's made it clear that the world violates EE rules and is being disqualified. Even if this was up to the community as a whole I doubt it would be allowed since most of us agree it isn't exactly appropriate for EE.
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