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#76 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Hey gais I think tat my crew wil win bcuz I made it n it has halloween art in it n stuf
My places:
1: cry kid cry
1: mg alcatraz (my map // )
1: might morfin unclear cause k
1: spooky iland

Dont tink im arrogant or nything bcuz I hav my crew there but we r really good so it belongs there

#77 Before February 2015

DK Levels

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Shy Guy wrote:

1: might morfin unclear cause k

... What?
-The Mighty Morphin Block Arrangers
-I don't give a Financially Unclear Cause,K?
^ 2 different teams JS.

Last edited by DK Levels (Nov 12 2011 7:02:43 am)

#78 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Carvers Of Victory,just no.No.The only thing really Halloween theme is the pumpkin and the spider and its not very detailed or creepy to me.

The whole level is Halloween themed. It's a combination of traditional american Halloween, and the supernatural. The art was supposed to look cartoony, that's the point. Art doesn't have to be realistic to be good!

#79 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

I think we have all been overlooking (myself included) JAA and the codstormers map; HakasHouseOfFun.
It seems to have been designed very well for minigames; which are executed well.
I wouldn't be surprised to see it do well.

#80 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

My new list:

1. Cod Stormers
1. CoV
1. Cry kid Cry

2. Irakas Halloween Night
2. I don't give a financially unclear cause k?
2. Halloween Castle GD

3. Alcatraz (maybe)
3. MX Crew (love their mini games)
3. Pumpkin Grave Fright
3. KO crew

Last edited by Calicara (Nov 12 2011 8:45:17 am)

#81 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Failgirl101 wrote:

My new list:

1. Cod Stormers
1. CoV
1. Cry kid Cry

2. Irakas Halloween Night
2. I don't give a financially unclear cause k?
2. Halloween Castle GD

3. Alcatraz (maybe)
3. MX Crew (love their mini games)
3. Pumpkin Grave Fright
3. KO crew

Will you please stop posting who you want to win. You have atleast posted this 5 times... we only need to see it once. So please stfu and gtfo. Thanks!

#82 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Why should she Stfu? This topic is about who you think will win the competiton. So she posts her choices, she has all the right to do that. So it's you should think before you act.

#83 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

^That, infact she actually posted a differant updated post, so it wasn't the same.

#84 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-02-18
Posts: 1,320

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

johan wrote:

I hope that my group will win, I honestly think that it's the best map by far in this competition, and maybe, if it won, it would inspire people to at least consider the design of the minimap instead of creating "stupid art".

yay go team #99, I strongly doubt that the judges will understand it tho.

yeah,good luck anyways.
Even if art wasn't best you guys can make,it still deserves second or first place.

Best luck to all others,too!


#85 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Yeah i did think That Cod-stomers world was well made. And the minis fully blended in with the art. ~

Last edited by MRBOOGAWESOME (Nov 12 2011 11:05:19 am)

#86 Before February 2015

Shy Guy

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

We might as well just close this topic down because its just going to start a flame war.

#87 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Shy Guy wrote:

We might as well just close this topic down because its just going to start a flame war.

Where is there signs of a flame war beggining. (with the exeption of the rant on failgirls self promotion) <- But thats over now. Because people might disagree with others opinions?

#88 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

I honestly think the judges are 100% base the winners off of minimap art. So here is my list..

1.cry kid cry
1.dazz's level
1.Mgs lvl

#89 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Zoidy? wrote:

I honestly think the judges are 100% base the winners off of minimap art. So here is my list..

1.cry kid cry
1.dazz's level
1.Mgs lvl

I thought we made good minis but it's obvious we didn't deliver to some users. //

#90 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Failgirl101 wrote:

My new list:

1. Cod Stormers
1. CoV
1. Cry kid Cry

2. Irakas Halloween Night
2. I don't give a financially unclear cause k?
2. Halloween Castle GD

3. Alcatraz (maybe)
3. MX Crew (love their mini games)
3. Pumpkin Grave Fright
3. KO crew

Woohoo, yay, your my new favourite fourmer //

#91 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Lol, I don't want to start a flame war I just like promoting my opinions. Besides I update my list when I re-post it and all my posts are on topic so I'll post here as much as I feel like, and I'll make sure it's on topic.

@EEninja: That's great // , I really did like your level and even if it wasn't finished the art is still decent and the mini games are fun. I hope it gets 3rd.

Lots of luck to everyone.


#92 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Supadorf24 wrote:

Although I can't say I've played all the levels yet, I can say that there is at least one dark horse in this competition.

#19. Team GD's Halloween Castle GD

Made by people I can almost guarantee you've never heard of but also one of the best levels with a very nice blend of minimap and in-game art, something that's extremely difficult to pull off. I haven't played through the whole level yet, but the part I did play through was very good.

OMG thats my level //

#93 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

nobody said XP crew, Im sad....

I still think we can get 3º place.

#94 Before February 2015

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Jaybm wrote:
Supadorf24 wrote:

Although I can't say I've played all the levels yet, I can say that there is at least one dark horse in this competition.

#19. Team GD's Halloween Castle GD

Made by people I can almost guarantee you've never heard of but also one of the best levels with a very nice blend of minimap and in-game art, something that's extremely difficult to pull off. I haven't played through the whole level yet, but the part I did play through was very good.

OMG thats my level //

ah I was looking for that // I couldn't remember the name though.
Slightly changed list:
1st - M.M.B.A (amazing fun level)
1st - Cry kid cry (self promotion ftw)
1st - Cod-stormers (best level I think)
1st - Carvers of victory (It was a toss up with scar, but I like this better)
2nd - Scar (pretty freaking epic)
2nd - Team GD's (amazing level, if it had better minis it could get 1st)
2nd - Mirage of colton (epic art, somewhat ok minis)
2nd - Unclear cause thingy (sense when did parody maps look so good?)
3rd - MGcrew (haha no.)
3rd - MXcrew (haha yeah.)
3rd - KLEcrew (nice art/minis.)
3rd - KOcrew (amazingly stunning art... work on the minis...)
Okay there we go, and I put something in parenthesis on each one // (may be helpful, most likely not.)



#95 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Here's what I think all the winners will say after the contest:

#96 Before February 2015

Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 4,307

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

(1) EX crew first place
(1) EX crew first place
(1) EX crew first place
(1) EX crew first place
(2) EX crew first place
(2) EX crew first place
(2) EX crew first place
(2) EX crew first place
(3) EX crew first place
(3) EX crew first place
(3) EX crew first place
(3) EX crew first place


#97 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

Wizard Mountain.

#98 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

KRAZYMAN50 wrote:

Here's what I think all the winners will say after the contest:

I'll make sure to do that if I win //

#99 Before February 2015


Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

hmm the people that every one is saying that are gonna win have very good maps but i thick some people also just give them some credit because there famous probberly i am wrong.
and there are much more than the general pro crew like mg

#100 Before February 2015

plat aka kingpooultra
Joined: 2017-05-27
Posts: 3,873

Re: Predict The Halloween contest winners

I was expecting no one would say my entry.



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