Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Seems a common phrase we've been floating around. I don't think we've focused on it though. It sounds interesting nevertheless.
As far as I can tell, it's the idea of creating an entirely new game, distinct from EE yet not distinct. Some traits similar yet different.
So I have some questions if we'd care to touch on them.
What are the central tenets we would keep? Multiplayer? Level editor? Two dimensions?
What should change? I.e., if we still have smileys, should we cut back on our sprites? If still blocks, should we have fewer? What about action blocks? They seem a bit intense.
Something about gravity (bobithan's topic)
Is there actually someone looking to undertake the task if the community could decide on something?
Of course, are we even in a good position to decide what would be better, given that we're apparently otherwise enjoying something that generally most others aren't?
I'm just interested in this amorphous idea. If anyone has their own points that'd be cool.
What are the central tenets we would keep? Multiplayer? Level editor? Two dimensions?
i think all of these should be kept, along with friends and the shop to an extent
What should change? I.e., if we still have smileys, should we cut back on our sprites? If still blocks, should we have fewer? What about action blocks? They seem a bit intense.
smileys should not be kept. i dont know how, but they should be changed into more interesting characters. remember, chris ripped off the old facebook emojis for ee. all normal blocks should not cost money, due to them being purely decorative. action blocks should be more varied
Something about gravity (bobithan's topic)
anything towwl says ee wise i agree with
Is there actually someone looking to undertake the task if the community could decide on something?
we do have a big programming section
A spiritual successor should feel like the game it's based off of, without having to be related to the franchise. I believe Freedom Planet is the best thing to look at for that: Based off of old Sonic games, yet completely distinct. Most of the graphics and audio are completely different, while the gameplay itself is fundamentally the same.
Anywho, now that I've said what everyone knows anyways, here's my imagining: If I were to make the game myself, I'd remove smileys and replace them with fully customize-able cartoonish creatures of a particular species, and then name the game that species (ie bats or frogs). The physics would change to better represent how the creature acts. The shop would be replaced by an achievement system to gain additional custom parts for your avatar. Achievements would include things such as "Place 10,000 blocks" or "Complete [saved map] with <x deaths." Since there is no shop, energy (or a similar regenerating resource) would not be necessary. You would get worlds by staying online gradually, with a setting that allows you to work towards a certain kind of world. Magic in the form of exclusive custom parts and blocks would be kept (but maybe call it something else, just for fun. Same thing for coins.). Worlds, the lobby, campaigns, crews, friends, in-game chat, and world IDs would be kept. Would add a lobby chat, improve block selection (somebody suggested a custom quickbar?), and different modes of gameplay (turn your world into a side (or up/down)-shooter, RPG, platformer, racer, etc). Also add level scrolling for a number of gameplay modes.
Well, that's what I'm envisioning anyways. I don't have the time or interest to get involved in game-developing.
Currently playing through: Mega Man 1-6
Listen to my in-game music! (it's pretty much all I'm good at)
I think physics should be redone entirely, but the game should remain a 2D platformer.
The UI should also be redone entirely. There was a thread a while back about a UI redesign and Onjit posted something I really liked. Very different from what we have now.
All of the current graphics should be trashed for a spiritual successor, but I think it would be important to keep the general aesthetic that EE currently has. A switch to unity is a great opportunity for vector graphics rather than the current and quite limited 16x16 pixelated style that is prevalent now. Smileys should be kept but redone to separate them from Facebook. I think smileys are great for EE because they are easily exploitable into many different designs as we see in the EE of now.
Smileys should roll instead of glide like they do now which suits the slippery style of platforming that EE has (I like the friction as it is now that I think about it, maybe with some minor adjustments my main gripe is gravity). Smileys should kick up a small amount of dust as they roll and jump and land and decelerate and should also make simple sounds to give further weight.
The camera should be suited for all sorts of resolutions, fullscreen and windowed.
The shop should stay similar to how it is now. Keep prices around the same but make energy generate much faster and give people more to start out with. I think the shop is important to force new users to pace themselves in how they learn to use different blocks.
Keep most if not all current action blocks and effects, cutting those that don't mesh well with the new engine or, better yet, tweaking them to be better to play. A lot of the current effects that modify physics are underwhelming and I think they have a lot of potential if better care is given to them.
The lobby should only be sorted by online count and be a separate entity from a level library where people publish their worlds. The lobby would have a more social focus, where the library would have a more creative focus.
Online and live editing should be kept. It's the most important thing in EE I think. Crews also help with that.
Open worlds need something to counteract autoclickers and should only contain blocks and gravity.
Friends should be kept.
Only have basic starting blocks and smileys like when EE was initially released. The shop should only have worlds, action blocks, and effects to start. New smileys, block texture packs, and decorations shouldnt be bothered with to start.
Profiles should only have a list of worlds the user published.
The development of a "spiritual successor" of EE should be focused entirely on making something new. It shouldnt be EE, it should be a better game than that. No assets from EE should be directly ported over: no sprites, no physics, no UI. It should look and feel new, but with the core of the game still there. Even so, I don't think it's important to start adding too many things that would be considered totally new features. Focus on what we have now to mold it into a more robust game, because that game is there, just covered in a thick layer of scum.
I typed this all out on my phone so this is kind of a mess of a post but I do really care about this stupid game and want a platformer with the core elements of EE: grid based world, online, collaborative, gravity shenanigans (but better than what we have now), artistic, creative.
aka towwl
For the last few weeks I've been thinking about a minimalist block set that would help out the game. Like a group of 40-60 blocks that the game could stick to because there's no way all 500+ blocks are needed. It just makes things way more complex than they need to be.
I think if a spiritual successor still followed the examples from the first bullet, an interesting change would be to remove direct counters such as:
- how many users are online (everyone)
- how many worlds are online
- how many plays a world has
- how many users are online (per world)
These points of data are useful to those responsible for the game to make business decisions, but not ordinary players (generally kids/teens). I've recently seen forum topics using said data points (provided on EE) for seemingly redundant conversations on the state/deterioration of the game. Furthermore, users may look at these numbers and mentally rank themselves against other creators, like on Twitter and YouTube.
On that note, worlds should not be organized by category. Instead, maybe:
- more detailed friend history (rather than current world, displays their past 5 playthroughs)
- completely random set of world titles and minimap previews that refreshes every so often
- what creators (of the spiritual successor) have enjoyed playing on their own time
In sum, the displaying of worlds should be free of algorithms/analytics.
01 / 17 / 2012 <3
Furthermore, users may look at these numbers and mentally rank themselves against other creators, like on Twitter and YouTube.
Why is that a bad thing? Competition motivates. People like to feel like they're doing something meaningful, which can include getting to the top of the lobby.
Why is that a bad thing? Competition motivates. People like to feel like they're doing something meaningful, which can include getting to the top of the lobby.
Perhaps this successor does not have to deal with competition and more with what the player wants to create from the beginning.
01 / 17 / 2012 <3
Perhaps this successor does not have to deal with competition and more with what the player wants to create from the beginning.
This game has a lot more activity when there's a contest. That's because people naturally want recognition for the work they do.
This game has a lot more activity when there's a contest. That's because people naturally want recognition for the work they do.
I feel like the successor can do well by being accepting of both the competitive and more relaxed creators. Contest submissions should be separated from completed, freely thought up projects when searching in the lobby.
01 / 17 / 2012 <3
On the topic of counters, I can agree to a degree: the counters that most obviously show how tepid our following could be less emphasized. So, numbers about the obvious overall counts of the users here would be something to be rid of. However, individual competition could be useful. Sure, someone could just add them up. But, we don't have to hit them over the head with that data
Bimps, 'we do have a big programming section' yeah but at the same time, in two words, bystander effect. Having a lot of "wow yeah you should do that" isn't the same as "wow, yes I will do this"
All: I'd like to somehow tally or generalize the beliefs we each might have, but obviously we can't really weight everything evenly or the idea would be terrifying. And yes I have yet to read everyone in depth kthx
but can we all agree to some extent that a second attempt would need to be more simplified? That would suggest that if someone takes issue with an idea, we shouldn't respond by saying "oh, well let's add this complication." instead, we might just need to accept that the idea isn't viably simple.
Imo if you take, add some counters + a section for saved worlds, you have all of the core ee mechanics you'd need
how about EE 2
Imo if you take, add some counters + a section for saved worlds, you have all of the core ee mechanics you'd need
So, haxEE
Now that I think of it, a second physics change isn't that big of a deal.
When EE increased the height of the jump along with several other mechanics, it broke a ton of worlds. However, that was progress.
A second change would, of course, mean a fresh start, but it's a reasonable sacrifice for the future of this game.
Physics change multiplayer don't have 133742069666 items win
idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot idot
how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
aka towwl
Prodigy wrote:how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
Let's take it back to childhood times and call it Destroy, Build, Destroy.
I'd play any EE if it had 300+ players online 24/7.
One bot to rule them all, one bot to find them. One bot to bring them all... and with this cliché blind them.
Prodigy wrote:how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
How about Everyone Edits?
Bobithan wrote:Prodigy wrote:how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
How about Everyone Edits?
how about everybody gets the code
Freckleface wrote:Bobithan wrote:Prodigy wrote:how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
How about Everyone Edits?
how about everybody gets the code
call it "those that get the privilege of editing can edit worlds, as long as they are not breaking the code of conduct. unless you are in an open world, in that case Everybody Edits ©"
and this can be the theme
Prodigy wrote:how about EE 2
It shouldn't be called Everybody Edits imo
idk what it should be called though
stop blatantly advertising your ****
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