Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?
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Throwback when I asked phina to ban someone for calling me her boyfriend and spreading trash.
Phina was like "I cant do anything about it".
Well, ik it wasnt phina's problem.
She could warn her or even banning her. for atleast one day? or less?
What about abusing her powers?
What about "violencing" DRSTEREOS?
She has banned innoncent ppl without any proof.
She has banned ppl accidently coz their name were similar to another one's.
Pls dont say "these things happen" coz thats trash.
What about looking to make an admin unban them?
A lot of innoncent ppl are still permabanned.
She is not as active as she should be.
Well ik she cared about her graduation, which is rlly good.
But pls dont be a mod if you know you wont give a damn.
Even for some months.
Because thats not the job of a mod.
Anyways, phina lied many times.
As for example saying "she would unban a guy named kubapolish if he would stop spamming worlds" which is clearly trash.
Some guys on discord asked her why are realmaster and seb135 still banned?
RM hasnt spammed open worlds since months
Anyways, phina answered with "Idk about seb"
Wow, nice way to get out of this.
Seb, kuba and RM are just -3 active enough ppl.
As you can see our community gets everytime smaller.
Come on, ban me too.
Anyways, if you mean these are only 3 ppl.
What if someone leaves because he means that EE is **** without these 3 people?
There go 4 people.
That number could increase.
There goes a game.
Phina if you are reading this, proove me wrong.
I think we are done here.
There were bots loved by the community, everyone loved, danielcool1 even recorded
These bots were all RM's. They are obviously Flood Escape and Smiley Wars
Yet, they decided to delete the worlds.
Me too. I'd like phina to be demoded.
Me too. I'd like phina to be demoded.
I think that would be the best for us.
Btw guys check out the edited thing.
whose alt is this?
evrytimwhose alt is this?
This is just because phina is following the rules, you cant just ban people for things that its not your job to punish, and you cant just ignore harassment (its not like they are going to stop, theyve been doing it for a long time, and have had pleanty or warnings)
I guess this is bad, but I'm sure that she unbanned them as soon as she noticed the mistake
You cant blame someone for not being active during exams or whatever... They affect the rest of your life
Youre basically saying 'She's lying because I dont think she is telling the truth'... How do you know??? You cant just say because realmaster and seb are still banned, because they did it lots more than kubapolish did, so pretty much deserve to be permabanned...
I play EBE and EE. I play more EBE because the staff is activer than by EE. and the updates are freqentlier. Phinarose was in EBE to tell all members of EBE must leave. She is going to far. I would like Kira back as mod. EBE is growing and I help Marco witch cool levels. Early was EE pupulair but it is slowing dying. A frensh player Loukas leave EE and joins EBE.
You cant blame someone for not being active during exams or whatever... They affect the rest of your life
You got a point. However, she should had atleast notified everybody by doing a public announcement.
Youre basically saying 'She's lying because I dont think she is telling the truth'... How do you know??? You cant just say because realmaster and seb are still banned, because they did it lots more than kubapolish did, so pretty much deserve to be permabanned...
Look. Kuba did much more than them. Seb and RM spammed EE Open worlds like ... 3 times? Kuba did about 10+.
And why not giving realmaster and seb another chance?
Again, seb and realmaster haven't spammed open worlds for months.Kuba did yesterday.
I play EBE and EE. I play more EBE because the staff is activer than by EE. and the updates are freqentlier. Phinarose was in EBE to tell all members of EBE must leave. She is going to far. I would like Kira back as mod. EBE is growing and I help Marco witch cool levels. Early was EE pupulair but it is slowing dying. A frensh player Loukas leave EE and joins EBE.
That sad moment when a remake is better than the original one.
Phinarose went in my world and told me to leave EBE or she would ban me from EE. I barely can tell if NVD would allow that.
destroyer123 wrote:Youre basically saying 'She's lying because I dont think she is telling the truth'... How do you know??? You cant just say because realmaster and seb are still banned, because they did it lots more than kubapolish did, so pretty much deserve to be permabanned...
Look. Kuba did much more than them. Seb and RM spammed EE Open worlds like ... 3 times? Kuba did about 10+.
And why not giving realmaster and seb another chance?Again, seb and realmaster haven't spammed open worlds for months.Kuba did yesterday.
Wait... So a lot of those open world spams around when seb was banned were kuba? If this is true, I guess you have a point that they could be unbanned soon, although I guess its hard to tell who it is actually doing it, when they could be using a VPN or whatever
Isn't NVD the only one who can demod? If so, she won't be until he gets back.....Not like she would get demodded anyways
thanks zoey aaaaaaaaaaaand thanks latif for the avatar
Well this is quite an interesting post. First of all, this kubapolish issue, I did say I would unban him if he were to stop. However, I didn't promise that I would right away, I am giving it a couple weeks to make sure this isn't going to happen again and if he really wants to be unbanned than it shouldn't be an issue. The thing is im not going to unban someone right away when they have constantly keep doing the same thing over and over again. Secondly, claiming I am "inactive" is another lie because I am on everyday and as a matter of fact I'm one of the more active mods on the team. Also claiming I don't "give a damn" is another false statement. I enjoy being able to interact with the community and being able to help people with issues that they may have. Also this entire EBE thing isn't a problem for me. I have never once threatened realmaster42 to leave EBE or anyone else to leave EBE. This is because I simply don't care if others use the EBE server. It is THEIR choice whether or not they want to use EBE or EE, and if they choose to use EBE I have no issue with that, and I have said this in the past. Lastly the whole DRSTEREOS thing, I went into a world he had yesterday because he had some signs up in his world telling a story that was basically harassing a couple of EE players. This is not okay whatsoever, which is why I decided to clear it. I then gave him a warning and that was that. I understand the community if currently unhappy about the current state of EE, but claiming that I do not care or that I'm reckless with my role as moderator is something that I do take personally.
I would unban him
tbh i spammed these worlds again only bcs you /clear /saved worlds for no real reason.
the whole DRSTEREOS thing, I went into a world he had yesterday because he had some signs up in his world telling a story that was basically harassing a couple of EE players.
""""harassing"""" lol
if mysteryonion mysterion doesnt like it why cant he just ignore it
good thing i saved the level to eeditor before you cleared it LOL
see this is why ee is dying
ee staff is banning ppl and /clear /saving ppl worlds
how do you want to keep this game alive
Wtf I love phina
She is one of the most active Ee staff members
Plus, GiganticBeta bought beta and there is no way he could hack...
Yeah, just because they bought beta means they shouldn't ever get banned, they are above the rules!
No, that's not how it works. You don't buy special privileges to do whatever you want.
Octapousse wrote:destroyer123 wrote:Youre basically saying 'She's lying because I dont think she is telling the truth'... How do you know??? You cant just say because realmaster and seb are still banned, because they did it lots more than kubapolish did, so pretty much deserve to be permabanned...
Look. Kuba did much more than them. Seb and RM spammed EE Open worlds like ... 3 times? Kuba did about 10+.
And why not giving realmaster and seb another chance?Again, seb and realmaster haven't spammed open worlds for months.Kuba did yesterday.
Wait... So a lot of those open world spams around when seb was banned were kuba? If this is true, I guess you have a point that they could be unbanned soon, although I guess its hard to tell who it is actually doing it, when they could be using a VPN or whatever
It's not hard to tell that they were doing it when it was tied to their actual account and IP the first time they did.
MatthijsFidder wrote:I play EBE and EE. I play more EBE because the staff is activer than by EE. and the updates are freqentlier. Phinarose was in EBE to tell all members of EBE must leave. She is going to far. I would like Kira back as mod. EBE is growing and I help Marco witch cool levels. Early was EE pupulair but it is slowing dying. A frensh player Loukas leave EE and joins EBE.
That sad moment when a remake is better than the original one.
Phinarose went in my world and told me to leave EBE or she would ban me from EE. I barely can tell if NVD would allow that.
I doubt that, where's your evidence?
You got a point. However, she should had atleast notified everybody by doing a public announcement.
There's other moderators on the team besides herself.
Throwback when I asked phina to ban someone for calling me her boyfriend and spreading trash.Phina was like "I cant do anything about it".
Well, ik it wasnt phina's problem.
She could warn her or even banning her. for atleast one day? or less?
That isn't against the rules, not everyone is an easily offended butthurt child. People aren't entitled to a safe space.
Maybe they should change their world to /visible false to hide from the micro-aggressions or use the /mute command.
What about abusing her powers?
What about "violencing" DRSTEREOS?
Dont say "DRSTEREOS' fault" because phina could peaceful ask drstereos to clear the world or simple deleting some things, phina didnt like.
It isn't an abuse of power to clear a world for containing imagery against the rules.
You'd expect that someone who thinks their world is clean would object to it being cleared, but given the response of "ok" I can only infer he's aware of the reason why.
She has banned innoncent ppl without any proof.
Ironically, you haven't provided any evidence for your statement, either.
She has banned ppl accidently coz their name were similar to another one's.
Pls dont say "these things happen" coz thats trash.
I don't know if this occurred, but expecting there to never be any mistakes is beyond retarded.
What about looking to make an admin unban them?
A lot of innoncent ppl are still permabanned.
A lot of innocent people who you haven't even named!
She is not as active as she should be.
You can never please everyone, especially entitled morons in this game.
Well ik she cared about her graduation, which is rlly good.
But pls dont be a mod if you know you wont give a damn.
Even for some months.
Because thats not the job of a mod.
Anyways, phina lied many times.
As for example saying "she would unban a guy named kubapolish if he would stop spamming worlds" which is clearly trash.
Some guys on discord asked her why are realmaster and seb135 still banned?
RM hasnt spammed open worlds since months
Anyways, phina answered with "Idk about seb"
Wow, nice way to get out of this.
I hope he stays permanently banned, along with everyone else that spams the lobby incessantly.
How's them apples?
Seb, kuba and RM are just -3 active enough ppl.
As you can see our community gets everytime smaller.
Come on, ban me too.
Anyways, if you mean these are only 3 ppl.
What if someone leaves because he means that EE is **** without these 3 people?
There go 4 people.
That number could increase.
There goes a game.
Nobody would care if you left, nor these people.
It's be a benefit having you leave, maybe people could enjoy the game without dealing with a spammed lobby.
And threatned RM to leave forever because he likes EBE
I know a lot of people who were insulted by phinarose for talking about EBE."
Phinarose told them to leave the f*** game if they didnt want to get permanently banned
Phinarose told them to "leave the f*** game". Yeah, because everyone knows Phinarose swears.
It's not against the rules to say you dislike some **** private server.
*u stinky*
Phina i dont know who i have to believe now. Lets talk about the inactivity thing. During your graduation which i really respect, i rarely saw you online. About the fact you dont give a damn, is what i think about you. You do not look like you give a damn about modarating EE. And phina what about the discussion about unbanning seb and rm? What do you say about the person who called me her boyfriend and talked a lot of trash? I allready talked with you about that.
Btw about kuba: I dont believe you at all saying you would unban someone that easily. The fact Seb and Realmaster are still permabanned makes me thinking that. Dont tell me you forgot to unban em .
And by the way, why the heck and since when are you guys deciding about someones world? Tell drstereos to clear it. Respect drstereos work.
Octapousse wrote:Throwback when I asked phina to ban someone for calling me her boyfriend and spreading trash.
That isn't against the rules. Not everyone is easily offended like you, get a safe space
Octapousse wrote:What about abusing her powers?
What about "violencing" DRSTEREOS?
Dont say "DRSTEREOS' fault" because phina could peaceful ask drstereos to clear the world or simple deleting some things, phina didnt like.
It isn't an abuse of power to clear a world for containing imagery against the rules.
someone calls trash about someone and that isn't against the rules but when someone creates a joke world that doesnt really harm anyone it's against the rules?
What do you say about the person who called me her boyfriend and talked a lot of trash? I allready talked with you about that.
someone calls trash about someone and that isn't against the rules but when someone creates a joke world that doesnt really harm anyone it's against the rules?
Oh my, how horrible you were mistreated, that's extremely violent and should be considered the epitome of harassment. How dare anyone say anything even remotely as horrendous and offensive as that. I couldn't think of anything worse in the world to be called on a smiley face game. If I were you I'd call the police and perhaps the FBI because that sounds extremely close to a death threat, you never know they might come up to you in person and make a joke like "you're my boyfriend" or "talk trash" like that it could cause a massive heart attack and clinical depression. I hope you find peace and happiness in this world because there some people out there who would dare calling you their boyfriend which is completely unacceptable and they should be banned but not these people who are spamming the lobby, these people calling other people their boyfriends and lying and "talking trash" are the real problem plaguing this game.
*u stinky*
Octapousse wrote:What do you say about the person who called me her boyfriend and talked a lot of trash? I allready talked with you about that.
Octapousse wrote:someone calls trash about someone and that isn't against the rules but when someone creates a joke world that doesnt really harm anyone it's against the rules?
explainOh my, how horrible you were mistreated, that's extremely violent and should be considered the epitome of harassment. How dare anyone say anything even remotely as horrendous and offensive as that. I couldn't think of anything worse in the world to be called on a smiley face game. If I were you I'd call the police and perhaps the FBI because that sounds extremely close to a death threat, you never know they might come up to you in person and make a joke like "you're my boyfriend" or "talk trash" like that.
you still didnt reply to my question, then why was drstereos world so bad that it had to be cleared?
it didnt really harm anyone. if mysterion didnt like it, he could just leave
you still didnt reply to my question, then why was drstereos world so bad that it had to be cleared?
it didnt really harm anyone. if mysterion didnt like it, he could just leave
I don't know what he wrote in his signs, you claimed to have saved the world so post some transcripts and I'll match them with my copies from World Service.
It's apparent from the screenshots that drstereos didn't protest against the clearing, he said 'ok' which wouldn't be an answer expected from someone who has a clean friendly world.
*u stinky*
Everyone will always judge my work as moderator, and this never comes to a surprise to me. Claiming I'm "inactive" as I said is not true. I am on everyday checking reports and I have been helping people with different issues as I stated before. Yes I graduated, it was a one day event, saying I was inactive for a long period of time makes no sense whatsoever. And yes I have no clue about seb because I didn't ban him so I have no idea the situation with that. The whole realmaster thing you also need to know that if even I we're to consider unbanning him I would have to talk with staff and they would have to say how they feel because I do not have access to unban people. It isn't just like I can unban people just like that. I get it that Kuba is upset with EE staff but if he continutes to spam worlds in the lobby then he shouldn't be unbanned for breaking the rules. If he actually stops I would consider unbanning him considering what the staff thinks. And lastly, yes I did clear drstereos' world, but I didn't do it for the sake of doing it. It's not like I go around to random peoples worlds and clear them because I can. I did because it was harassing a player and sure they don't have to go to the world and look at it. However, it still goes against the rules, and that's why it was cleared. You can be upset at me all you want, but that doesn't change anything.
Octapousse wrote:MatthijsFidder wrote:I play EBE and EE. I play more EBE because the staff is activer than by EE. and the updates are freqentlier. Phinarose was in EBE to tell all members of EBE must leave. She is going to far. I would like Kira back as mod. EBE is growing and I help Marco witch cool levels. Early was EE pupulair but it is slowing dying. A frensh player Loukas leave EE and joins EBE.
That sad moment when a remake is better than the original one.
Phinarose went in my world and told me to leave EBE or she would ban me from EE. I barely can tell if NVD would allow that.I doubt that, where's your evidence?
Octapousse wrote:You got a point. However, she should had atleast notified everybody by doing a public announcement.
There's other moderators on the team besides herself.
And? Still has to notify everybody.
Octapousse wrote:V V V V V
Throwback when I asked phina to ban someone for calling me her boyfriend and spreading trash.Phina was like "I cant do anything about it".
Well, ik it wasnt phina's problem.
She could warn her or even banning her. for atleast one day? or less?
That isn't against the rules, not everyone is an easily offended butthurt child. People aren't entitled to a safe space.
Maybe they should change their world to /visible false to hide from the micro-aggressions or use the /mute command.
Are you stupid? Why should i let someone talk trash about me, for example "He is my boyfriend, lol".
Octapousse wrote:What about abusing her powers?
What about "violencing" DRSTEREOS?
Dont say "DRSTEREOS' fault" because phina could peaceful ask drstereos to clear the world or simple deleting some things, phina didnt like.
It isn't an abuse of power to clear a world for containing imagery against the rules.
You'd expect that someone who thinks their world is clean would object to it being cleared, but given the response of "ok" I can only infer he's aware of the reason why.
Couldnt she just tell DRSTEREOS to delete that part or clear the world?
Octapousse wrote:What about looking to make an admin unban them?
A lot of innoncent ppl are still permabanned.
A lot of innocent people who you haven't even named!
That doesnt mean the innoncent people dont exist.
Octapousse wrote:She is not as active as she should be.
You can never please everyone, especially entitled morons in this game.
If she isnt ready to be that active as its needed, she doesnt deserve to be a mod.
Octapousse wrote:And threatned RM to leave forever because he likes EBE
I know a lot of people who were insulted by phinarose for talking about EBE."
Phinarose told them to leave the f*** game if they didnt want to get permanently banned
Phinarose told them to "leave the f*** game". Yeah, because everyone knows Phinarose swears.
It's not against the rules to say you dislike some **** private server.
Thats just rude and disrespectful.
Atilla never forget: Retarded questions = retarded answers.
Octapousse wrote:What do you say about the person who called me her boyfriend and talked a lot of trash? I allready talked with you about that.
kubapolish wrote:someone calls trash about someone and that isn't against the rules but when someone creates a joke world that doesnt really harm anyone it's against the rules?
explainOh my, how horrible you were mistreated, that's extremely violent and should be considered the epitome of harassment. How dare anyone say anything even remotely as horrendous and offensive as that. I couldn't think of anything worse in the world to be called on a smiley face game. If I were you I'd call the police and perhaps the FBI because that sounds extremely close to a death threat, you never know they might come up to you in person and make a joke like "you're my boyfriend" or "talk trash" like that it could cause a massive heart attack and clinical depression. I hope you find peace and happiness in this world because there some people out there who would dare calling you their boyfriend which is completely unacceptable and they should be banned but not these people who are spamming the lobby, these people calling other people their boyfriends and lying and "talking trash" are the real problem plaguing this game.
Boy you need some help.
[ Started around 1741669633.293 - Generated in 0.208 seconds, 12 queries executed - Memory usage: 1.95 MiB (Peak: 2.3 MiB) ]