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Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right?

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#1 2017-06-26 04:41:44, last edited by HeyNK (2017-06-26 04:42:19)

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]


It is a hard time for trolls. Modern technology has created banlist bots, the inspect tool, the spectate tool, the death of cheat engine, the giveedit command and, the vanishing of code boxes. It is a hard world for a troll. However, yesterday's boss to code has become today's free edit world. Getting the code is easier then ever, so anyone can start up their own personal trolling buisness and get right to it.


If you scribble blocks everywhere, some goody two shoes will press the "i" key on his keyboard and tattle to the world owner, even if you're using the ninja smiley and no one sees you. How do you win when the game is rigged against you so hard? If someone knows that trolling has taken place, you will be caught. In a similar vein, the advanced trolling method of removing important spawn points and portals no longer works, since everyone can edit in a free edit world as opposed to a boss to code.


As a trole, your objective is to destroy the world. Getting kicked is counterproductive to this. Even with an alternate account, the owner has now become more suspicious since kicking your first account and will be more stingy with the /giveedit command. The code is an integral part of your success as a troll. It can make or break your takedown of a world. However, what I must now go into is a higher level troll phillisophical concept. This guide of course, assumes the reader is well versed in troll readings.

The naieave mind sees a troll as causing a great distress to others first and foremost. They see greenish teal bricks going everywhere and making a huge mess, then resulting panic. I would like to ask, what need is there for the panic? The highest caliber of the original trolls donned ninja garb and remained unknown while working their art. The green bricks flowed freely from the unseen... from the beyond. They did not follow a smiley as they trailed. In the spirit of the original trolls, I therefore argue that there is no need to announce your presence as a troll. Truly, the best crime is the one that no one even knows took place. You therefore must graduate not only as the ninja, but as the poisoner now. As the janitor. But most of all, now as the predator.

The dynamic of the trolling world has changed drastically, and with it, so must we. Easy minigames to code and bosses to code have been culled. They were too weak to survive the harsh climate of the lobby. Now, it is the primordial sludge of free edit worlds that we call home. I describe these as primordial, as there is no coherence to them. Ideas and concepts, pixel art and music, all intermingle in a chaotic dance of total nonsense. Given that each world has little to no defining features, it is hard to remember exactly what was where.


Before I introduce this technique, I must restate the ultimate goal of the troll which is that of the destruction of a world. No one has to feel upset that their santa smiley is now a mouldy sandwich smiley in order for our job to be successful. Therefore this might be called a more ethical form of trolling in which the weak and the elderly are culled naturally. In retrospect, let us reflect that it was always weak and sick worlds that were trolled and bombed to the bottom of the lobby in the past. This technique recreates this on a smaller scale on the canvas of a free edit world.

As the predator, you hunt the prey. As the janitor, you clean up the mess. As the troll, you destroy the world.

HeyNK wrote:

Using this one trick working from home, you too can troll levels with confidence and powress. Open the spoiler and spot the difference between the two minimaps.


If no one was watching it, no one will miss it, and no one will notice it's gone. In fact, this technique can be repeated until people start scratching thier heads over how a world managed to get more empty rather then more full. Because you have left no trace there was ever a crime, no one will have to use the inspect tool. And if you have no fear of being banned, a hacked client will render you immune to the spectate tool.

One might argue that this technique is ineffective against larger scale targets, and targets being watched. To this I reply firstly that targets being watched are immune to conventional trolling as well. Therefore you must adapt the predator mindset and prey on the week targets, not the weekends. Now, the uncreative lowlife will still argue that large scale creations are impervious to this new way of thinking. This is simply not the case. Return to the examples from earlier. The batman logo, for example, can not be removed through the simple method of shrinking and removing detail. This technique protects specifically against the one looking briefly at the minimap. If they see the batman logo being eaten up from top to bottom by a bot, an upside down ! will appear over thier head - that means they are using the inspect tool on you to see who is erasing it. However, slowly reducing it in size, while taking breaks to claim easier targets, is the correct approach to this challenge. Creative destruction is the way to dissasemble large targets, which you will have no shortage of.

HeyNK wrote:

Here are some more tricks on how to creatively destroy objects.
1. In a building or non-art installation, remove backgrounds first, as it will seem like there never was a BG to begin with.
2. Remove or exaggerate details depending on what they are. The hole in a donut or the eyes of a smiley will grow, and the arms on a stickman will vanish.
3. Removing decorations and blocks invisible to the minimap is always free. Do it first.

HeyNK wrote:

Thank you so much for reading this tutorial and I hope you can help us to remove free edit worlds quickly and safely. Thank you for your understanding. If you have a question just post and we can chat and try to help.


#2 2017-06-26 04:51:49

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

This is a double post because it is not related to the technique itself, tyvm for understanding, mods.


Gain edit access on an ee-editor bot as a second account. If the owner should leave, activate this bot to clear the world or draw an image. Automation is efficiency!
If the world is ever loaded due to a troll, all inspect tool data is reset. This helps clear your tracks.
Don't actually use a hacked client. mods dont ban me // // //
If you ask the owner to save the world, everyone will know you're a troll.
Use this smiley if you have it. //


#3 2017-06-26 04:53:11, last edited by Lightning Splash (2017-06-26 04:54:40)

Lightning Splash
From: somewhere
Joined: 2015-02-20
Posts: 230

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

the real steps:

1. Go in a world
2. Somehow get the code
3. Troll
4. Realize that you just slightly ruined a world of a 2D platformer multiplayer sandbox game based on emojis
5. Contemplate life (optional)


Wooted by: (3)

#4 2017-06-26 04:58:46

Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 9,710

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

how to troll

step 1 -- play ee
congrrats you just trolled yourself



#5 2017-06-26 05:13:01

Formerly ninjasupeatsninja
From: USA
Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 2,095

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

oh thanks
that's a nice guide ya got there
it'd be a shame if a bot were made to counter it


Wooted by:

#6 2017-06-26 05:43:56

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

There's already a bot that undoes one player's work. The fact that you didn't know that shows exactly how widespread it's use is.


#7 2017-06-26 07:03:25

From: admin land
Joined: 2015-08-10
Posts: 9,226

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

nooooo i hate trolls!


thanks hg for making this much better and ty for my avatar aswell


#8 2017-06-26 07:51:32

From: ͂́͐̆̍̿̌̄̀̇͛̀̈́͋̈́̌͑͌́̍̽̂͊̅͋̕͘
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Posts: 455

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

why is there no longer a place block troll? A eraser trolling is stupid. heres some advice.
1 create alternate accounts with letters and numbers such as L 1 I 0 O 
2 create false accusations to cause confusion
3 find ways to give other people edit
4 make holes with backround that matches the blocks you erased.
5 spam animated blocks such as coins to lag the game and make it harder to kick.

WM malfuntion VgPb7gb.png


#9 2017-06-26 13:05:02, last edited by Norwee (2017-06-26 13:07:55)

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

EE was fun to troll back in 2010 to 2012 but now it's like you say. The game is rigged against trollers and it's not even that fun anymore... All because EE devs get pressured by the SJW's and liberal cucks to add safe space hugbox features like "inspect" and /kick command thus changing the already perfect product into the imperfect mess we see today. #SMH #MAKE EE GREAT AGAIN

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


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#10 2017-06-26 13:22:36

Joined: 2017-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

NorwegianboyEE wrote:

EE was fun to troll back in 2010 to 2012 but now it's like you say. The game is rigged against trollers and it's not even that fun anymore... All because EE devs get pressured by the SJW's and liberal cucks to add safe space hugbox features like "inspect" and /kick command thus changing the already perfect product into the imperfect mess we see today. #SMH #MAKE EE GREAT AGAIN

"#MAKE EE GREAT AGAIN" well he is nearly dead so uh i dont know anymore


Wooted by: (2)

#11 2017-06-26 14:15:38

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]


why is there no longer a place block troll? A eraser trolling is stupid. heres some advice.
1 create alternate accounts with letters and numbers such as L 1 I 0 O 
2 create false accusations to cause confusion
3 find ways to give other people edit
4 make holes with backround that matches the blocks you erased.
5 spam animated blocks such as coins to lag the game and make it harder to kick.

Bad guide.

1. pressing any of those letters then tab will get you kicked, not to mention attract a lot of suspiscion.
2. false accusations annouce the pressence of a troll. social engineering is not as efficient as pure destruction unhindered by chat.
3. like... the code? Oh wait, only the owner can give people edit using /giveedit since no one uses the code.
4. inspect tool lmao
5. inspect tool lmao

Face it everyone, this is the last way to troll even though it's no fun.


#12 2017-06-26 15:41:13, last edited by Kirby (2017-06-26 15:42:23)

Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 4,311

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves


#13 2017-06-26 17:23:18

Formerly NorwegianboyEE
From: Norway
Joined: 2015-03-16
Posts: 3,773

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

made me LOL! Thanks for sharing your trolling skills o messiah!

★              ☆        ★        ☆         ★
   ☆    ★                     ★


#14 2017-06-26 17:50:34

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#15 2017-06-26 17:55:35

Joined: 2015-04-04
Posts: 4,311

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

make your username "zzzzz"


#16 2017-06-26 17:57:34

From: Russia
Joined: 2015-03-15
Posts: 6,212

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

Kirby wrote:
maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

make your username "zzzzz"

zzzziamthetrollerhi is better


#17 2017-06-26 17:57:37

Formerly maxi123
From: i really should update this
Joined: 2015-03-01
Posts: 9,465

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

Kirby wrote:
maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

make your username "zzzzz"

what if the name has the amount of "z" that is the max amount of characters
and you cant add 1 more character"

signature by HG, profile picture by bluecloud, thank!!
previous signature by drstereos


#18 2017-06-26 18:00:33

Formerly ninjasupeatsninja
From: USA
Joined: 2015-04-05
Posts: 2,095

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:
maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

make your username "zzzzz"

what if the name has the amount of "z" that is the max amount of characters
and you cant add 1 more character"

then the owner is an alt


#19 2017-06-26 23:21:55

From: The bottom of my heart
Joined: 2015-02-25
Posts: 1,276

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:
maxi123 wrote:
Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

what if the name is "zzzz"

make your username "zzzzz"

what if the name has the amount of "z" that is the max amount of characters
and you cant add 1 more character"

then they are probably asleep anyways

Evilbunny (in cursive)


#20 2017-06-26 23:22:16

Formerly 12345678908642
From: canada
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Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

pls, this isnt free

its SUPER easy to get caught

suddenly random sig change


#21 2017-06-27 02:16:38

Joined: 2017-04-07
Posts: 1,318

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

If you paid money for this tutorial get a refund... this site is the only place you should read it.


#22 2017-06-27 06:54:48

From: Crait
Joined: 2015-02-15
Posts: 4,452

Re: How to Troll [Guide] [2017] [WORKING] [100% FREE AND SAFE]

Kirby wrote:

my favorite is to quickly make a new account and have a username that matches the first 3 letters of the owner, but the 4th is later in the alphabet than their username, (example: if the owners username is KIRBY, i'd make a username like "KIRC203847124713") so if they do "/kick (first letter/letters of username)+tab", and aren't paying attention, they accidentally kick themselves

I feel like you've done this to me before...





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